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Tuesday, 26. May 2015
concept, May 26, 2015 at 9:12:00 PM CEST PCAP program JUNE 2015 PCAP Program JUNE 2015 1.June 2015, Monday
WHEN: At 18.00 WHERE: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna,
Schillerplatz 3
Black/Queer Here & There: Ethnography of an Idea In this presentation, I will provide some broad outlines of my new work-in-progress, Black/Queer Here and There: An Ethnography of an Idea. This new work seeks to re-narrativize the meaning and significance of Black desire for political empowerment or autonomy; for fun and carefree play in the face of social suffering; and erotic desire for one another. Black/Queer Here & There traces power and differential agency in the lives and works of Black gender non-conformists and sexual minorities across borders of geography, nationality, class, gender, sexuality and citizenship – examining a variety of subjective motivations, scenes and scales. CV: Jafari S. Allen is Associate Professor of African American Studies and Anthropology at Yale University, and works at the intersections of [queer] sexuality, gender and blackness. Allen is the author of the critical ethnography “¡Venceremos?: The Erotics of Black Self-Making in Cuba“, and editor of “Black/Queer/Diaspora – a special issue of GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies“. www.jafariallen.com Eine Kooperation von: Gender Talk - Referat Genderforschung Universität Wien / Institute für Queer Theorie / Institut für Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften, Netzwerk für Frauenförderung, Post-Conceptual Art Practices (Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien) 2.June 2015, Tuesday 10.00 to 13.00, Grzinic office
Individual Meetings At 13.00, M1
Talk post travel reflection. Reflection after the PCAP class travel program: Loibl Concentration Camp Memorial, Peršmanhof and Schloss Lind / Das andere Heimatmuseum
Travel conceived by Joanna Wilk and Martin Weichselbaumer 2.June 2015, Tuesday
15.00 to 19.00, M1
PRESENTATIONS Jamila Schamanek
Daria Kirillova
Joanna Wilk 3.June 2015, Wednesday
9.00 to 13.00 individual meetings, diplomants 13.00 until 17.30
Ort | Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Hauptgebäude, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Wien, Sitzungssaal Veranstaltung: Zum universitären Umgang mit dem Plagiat. Definition, Prävention, Konsequenzen.
Die Details zur Veranstaltung finden Sie online hier: www.akbild.ac.at 3.June 2015, Wednesday
WHEN: At 19.00 WHERE: Universität Wien (University of Vienna)
Institut für Kunstgeschichte (Department of Art History)
Universitätscampus AAKH Hof 9, A-1090 Wien Entrance to Hof 9: Garnisongasse corner of Beethovengasse
Seminar Room 1 - Entrance door : 9.2
TITLE: Masochistic Performances on Intersectional Identities. A lecture performance discussing the context and recent developments on her recent performance for Purrr!_Femme!-ance! at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
Working with art, in particular performance, as a catalyst for discourse and action/ social change, Bailey, investigates the tensions between (constructed or otherwise) gendered, racial and sexual(ised) identities and behaviors, particularly in relation to unspoken narratives of intersectionality. CV: Ashley Bailey is a queer feminist person of colour, based in London, (UK).
