m1 (turm4) |
Friday, 2. May 2014
concept, May 2, 2014 at 5:14:54 PM CEST PCAP Program May 2014 PCAP Program MAY 2014 5.05.2014, Monday At 17.00 meeting in the class. 5.05.2014, Monday Präsentation "Trancultural Modernisms"
(Hg. Model House Research Group)
Es sprechen Vertreter_innen der Model House Research Group Präsentation "Performing the Sentence. Research and Teaching in Performative Fine Arts"
(Hgs. Carola Dertnig, Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein)
Es sprechen die Herausgeberinnen Performance
Lilo Nein Im Anschluss: Erfrischungen [DETAILS:
Transcultural Modernisms.
Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2013.
Autor_innen: Fahim Amir, Zvi Efrat, Eva Egermann, Nádia Farage, Gabu Heindl, Moira Hille, Rob Imrie, Monica Juneja, Christian Kravagna, Christina Linortner, Duanfang Lu, Marion von Osten, Anoma Pieris, Vikramāditya Prakāsh, Susan Schweik, Felicity D. Scott, Chunlan Zhao
Transcultural Modernisms is based on the findings of an interdisciplinary research project with focus on modernist architectural projects realized in the era of decolonization. It maps out the network of encounters, transnational influences, and local appropriations of an architectural modernity manifested in various ways in housing projects in India, Israel, Morocco, and China that served as exemplary standard models, not only for Western societies. Carola Dertnig, Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein (eds.).
Performing the Sentence Research and Teaching in Performative Fine Arts.
Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2014.
Autor_innen: Philip Auslander, Sabeth Buchmann, Margarit von Büren, Barbara Clausen, Carola Dertnig, Andrea Fraser, Sabine Gebhardt Fink, Simone Forti, Sabina Holzer, Amelia Jones, Carrie Lambert-Beatty, Marie-Luise Lange, Suzana Milevska, Lilo Nein, Susanne Neuburger, Yvonne Rainer, Constanze Ruhm, Dietmar Schwärzler, Stefanie Seibold, Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein, Mechtild Widrich, Martha Wilson
Performing the Sentence brings into dialogue the ways that "performative thinking" has developed in different national and institutional contexts, within different disciplines in the arts, and the conditions under which it has devel- oped in experimental art schools. The various contributions also show how these conventions are produced through or within each artwork, independent from their specific contexts, offering ways of thinking beyond their usual frames of reference. At the same time they recognize the substantial work carried out by artists, critics, and theorists who have built the meanings, references, and implications since the beginning of the "performative turn."] 5.05.2014, Monday At 21.00
Class, M1, Semper depot
Presentation diploma work (June 2014) by Sheri Avraham
1 PRESENTATION 6.05.2014, Tuesday 10.30 discussion with Rektorin Eva Blimlinger am 6. Mai 2014
um 10.30 Uhr
im Sitzungssaal/E 10, Schillerplatz 3 § 23b Abs 1 UG sieht vor, dass die amtierende Rektorin/der amtierende Rektor vor der Ausschreibung zu einer Rektor_innenwahl ihr oder sein Interesse an einer Wiederwahl bekannt geben kann. In diesem Fall erfolgt eine Wiederwahl ohne Ausschreibung, wenn der Senat und der Universitätsrat mit jeweils Zweidrittelmehrheit zustimmen.
Es ist der Wunsch des Senats alle Angehörigen der Akademie in den Meinungsbildungsprozess miteinzubeziehen. Aus diesem Grund lädt der Senat zu einer Informations- und Diskussionsveranstaltung mit der Rektorin ein, die rückblickend ein Resümee ihrer bisherigen Amtszeit ziehen und über wichtige Themen, für die von ihr angestrebte zweite Amtsperiode, referieren wird. 6.05.2014, Tuesday At at 14.00 until 18.00
ERASMUS in the class and new student presentations:
Burcu Erden
Oliver Coltman 6.05.2014, Tuesday
At 19.00
Atelierhaus der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Lehárgasse 8, 1060 Wien, EG Nord
Hans Scheirl | h_ dandy body_parts 7.05.2014, Wednesday
10.00 to 12.00 Grzinic indiv. Meetings, office , contact me 7.05.2014, Wednesday M1, At 12.00 until 17.00
Video, film and performative practices from former Eastern Europe
Works new and old generation, 10 works, experimental format
Screening and discussion 12.05.2014, Monday M1, At 15.30
Yela An
Ezgi Erol 13.05.2014, Tuesday
9.00 to 10.00 ind. Meeting, Grzinic office 13.05.2014, Tuesday
M1, At 15.30
Sebastiano Sing At 19.00 Chto Delat talk, Kunstlerhaus 14.05.2014, Wednesday M1, At 16.00
Seminar „Kritisches konzeptionelles Verständnis von Film, Video und Fotographie“
By Muzaffer Hasaltay
Workshop A2
Aparat: film:
Akira Kurosawa - Rashomon bücher:
Robert McKee - Story
Christopher Keane - Drehbuch
Oliver Schütte - Die Kunst des Drehbuchlesens
Hirohisa Tanaka - Manga-Geschichten entwickeln 19.05.2014 Monday
M1, At 15.30
Presentation diploma work (June 2014) by Sheri Avraham
2 PRESENTATION 19.05.2014 Monday
M1, At 18.300 GUEST LECTURE: Emilio Santisteban, Lima, Peru Artists, perfomer, will talk about his work. Moderation: Hansel Sato, artist, Vienna
Languages: Spanish, English, German Emilio Santisteban makes performances since 1990; different works on responsibilities of society politics and civil society in Peru. He uses corporeal media, as well leading to the performance as psychic action rather than as physical activity; linguistic performative utterance beyond language, reverberation in mind. 20.05 until 28.05, FILM Class !!!!!!
29.05-30.05 holidays JUNE 2014
We start 2.06.2014, Monday,
M1 at 15.30
Presentation diploma work (June 2014) by Sheri Avraham
3 PRESENTATION ... Comment |
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