m1 (turm4)
Thursday, 26. February 2009


Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna Post-Conceptual Art Practices/PCAP Prof. dr. Marina Grzinic/ Class M1 At Semper Depot, Lehargasse 8 m1.antville.org


March 2009

2. March 2009, Monday

At 16.00 CLASS DISCUSSION on representation/politics, activation/war A DEBATE ON THE TOPICS opened by Saleh, Ozan, Ivan, Ruth, Lisa, Petja, Edi and many others… For our talk on the 2.03.2009 it is a lecture by Judith Butler from the 4. February 2009. It is a lecture that put together part of her upcoming book “Frames of War,” 2009 and also she established an analysis of the Gaza/Palestine/Israel situation. I copy a description of the lecture as well:

»This is a profound exploration of the current wars, looking at violence, gender and different forms of resistance. In “Frames of War”, Judith Butler explores the media’s portrayal of state violence, a process integral to the way in which the West wages modern war. This portrayal has saturated our understanding of human life, and has led to the exploitation and abandonment of whole peoples, who are cast as existential threats rather than as living populations in need of protection. These people are framed as already lost, to imprisonment, unemployment and starvation, and can easily be dismissed. In the twisted logic that rationalizes their deaths, the loss of such populations is deemed necessary to protect the lives of ‘the living’. This disparity, Butler argues, has profound implications for why and when we feel horror, guilt, loss and indifference, both in the context of war and, increasingly, everyday life. In this urgent response to increasingly dominant methods of coercion, violence and racism, Butler calls for a reconceptualization of the Left, one united in opposition and resistance to the illegitimate and arbitrary effects of state violence.« GO ONLINE AND LISTEN


Maybe can somebody present this in the class on the 2.03.2009 from 14.00 to 16.00 for those who would like to listen in the class and then at 16.00 we connect the positions in the class expressed on the list and points of critique and try to have an exchange of opinions, and as well we reflect on Butler thoughts.

2. March 2009, Monday

At 20.00 film by Maria Ruido Notes on Plan Rosebud: on images, sites and politics of memory (2006-2008)//PLAN ROSEBUD 1 (114 mints.) Vídeo (DigiBeta + DVD PAL), 2008 Introduction by Grzinic


With a support from CGAC (Galician Centre for Contemporary Art) in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, and under the vision of Maria Ruido, a working team for the realization of the videofilm Plan Rosebud, 1 and 2 part (240 minutes of film in total) was established in 2006 and the video finished in 2008. The purpose of the group was not to make a documentary with a historical or informative value, nor to commemorate or encourage the new epic narratives surrounding the republican remembrance, but to elaborate a critical mapping of the so called politics of memory, to investigate about the ways of transmission and/or imposition of historic memory (not lived or remembered, but transmitted and/or imposed trough the different forms of the politics of memory: education, commemorations, memory sites, symbols...) and to reflect upon its different strategies and mediators in Galicia, and therefore in the Spanish state. Focusing the attention especially on the representation and as well on the control devices of regulation of bodies and producing subjectivities during the long dictatorship of General Franco and the Transition period in Spain, a platform to discuss representation and politics was established. General Francisco Franco (1892-1975) was a Spanish military leader who rose to power during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) and went on to rule Spain as dictator from 1939 to 1975. The Republican forces were a conglomeration of assorted factions (Communists, Socialists, and Anarchists, to name a few) that had different approaches to government, but nonetheless joined forces to oppose the Nationalists, lead by General Francisco Franco. Republicans (republicanos) gained the support of the Soviet Union and Mexico, while the Nationalists (nacionales), received the support of England, Italy, and Germany, as well as neighboring Portugal. The Republicans were defeated by the Nationalists thanks to the support by England, Italy, Germany and Portugal. The Spanish civil war announced as well the WWII. The casualties were high; the city of Guernica that was completely destroyed is one of the symbols of resistance. Guernica was bombed by German bombers that killed between 250 and 1,600 people, and many more were injured. The video film by Maria Ruido establishes as well a comparison with other European states today, especially Great Britain, in order to discover which specificities and resemblances, if there were any, relations with its most immediate context.

