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Tuesday, 4. May 2010
Prof. Marina Grzinic
Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna
M1, first floor, Semper Depot, Lehargasse 8, Vienna
m1.antville.org PROGRAM MAY 2010 WITH 1.06.2010 A. Antirassistische Intervention in den Maiaufmarsch der SPÖ Treffpunkt:
8:45 Uhr
Universität Wien (Unirampe)
1010 Wien B. Kundgebung für ein BLEIBERECHT FÜR ALLE! Treffpunkt:
vor dem Museumsquartier / Ecke Mariahillferstr. Bringt Transparente, Schilder und Musikinstrumente mit! bitte zahlreich weiterleiten! Infos siehe: no-racism.net und at.indymedia.org to 8. 05, 2010, MONDAY TO FRIDAY
Seminar Harun Farocki At 10.00 at Photo Class/Semper depot, Akbild Plattform Geschichtspolitik: Discussion about intervention in Gymnasiumstrasse
The secondary-school Gymnasiumstrasse announced an open call for the reconfiguration of a war memorial that was constructed in 1935 in the school (see the open call: staff.akbild.ac.at). Reading Group: Plattform Geschichtspolitik
Giorgio Agamben: "Remnants of Auschwitz - The Witness and the Archive" "In its form, this book is a kind of perpetual commentary on testimony. It did not seem possible to proceed otherwise. At a certain point, it became clear that testimony contained at its core an essential lacuna; in other words, the survivors bore witness to something it is impossible to bear witness to. As a consequence, commenting on survivors' testimony necessarily meant interrogating this lacuna or, more precisely, attempting to listen to it. Listening to something absent did not prove fruitless work for this author. Above all, it made it necessary to clear away almost all the doctrines that, since Auschwitz, have been advanced in the name of ethics."
—Giorgio Agamben Giorgio Agamben is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Venice. He is the author of Profanations (2007), Remnants of Auschwitz: The Witness and the Archive (2002), both published by Zone Books, and other books. "Agamben's moving text on the Nazi death camps asks what happens to speech when the deracinated subject speaks. Although some say that Auschwitz makes witnessing impossible, Agamben shows how the one who speaks bears this impossibility within his own speech, bordering the human and the inhuman. Agamben probes for us the condition of speech at the limit of the human, evoking the horror and the near unspeakability of the inhuman as it witnesses in language its own undoing."
—Judith Butler, Maxine Elliot Professor of Rhetoric and Comparative Literature, University of California, Berkeley English text: tinyurl.com
German text (pages 1-50): tinyurl.com At 19.00 SOHO Ottakring: Opening of the project "AG migration and antiracism" taking part students of the Seminar kkpd
WHERE: Radowanhalle (neben Café AN-DO), Yppenplatz 11-15 1160 Wien
Nearest U-bahn station: line U6/ station: Josefstädter Straße www.sohoinottakring.at
10. 05. 2010, MONDAY
M1 at 17.00
Meeting and discussion book project by PCAP, released Rundgang, end of January 2011. Overall editor of the book project Ivana Marjanovic with the editorial board. Discussion, chapters in the book by the following projects group in the class. On Monday 10.05.2010 first discussion and presentation of the projects and forming of the editorial board. Suggestion of fields and speakers, open to changes:
-- Vocabulary based on theory, art, activism, politics (Marjanovic)
-- Education, bologna, 2010 EU, strikes and demands/OVERVIEW (Miltos/Isa)
-- Soho project (Petja, Sheri) introduction of the project "AG migration and antiracism" and Salon Vienna at SOHO Ottakring
-- Telenovela project (Marissa, Iris)
-- Geschichtspolitik (Edi, Verena, Tatiana, Niki)
-- Individual projects in the class section (selected)/diplomas, Carolina, Can, Pez and individual projects Muzi, Christoph, Gender check seminar project, Bratislava exhibition project by the class on November 2010.
