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Saturday, 19. November 2011
Aleksandra Aleksic
Sarah Binder
Lisa Bolyos
Anastasia Bruelle
Claudia Caceres
Christian Diaz Orejarena
Miltiadis Gerothanasis
Can Guelcue
Naz Gündogdu
Sophie Haas
Cornelia Hauer
Willi Hejda
Neda Hoseinyar
Tatiana Kai-Browne
Daria Kirillova
Simone Kunz
Philip Leitner
Marissa Lobo
Natasa Mackuljak
Verena Melgarejo-Weinandt
Laura Nitsch
Georg Oberlechner
Peter Palme
Tanel Rander
Seraina Renz
Maria Rodriguez
Andreas Scherz
Anna Shestakova
Claudia Tomassetti
Katharina Wagner
21.11.2011, MONDAY Arrival and accommodation, LUNCH.
Early Afternoon: VISITING the Academy of Fine Arts in Budapest The Hungarian University of Fine Arts (
en.wikipedia.org Hungarian: Magyar
Képzőművészeti Egyetem) is the central
en.wikipedia.org Hungarian art school in
en.wikipedia.org Budapest. Address: 1062 Budapest, Andrássy út 69-7,
en.wikipedia.org Andrássy Avenue. Program first day: FIRST) Meeting at the Art Theory Department, at address 1062 Budapest,
Andrassy 69-71, with prof. János Szoboszlai, the Head of Art Theory
Department and prof. Eszter Lázár, curator at the Hungarian University of
Fine Arts, where she is a leading member of the exhibition committee. PRESENTATIONS
3 students will have a short presentation (10 min) from the Theory Dept. Vera Kiss 3rd year stud: presentation of a dept. research project - Archive
of the Hungarian Curatorial Practices Bea Istvanko 3rd year stud: Urban Spaces Budapest-Berlin. (exhibition
project at Demo:Gallery) Zsófia Rechnizer stud: Fictional project based on the short story of the
Chapel Exhibitions at Balatonboglar (1970-73) From the side of Conceptual Art class, Akbild, presentations: -Presentation by Marissa Lôbo (about Maiz, Linz), migrants' self
empowerment, knowledge, anti racism. Marissa Lôbo is Black activist (maiz,
Linz) and performer. -Presentation with a title "Solidary struggles against deportation in
Austria" by a collective authorship; actions against deportation, activism,
anti racism, analysis state hegemony and discrimination, EU policy. -2 positions presentation, students in the first semester: Sophie Haas and
Daria Kirillova FOLLOWING) Meeting prof. János Sugar, Intermedia department of the Academy
(address: Kmety 26). www.v2.nl
www.v2.nl/~arns/Projects/Converge/ClovSu.html Janos Sugar studied in the Department of Sculpture at the Hungarian Academy
of Fine Arts in Budapest (1979-84). Between 1980-86 he worked with Indigo,
an interdisciplinary art group led by Miklos Erdely. Sugar served on the
board of the Balazs Bela Film Studio (1990-95) and has been teaching art and
media theory in the Intermedia Department of the Hungarian Academy of Fine
Arts since 1990. EVENING FIRST DAY: Going to Demo:Gallery that is run by students. Drinks and food. 22.11.2011, TUESDAY
At 10.00 Ludwig Museum-Museum of Contemporary Art Address:
Ludwig Museum - Museum of Contemporary Art
Palace of Arts
Komor Marcell u. 1, Budapest, H-1095
Meeting with the director of Ludwig Museum, Barnabás Bencsik. Meeting with Tijana Stepanovic, curator and head of the department of
ACAX | Agency for Contemporary Art Exchange department of Ludwig Museum. Meeting with Rita Kalman, curator, ACAX. Meeting with Nikolett Erőss, curator of East of Eden - Photorealism:
Versions of Reality and Yona Friedman: Architecture without building. Seeing the exhibitions at Ludwig. LUNCH At 14.00 House of Terror, museum located at 1062 Budapest, Andrássy út 60.
It contains exhibits related to the fascism and communism. The museum opened
on February 24, 2002. It is also a memorial to the victims of these regimes,
including those detained, interrogated, tortured or killed in the building. Lecture, guide: Borbala Kriza Intro proposed by the lecturer to contextualize his lecture: ZSÓFIA FRAZON - ZSOLT K. HORVÁTH "The Injured Hungary. The House of Terror as presentation of objects,
monument, and political rite" This essay analyses the political symbolisation and the memorial
representation of the House of Terror, inaugurated on 24 February 2002
(Memorial Day of the Victims of Communist Dictatorships) by Viktor Orbán,
prime minister of Hungary between 1998 and 2002. This sacred commemorative
place of two dictatorships (the period of Hungarian Nazis assembled in the
Arrow Cross Party, and subsequently the communist rule), called officially
'museum' is, according to our hypothesis, a political monument to the abuses
of the recent past. This kind of contemporary history is more than a
historiographical problem, as it is located in the point of intersection of
history (as a discipline) and memory (as a discourse based on the
testimonies of the survivors). First we try to define what the House of
Terror is: with a comparative theoretical framework and a concrete,
empirical research, we show that it is impossible to consider it either as a
museum or as an exhibition because the presentation of objects does not
correspond to the criteria of those cultural institutions. Therefore, we
regard the House of Terror as a monument. With a historical approach,
supported by methods of the scholarly literature on monuments, we attempt to
characterize the notions on which this particular monument is founded: these
notions are 'victim' and 'injury'. Analyzing the connection between the
official political discourse and the symbolic occupation of public places at
the time of the inaugural ceremony of the House of Terror, we describe the
underlying conception of history and its uses. According to our hypothesis,
the House of Terror, based on the notions 'victim' and 'injury', maintains
the idea of the nation 'injured' by its rivals, invented and used mainly
between the two World Wars. The House of Terror keeps the structure of this
concept, but changes a keyword in it - thus becomes a memorial
representation of Hungary injured by communism. At 18.00 back to the Academy of Fine Arts for the McLuhan centenary event.
mcluhan100.kibu.hu Meeting Prof. Miklós Peternák, head of the Intermedia Department, Hungarian
Academy of Arts, Budapest; Director of C3, Budapest. About the project: Under the title of Marshall McLuhan in Europe 2011, there
have been a series of events dedicated to the centenary of Marshall
McLuhan's birth throughout Europe. Marshall McLuhan, (July 21, 1911 - December 31, 1980) was a Canadian
educator, philosopher, and scholar, his work is viewed as one of the
cornerstones of the study of media theory, as well as having practical
applications in the advertising and television industries. McLuhan is known
for coining the expressions "the medium is the message" and "the global
village" and predicted the World Wide Web almost thirty years before it was
invented. EVENING: Opening Demo:Gallery and drinks, party in the city with Eszter
Lázár and the students. 23.11.2011, WEDNESDAY At 11.45 Intermedia department of the Academy (address: Kmety 26). Sherif El Azma and Malak Helmy (Cairo) Presentations of their work Part of the workshop held by the artists in the framework of the Free School
for Art Theory and Practice organised by tranzit. hu (
hu.tranzit.org) tranzit.hu/ Dora Hegyi and Emese Süvecz tranzit.hu is a space which cultivates encounters of different formats and
contents and does so in constant mediation. We follow the idea that
artistic and curatorial thinking- including both theory and practice
-produces an excess of knowledge, which can be recycled and used in a
broader social discourse. Our ambition is to let our space where culture is
produced, rather then perceived, where values are tested and can be debated DEPARTURE late afternoon.
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