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Friday, 31. May 2013
concept, May 31, 2013 at 3:10:13 PM CEST PCAP Program June 2013 PCAP June 2013 3.06.2013, Monday
At 15.30
Xhejlane Ibisi
Daria Kirillova
Iris Borovcnik 3.06.2013, Monday
At 20.00
FILM SCREENING PCAP-Open Critical Debates on Films: »Cinema Critico« Die verrückte Welt der Ute Bock (Ute Bock’s Crazy World), by Houchang Allahyari, Austria 2010, 98 min. German w. Engl. Subtitles Screening proposed and organized by Ivan Jurica, artist, curator, Vienna.
After screening discussion! ABOUT THE FILM: DEUTSCH
Die verrückte Welt der Ute Bock ist ein österreichischer Spielfilm, der den Alltag der Wiener Flüchtlingshelferin Ute Bock thematisiert. Nach dem Dokumentarfilm Bock for President ist es das zweite filmische Porträt über sie, gemacht von den österreichisch-iranischen Filmemachern Houchang Allahyari und Tom-Dariusch Allahyari. Der Film bedient verschiedene Genres, wie z.B. gesellschaftskritische Melodramatik und schwarzes Humor. Handlungen, die sich nicht dokumentarisch festhalten liessen, wurden szenisch nachgestellt und gespielt von österreichischen Schauspielern und Kabarettisten wie Josef Hader, Karl Markovics, Andreas Vitasek or Peter Kern. ENGLISH
Ute Bock’s Crazy World is an Austrian movie focusing the everyday life of the Vienniese refugee-auxiliary Ute Bock. Following the documentary Bock for President this is the second film-portrait about her activities made by the Austro-Iranian filmmakers Houchang Allahyari and Tom-Dariusch Allahyari. The film range different genres, including critical melodrama and black humor. Scenes of real political acts that were impossible to be documented became re-enacted by known Austrian actors and cabaret artists such as Josef Hader, Karl Markovics, Andreas Vitasek or Peter Kern.
Houchang Allahyari, born 1941 in Teheran, arrived in Vienna at the age of 17. Later he could graduate his medicine study, until today he runs in Vienna own medical practice. For 20 years he was deployed by Austrian Ministry of Justice as psychiatrist in charge for imprisoned drug-addicted adolescents. In the public Allahyari is known rather as filmmaker. After early experimental and avant-garde-films a collaboration with bigger Austrian productions followed. He directed and co-produced several successful TV and feature film productions, in 2002 he was awarded with the Vienniese Johann-Nestroy-Ring. Lives and works in Vienna.
dok.at 4.06.2013 Tuesday At 10.00 ind. Meeting, office Grzinic 4.06.2013 Tuesday
At 11.00 to 13.00
Meeting class travel, discussion 4.06.2013 Tuesday
At 14.00 until 19.00 ERASMUS PRESENTATION:
Ezgi Erol Lütfiye
Songül Sönmez/Reha Refik
Claudia Tomassetti At 20.00 Chui Yong Jian
DIPLOMA PRESENTATION (June 2013) 5.06.2013, Wednesday At 10.00 to 14.00 individual meetings, Grzinic, office At 16.45, M1: REHEARSAL Muzaffer Hasaltay, Performance diploma 5.6., 2013, 19 Uhr, freiraum/Museum quartier Votivkirchenbesetzer und Aktivisten der Akademie
zur aktuellen Situation der Asylsuchenden The Refugees movement in Vienna is a self-organized movement that is since six months struggling against structural racism. It created a huge debate in Austria and EU demanding changes in asylum politics and better living condition for asylum seekers.In March the refugees activists moved from Votivchurch to Servitenkloster. During Wiener Festwochen the movement of the refugees is asking for your participation. Join the discussions, film screenings and special guided tours to the Servitenkloster. We demand the right to stay. The struggle for freedom of the movement continues! 06.06.2013, Thursday At 11:30
Seminar by Eduard Freudmann 11.06.2013, Tuesday At 10.00 until 12.00
Meeting at 10.00 in relation to the exhibition around the materials of Cinenova that will take place in Vienna (September-October 2013).
Meeting with Emma Hedditch, London. CV: The ethos of knowledge-sharing, participation and the ‘can do’ attitude of DIY culture are central to the work of London based artist Emma Hedditch. The desire to plug into existing communities and find ways to facilitate collaboration is the driving force behind all of her projects. Whilst the projects usually involve the use of video, conversation and live events, the final output is secondary, prioritizing the experience of building something together. 11.06.2013, Tuesday At 14.00
MA in critical practices, exam in the class: NINA PRADER
Presentation of the work: up the staircase, reading room 12.06, 13.06 and 14.06. 2013, Wed., Thursday, Friday DIPLOMA EXAMS
From the class: Muzaffer Hasaltay (schillerplatz, sitzungsaaal) 13.06.2013, Thursday
At 11:30 Seminar by Eduard Freudmann Einladung zur Buchpräsentation Handbuch Ausstellungstheorie und -praxis
schnittpunkt (Hg.), Böhlau UTB
Vorstellung, Lesung, Diskussion und Wein
mit schnittpunkt in einem set-up von Stefanie Seibold Das Handbuch widmet sich Geschichten, Praxisfeldern und Diskursen in Museen und Ausstellungen. Aktuelle Handlungsformen aus dem Kunstfeld und dem kulturhistorischen Bereich werden vernetzt. Das Überblickswerk lässt Raum für Sidesteps, um Studierende und im Feld Tätige mit nicht kanonisiertem Museumswissen vertraut zu machen. Das Kritische Glossar, ein Wörterbuch alternativer Wissensproduktion, bietet Orientierung in der aktuell boomenden Begriffsvielfalt.
