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Wednesday, 25. February 2015

PCAP program MARCH 2015

Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, PCAP (POST CONCEPTUAL ART PRACTICES) STUDY PROGRAM Prof. Marina Grzinic Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1. OG Atelier Süd (M1) m1.antville.org

PCAP Program MARCH 2015

3.03.2015, Tuesday 13.00 to 16.00 Individual meetings, Grzinic office

3.03.2015, Tuesday M1, at 16.00 Discussion, Rundang overview

3.03.2015, Tuesday At.18.00 Where: Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien. Schillerplatz 3. 1010 Wien Room M13a. Institut für Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften.

LECTURE by Dr. Dario Azzellini (Soziologe & Politikwissenschaftler, JKU Linz) TITLE:„Keine Position beziehen ist keine Kunst“ Discussing a radical intellectual and radical art practice

Dario Azzellini will present on a number of his projects and works –from books and films to research and other initiatives– in order to discuss what a radical intellectual and art practice might look like today. In this context he will also present the film „Occupy, Resist, Produce – RiMaflow“ (34 min., 2014), the first film in a series of films produced with Oliver Ressler on work places in Europe that have been occupied and recuperated by their workers. IN ENGLISH

Lecture organized by Marina Grzinic, Post Conceptual Study Program, IBK, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Noit Banai, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Universität Wien und Jens Kastner, Institut für Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien.

4.03.2015, Wednesday 10.00 to 16.00 Individual meetings, Grzinic office

4.03.2015, Wednesday M1, at 16.00 until 18.00 Discussion, Rundang overview new work by Songül Sonmez and Reha Refik Tasci

4.03.2015, Wednesday M1, at 18.00

Dr. Aneta Stojnic Introduction to Gilles Deleuze “Postscript on the Societies of Control” (1992) Followed by screening and discussion of documentary film “Citizenfour”

The introduction to Deleuze’s “Postscript on the Societies of Control” by Stojnic is part as well of the workshop B3. Deleuze text from 1992 is a key theoretical text that contextualizes current global changes and movements connected to development of new media cyber surveillance and digital modes of governance. The processes Deleuze precisely anticipated in his text from 1992 will be connected to the most recent events depicted in the documentary film about Edward Snowden's leeks and this will be taken as as starting point for a discussion of political and artistic implications of the mentioned processes.

IMPORTANT: Two texts will be read as part of the workshop /PCAP summer term

  1. Gilles Deleuze “Postscript on the Societies of Control” (1992)
  2. Interview with Angela Davis: “On what's radical in the 21st century” (2014)

ABOUT THE FILM Citizenfour by Laura Poitras.

Laura Poitras had already been working on a film about surveillance for two years when Snowden contacted her, using the name “CITIZENFOUR,” in January 2013. He reached out to her because he knew she had long been a target of government surveillance, stopped at airports numerous times, and had refused to be intimidated. When Snowden revealed he was a high-level analyst driven to expose the massive surveillance of Americans by the NSA, Poitras persuaded him to let her film. (citizenfourfilm.com)

Dr. Aneta Stojnic is Postdoc-Scholar at the Institute of Fine Arts, Conceptual Art study program (Post-Conceptual Art Practices). Stojnic is theoretician, artist and curator born in Belgrade, (Yugoslavia). Her professional work is characterized by strong connection between theory and practice as well as interdisciplinary approach to art practices that affirm critical thinking. In 2014 she was a postdoctoral research-fellow at Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy Research centre S:PAM (Studies in Performing Arts & Media). She obtained her PhD at University of Arts in Belgrade (Interdisciplinary Studies - Theory of Art and Media) defending a thesis: "Theory of Performance in Digital Art: Towards the New Political Performance". www.akbild.ac.at

5.03.2015, Thursday 10.00 to 13.00 individual meetings, Grzinic office

5.03.2015, Thursday M1 at 13.30 to 15.00 discussion travel class

5.03.2015, Thursday 15.30 -19.00 Individual meetings Grzinic, office

10.03.2015, Tuesday M1 at 17.00 to 20.00 Workshop B3, reading Gilles Deleuze “Postscript on the Societies of Control” (1992) With Aneta Stojnic, text available in three languages, translations: ENGLISH, GERMAN, and TURKISH

11.03.2015, Wednesday At 15.15 until 17.00

WHERE: XHIBIT, exhibition space at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Main Building, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna,

A guided tour through the exhibition ATLAS OF ARCADIA by artists and authors Anna Artaker and Meike S. Gleim.

A preopening tour, the official opening of the show will be on 12.03.2015 at 19.00. The exhibition ATLAS OF ARCADIA (in the xhibit akbild) presents fragments of a social history in images. The model for this approach is The Arcades Project by Walter Benjamin that is his draft of history of the nineteenth century using the example of Paris. The ATLAS translates Benjamin's method of “literary montage” (The Arcades Project presents itself as a montage of excerpts from letters, historical works, and other sources) into a montage of images. Images not only play a decisive role for communication and the passing on of knowledge in today's world - Benjamin would certainly have liked to work with images himself. “I needn’t say anything. Merely show,” he wrote in The Arcades Project, inviting his readers to regard his text montages as picture material.