10.05.2010, MONDAY
M1 at 18.00 PROJECT “SEMINAR Decolonizing Knowledge and Life through Theory and Art” Readings for the students, discussion and implementation in the art work, activations. In charge of the project Ivana Marjanović, PhD candidate, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. READING:
bell hooks - Critical Genealogies: Writing Black Art
In: Art On My Mind: Visual Politics, New York Press, 1995
(proposed by Marissa Lobo)
bell hooks is an author, feminist, and social activist. She is mainly known as a feminist thinker, her writings cover a broad range of topics on gender, race, teaching and the significance of media for contemporary culture. She strongly believes that these topics cannot be dealt with as separately, but must be understood as being interconnectedness. As an example, she refers to the idea of a "White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy" and its interconnectedness, rather than to its more traditionally separated and component parts.
Art On My Mind: Visual Politics is a critical response to dialogues about producing, exhibiting and criticizing art and aesthetics at a time when the art world is locked in an analysis of identity politics. The book addresses the question of how art can be an empowering and revolutionary force within the black community.
10.05.2010, MONDAY
M1 at 20.30
Peter Haselmayer, performance, diploma discussion 11.05. 2010 TUESDAY At 19.00 Panel Diskussion über kollektive politische Praxen WHERE: Radowanhalle (neben Café AN-DO), Yppenplatz 11-15 1160 Wien
Nearest U-bahn station: line U6/ station: Josefstädter Straße The panel discussion is part of the project “AG Migration und Antirassismus SOHO Projekt” initiated by AG anti-racism and migration that was constituted within the university protests in Vienna 2009/2010.
Panel languages: English and German
The recent analysis is informing us that the subjugation of the self i.e. of the subject or human being has become the subjugation of the self to the extreme degree i.e. extreme subjectification that imposes extreme passivity and individualism. The self is seen in its co-dependence on the long history of capitalism. Racism is tolerated as some kind of social mechanism that compensate for other pressures imposed upon societies. Thus, racism is conceptualized as regulator (ventil) necessary for the “normal” wellbeing of societies. On the other hand, capitalist structures are imposing control, fragmentization, individualization and particularization through identity politics. Subjects are uniting on the basis of the fiction of ethnicity, nation, etc. Therefore, struggles focus on gaining one more right for one specific group within the system that functions through the rule of non-rights as complement of rights, system that is excluding while including. Structural issues related to capitalism that is based on exploitation and functions through construction of race (besides other mechanisms) are not taken in consideration. In order to intervene in such frame, we would like to discuss different proposals or forms of organization: from self-organization to extreme-organization conceptualized because, as said, due to the extreme subjectification by capital today, the concept of self organization is becoming less and less able to account for the radical political intervention within/against the global neo-liberal capitalist order . Furthermore, we want to discuss what kind of strategies and analysis we need today. 12.05.2009, WEDNESDAY
From 9.00 until 15.00
At 9.00
At 9.45
At 10.30
At 11.15
At 12.00, occupied
At 12.45, occupied
13.5.2010, THURSDAY
M1 at 12:30–15:00 Reading Group: Plattform Geschichtspolitik
Giorgio Agamben: "Remnants of Auschwitz - The Witness and the Archive" 13.5.2010, THURSDAY