Martina Griesser-Stermscheg, Renate Höllwart, Christine Haupt-Stummer, Beatrice Jaschke, Monika Sommer-Sieghart, Nora Sternfeld, Luisa Ziaja 20.06.2013, Thursday
At 11:30
Seminar by Eduard Freudmann 20.06 -30.06.2013
EXHIBITION FOR GENERAL PUBLIC diplomas at AKBILD Opening: 20.06.2013
at 18.00 until 22.00 FROM THE CLASS:
Muzaffer Hasaltay (white box) M1
David Kellner, main wall screening M1
MA diploma:
Nina Prader, up the staircase, reading room M1 From 21.06.2013 THE EXHIBITION IS OPEN DAILY from 16.00 to 20.00. 26.06.2013, Wednesday At 16.00 class meeting, travel discussion 26.06.2013, Wednesday At 19.00, M1 GUEST LECTURE by Mujeres Creando (Eng: Women Creating) about Mujeres Creando Mujeres Creando is an anarcha-feminist group which began to work in the year 1992 in La Paz, Bolivia, as activation of three friends: Maria Galindo, Julieta Paredes and Monica Mendoza. They were very critical of the traditional left movement. They came out of leftist groups themselves, but were sick of the fact that everything was organized from top down, and that women only served tea, or their role was a purely sexual one, or they were nothing more than secretaries. They stated: “No, we cannot carry on doing this. We believe in revolution, we believe in social change, but this organization is not for us!” That’s why Mujeres Creando is autonomous from political parties, NGOs, the state, hegemonic groups, leaders of unions groups. They said: “We don’t want bosses, figureheads or exalted leaders. We organize ourselves horizontally, and nobody represents anybody else each woman represents herself.” Organized by Marissa Lôbo (as part of the collective maiz, Linz).
Languages: English, German, Spanish 27.06.2013, Thursday
At 11:30 Seminar by Eduard Freudmann 27.06.2013, Thursday
10.00 to 14.30
Ind. meetings, office Grzinic 27.06.2013, Thursday
At 14.30, M1
Presentation: Naz Gundogdu 27.06.2013, Thursday
At 16.00, M1 Presentation: Daniela Ortiz and Xose Quiroga. The Barcelona based artists Daniela Ortiz & Xose Quiroga work as a collective in a series of projects that often operate as transcontinental interventions. Originally from Cuzco, Peru, Daniela Ortiz lives in Barcelona since 2007 reflecting on her work about her condition as an immigrant. Together with Quiroga, they investigate how race, class, gender, nationality and ethnicity connect to postcolonial migration. After continuous collaboration with the campaign for the closure of Detention Centers for Immigrants in Spain their work has taken a more activist turn. In the last years the projects they have developed are mostly related to how the nation-states and societies manage and relate to the phenomena of migration. Their approach can be read as an update to the conceptualist practices of ‘the South’, an attempt at a critical reactivation, as portrayed in 'From Di Tella to Tucumán Arde' (2000) by Ana Longoni and Mariano Mestman, and 'Didactics of liberation. Latin American conceptual art' (2008) by Luis Camnitzer. Their work seeks to expose in many levels how structures of oppression function. daniela-ortiz.com
www.xosequiroga.com Presentation organized and moderated by Imayna Caceres. 27.06.2013, Thursday
At 19.00,
Ort/PLACE: C 3, Sensengasse 3, 1090 Wien
Knowledge, Notions of History and the Politics of Memory: Audre Lorde's Black Internationalism and Black Feminism in Germany ***
Vortragende: * Peggy Piesche * "Eine Schwarze, Kriegerin und Dichterin, die ihre Arbeit tut und gekommen ist, euch zu fragen, ob ihr die Eure tut." Dieser Aufruf zum politischen Handeln zeigte in Deutschland eine großartige Wirkung: das Erwachen einer Bewegung. Audre Lordes Einfluss auf die US-amerikanische Frauenbewegung, ihre aufrüttelnden Texte und ihr brillantes Beleuchten von Sexismus, Rassismus und Homophobie wurden Mitte der achtziger Jahre allmählich auch in der deutschen Frauenbewegung bekannt. Es gelang ihr tatsächlich in Deutschland, Schweigen in Sprache und Handeln zu verwandeln. Peggy Piesche wird den zu Audre Lordes zwanzigstem Todestag erschienenen Band "Euer Schweigen
schützt euch nicht". Audre Lorde und die Schwarze Frauenbewegung in Deutschland vorstellen und deren Texte in den Kontext der Schwarzen Frauenbewegung in Deutschland stellen. Vortrag in englischer Sprache. Peggy Piesche ist eine Schwarze deutsche Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaftlerin, geboren und aufgewachsen in der DDR. Sie publizierte zu Rassifizierungen und Schwarzen Images, Kolonialgeschichte und kollektiver Erinnerung und unterrichtet German, Woman und Africana Studies am Hamilton College/NY, USA.
Piesche ist u.a. Herausgeberin von "Mythen, Masken und Subjekte. Kritische Weißseinsforschung in Deutschland" und von "Euer Schweigen schützt Euch nicht". Audre Lorde und die Schwarze Frauenbewegung in Deutschland. Die Veranstaltung findet in Kooperation mit der Frauensolidarität statt und wird vom Institut für Internationale Entwicklung unterstützt. 28.06.2013, Friday
At 10.00 until 12.00
ceremony diplomants Akbild
Last day!
Next meeting 1.10.2013 ... Comment |
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