MARIA RUIDO is artist and researcher from Spain. 3. March 2009, Tuesday

10.00 to 13.00 INDIVIDUAL MEETINGS Contact me for an individual talk.

3. March 2009, Tuesday

13.00 to 15.00

Evaluation Rundgang 2009. Discussion projects class, trips and etc, a continuation of the debate on representation and politics with presenting some projects in the class in the semester: 1)Travel to Linz, Maiz collaboration organized by Petja Dimitrova and Maiz 2) Lectures on open source and new media technology 3) Preparing a substantial project for 2010 Rundagang: activism, open source, performances and de-coloniality. 4) your project presentation in the class

3. March 2009, Tuesday

At 16.00 presentation diploma, works in process:

Peter Muzak Peter Haselmayer Ivan Jurica

3. March 2009, Tuesday

At 20.00 film by Maria Ruido Notes on Plan Rosebud: on images, sites and politics of memory (2006-2008)// PLAN ROSEBUD 2 (120 min. ) Vídeo (DigiBeta + DVD PAL), 2008 Introduction by Grzinic

5. März 2009, Donnerstag/Thursday

18:30 Einlass, 19:00 Beginn Semperdepot/M1 Lehargasse 6-8, 1060 Wien Co-organisation: PCAP class/Petja Dimitrova

Lecture und Diskussion: MARK TERKESSIDIS Integration!! - Ein Wundermittel am Prüfstand. Moderation: Mona Singer

Alle wollen sie, die Integration. Sie ist in aller Munde. Sie ist gut, sie ist notwendig, sie ist machbar. Man muss nur wollen. So tönt es von Rechts bis Links.

Aber was bedeutet das Zauberwort Integration eigentlich? Und meinen alle, die davon sprechen, dasselbe? Ist sie, die Integration, tatsächlich so erstrebenswert? Wer muss was tun, damit sie glückt – ja, glücklich macht? Und was denken eigentlich die zu Integrierenden selbst, über die Angebetete?

Viele Fragen. Und zwei Veranstaltungen, die versuchen Antworten beizusteuern. Es darf gestritten werden über Kulturrassismus, gesellschaftlichen Ausschluss und die allgegenwärtige Kulturalisierung sozialer Probleme. Eintritt frei.

Dr. Mark Terkessidis: * 1966, (Radio- und Print)Journalist, Geisteswissenschaftler und Migrationsforscher aus Köln. 1992 bis 1994 Redakteur der Zeitschrift „Spex“. 2001 mit Tom Holert Gründung des „Institute for Studies in Visual Culture“ (ISVC). Mitglied der Initiative „Kanak Attak“. Autor mehrer Bücher, darunter das Standardwerk „Die Banalität des Rassismus. Migranten zweiter Generation entwickeln eine neue Perspektive“. Terkessidis verbindet gekonnt Beobachtungen von Pop- und Alltagskultur und Wissenschaft. Er entwickelte den Begriff des rassistischen Wissens, der Rassismus nicht als Vorurteil, sondern als Teil eines gesellschaftlichen Wertesystems beschreibt. Heute arbeitet er unter anderem für die „taz“, den „Tagesspiegel“, die „Zeit“ und „Literaturen“ sowie für den „Westdeutschen Rundfunk“. Mitglied im Beirat des Goethe-Institutes im Bereich „Wissenschaft und Zeitgeschehen“. Bücher: Mainstream der Minderheiten – Pop in der Kontrollgesellschaft; Psychologie des Rassismus; Globalkolorit – Multikulturalismus und Populärkultur; Entsichert. Krieg als Massenkultur im 21. Jahrhundert; Fliehkraft. Gesellschaft in Bewegung - Von Migranten und Touristen.

