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Wednesday, 28. May 2014

PCAP program June 2014

PCAP Program JUNE 2014

2.06.2014, Monday At 15.00 ind. meeting, Grzinic office

M1 at 15.30
Presentation diploma work (June 2014) by Sheri Avraham 3rd PRESENTATION

At 18.00, student presentation Songül Sönmez and Reha Refik Tasci

At 20.00, student presentation Aleksandra Aleksic

3.06.2014, Tuesday At 11.00 ind. meeting, Grzinic office

At 12.00 until 14.30 Esra Özmen Xhejlane Rexhepi Katarina Spielmann

At 15.00 until 17.30 Martin Weichselbaumer Peter Palme

At 18.00 Joanna Wilk

4.06.2014, Wednesday 10.00 to 12.00 individual meetings, Grzinic office

12.00 until 15.00 Neda Hoseinyar Johannes Puchleitner

4.06.2014, Wednesday At 19.00 Lecture: Unbekannter Soldat with Martin Krenn WHERE: Schwarzenbergplatz, Vienna

5 to 10.06 2014, installation Diploma

7.06, 8.06, 9.06 HOLIDAYS, in general in Austria

10.06.2013, Tuesday

At 15.30 until 18.00, M1, SCREENING program: Strategies, arts, politics, with discussion.

10.06.2013, Tuesday

At 19.00, M1,

Talk with Dríade Aguiar - Midia NINJA / Fora do Eixo – Mediactivist, Brazil and Marissa Lôbo (maiz, Linz)

English, German

Mídia Ninja has its origins in the Fora do Eixo, a network of culture, behavior and communication, linking collectives that also organized music festivals and other cultural events. This large movement, which started in the cities of Rio Branco, Cuiabá and Londrina in 2005, Brazil, has spread to more than 200 areas and encompasses an alternative university, political party and financial system.

STATEMENT: Brazil’s Mídia Ninja and the Rise of Citizen Journalism. One of the most interesting elements of Brazil’s protests, which continue to simmer across the country in smaller numbers, is the use of new media to plan, broadcast, and report on the demonstrations. Mídia Ninja is perhaps the best known group to emerge, and has used social media and webcasting as tools to cover the protests.

On July 22, 2013 during a Rio protest on day one of the Pope’s visit to Brazil, two Mídia Ninja reporters were arrested (and subsequently released) after police claimed they were trying to "incite violence" by broadcasting the event. A total of seven people were arrested, and one of the protesters was initially denied bail. Nevertheless, the backlash against the arrests exploded on social media, and while the full repercussions have yet to be seen, there are echoes of police brutality and arrests of journalists at Occupy Wall Street. And if the original São Paulo protests proved anything, it’s that police violence against journalists will fuel the protests even more.

We spoke to Felipe Altenfelder, one of the Mídia Ninja editors, about the "ninjas" and the future of citizen journalism in Brazil. Mídia Ninja is now present in 200 cities across Brazil, in places Fora do Eixo previously established networks. "The ninja is defined by working collectively," Altenfelder explained. "It’s not anonymous; it’s a collective identity." During the protests, the ninjas broadcast the demonstrations on livestream channels on Twitcasting and on the group’s channel, PosTV. They also posted live updates and photos on Twitter and Facebook, as well as Tumblr, Google Plus, Instagram, and Flickr. In some cases, ninjas use iPhones or bare bones equipment; in others, they push around a shopping cart complete with a generator, speakers, a computer, cameras, a microphone, and an editing table. "We want to democratize information," ninja Filipe Peçanha told O Dia. "The purpose is to show what conventional TV networks don’t show."

The concept of livestreaming came about in 2011 when Fora do Eixo created PosTV to originally broadcast concerts. Later, it was used to broadcast the Freedom March, which took place after São Paulo’s so-called Marijuana March experienced a crackdown by police. In 2012, PosTV did a month-long, daily broadcast before São Paulo’s local elections. Altenfelder explained that digital communication methods used by Mídia Ninja not only help create new protagonists, but are a tool to support and promote "direct, participatory democracy."

