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Thursday, 6. January 2011
ef, January 6, 2011 at 3:03:39 PM CET PCAP program January 2011 PCAP (POST CONCEPTUAL ART PRACTICES) STUDY PROGRAM
Prof. Marina Grzinic
Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna
M1, first floor, Semper Depot, Lehargasse 8, Vienna
m1.antville.org TIME TABLE WORK PCAP JANUARY 2011 20 December 2010 until 7 January 2011, HOLIDAYS 10-15, January, 2011, Monday -Friday
Harun Farocki film seminar January 2011, Thursday
Plattform Geschichtspolitik, Jour Fixe (general meeting) January, 2011, Monday
In charge Edi and Petja January, 2011, Tuesday
In charge Edi and Petja January 2011, Tuesday
15.30 to 19.30
Individual meeting, office Grzinic
CONTACT ME FOR APPOINTMENT January 2011, Wednesday
Preopening exhibition PCAP! At 14.00 January 2011, Wednesday
9.00 to 11.00
Individual meeting, office Grzinic
10.00 to 15.00
Editorial board book, meeting, office Grzinic January 2011, Saturday
11 to 15.00
Editorial board book, meeting, office Grzinic RUNDGANG PCAP 2011 PROGRAMO January 2011, Wednesday at 14.00 PRE-OPENING EXHIBITION January 2011, Thursday 16.00 h: Ausstellungseröffnung und Arbeitspräsentationen//OFFICIAL OPENING EXHIBITION and TALK ABOUT THE WORKS
18.00 h: Decolonizing Knowledge and Life through Theory
and Art, Workshop konzipiert und organisiert von Ivana
Marjanovic, Gastpräsentation: Rubia Salgado/maiz, Linz//
GUEST TALK: Rubia Salgado/maiz, Linz 19.30 h: Interventionen und Führungen der Gruppe »Emancipatory
interventions as artistic strategy« in Kooperation
mit »Projekt Kunst und Kommunikation« von Nora Sternfeld//
INTERVENTION AS ARTISTIC STRATEGY 20.00 h: Buchpräsentation Ljubomir Bratic´: Politischer
Antirassismus. Selbstorganisation, Historisierung als Strategie
und diskursive Interventionen (Löcker, Wien 2010)//
BOOKPRESENTATION: Ljubomir Bratic, Vienna 22.00 h- bis/until 1.00 »The darker side of the Academy«,
mit Musik und Getränken, Soli-Küche und
PARTY, TALKS, FOOD, from 22.30 to 1.00 16.00 h: Lecture-Performance des Studenten
Miltiadis Gerothanassis: »Greece, democracy, strategies
of commemoration« (Arbeitstitel eines Work-in-progress-
STUDENT LECTURE: Miltiadis Gerothanassis
18.00 h: Decolonizing Knowledge and Life through Theory
and Art, Workshop konzipiert und organisiert von Ivana
Marjanovic, Präsentationen: Njideka Stephanie Iroh sowie
Lisa Lnenicka und Annalisa Cannito (Studierende).
GUEST LECTURE: Njideka Stephanie Iroh
STUDENT PRESENTATIONS: Lisa Lnenicka und Annalisa Cannito 16.00 h: Interventionen und Führungen der
Gruppe »Emancipatory interventions as artistic strategy«
in Kooperation mit »Projekt Kunst und Kommunikation«
von Nora Sternfeld.
INTERVENTION AS ARTISTIC STRATEGY 17.00 h: Decolonizing Knowledge and Life through Theory
and Art, Workshop konzipiert und organisiert von Ivana
Marjanovic, Präsentationen: Tatiana Kai-Browne, Verena
Melgarejo Weinandt und Niki Kubaczek (Studierende).
STUDENT PRESENTATIONS: Tatiana Kai-Browne, Verena
Melgarejo Weinandt und Niki Kubaczek 18.30 h: Präsentation der Installation »Iron Mask – White
Torture« von Marissa Lôbo im Dialog mit Alessandra
STUDENT PRESENTATIONS: Marissa Lôbo, Alessandra
Klimpel January 2011, Monday and 25. January 2011, Tuesday
DIPLOMA INSTALLMENT, students from other classes in PCAP space!!!! January, 2011, Wednesday At 16.00 until 20.00
Reading, discussion, watching Workshop Decolonizing Knowledge and Life through Theory and Art. Conducted by guest lecturer Ivana Marjanovic, PhD candidate, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Topic in this semester is readings of the text form the class book project VOCABULARY OF DECOLONIALITY. READINGS with discussion: Beyond the overarching Imaginary : Vocabularies, Parallels and Trajectories in Global Coloniality of Power
Festus Ikeotuonye VOCABULARY OF DECOLONIALITY introduces the concept of decoloniality as an option for the contention of contemporary forms of subjugation under neo-liberal global capitalism that is based on historical colonialism and maintains continuities with it. Reading writers such as Frantz Fanon, bell hooks, Belinda Kazeem, Nicola Lauré al-Samarai, Walter Mignolo and Peggy Piesche and relating their ideas to the current state of capitalism, migration, racism, class, gender etc., the editors with the name “Editorial Group for Writing Insurgent Genealogies ” decided that it is necessary to reformulate the existing vocabulary and to re-propose new terminology and meaning connecting art and politics. VOCABULARY OF DECOLONIALITY is a project initiated by the alumni and students of the Post-Conceptual Art Practices class at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, PhD candidate Ivana Marjanović and Professor Marina Gržinić within the context of the project of theory and arts: “Seminar Decolonizing Knowledge and Life through Theory and Art” that has been organized in the class for Post Conceptual Art Practices class, Akbild, since 2009 by Ivana Marjanović. The Editorial Group for Writing Insurgent Genealogies consists of Carolina Agredo, Sheri Avraham, Iris Borovčnik, Annalisa Cannito, Miltiadis Gerothanasis, Niki Kubaczek, Marissa Lobo and Ivana Marjanović. The group was constituted through a hard process of reading, discussions and activation. At 20.30 screening video film
'Red Tours' Joanne Richardson / David Rych, 2010
(Shown in the exhibition 'Der Drang nach Osten', Hit Gallery, Bratislava, curated by Ivan Jurica) info: www.kuda.org screening proposed and moderated by Kevin Dooley 29.01.2011 to 28.02.2011 FERIEN/HOLIDAYS 28.02. 2011 START OF THE NEW SEMESTER!!
MARCH 2011 we will watch on 8.03.2011 from 9.00 until 23.00: SHOAH by Claude Lanzmann, completed in 1985 about the Holocaust, it is long cca 10 hours, we will watch in its entirety. In charge for screening is Freudmann. We will have a pause for eating. All what is going on in the class if not said differently is open to the academy as a whole and the most general public. ... Comment |
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