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Wednesday, 18. September 2024

PCAP October 2024

Follow the program regularly on the blog: m1.antville.org


Tuesday, 1 October 2024

WHEN: At 16.00

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)


Opening Meeting NEW STUDENTS, ERASMUS, MA in Critical Studies, plans, visions

Monday, 7 October 2024

at 16.00 a joint semester kick-off in the inner courtyard of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna building at Schillerplatz.

Come along, take the opportunity to get to know each other and exchange ideas!

We are looking forward to starting together into the new academic year. All the best Johan Hartle – Ingeborg Erhart – Werner Skvara

Tuesday, 8 Oktober 2024

WHEN: At 16.00 WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1) Space arrangements and discussion, work announced by Maren Grimm

Monday,14 October 2024

WHEN: At 16.00 WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

Presentations New Students in the Studio Intro Muslim* Contemporary exhibition

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

WHEN: 10.00 to 12.00 Individual meetings, office Grzinic, contact me…

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

WHEN: At 15.00 WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

Presentations New Students in the Studio Intro into LECTURES in OCTOBER

dr. Ruha Benjamin (USA) Nuray Demir (Berlin) dr. Fatima El-Tayeb (USA) Lamia Joreige (Lebanon/France)

Monday, 21 October 2024

WHEN At 16.00 WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1) Meeting discussion

Monday, 21 October 2024 WHEN: At 18.00

WHERE: Exhibit Eschenbachgasse I Eschenbachgasse 11, 1010 Vienna Please register at: www.muslimcontemporary.at

Opening of the show Muslim*Contemporary (A2) Title: “Mirror, Mirror on the Wall. Are We Too Muslim for This Country?”

Salam Oida invites you to this year’s edition of Muslim*Contemporary, stepping into a world of fairy tales and dreams while raising profound questions about identity, belonging, and social participation. Through performances, exhibitions, and discussions, the festival amplifies the often unheard voices of artists affected by racism and discrimination, bringing them into public spaces. Under the motto, "Mirror, mirror on the wall, are we too Muslim/too Black/too migrant for this country?" the festival critically examines structural challenges within Austria's art and cultural sector. Together, we create spaces where dreams and desires can flourish and new narratives come to life.

18:00 Merhaba Ceremony & Admission | Music by Qamareen & Holger 19:00 Opening by the Curatorial Team & Salam Oida | Opening Speeches A walk through the exhibition, reflecting on visual practices and performances Food, Talk, and Music This program takes place within the framework and in cooperation with the following projects and partners: FWF-PEEK AR 679 Conviviality as Potentiality, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna; Muslim*Contemporary by Salam Oida; Coordination Office for the Advancement of Women | Gender Studies | Diversity, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna; Hauptbücherei Wien.

Tuesday, 22 October 2024

At 11. 00 guided tour Exhibition Muslim* Contemporary With Asma Aiad

WHERE: Exhibit Eschenbachgasse I Eschenbachgasse 11, 1010 Vienna Please register at: www.muslimcontemporary.at

Tuesday, 22.10.2024


WHERE: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna | Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, Room Sitzungssaal


This program takes place within the framework and in cooperation with the following projects and partners: FWF-PEEK AR 679 Conviviality as Potentiality, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna; Muslim*Contemporary by Salam Oida; Coordination Office for the Advancement of Women | Gender Studies | Diversity, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Introduction to the events at 17:00 Welcome by Mag. Dr. Ingeborg Erhart, Vice-Rector for Art and Teaching, Akbild Mag. Dr. Ingrid Schacherl, Coordination Office for Advancement of Women | Gender Studies | Diversity, Akbild

Introduction by Prof. Dr. Marina Grzinic & Asma Aiad, BA, MA

Talk | 22.10.2024 | WHEN: 17:30 WHERE: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna | Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, Room Sitzungssaal

Prof. Dr. FATIMA EL-TAYEB, Yale University, US Talk Title: Transformative Archives and Queer Spacetime

Fatima El-Tayeb will join online to present her perspective on transformative archives as spaces of possibility and connection, and queer diasporic spacetime as a challenge to the exclusionary spatiotemporality of European colonial modernity. She will discuss the centrality of these concepts in creating a decolonial approach to community knowledge production and preservation. Through theoretical framing and personal encounters with various archives, El-Tayeb will conclude with reflections on the Intersectional Black European Studies Project (InBEST) as an evolving transformative archive.

Presentation and Moderation: Marina Gržinić

About Fatima El-Tayeb: Prof. Fatima El-Tayeb is a Professor of Ethnicity, Race & Migration, and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Yale University. Her research interests include Black Europe, diaspora studies, queer of color critique, critical Muslim studies, decolonial theory, transnational feminisms, visual culture, and the intersection of race and technology. She has authored three books and numerous articles on the intersections of race, gender, sexuality, religion, and nation. She is also a co-founder of the Intersectional Black European Studies (InBEST) project.

