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Wednesday, 2. May 2012
ef, May 2, 2012 at 1:50:54 PM CEST PCAP program May 2012 PCAP Program May 2012 May 1, 2012, Tuesday
MAY DAY May 3, 2012, Thursday
At 11.00 until 19.00 Plattform Geschichtspolitik, seminar by Eduard Freudmann May 8 , 2012, Tuesday
At 16.00
Discussion on the talk by Scottini in the salon for books, Vienna and conclusion of the reading of his text (we started the reading on the 25.04).
Followed by an intro into The Society of the Spectacle book by Guy Debord, we go transversally through the book and continue next meeting. We also watch the film that was done based on the book. Pdf attached, proposed by Peter Haselmayer. May 8, 2012, Tuesday At 19.00 IMAGES, HISTORIES, DISCOURSES, POLITICS FILM PROGRAM and discussion watching the Situationist Guy Debord film La Société du Spectacle (Society of the Spectacle), black and white film done in 1973 based on Debord 1967 book of the same name and making a parallel to Dusan Makavejev Sweet Movie (1974). Dusan Makavajev is a (former-)Yugoslav film director.
Intro and discussion prepared by Peter Haselmayer, performance artist and activist, Vienna. May 9, 2012, Wednesday 9.30 until 11.00, INDIVIDUAL MEETINGS, office Grzinic, contact me At 11.00 until 14.00 The Society of the Spectacle by Debord we continue going through the book and comments. May 9, 2012, Wednesday At 19.00, organized by Willi Hejda Filmscrening und Diskussion BORDERS. Grenzen sind überall – ob verschleiert oder offensichtlich, einschränkend oder einhüllend. Yilmaz Vurucu/Drehbuch/Regie/Produktion Ahmad Abu Kharma/Hauptdarsteller/Kamera Aisha Eisa/Hauptdarstellerin/Kamera Bahanur Nasya/Produzentin “Borders” erzählt die schicksalhafte Geschichte eines jungen Paares, welche auf Grund politischer Unruhen ihre Heimat verlassen haben und nun versuchen in einer Metropole ein neues Leben zu beginnen. Schnell müssen sie jedoch feststellen, dass das Überqueren der physischen Grenze erst der Anfang war und sie den scheinbar unüberwindbaren nationalen, moralischen wie auch sozialen Grenzen gegenüberstehen. Dieser Film besticht nicht nur durch die Brisanz dieser aktuellen Thematik sondern auch durch seine einzigartige Erzählart aus der “Ich-Perspektive”. ENGLISH: Borders are all around us. Some obvious, some not. A young Middle Eastern couple escapes the turmoil of their homeland and end up in a European metropolis. Oblivious to the realities of their new setting, constructing a new life seems within reach, even if it does require hard work and a few sacrifices. Their dreams come to a crushing halt when they’re confronted with the harsh reality of life on the streets. Lacking knowledge of the local language and devoid of any contacts, they are forced to fend for themselves as they devise unique methods of survival. Yet their time, patience, and energy is running out, and the dire situation is taking its toll on their already strenuous relationship. For the first time in their lives, they’re forced to confront social, racial, and moral boundaries. Crossing the physical border was just the beginning. In his third short film, Director Yilmaz Vurucu experiments with a unique story telling technique; the film takes place from a first person perspective, through the eyes of the main characters.
After the film discussion: Yilmaz Vurucu Writer/Director/Producer/Editor
Bahanur Nasya Co-Producer/Make-up/Production Assistant
And maybe Aisha Eisa and Ahmad Abu Kharma from the cast (not fixed yet) 10.05 2012, Thursday
10.00 to 12.00, INDIVIDUAL MEETINGS, office Grzinic, contact me SPECIAL 10.05.2012 at 15.00 in the Akbild, SEMPER DEPOT starts Screen strike conference, gender, medien kritik. Look posters for program. SPECIAL11.05. 2012 at 9.00 and 11.15
Screen strike conference, gender, medien kritik. A panel and workshop will be in the class space as well, the main organizer of the event is the academy. 14.05 2012, Monday At 17.00 IMAGES, HISTORIES, DISCOURSES, POLITICS FILM PROGRAM and discussion watching regarding the relation to borders and work: real time Images, words and political praxes from the bodies of precariousness: notes for a discourse theory, by Maria Ruido, 40 minutes, 2003.
