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Friday, 4. March 2011
ef, March 4, 2011 at 12:07:12 AM CET PCAP program March 2011 PCAP (POST CONCEPTUAL ART PRACTICES) STUDY PROGRAM
Prof. Marina Grzinic
Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna
M1, first floor, Semper Depot, Lehargasse 8, Vienna
m1.antville.org TIME TABLE WORK PCAP MARCH 2011 February 2011, holidays until 28.02.2011 28.02.2011 to 5.03.2011, Monday to Friday
Film seminar Harun Farocki 4.03.2011, Friday
DIPLOMA exams 7.03.2011, Monday 15.30 to 16.30 Grzinic, office, individual meetings
16.30 to 22.00, M1 At 16.30 Ivan Jurica, BRATISLAVA STUDENTS ARE COMING END OF THE MONTH; our program, party for them
At 17.00 Introduction Erasmus and Phd Students that will stay with us the semester
Discussion watching films by Gangl; Borovcnik; Andy, Barbara, Joanna;
Talk about The darker side of the academy (about the whole project); Arin installation; Saleh installation, Lisa Lnenicka installation, Alessandra dos Santos installation, Kader; works by new students Evgeniy (maybe he will be in the class)
At 20.00 Vocabulary of decoloniality, text by Festus I (conclusion), Marjanovic 8.03.2011 Tuesday
9.00 to 23.00
Screening film Shoah (1985) by Claude Lanzmann. The film is cca 10 hour long documentary of the Holocaust. Lanzmann interviews survivors, witnesses, and ex-Nazis (whom he had to film secretly since though only agreed to be interviewed by audio).
OPEN TO GENERAL PUBLIC. In charge Eduard Freudmann (SEE: We make pose to eat in between we will buy food and cook? ) 10.3.2011, Thursday
At 18.00 Platform historypolitics 14.03.2011, Monday
At 16.00 new students in the class, took party and program Bratislava students At 17.00 to 21.00 PRESENTATION STUDENTS WORKS FOR DIPLOMA JUNE 2011 Tomash Schoiswohl Reinhard Uttenthaler With references to and reading of the their texts for the book project “Vocabulary of Decoloniality, as part of the workshop Decolonizing Knowledge and Life through Theory and Art. The workshop is conducted by guest lecturer Ivana Marjanovic, PhD candidate, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. 15.03.2011, Tuesday
At 9.00 to 15.00 book editorial , kitchen At 16.00 IG bildende kunst, exhibition with the class we go there and talk with the organizers of the project, watch and discuss At 18.00 Open space, visiting a show , Oliver Ressler 16.03.2011, Wednesday At 9.00 to 15.00 book editorial, kitchen
At 16.00 to 18.00 Grzinic, office, individual meetings At 19.00
OPENING EXHIBITION Where: Kunsthalle Exnergasse
Währinger Straße 59
A-1090 Wien
www.wuk.at Ein Ausstellungsprojekt von und mit Petja Dimitrova, Lina Dokuzović, Eduard Freudmann, Can Gülcü und Ivan Jurica sowie mit Ljubomir Bratić/Richard Ferkl, Christian Gangl, Nina Höchtl, kegnschtelik – Yiddish Resistance 3.0, maiz - Autonomes Zentrum von & für Migrantinnen, Marcel Mališ, Ivana Marjanović, MigrafonA, Katharina Morawek, Plattform Geschichtspolitik, Recherchegruppe zu Schwarzer österreichischer Geschichte und Gegenwart, Marika Schmiedt. 21.03.2011, Monday
Edi, petja 23.03. 2011, Wednesday
EXHIBITION at Kunsthalle Exnergasse
„eine arbeit, die dass was sie reflektiert, nicht loswird” (a work that cant shake off what it reflects), exhibition’s subtitle: Auseinandersetzungen über Kontinuitäten und Brüche kolonialer,faschistischer und nazistischer Praktiken in Österreich //“Debating and contesting continuities and ruptures of colonial, fascist and Nazi practices in Austria.”
