m1 (turm4)
Saturday, 1. March 2014

PCAP Program March 2014

PCAP Program March 2014

3.03.2014, Monday

At 16.00 meeting class, overview semester, new ERASMUS

3.03.2014, Monday

At 17.00 until 19.00 Discussion works Rundgang 2014 Aleksandra Aleksic Sebastiano Sing

3.03.2014, Monday

At 20.00 film projection and discussion Toward Jerusalem "Nach Jerusalem" (original title)(1991) By Ruth Beckermann, 87 min - Documentary
In this documentary road movie, Austrian filmmaker Ruth Beckermann records the diverse views and activities of Israelis and Arabs as she travels along the route from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

4.03.2014, Tuesday

At 10 to 12.00 individual meetings, Grzinic OFFICE

4.03.2014, Tuesday At 12.00 to 17.00 Discussion works Rundgang 2014 Ezgi Erol Nadja David Daria Kirillova

5.03.2014, Wednesday

At 17.00 Seminar „Kritisches konzeptionelles Verständnis von Film, Video und Fotographie“ By Muzaffer Hasaltay Workshop A2

10.03 to 14.03.2014 FILM CLASS, prof. Heise

IMPORTANT: 12.3. 2013 at 17.00 PCAP CLASS with the FILM CLASS, animation studio…together Engaging in the technical and space reseting of M1. ….soll es ein gemeinsames Essen (Filmklasse kocht) und Vorbesprechung in der Klasse geben, und am 13. und 14.3. wird gebaut, eventuell noch den 15.3. dazu, wenn wir nicht auskommen.

…..Studierende und Lehrende der Klassen Kunst und Film und post conceptual art practices und des Animationfilmstudios, zu Semesterbeginn wollen wir ein paar Dinge im Klassenraum M1 umgestalten, wie zum Beispiel die Projektionssituation, die Technikstation, die Verdunklung, und vielleicht auch die Gelegenheit nutzen, ein paar Ecken auszuräumen. Also Rahmen bauen, Moltonvorhänge nähen, Beamer umsetzen, Sitzgelegenheiten überdenken, Arbeitsplätze, etc...

Dimitrova and Hasaltay in charge from PCAP.

17.03.2014, Monday

At 15.30 until 17.30 Discussion works Rundgang 2014 Ye La An Neda Hoseinyar

17.03.2014, Monday

At 18.00 GUEST LECTURE/PRESENTATION By Nanopolitics Group (London)

TOPIC: The Nanopolitics Handbook: thinking politics with and through the body

SUMMARY: The invention of new modes of sensibility is vital to enriching and sustaining political engagements, labours and lives in the situated contexts of urban collectivity. The nanopolitics handbook investigates the neoliberal city and workplace, the politics of crisis and austerity, precarious lives and modes of collaboration – through bodies and their encounters. Starting from the exploration of what bodies can do – with curiosity, courage and care – nanopolitics is a proposal for producing new collective subjectivations. Based on the experiments and experiences of the nanopolitics group, this book proposes exercises, concepts and ideas as little maps and machines for action. Drawing on social movements, grassroots organizing, dance, theatre and bodywork, the reflections and practices here present strategies for navigating and reconfiguring the playing field of ‘nanopolitics’, activating its entanglement with the major politics of our time. In this session members of the group will present the nanopolitics handbook, drawing on its texts and exercises.

CV: The nanopolitics group formed in London in early 2010, around a desire to think politics through and as embodied experience and practice. As an open collective they have organized monthly movement, theatre and bodywork based workshops, as well as discussions and interventions in the context of social movements.

Languages: English, summary in German

LECTURE PART of THE B3 WORKSHOP /PCAP with the title: Political art, theory, practice, perspectives OPEN TO GENERAL PUBLIC!

18.03.2014, Tuesday

10.00 to 12.00 Individual meetings, office, Grzinic

18.03.2014, Tuesday

At 12.00 until 17.00 READING (1 session) of the text/chapter Paradoxes of Political Art, by Jacques Rancière, published in Dissensus: On Politics and Aesthetics, trans. by Steven Corcoran, Continuum, 2010. Guest in the reading group, Barış Acar, Phd candidate, Art History at the Faculty of Art History in the University of Vienna.

READING part of THE WORKSHOP B3/PCAP with the title: Political art, theory, practice, perspectives OPEN TO GENERAL PUBLIC!

18.03.2014, Tuesday At 18.00 Marissa Lobo, presentation and discussion, diploma April 2014

19.03.2014, Wednesday

10.00 to 12.00 Individual meetings, office, Grzinic

19.03.2014, Wednesday At 12.00 until 17.00 READING (2 session) of the text/chapter Paradoxes of Political Art, by Jacques Rancière, published in Dissensus: On Politics and Aesthetics, trans. by Steven Corcoran, Continuum, 2010. Guest in the reading group, Barış Acar, Phd candidate, Art History at the Faculty of Art History in the University of Vienna.