But where does Mídia Ninja fit in within the world of journalism? The group never tried to be a part of that world, Altenfelder explained. Still, he noted, "journalism is alive and well," and people are hungry for information. Mídia Ninja represents an "alternate model led by a new generation of independent, autonomous, empowered communicators who no longer trust the news that’s for sale." The way Mídia Ninja covers the news, Altenfelder believes, will influence mass media in the long term. The group, Altenfelder claims, "is a global embassy in this new world of possibilities."

www.theguardian.com sabotagetimes.com www.zeit.de

11.06.2014, Wednesday

DIPLOMA EXAMS From the class: Sheri Avraham in the xhibit space.

12.06.2014, Thursday DIPLOMA EXAMS Semper depot

13.06.2014, Friday
DIPLOMA EXAMS Sculpture department

16.06.2014, Monday M1, At 18.00 Seminar „Kritisches konzeptionelles Verständnis von Film, Video und Fotographie“ By Muzaffer Hasaltay Workshop A2

17.06.2014, Tuesday OPENING exhibition diplomants Akbild

18.06.2014, Wednesday Jury award commission Akbild

18.06.2014, Wednesday At 19.00

Jamika Ajalon und Marion Porten THERE ARE THINGS WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT Where: VBKÖ Maysedergasse 2/4. Stock (Lift) 1010 Wien www.vbkoe.org

19.06.2014 holiday

25.06.2014, Wednesday at 16.00 M1 meeting and discussion, the school year and future projects, some screening, planning

25.06.2014, Wednesday at 19.00 opening SECESSION, Vienna Secession, Friedrichstraße 12, 1010 Wien exhibition SINGULAR FORM curated by Pablo Lafuente

26.06. 2014, Thursday Semester ending 1.00 p.m. - 9.00 p.m. Venue | Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Wien, M13a, und Secession, Friedrichstraße 12, 1010 Wien A conference in cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and Secession (held in English). www.akbild.ac.at

Art as Exhibition

The conference seeks to investigate how exhibition formats may be inherent in specific modes of artistic production and subsequently in an artwork itself. Significantly an interweaving of both artistic and curatorial practice is involved, which on the one hand documents a development toward formats of presentation, and on the other hand coincides with the rediscovery of the object as an independent agent. The interlocking of exhibition, mediation, collection and archive conflates aesthetic and education policy agendas in occasionally indistinguishable ways. Thus it becomes clear that those fields of education, knowledge and information regarded as "common goods" introduce a dynamic into the work-as-exhibition event in the sense of a medial information process. To explore what this implies for the perception of the increasingly reevaluated physical object will be one of the common threads of the panel and the subsequent artist talks at the Secession.

Secession, Friedrichstraße 12, 1010 Vienna

18.00 Kuratorenführung in der Ausstellung A Singular Form mit Pablo Lafuente 19.00 Begrüßung durch Herwig Kempinger, Präsident der KünstlerInnenvereinigung 19.15 Einführung in die Ausstellung durch Pablo Lafuente 19.30 Artist Talk: Asier Mendizabal und Dustin Ericksen im Gespräch mit Pablo Lafuente 20.00 Artist Talk: Hilary Lloyd im Gespräch mit Lucy Steeds und Pablo Lafuente Responder: Martin Beck und Sabeth Buchmann 21.00 Ende der Konferenz

Dustin Ericksen ist Künstler. Er lebt und arbeitet in London.

Pablo Lafuente ist Autor, Kurator und Mitherausgeber der bei Afterall erscheinenden Reihe Exhibition Histories. Er unterrichtet am Central Saint Martins College in London und ist Co-Kurator der 31. São Paulo Biennale, die im September 2014 eröffnet wird.

Asier Mendizabal ist Künstler. Er lebt und arbeitet in Bilbao.

Lucy Steeds ist Autorin, Kuratorin und Mitherausgeberin der bei Afterall erscheinenden Reihe Exhibition Histories. Sie unterrichtet am Central Saint Martins College in London.

27.06.2014, Friday At 10.00 until 12.00, semper depot CEREMONY, diplomas

July entry exams 2 round Start again October 2014

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