Bailey has studied at Central St Martins, University of the Arts London and at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, and works in the fields of performance, digital media, installation and text. www.ashleybailey.co.uk Lecture organized by Noit Banai, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Universität Wien, Marina Grzinic, Post Conceptual Study Program, IBK, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien and Julischka Stengele, Post Conceptual Study Program, IBK, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien. INSTALLING DIPLOMAS
(4.06.2015 holiday) 9.06.2015, Tuesday
WHEN: 19:00 until 21:00
WHERE: Wiener Secession
Friedrichstraße 12, A-1010 Wien Decolonizing Knowledge
Lecture performance by Grada Kilomba followed by a talk in between Grada Kilomba, Clifford Erinmwionghae and Marissa Lôbo. The lecture is organized as part of the Kültürgemma Fellowship for 2014/2015 awarded to Clifford Erinmwionghae project “Interactive Photography” and in collaboration with two institutions: Secession, Brunnenpassage and the Post Conceptual Study Program (PCAP)/IBK at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Erinmwionghae´s project will consists among other activities of 3 events organized from June to October 2015. The first event is the lecture performance by Grada Kilomba (Portugal, Berlin). Kilomba is a writer, theorist and interdisciplinary artist. Her work draws on memory, trauma, and post-colonialism intertwining the academic and artistic languages in a variety of formats, from print publications to staged reading and performances. Kilomba is the author of Plantation Memories, a compilation of episodes of
everyday racism written in the form of short psychoanalytical stories; and co-editor of “Mythen, Masken und Subjekte”, an anthology on Critical Whiteness. Her recent work includes a film on the African liberation leader Amílcar Cabral, titled: Conakry, as well as the staging of Nuruddin Faras literary work on Loss, Borders, and Politics. Kilomba was a Guest Professor for Gender Studies and Post-colonial studies, at the Humboldt University - Berlin. Currently, she is awriter/artist in residence in the city of Berlin, where she is developing a series of projects on decolonial feminism, and decolonizing and performing Knowledge. After the lecture a talk will follow in between Grada Kilomba, Clifford Erinmwionghae (refugee activist and cultural event promoter in Vienna, currently studying Post Conceptual Art at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna) and the artist Marissa Lôbo (one of the coordinator and curator of the Kültürgemma project, which is the only artist grant for Migrants and Refugees in Vienna). The audience is invited to participate and to re-imagine the concepts of knowledge and power with opening new spaces for decolonial thinking. The whole event is held in English. 10, 11, and 12, june 2015
Sarah Binder
Georg Oberlechner,
Miriam Raggam,
Julischka Stengele,
Arin Zadoorian 10.06
Xhibit at 9.00 Sarah Binder
Act Saal, after lunch Julischka Stengele 11.06
M1, semper depot Georg Oberlechner
Videostudio semper depot Miriam Raggam, Arin Zadoorian 15.06.2015, Monday
M1 17.00 to 20.00 text reading
Workshop B3, reading Gilles Deleuze “Postscript on the Societies of Control” (1992)
With Aneta Stojnic, text available in three languages, translations: ENGLISH, GERMAN, and TURKISH 16.06.2015, Tuesday
At 15.00 to 17.00, M1
Reading interview with Angela Davis: “ On what’s radical in the 21 century” (2014)
Reading with Maria-Enesi Caixeta and Marina Grzinic. Reading of the interview by Angela Davis that is coming to Vienna in October.
Vortrag und Workshop von Angela Davis (Mo + Di, 5. + 6. Oktober)
Am Montag, 5. Oktober 2015, 18:30 Uhr, hält Davis den öffentlichen Vortrag "Life between Politics and Academia" im Großen Festsaal der Universität Wien.
Am Dienstag, 6. Oktober 2015, 10-17 Uhr, findet der Workshop "Diversity: Class-Race-Gender: revisited" in der Skylounge der Universität Wien am Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz statt. Angela Davis wird mit einer Keynote den Input für eine Reflexion über die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen frauenbewegten gemeinsamen Handelns geben.
