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Friday, 29. November 2013
concept, November 29, 2013 at 12:20:24 AM CET PCAP Program December 2013 PCAP Program December 2013 2.12.2013, Monday At 16.00 until 19.00
PRESENTATION Erasmus works:
Sevim Sancaktar PRESENTATION MA in critical studies, diploma, January 2014
Thomas Schoiswohl 19.00 to 20.00 pause At 20.00
Adnan Popovic, screening animation films, discussion 3.12.2013, Tuesday At 9.00 until 12.30
Individual meetings, Grzinic office At 12.30 meeting rundgang, technical things and program details At 14.00 BEGINS PRESENTATION DAY: At 14 to 16.00 Presentation student works
Miriam Raggam
Matthias Kendler 16.00 to 17.00 pause 17 to 19.00
Presentation student works
Christian Diaz Orejarena PRESENTATION DIPLOMAS for JANUARY 2014
Chui Yong Jian 19.00 to 20.00 pause At 20.00 to 22.00
Xhejlane Ibishi DIPLOMAS for JANUARY 2014
Marissa Lobo 4.12.2013, Wednesday At 9.00 to 12.00 individual meetings, Grzinic office At 13.00 to 15.00
Lecture at Suzana Milevska (AKBILD) course by Marina Grzinic AT 19.00 WHERE:
KEX Studio, WUK Kino
Währinger Straße 59
1090 Vienna (AT)
www.kunsthalleexnergasse.wuk.at At 19.00 OPENING: Select and Dispossess - Festival mit Cinenova
Curated by Karolin Meunier, Sandra Schäfer, Kerstin Schroedinger and other members of the Cinenova Working Group (Cay Castagnetto, Emma Hedditch, Charlotte Procter, Irene Revell, Marina Vishmidt) 19:30 Begrüßung mit Cinenova
Film program: Now Pretend; Keep your laws off my body; Arrows; Hey Mack (+ one more film)
21.00 Musik Cinenova ist eine ehrenamtlich geführte Organisation in London, die sich der Erhaltung und Distribution feministischer Film- und Videoproduktionen widmet. Cinenova entstand 1991 aus dem Zusammenschluss von Circles und Cinema of Women, die beide in den frühen 1980ern gegründet wurden. Aktuell sind über 500 Titel im Verleih, darunter Experimental- und Spielfilme, Künstlerfilme und –videos, Dokumentationen und Lehrfilme von den 1920ern bis heute. Das Festival stellt die Sammlung von Cinenova vor, sowie die kollektive Praxis der Organisation. Ein Ausgangspunkt bildet die historische Perspektive mit Fokus auf Interview/Gespräch im Film. Ein zweiter Aspekt ist dabei die Frage, wie geopolitische Hegemonien von Aspekten wie Race, Gender und Nationalität durchdrungen sind.
Diese Reihe von Filmvorführungen und Veranstaltungen, erarbeitet in Zusammenarbeit mit lokalen Gruppen und Personen, versucht verschiedene Zugänge zur Produktion und Distribution von Kultur durch Film- und Videoproduktionen zu eröffnen.
5.12.2013, THURSDAY//Donnerstag, 05. Dezember AT 19.30 WHERE:
KEX Studio, WUK Kino
Währinger Straße 59
1090 Vienna (AT)
www.kunsthalleexnergasse.wuk.at At 19.30 Filmvorführung/ SCREENING OF THE FILM Scuola Senza Fine (in English: SCHOOL WITHOUT END) by Adriana Monti, Italian, English subtitles, 1983, 16mm transferred on digital support, 40 min Diskussion mit der Klasse Post Conceptual Art Practice (AkBild) at KEX Studio, WUK Kino
In charge of the discussion from the Post Conceptual Art Practice class: Aleksandra Aleksic, Catalina Ravessoud ABOUT THE FILM Scuola Senza Fine (in English: SCHOOL WITHOUT END) by Adriana Monti
Scuola Senza Fine (in English: SCHOOL WITHOUT END) by Adriana Monti shows how an educational experiment (150 hours of school) was implemented in Italy beginning of 1974, available to factory workers and farmers initially, and expanding to include women a couple of years later. The courses were non-vocational; they were not intended to improve one’s productivity at work, but rather to allow for personal and collective growth. The courses sought to help workers reflect not only upon their working conditions but also on their lives. A large part was devoted to the re-elaboration and reinterpretation of what was defined as the "lived experience" of those attending: their experiences with work, emigration, cultural and language discrimination, union struggles, etc.
The film was produced in collaboration with these students as part of their studies for the class, turning the curriculum's questions about the representation of women into questions about the representation of themselves.
Adriana Monti writes in her introduction to the film:
"After I had been working with a particular group of housewives for a year we started shooting the film Scuola Senza Fine (literally School Without End) almost casually, in 1979. I was able to get equipment free of charge and money to pay for the film was made available.
Rediscovering the pleasure of reading and studying was reliving their adolescence. It was important for them to have teachers to whom they could tell in writing what they had done and thought, their past history and plans for the future.
The film shows how the women related to each other at that time and the special closeness each woman felt for every other – perhaps because they came from the same place, or shared the same ideals and way of thinking, or, simply, because they were fond of each other. For many women, rediscovering the mother/teacher relationship meant being able to express thoughts which had often been undervalued or disregarded (most of the housewives attending the course had given up their education to go to work or had not been able to make use of the knowledge they had already, because they stayed at home after getting married). The opportunity to relive that relationship in a learning situation stimulated a very interesting kind of writing and thought." Thursday, 5 December:
15.30 - 19.00 Friday, 6 December:
8.00 - 20.00 Saturday, 7 December:
8.00 - 19.00 9 to 14.12.2013 FILM CLASS SEMINAR, prof. HEISE IMPORTANT: ferien/holidays 16.12.2013 TO 5.01.2014
Next meeting PCAP: 13.01.2014 at 16.00
Before film class program from 6 to 11.1.2014 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
EXTRA: OTHER events CINENOVA in WUK Saturday, 7.12.
6 pm KEX Studio, Films and Anti-Lecture
Jamika Ajalon, talk with Marion Porten 8.30 pm WUK Kino, Two First Films, Film programme by Madeleine Bernstorff:
Ruth Novaczek, Babette Mangolte, 16 mm Tuesday, 10.12. KEX Studio, film on display
Christine Booth, “For Good” Wednesday, 11.12. KEX Studio, film on display
Ngozi Onwura, “The Body Beautiful” Thursday, 12.12. KEX Studio, films on display
Amy Harrison, “Guerrillas In Our Midst”, SI.SI. Klocker, “Die Frau, die Arbeit,die Kunst und das Geld!” Friday, 13.12. KEX Studio, films on display
New Zealand 1990s Special
7 pm Scattering as Behavior Toward Risk,
Film programme, discussion with Marina Vishmidt: Heidi Tikka, Sandra Lahire, Lis Rhodes Saturday, 14.12.
7 pm KEX Studio, soup
8 pm WUK Kino, Too lacerated and fractured to
fit into these neat scenarios, Film screening
and discussion with Sandra Schäfer: Heiny Srour, “Leila and the Wolves”, 16 mm ... Comment |
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