M1 at 15:00 Plattform Geschichtspolitik, regular meeting The panel discussion is part of the project “AG Migration und Antirassismus SOHO Projekt” initiated by AG anti-racism and migration that was constituted within the university protests in Vienna 2009/2010. Plattform Geschichtspolitik: Stadtspaziergang zu ausgewählten „Türkendenkmälern“ im 1. Bezirk
mit Silvia Dallinger, Johann Heiss, Johanna Witzeling (Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften) Dauer Stadtspaziergang: ca. 1 ½ Stunden
anschließend Gruppendiskussion: ca. 2 Stunden am Institut für Soziologie (Rooseveltplatz 2, gegenüber Votivkirche, 4. Stock, Besprechungszimmer) Als „Bollwerk des christlichen Abendlandes“ – so präsentiert sich Wien im öffentlichen Raum mittels zahlreicher Denkmäler, die an die Zweite Wiener Türkenbelagerung 1683 erinnern. Das interdisziplinäre Dissertationsprojekt „Die Türken vor (und in) Wien“ untersucht das bereits seit Jahrhunderten im kollektiven Gedächtnis der Österreicher und Österreicherinnen verankerte Geschichtsbild „der Türken“, das bis heute immer wieder (re)aktiviert, aktualisiert und instrumentalisiert worden ist. Ein Stadtspaziergang durch den 1. Bezirk soll die Hintergründe der Entstehung, der Funktionen und Bedeutungen ausgewählter „Türkendenkmäler“ veranschaulichen. Inwiefern tragen diese Siegessymbole des Mythos „Türkenbelagerung“ und aktuelle Rückgriffe auf 1683 („Abendland in Christenhand“) auch heute noch dazu bei, Türken(feind)bilder zu tradieren? In einer Gruppendiskussion im Anschluss an den Rundgang wird es die Möglichkeit zu einem ausführlichen Austausch geben, dabei soll vor allem die Frage erörtert werden, ob und wie ein kritisch-reflexiver Diskurs über den Umgang mit dem Gedenken an 1683 bzw. konkret mit „Türkendenkmälern“ stattfinden soll und welche Rolle die Kunst dabei spielen könnte.
Um verbindliche Teilnahme an der Gruppendiskussion wird gebeten. Route:
• Stephansdom: Türkenbefreiungsdenkmal, Capistrankanzel, Informationen zum Türkenritthof
• Kapuzinerkirche: Marco-d’Aviano-Denkmal
• Burggarten: Abraham-a-Sancta-Clara-Denkmal
• Heldenplatz: Prinz-Eugen-Denkmal, Kreuz des Österreichischen Katholikentages 1983
• Mölkerbastei: Liebenbergdenkmal City Guides:
Silvia Dallinger, Johanna Witzeling (DOC-team „Die Türken vor (und in) Wien“)
Johann Heiss (Projekt „Shifting Memories – Manifest Monuments”)
Alle: Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften The visit of HAUTE ÉCOLE D'ART ET DE DESIGN GENÈVE, GENEVA UNIVERSITY OF ART AND DESIGN, Geneva, Switzerland Program/unite Programme Master de recherche CCC/// (ENGLISH:
CCC Critical Cross-Cultural Cybermedia/ Research-Based Master Program
It will be a group of 21 students, in charge: Catherine Queloz, prof. Master CCC, Laura Von Niederhäusern, ass. Prof.; Aurélien Gamboni, ass. Prof.; Alejandra Ballón Gutiérrez, ass. Prof. WHAT WE DO? EXCHANGE OF POSITIONS: ART, THEORY … to interrogate our conceptions of art practices, of what it means to do "research through arts", artistic practice as knowledge production and sharing of our methodologies and positions. From EACH CLASS 3 works will be presented. PCAP: Carolina Agredo, Can Guelcue and Peter Haselmayer. From CCC Geneva 3 students will talk about their research program.. Here is the link to CCC-website:
head.hesge.ch Research fields: The Research-Based Master Programme CCC founds its
practices on political thought, postcolonial and gender theories, hybrid
forms of distribution, and the art of networks and Internet culture. It
develops research on Identity Micropolitics, Cross-Cultural Studies,
Critical Economy, Political Ecology, Critical Theory, Subcultures, Radical
Pedagogy, Interventionist Art Practices and Tactical Media. Art practice is
situated, discursive, interventionist, politically engaged and transdisciplinary. 18.05.2010, TUESDAY
From 9.00 to 11.30
GRZINIC office, contact me for the time slot
18.05.2010, TUESDAY
WE meet punctually at the entrance hall MUMOK at 12.00.