Angela Davis, eine der internationalen Pionierinnen, die das Spannungsverhältnis von Politik und Wissenschaften reflektierte und persönlich auslotete, kommt an die Universität Wien. Die Philosophin wurde 1944 in den USA geboren und studierte u.a. bei Marcuse, Horkheimer und Adorno in Deutschland. Bereits in den 1970er Jahren lehrte sie in den USA Women’s and Gender Studies und African American Studies. Gleichzeitig engagierte sie sich in der schwarzen Bürgerrechtsbewegung in den USA. Die Silhouette ihres "Afrolooks" zierte T-Shirts, Hauswände und Plakate. Heute solidarisiert sie sich mit der Occupy-Bewegung und fragt nach den Verbindungen der Unterdrückung aufgrund des Geschlechts, der "Rasse"/Ethnizität und der Klasse in den USA und der weltweiten Globalisierung. Eingeladen wurde Davis von Birgit Sauer, Maria Mesner und Gabriella Hauch. 16.June 2015, Tuesday
WHEN: At 18.00 WHERE: Academy of Fine Arts, Institut für das künstlerische Lehramt
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse 3, 1070 Wien, Room 3.06. GUEST LECTURE by Araba Evelyn Johnston-Arthur
TITLE: On the Art of (Re)membering Resistances The lecture treats the politics of memory and representation in connection to marginalized resistances. Examining the dialects of repression and resistance, the talk focuses on Austria as a neocolonial and postnazistic space. Araba Evelyn Johnston-Arthur is the cofounder of PAMOJA – The Movement of the Young African Diaspora in Austria and the Researchgroup on Black Austrian History and Presence/Pamoja. She is currently working on her interdisciplinary doctoral thesis on Resistances in the African Diaspora in Austria and teaching at Howard University in Washington D.C., USA. Lecture moderated by Njideka Stephanie Iroh Njideka Stephanie Iroh is a poet, writer, artist and activist. Her work focuses on youth and education in the context of language, linguistics, power relations, decolonisation and empowerment. Her political work is part of PAMOJA – The Movement of the Young African Diaspora in Austria and in cooperation with other local and global Black and migrant organisations. Lecture organized by Elke Krasny, Institut für das Künstlerische Lehramt IKL, Fachbereich Kunst und Bildung, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Noit Banai, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Universität Wien, and Marina Grzinic, Post-Conceptual Study Program, IBK, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien. 17.06.2015, Wednesday
Grzinic, indiv. Meeting 10.00 to 15.00, Grzinic, office 17.06.2015, Wednesday
at 17.00 OPENING DIPLOMA EXIBITION, at Lehargasse 8, opening talk 17.06.2015, Wednesday
WHEN: At 18.00 WHERE:
Universität Wien (University of Vienna)
Institut für Kunstgeschichte (Department of Art History)
Universitätscampus AAKH Hof 9, A-1090 Wien
Entrance to Hof 9: Garnisongasse corner of Beethovengasse
Seminar Room 1 - Entrance door : 9.2
MAP: www.google.si GUEST LECTURE by Alexander Alberro
TITLE: On the Horns of A Dilemma: Contemporary Art Between the Regional and the Transnational My paper centers around three fundamental questions. Is it possible to reestablish the lost link between contemporary art and a consistent art historical narrative? Second, can the art of the past quarter century be seen in structural terms – that is, is it organized around a structure? And third, are there theoretical and practical tools that could help us to comprehend both the governing principle of regional traditions, and the alleged globalization of the art world in recent years? To date, the answers given to such crucial questions have established only a limited connection between a regional or national art space on the one hand and a transnational or global art space on the other. In order to move beyond this division, I will propose that the art of the past several decades exists in a mediating space between these two poles: a parallel territory, relatively autonomous from the political domain, and dedicated as a result to questions, debates, inventions of a specifically artistic nature. Here struggles of all sorts are refracted, diluted, deformed or transformed according to an artistic logic, and in artistic forms. My hope is that working from this hypothesis, while trying to envisage all its theoretical and practical consequences, an understanding of art that is at once regional and transnational can be developed: in other words, a concept that could give a unified account of, say, the development of recent art forms, or the aesthetics of the artworks, and their connection to the political, economic and social world.