It is within this climate of redefinition and based on my own experience as an immaterial worker in the field of culture that real time has come into being. Reactivating certain questions already addressed in the past, the project seeks to investigate the possibility/opportunity of building a visibility and a narrativity suitable to the new working class (which, echoing certain authors, we could call cognitariat), far removed from classic militant cinema or well-meaning television documentary. At the same time, it reflects on the capacity for generating effective political forms through texts (words and images), which remove action strategies from the field of productive work and reinsert them, as Paolo Virno observes, into the public sphere.- Ruido At 20.00 IMAGES, HISTORIES, DISCOURSES, POLITICS FILM PROGRAM and discussion Nuit et brouillard, NIGHT AND FOG, by Alain Resnais, 1955, French documentary short film, 32 min. Directed by Alain Resnais, it was made ten years after the liberation of Nazi concentration camps. The documentary features the abandoned grounds of Auschwitz and Majdanek, while describing the lives of prisoners in the camps. Resnais was originally hesitant about making the film and refused the offer to make it until Cayrol was contracted to write the script. The film was shot entirely in the year 1955 and is composed of contemporary shots of the camp and stock footage. Resnais and Cayrol found the film very difficult to make due to its graphic nature and subject matter. The film faced difficulties with French censors unhappy with a shot of a French police officer in the film, and with the German embassy in France, which attempted to halt the film's release at the Cannes Film Festival. 15.05 2012, Tuesday 10.00 to 12.00, INDIVIDUAL MEETINGS, office Grzinic, contact me At 17.00
Presentation of the work by Anastasia Potemkina, and Anastasia Ryabova artist in residence from Russia at kultur kontakt. At 20.00 IMAGES, HISTORIES, DISCOURSES, POLITICS FILM PROGRAM and discussion Ici et Ailleurs/Here & Elswhere. Directed by Jean-Luc Godard, Jean-Pierre Gorin, Groupe Dziga Vertov and Anne-Marie Mieville, 53 minutes, 1976.
Initially begun as a documentary about Palestinian revolutionaries, Ici et Ailleurs (in English, Here and Elsewhere) was ultimately transformed into an hour-long filmed essay addressing the relationship between politics and image, the problems of documentary filmmaking, and the danger of media saturation. Collaborators Jean-Pierre Gorin and Anne-Marie Melville began the film with funding from Palestinian forces, under the title Victory, intending to create a sympathetic portrait of the revolutionaries as a true people's movement. Not long after the filmmakers' return to France, however, most of their subjects were killed in warfare, and the issues behind the film no longer seemed so simple. At this point Jean-Luc Godard joined the production, helping create a series of scenes focusing on the life of a middle-class French family; this is the "Here" portion of the film, with Palestine as "Elsewhere." By editing together documentary and fictional footage, and commenting on these images through photo collages, title screens, and other reflexive techniques, the film questions the association between political thought and the structures of fiction. Ultimately, Ici et Ailleurs seems suspicious of all images, even its own; the suggestion is that all films, especially documentaries, present a false, constructed vision of reality. 21.05.2012, Monday At 16.00
Presentation project Budapest travel, students from the class formed a group and made a documentation. Students that took part in the project: Sophie Haas, Philip Leitner, Claudia Tomassetti At 18.00 until 22.00
Presentation Lisa Bolyos and David Kellner
Diplomas in June 2012 22.05.2012, Tuesday
At 11.00 until 14.00 INDIVIDUAL MEETINGS, office Grzinic AFTERNOON (time will be announced): seminar part 2 with guest Karin Stögner.
ORGANIZED BY THE WORKING GROUP CLASS PCAP Karin Stögner: Studium der Soziologie und Geschichte (Mag.a rer. soc. oec.) sowie der Romanistik und Anglistik (Mag.a phil.) in Wien und Paris; Doktorat in Soziologie; seit 2002 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am IKF; Redakteurin der Österreichischen Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft; Lektorin an der Universität Wien; 2009-2011 Marie Curie-Fellow an der Central European University in Budapest. Forschungsschwerpunkte: Frauenforschung, Antisemitismusforschung, Nationalsozialismus und Holocaust, Geschichtsphilosophie, Kritische Theorie. WORKING GROUP CLASS PCAP readings: Wednesdays in May: 2.05; 9.05 (only 15.00-18.00); 16.05, 23.05, 30.05. It will be announced on the list. 24.05.2012 Thursday
Donnerstag, 24. Mai 2012, 19.00
ANOUNCED online DEPOT: www.depot.or.at
Where: Depot
Breite Gasse 3
1070 Wien
Epistemischer Ungehorsam: Buchpräsentation
Mit Walter Mignolo wird ein zentraler Autor der lateinamerikanischen Dekolonialismus-Debatte vorgestellt. Epistemischer Ungehorsam ist ein Projekt, das - wie jeder Ungehorsam - mit einer Infragestellung bestehender Regelsysteme beginnt. Es geht dabei nicht nur um die Philosophie, sondern um eine theoretische und praxisbezogene Option gegen das Okzidentale in Form einer radikalen Dekolonialität. Jens Kastner, Soziologe und Kunsthistoriker
Ruth Sonderegger, Philosophin, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien
Tom Waibel, Philosoph und Übersetzer Mignolo, Walter D.: Epistemischer Ungehorsam. Rhetorik der Moderne, Logik der Kolonialität und Grammatik der Dekolonialität. Übersetzt und eingeleitet von Jens Kastner und Tom Waibel. Wien: Turia + Kant 2012 2012 HOLIDAYS ... Comment |
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