Dr. Mona Singer: Univ-Prof. am Institut für Philosophie an der Uni Wien. Forschungsschwerpunkte feministische Wissenschaftstheorie, Cultural Studies, Rassismusforschung und postkoloniale Theorie. Zahlreiche wissenschaftliche Publikationen. Bücher: Geteilte Wahrheit. Feministische Epistemologie, Wissenssoziologie und Cultural Studies; Fremd.Bestimmung. Zur kulturellen Verortung von Identität.

Eine Veranstaltung von SOS Mitmensch und Zeitschrift DerWisch. In Kooperation mit PCAP - Klasse für postkonzeptuelle Kunst der Akademie der bildenden Künste. Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Stadt Wien MA 17 Integrations- und Diversitätsangelegenheiten, der Zeitschrift planet und der Österreichischen HochschülerInnenschaft der Universität Wien.

6. März 2009, Freitag, 10:30 Workshop „Möglichkeiten antirassistischer Praxis“ Brunnenpassage am Brunnenmarkt Brunnengasse 71, Yppenplatz, 1160 Wien Achtung: Begrenzte TeilnehmerInnenzahl! Anmeldung erforderlich (mailto: office@sosmitmensch.at).

9. March, 2009, Monday At 16.00 Petja Dimitrova Talk with the class: class project in Linz with Maiz in the time of 22 and 23.05.2009;
DIMITROVA: mögliche Projektthemen: diversitätspolitik und (neue)formen von “management der minderheiten”, authonomie der migration, antirasitische praxen, mögliche gemeinsamme (selbst)organisationsformen für politische arbeit (zBs im activismus-, kultur-, bildungsarbeit).

10. March, 2009, Tuesday Critically framing exhibitions: visiting an exhibition and discussion Im Rahmen von KKPD (Kritische künstlerische Praxis als Dissens) conceived by Dimitrova and Freudmann.

16. to 20. March 2009 Harun Farocki film seminar

23. March 2009, Monday

At 16.00 READINGS: Althusser At 20.00 LECTURE: Tomash Schoiswohl

24. March 2009, Tuesday

10.00 to 12.00 INDIVIDUAL MEETINGS Contact me for a talk.

24. March 2009, Tuesday

At 13.00 to 16.00 READINGS: Althusser At 17.00 PRESENTATION: Kader Muzaqi

24. March 2009, Tuesday

At 20.00 SCREENING of the video by Radic Jelena/Freudmann Eduard with the title: The State of Exception Proved to be the Rule. A video documentary of the prevention of an exhibition, 2008, 90 min. Introduction by Eduard Freudmann.

ABOUT THE FILM On 7 February 2008 the exhibition Exception – Contemporary Art Scene from Prishtina presenting artworks by Albanian artists from Kosovo in Kontekst Galerija Belgrade was prevented from being opened by a clerical-fascist organization, violent football hooligans and the Serbian police. The incident was accompanied by a hysteric scandalisation campaign in Serbian media and marks another milestone in the continuous state of exception in Serbian public space after the overthrow of the Milosevic regime in 2000. It came into effect in 2001 when Belgrade’s first Gay Pride Day was bloodily annihilated. In both cases also the subsequent realization could not be accomplished due to the lack of security. Along the narration of the tide of events the documentary video examines the traditions in which the incident is embedded, points out its political context, displays the media coverage, reflects its preconditions, meanings and impact and concludes that hatred reactions were being triggered by the fact that Serbian cultural racism could not bear having its stereotype of “uncivilized Albanians” being strongly contrasted and therefore nullified by perfectly articulated artistic positions of Prishtina’s contemporary art scene. – Jelena Radic, Eduard Freudmann Jelena Radic was born in 1978 in Pančevo, Serbia. Lives and works in Pančevo and Belgrade. Eduard Freudmann was born in 1979 in Vienna. Lives and works in Vienna and Belgrade

25. March, 2009, Wednesday

At 10.00 diploma in Akbild

31. March, 2009, Tuesday

At 20.00 Discussion class, reading Althusser, questions about representation… and maybe some student presentation

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