The motifs of Benjamin's history of the industrial age are transferred into the recent past, particularly the years after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

11.03.2015, Wednesday At 18.00 WHERE: M1, Lehargasse 6–8 | 1060 Wien, Post-Conceptual Study Program

ARTIST TALK by TANJA OSTOJIĆ TITLE: Women in Migration: »Misplaced Women?« and »The Lexicon of Tanja Ostojić« Tanja Ostojić is an independent performance and interdisciplinary artist and cultural activist based in Berlin since 2003. She works predominantly from the migrant woman’s perspective incorporating political positioning, humor and integration of the spectators. She has given talks, lectures and workshops at academic conferences and at art universities around Europe and in the Americas.

Talk moderated by Dr. Aneta Stojnić, theoretician, artist and curator from Belgrade, currently a postdoc-scholar at the IBK, Post-Conceptual Study Program, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Organized by Noit Banai, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Universität Wien, Marina Grzinic, Post-Conceptual Study Program, IBK, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, und Elke Krasny, Institut für das Künstlerische Lehramt IKL, Fachbereich Kunst und Bildung, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien.

12.03. 2015 9.00 to 11.00 ind. meetings, Grzinic office

12.03. 2015 At 19.00 OPENING WHERE: XHIBIT, exhibition space at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Main Buliding, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, Artists | Anna Artaker and Meike S. Gleim

The exhibition ATLAS OF ARCADIA (in the xhibit akbild) presents fragments of a social history in images. The model for this approach is The Arcades Project by Walter Benjamin that is his draft of history of the nineteenth century using the example of Paris. The ATLAS translates Benjamin's method of “literary montage” (The Arcades Project presents itself as a montage of excerpts from letters, historical works, and other sources) into a montage of images. Images not only play a decisive role for communication and the passing on of knowledge in today's world - Benjamin would certainly have liked to work with images himself. “I needn’t say anything. Merely show,” he wrote in The Arcades Project, inviting his readers to regard his text montages as picture material.

The motifs of Benjamin's history of the industrial age are transferred into the recent past, particularly the years after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

  1. 03.201, Monday

M1 16.00 to 20.00

Student presentation Betül Küpeli rundgang 2015 work


Kader Muzaqi

SCREENING: In connection to Muzaqi diploma presentation will follow a screening of the film.

Dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y, a 68 minute-long film by director Johan Grimonprez, traces the history of airplane hijackings as portrayed by mainstream television media. The film premiered in 1997 at the Musée National d'Art Moderne (Centre Georges Pompidou (Paris); and at Catherine David's curated Documenta X (Kassel). "This study in pre-Sept. 11 terrorism »is composed of archival footage material — interspersing reportage shots, clips from science fiction films, found footage, home video and reconstituted scenes — the work is interspersed with passages from Don DeLillo's novels Mao II and White Noise, "providing a literary and philosophic anchor to the film." According to the director, "Dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y's narrative is based on an imagined dialogue between a terrorist and a novelist where the writer contends that the terrorist has hijacked his role within society. »The films opening line, taken from Don DeLillos Mao II, introduces the skyjacker as protagonist. Interplaying fact and fiction, Johan Grimonprez said that the use of archival footage creating “short-circuits in order to critique a situation«, may be understood as a form of a Situationist Détournement. (from Wikipedia)

23.03.2015, Monday

M1, at 17.00 until 19.00

Workshop A2 with Muzaffer Hasaltay. Muzaffer Hasaltay has completed his MA in fine arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. He is artist, filmmaker and conceives photographic and installation works, he lives and works in Vienna. Hasaltay will discuss the works by the students in the class and his proper work.

24.03.2015, Tuesday M1 17.00 to 20.00 text reading Workshop B3, reading Gilles Deleuze “Postscript on the Societies of Control” (1992) With Aneta Stojnic, text available in three languages, translations: ENGLISH, GERMAN, and TURKISH

26.03.2015 ENTRY exams akbild

27.03.2015 ENTRY exams akbild

AKBILD HOLIDAYS: 30.03.2015 to 12.04.2015 IMPORTANT: Fri, April 10, 2015, 2:00-7:00 p.m. + Sat, April 11, 2015, 2:00-6:30 p.m. Symposium, akbild, main building: READING THE WORLD. What is visual knowledge? Symposium as part of the ATLAS OF ARCADIA exhibition, with contributions by Anna Artaker, Marc Berdet, Anselm Franke, Arno Gisinger, Esther Leslie, Lia Perjovschi, Meike S. Gleim, Antonia von Schöning, and Batia Suter. In English.

Next MEETING PCAP 13.04 2015, Monday

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