—Alexander Alberro, Barnard College/Columbia University CV: Alexander Alberro, Virginia Bloedel Wright Professor of Art History at Barnard College and Columbia University in New York City. He is the author and editor of a number of books on contemporary art, including Institutional Critique: An Anthology of Artists Writings (2009); Art After Conceptual Art (2007); and Conceptual Art and the Politics of Publicity (2004). His current book project is “Abstraction in Reverse,” a study of the emergence and development of abstract art in Latin America. He is also at work on a volume that explores new forms of art and spectatorship that have crystallized in the past two decades Lecture supported by Kunsthistorische Gesellschaft, Institut für Kunstgeschichte der Universität Wien. Lecture organized by Noit Banai, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Universität Wien, Sabeth Buchmann, Institut für Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, and Marina Grzinic, Post Conceptual Study Program, IBK, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien. 24.06.2015, Wednesday
25.06.2015, Thursday
Symposium FRAGMENTS OF EMPIRE. A collaboration between the Institute for Education (IKL) in the Arts/Fashions and Styles and Postconceptual Art Practices (PCAP) /Institute for Fine Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. The symposium Fragments of Empire brings together critical research and interventions in the history of spaces / and the history of mobilization that have taken / and are currently taking place. Its theoretical and artistic lectures are situated in the social and political fields of textile and media histories and focus on the relation of labour, capital, migration, and archives.
The speakers for Collaborative Futures are from the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna (Austria), from Ljubljana (Slovenia), and from Ukraine, they are students, young researchers, professors, artists, and scholars.
Wednesday 24.06.2015 15.00 – 20.30
15.00 Fragments of Empire
Simonetta Ferfoglia, Elke Gaugele & Heinrich Pichler
15.30 5:36 / The Times They Are A Changin´
Michaela Landrichter, Manuela Maderthaner, Viktoria Mayer,
Rita Sabri, Anneliese Schrenk & Elias Berner
15.45 Museum of the Workers
Bojana Piškur, Ljubljana, Slovenia
16.30 Gewässerblau
Miro Schawalder
17.15 - 17.30 drinks
17.30 Genealogy of Amnesia
Marina Gržinić & Aneta Stojnić
18.00 Reflection on Anti-Muslim Racism
Neda Hosseinyar
18.30 Welcome to (R)austria
Ismail Karaduman, James K. Skone, Betül Küpeli
19.15 Handschlagqualität. African Lace
Anna Hirschbühl and Cem-Samuel Metzler
19.30 The Race for “Participation”
Maja Hawlina and Bor Pungerčič, Ljubljana, Slovenia
20.15 Sepsis
Berivan Arslan, Teresa Maria Filz, Veronika Gaitzenauer, Nevena Petrović
Thursday 25.06.2015 17.00 – 20.15
17.00 Aus dem Alltag
Martin Weichselbaumer
17.30 Textil Müller
Caroline Urwalek and Suna Chiara Tarhan
17.45 piece rate - all in
Elisabeth Lamche
18.00 Entwürfe (Drafts)
Juri Schaden
18.30 „Media Art History in Ukraine”
Ianina Prudenko, Kiev, Ukraine 25.06.2015, Thursday
10.00 to 12.00 individual metings, Grzinic, office. 25.06.2015, Thursday
WHEN: 18.30
WHERE: Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, IKL, Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse 3, 1070 Vienna, Room: 3.06 Guest lecture by Ianina Prudenko, Ukraine.
TITLE: Open Archive of Ukrainian Media Art: "Media Art History in Ukraine" With screenings and presentation of the site of Open archive of Ukrainian media art archive. CV: Ianina Prudenko, PhD, Independent curator. Assistant professor and doctoral candidate of cultural studies department of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kiev).
Columnist for online magazine about contemporary art KORYDOR korydor.in.ua
Curator of Open archive of Ukrainian media art www.mediaartarchive.org.ua The lecture is taking part within the symposium FRAGMENTS OF EMPIRE. A collaboration between the Institute for Education (IKL) in the Arts/Fashions and Styles and Postconceptual Art Practices (PCAP) /Institute for Fine Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. This lecture is possible thanks to the Artists-in-Residence program of the Austrian Federal Chancellery and KulturKontakt Austria. 26.06.2015, Friday
Last day of the semester.
At 10.00 ceremony diplomas and awards. NEXT: 5.10.2015 at 15.00 5.10.2015
At 18.00 lecture Angela Davis ... Comment |
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