PROGRAM At 19:00 Präsentation der Ergebnisse des Workshops "Geschichtspolitische Kontinuitäten: Türk_innenritte vor und in Wien" Where: Kunsthalle Exnergasse
Währinger Straße 59
A-1090 Wien 24.03.2011Thursday At 14.00 info Conceptual Class entry exam Akbild
At 18.00 Platform historypolitics 28.03.2011, Monday At 10.30 to 14.00 book editorial, kitchen 28.03.2011, Monday
At 16.00 to 21.00, M1
READINGS AND DISCUSSIONS FOLLOWED BY SCEENING Vocabulary of Decoloniality At 16.00 to 21.00 Beyond the overarching Imaginary: Vocabularies, Parallels and Trajectories in Global Coloniality of Power by Festus Ikeotuonye Who can speak? Decolonizing Knowledge by Grada Kilomba The reading is organized in the framework of the workshop Decolonizing Knowledge and Life through Theory and Art. The workshop is conducted by guest lecturer Ivana Marjanovic, PhD candidate, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Based on PCAP readings, a book project “Vocabulary of Decoloniality” was initiated by Marina Grzinic, Ivana Marjanovic and students of the Post Conceptual Art Practices class. The concept of the book has been developed as a collective process by the students. The book represents an attempt to transcend the class program and try to contextualize questions of knowledge, dissemination and activation through art and theory. 28.03.2011, Monday
At 21.00 SCREENING Paris Is Burning, 1990, 78 minutes, English language
The film is among the 5 references listed by Kilomba that have marked her work.
Paris Is Burning, directed by Jennie Livingston, filmed in the mid-to-late 1980s, has chronicled the ball culture of New York City and the various groups including African Americans, Latino gay, and transgender community involved in it. Ball culture, the house system, and similar terms describe the underground LGBT subculture in the USA in which people walk that means compete in dance and vogue and in various genres of drag (as gender and class) for prizes. Paris Is Burning is to be seen as an invaluable documentary of the end of the "Golden Age" of New York City drag balls, as well as a thoughtful exploration of race, class, and gender in America.
Screening organized in collaboration with Claudia Caceres and Marissa Lobo, as part of their coordination of the film monthly program PCAP. 29.03.2011,Tuesday
Prof. Marina Gržinić), ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS, VIENNA and
STUDIO ILONA NÉMETH , ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS, BRATISLAVA PART II Vienna 29./30.3. 2011 Program: Tuesday 29.3.2011 15.00 – 15.45 Visiting Museumsquartier 16.00 Meeting at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, Vienna);
M1, space PCAP Welcome, Program Introduction 16.30 – 18.30 Students Presentations/exchange: PCAP:
• Annalisa Cannito - Italy: To unmask the subtle misuse of symbols; Intervention of the self-organized group "B/sogno collettivo"
• Anonymous Group – Presentation of Deportation From Austria, Intervention and talking about the exhibition project that was organized in Vienna on (State) repression, and knowledge as copyriot
• Alessandra dos Santos Silva – Photo work On Antiracism, Black Liberation Studio Ilona Németh :
• Ľudmila Horňáková: "Predpoveď" (Prediction): sound recordings and booklet
• Lucie Mičíková: "Budúcnosť minulosti" (The future of the past): series of Polaroids
"Pohľad z okna v Le Gras (View from the Window at Le Gras): single video, 8 hours
• Kristián Németh: "Mreže" (Grille): single video, 8min.
"Prvé sväté prijímanie" (The First Communion): photography, altar-bread 18.30 – 20.00 Guided tour at the Academy with Platform Geschichtspolitik /Platform History Politics (Group) /English At 20.00 Collective Food at M1, prepared by the class and the great cooking team PCAP 21.00 – 23.00 Performances/INTERNAL Party
Starting with performances by invited guests:
• Peter Haselmayer: "How To Break Reality/Education For Children"
• Performance by Subchor
DJ music, karaoke 30.03.2011, Wednesday
PROGRAM 11.00 Meeting in the city (both, PCAP & SIL)
Special guided tour through the city by poet, performer Njideka Stephanie Iroh 13.00 – 15.00 Break; Individual Programs 15.00 – 17.00: WUK Kunsthalle Exnergasse; guided tour through the exhibition 19.00 –„Der Drang nach Osten – History And Presence Of The Austrian Expansionist Policy”
(Panel/Discussion) Organized by Post Conceptual Art Practices, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna; STUDIO ILONA NÉMETH, ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS, BRATISLAVA and Ivan Jurica
Bratislava students, assistants, professors Ilona Nemeth and Anton Cierny, all together 20, visit. Entry, food, program, party.PROGRAM, PARTY IN THE CLASS Where: WUK Kunsthalle Exnergasse
Währinger Straße 59
A-1090 Wien ... Comment |
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