Panel | 22.10.2024

WHEN: At 19:00 WHERE: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna | Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, Room Sitzungssaal

Introduction: Asma Aiad

Panel Title: Transformative Archives: Art, Belonging, and the Marginalized Experience

This panel brings together voices from marginalized communities to explore the role of transformative archives in art, culture, and knowledge production. Building on themes from Fatima El-Tayeb's lecture, the discussion will focus on how marginalized, racialized, and diasporic communities challenge exclusionary narratives and create new spaces for connection and possibility. Panelists will share their experiences navigating the intersections of identity, art, and community-building, reflecting on how they contribute to decolonial approaches in the production and preservation of cultural knowledge.

Moderation: Anahita Neghabat

Panelists: ADOE (Afrikanische Diaspora Österreich) Wir sind auch Wien (focused on mental health and racism) Authors of the book Gute Nachrichten Kader Bagli (Visual Effects & AI Artist) Tonica Hunter (Artist, Curator)

Community Gathering, Food, Talk & Music.

Monday, 28.10.2024 WHEN: 17.00-19.00

WHERE: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna I Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Vienna, 1st floor Atelier Süd (M1)


Nuray Demir, Berlin

Unfinished Conversation

Nuray Demir will provide insights into her artistic and curatorial practice and invite students to a talk and workshop; discussion

Nuray Demir is an artist and curator. Her practice is characterized by a research-driven and radically transdisciplinary approach. For her projects, she collaborates with individuals from various fields, forming temporary ensembles. She has realized projects at institutions such as the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, HAU Hebbel am Ufer in Berlin, Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, and the Wiener Festwochen 2017. Additionally, she incorporates her approaches into teaching.

Organized by Art and Intervention/Concept /IBK (Post-conceptual Art Practices Studio), Prof. Marina Grzinic

Tuesday 29.10.2024

WHEN: 19.00

WHERE: Tanzquartier Wien GmbH | Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna

This program takes place within the framework of, and in cooperation with, the following projects and partners: FWF-PEEK AR 679 Conviviality as Potentiality, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna; Muslim*Contemporary by Salam Oida; Coordination Office for the Advancement of Women, Gender Studies, and Diversity, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna;

Nuray Demir, Berlin

Title: böse blicke_n

Drawing from her transdisciplinary artistic-curatorial practice, Nuray Demir explores the Black Boxes of white institutions in the lecture-performance evil gaze_s. Orientalist projections and other racist images are closely examined and deconstructed. Demir holds up a mirror to the dominance of whiteness in art and cultural institutions.

Following the performance, there will be a conversation with artist, activist, and curator Asma Aiad.

Wednesday, 30.10.2024 WHEN 19:00

WHERE: Hauptbücherei Wien, Urban-Loritz-Platz 2a, 1070 Vienna, Austria

This program takes place within the framework and in cooperation with the following projects and partners: FWF-PEEK AR 679 Conviviality as Potentiality, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna; Muslim*Contemporary by Salam Oida; Coordination Office for the Advancement of Women | Gender Studies | Diversity, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.


Prof. Dr. RUHA BENJAMIN Lecture “Race to the Future? From Artificial Intelligence to Abundant Imagination”

Moderation: Marina Grzinic, Anna Gaberscik

A world without prisons? Ridiculous. Schools that foster the genius of every child? Naïve. Work that is fulfilling and fairly compensated? Impossible. Technology designed for the collective good? Inconceivable. A society where everyone has food, shelter…love? In your dreams. EXACTLY. In this talk, Ruha Benjamin takes us into the liberating power of the imagination. Deadly systems shaped by white supremacy, patriarchy, capitalism, colonialism, and eugenics emerged from the human imagination, and have real-world, often deadly impacts. To fight harmful systems and create a world in which everyone can thrive, we will have to imagine things differently. Drawing on work that critically examines tech-mediated inequities and her engagement with grassroots approaches to viral justice, she offers a pragmatic and poetic approach to worldbuilding that invites each of us to consider the role we play in maintaining or transforming the oppressive status quo.

Ruha Benjamin is Alexander Stewart 1886 Professor of African American Studies at Princeton University, founding director of the Ida B. Wells Just Data Lab, and award-winning author of Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code (2019), Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want (2022), and Imagination: A Manifesto (2024). Benjamin earned a BA in Sociology and Anthropology from Spelman College, MA and PhD in Sociology from UC Berkeley, and postdoctoral fellowships at UCLA’s Institute for Society & Genetics and Harvard’s Science, Technology & Society Program. Ruha Benjamin is also the recipient of fellowships and awards from the American Council of Learned Societies, National Science Foundation, Marguerite Casey Foundation Freedom Scholar Award, and President’s Award for Distinguished Teaching at Princeton. For more info, visit ruhabenjamin.com.

Next is November 4, 2024 MONDAY Lectures series 10 of them starts program will be announced check all under seminar for students, diplomats, and doctoral candidates in Philosophy

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  • - Decolonizing Knowledge and Life through Theory and Art
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  • September 2024
    Last update: 9/19/24, 4:47 PM

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