WHEN: From 12.00 to 18.00
EXCELLENT OPORTUNITY to discuss, , to learn and contest, do not miss this opportunity. 18.05.2010, TUESDAY
At 19.00 Die europäische Hochschulfestung. Workshops gegen rassistische und sexistische Politiken des Ausschlusses. Im Rahmen von AG migration und antiracism in SOHO, Ottakring,
WHERE: Radowanhalle (neben Café AN-DO), Yppenplatz 11-15 1160 Wien
Nearest U-bahn station: line U6/ station: Josefstädter Straße
The panel discussion is part of the project “AG Migration und Antirassismus SOHO Projekt” initiated by AG anti-racism and migration that was constituted within the university protests in Vienna 2009/2010. 20.5.2010, THURSDAY M1, 12:30–14:00
Reading Group: Plattform Geschichtspolitik
Giorgio Agamben: "Remnants of Auschwitz - The Witness and the Archive" 20.5.2010, THURSDAY M1, at 14.00
Plattform Geschichtspolitik
Meeting with Ruth Sonderegger (preparation for the collaboration at the Regime symposium) 20.5.2010, THURSDAY M1, at 15.00
Plattform Geschichtspolitik, regular meeting 26.5.2010, WEDNESDAY At 20:00
Where: que[e]r., Wipplingerstrasse 23
Presentation Plattform Geschichtspolitik
Die Plattform Geschichtspolitik ist eine Initiative von StudentInnen, AktivistInnen und Lehrenden, die der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien nahe stehen und versteht sich als offenes Kollektiv im Sinne jener Arbeitsgruppen die im Rahmen der Akademiebesetzung entstanden sind. Sie markiert den Beginn eines kontinuierlichen Prozesses, in dem die Teilhabe der Akademie an Kolonialismus, (Austro-)Faschismus und Nationalsozialismus kritisch reflektiert und öffentlich verhandelt wird.
Hierbei wurden Schwerpunkte definiert: Kontaktaufnahme mit ZeitzeugInnen, Provenienzforschung über diverse Bestände der Akademie, Restitutionsfragen sowie die kritische Intervention in architektonische und räumliche Manifestationen.
Aus aktuellem Anlass werden wir in Bezug auf den letzten Punkt auch über Möglichkeiten der Denkmalumgestaltung sprechen. 27.5.2010, THURSDAY
M1, 12:30–15:00
Reading Group: Plattform Geschichtspolitik
Giorgio Agamben: "Remnants of Auschwitz - The Witness and the Archive" 27.5.2010, THURSDAY
M1, at 15:00
Plattform Geschichtspolitik, regular meeting 29.5.2010, SATURDAY At 10:00 at Aktsaal, Schillerplatz
Participation in the Regime symposium (emp.akbild.ac.at) 31.05.2010, MONDAY M1, at 15.30 until 17.30
PROJECT “SEMINAR Decolonizing Knowledge and Life through Theory and Art” Readings for the students, discussion and implementation in the art work, activations. In charge of the project Ivana Marjanović, PhD candidate, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. READING:
bell hooks - Critical Genealogies: Writing Black Art
In: Art On My Mind: Visual Politics, New York Press, 1995
(proposed by Marissa Lobo)
bell hooks is an author, feminist, and social activist. She is mainly known as a feminist thinker, her writings cover a broad range of topics on gender, race, teaching and the significance of media for contemporary culture. She strongly believes that these topics cannot be dealt with as separately, but must be understood as being interconnectedness. As an example, she refers to the idea of a "White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy" and its interconnectedness, rather than to its more traditionally separated and component parts.
Art On My Mind: Visual Politics is a critical response to dialogues about producing, exhibiting and criticizing art and aesthetics at a time when the art world is locked in an analysis of identity politics. The book addresses the question of how art can be an empowering and revolutionary force within the black community. 31.05.2010, MONDAY M1, 18 to 22.00 PRESENTATION OF WORKS with DISCUSSION
Majda Turkic (diploma)
Andreas Scherz
Maria Muhar
Ervin Tahirovic 1.06.2010, TUESDAY M1, 11.00 until 17.00 PRESENTATION OF WORKS with DISCUSSION Maria Kuschelieva
Thomas Schoiswohl
Reinhard Uttentahler JUNE DIPLOMA EXAM: 7, 8,9, 2010, 4 diplomas in the class!!!! ... Comment |
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