READING part of THE WORKSHOP B3/PCAP with the title: Political art, theory, practice, perspectives OPEN TO GENERAL PUBLIC!

19.03.2014, Wednesday

At 20.00 WHERE: WUK, Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Währinger Straße 59, 1090 Vienna, MetroU6: stop Währingerstraße/Volksoper

EXHIBITION: NO FUTURE WORK OVER OPENING featuring: MARINA VISHMIDT (London) ABOUT THE EXHIBITION: Participants: NO FUTURE Komplex (currently Mitra Wakil, Stephan Janitzky, Sebastian Stein, Anne Faucheret, Michael Dobrindt) together with a broad range of friends and invited GUESTS (Kerstin Stakemeier, Mattin, Marina Vishmidt, and others). As the No Future Komplex concludes from recent observations, it would seem as if production and practice in the context of contemporary art and related theory are increasingly adopting a specific formatting. The dominant features include:

  1. individual authorship claims
  2. conceptual-discursive explanations of the world
  3. increasingly hermetic academic-professional expertise. This is not a good development, in the No Future Komplex opinion. Thus it seems more than appropriate that we once again put ourselves in situations in which we can re-examine our personal motivations and the formal circumstances of our production and practice; in other words, the conditions in which we think, act, produce, and ultimately live. To this end, we and our guests will attempt to find formal set-ups that help us to grasp this complex with means other than language. Let’s see where this leads us. VISITING/QUESTIONING/ part of THE WORKSHOP B3/PCAP with the title: Political art, theory, practice, perspectives

24.03.2014, Monday

At 17.00 to 19.00 student presentation

Verena Melgarejo Weinandt

24.03.2014, Monday

At 20.00 film projection and discussion East of War "Jenseits des Krieges" (original title) (1996) By Ruth Beckermann 117 min - Documentary East of War was made during the so-called Wehrmachtsausstellung. In front of the out-of-focus-photographs, former soldiers of the German Wehrmacht talk about their experiences beyond the "normal" war. A film which not only pushes forward the destruction of the "good-Wehrmacht" myth, but also takes a close look at the process of constructing history in post-World War II Austria.

25.03.2014, Tuesday

At 10.00 Individual meetings, office, Grzinic

25.03.2014, Tuesday At 12.00 visiting the exhibitions at SECESSION, Vienna Vereinigung bildender KünstlerInnen Wiener Secession Friedrichstraße 12, A-1010 Wien

AT 13.00 TALKING WITH LISL PONGER, she will take us through her show at SECESSION ABOUT LISL PONGER EXHIBITION: In the Secession's main hall, Ponger will be realizing a project she has wanted to do for a long time: the Museum für fremde und vertraute Kulturen [Museum for Foreign and Familiar Cultures], in short MuKul. The exhibition about the disappearance of the middle class is divided into rooms that address particular issues such as "The Rise of the Western Middle Class," "The Middle Class in Peril," "From Playing by the Rules to Gaming the System," "Exhibits for Posterity," and "The Emerging Middle Classes." In addition to the historical development of the middle class, the show examines its relation to democracy and capitalism in its neoliberal form—with a particular focus on the effects of tax havens and the banking crisis—as well as newly emerging middle classes in countries such as China. It presents a wealth of illustrative materials, including real and counterfeit branded products serving as status symbols, historic photographs, postcards from tax havens, life masks taken from members of the middle class, board games, coins, and cash envelopes. By treating the Western middle class as an object of study in the same way that, even today, exhibitions make a spectacle out of "exotic" peoples or ethnic groups in remote parts of the non-Western world, Ponger's show strikingly illustrates how many museums operate; the resulting exercise in deconstruction invites critical engagement with these mechanisms.

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25.03.2014, Tuesday At 17.00 READING (3 session) of the text/chapter Paradoxes of Political Art, by Jacques Rancière, published in Dissensus: On Politics and Aesthetics, trans. by Steven Corcoran, Continuum, 2010. Guest in the reading group, Barış Acar, Phd candidate, Art History at the Faculty of Art History in the University of Vienna.

READING part of THE WORKSHOP B3/PCAP with the title: Political art, theory, practice, perspectives OPEN TO GENERAL PUBLIC!

26.03.2014, Wednesday

At 16.00 Seminar „Kritisches konzeptionelles Verständnis von Film, Video und Fotographie“ By Muzaffer Hasaltay Workshop A2

26.03.2014, Wednesday

At 19.00 AUSSTELLUNGSGESPRÄCH at Secession, Vienna Yvette Mutumba im Gespräch mit Lisl Ponger

Yvette Mutumba ist Kunsthistorikerin und Forschungskustodin für Afrika am Weltkulturen Museum in Frankfurt am Main.

31.03.2014, Monday FILM CLASS, prof. Heise

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  • - Decolonial Aesthetics
  • - Decolonizing Knowledge and Life through Theory and Art
  • - Kritische künstlerische Praxis als Dissens
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