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PCAP Program MARCH 2016

PCAP Program MARCH 2016

7.03.2016, Monday

At 13.00 meeting in M1, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1.OG Atelier Süd (M1) new Erasmus students, IKL At 13.40 going to Depot

7.03.2016, Monday At 14.00 WHERE Depot Breite Gasse 3 1070 Wien www.depot.or.at Privilege and Critique Seminar / Also workshop B3/PCAP/Grzinic Organized by Teo Klug, Social Work / Master Student in Gender Studies, Göteborg University

To have a voice means already to be heard – in what position does this put the speaking person? What responsibilities does one whose voice is heard have? How can this privilege be used in a transformative approach to challenge and change the stage of the sayable and to allow other voices to appear?

14:15 Introduction – some activities – some input 15:00 Angela Davis “Transnational Solidarities: Resisting Racism, Genocide and Settler Colonialism” Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, 2015 Hrant Dink Memorial Lecture hosted Angela Davis

Transcript: polymorphouslyperverse.com Text discussion.

15:45 Break: Eating 16:15 Screening of Audre Lorde Berlin Years 17:40 Closing remarks on the Film and Workshop 18-19 Break – finishing of the buffet - transition to the lecture setting.

Seminar language is English and German and it refers to the evening event Critical Studies in Neo-Liberal Times

7.03.2016, Monday WHERE Depot Breite Gasse 3 1070 Wien

At 19.00

Critical Studies in Neo-Liberal Times Panel Also workshop B3/PCAP/Grzinic Europe in Motion: rapidly transforming border regimes and radical neoliberal shifts. The University, once again, is at the forefront of the current discourses. How do the changes affect the field around Critical Studies such as Gender / Queer / Feminist / Post-Colonial / De-Colonial / Critical Migration Studies?

María do Mar Castro Varela, IFW, Alice Salomon University for Applied Science Berlin Marina Gržinić, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Monika Mokre, Austrian Academy of Science

Event will be held in English

8.03.2016, Tuesday

Ind. Meetings, office Grzinic 10.10 until 11.00 13.30 until 14.30

Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1.OG Atelier Süd (M1) At 14.30 until 17.30

Reflection Rundgang works : Numan Mohammad Claudia Tomassetti Manuel Prammer Neda Hosseinyar Onur Serdar Firas Shedah

PAUSE 17.30 until 18.30, discussion and food

18.30 until 19.30

SHORT PhD in philosophy presentations, overview Klagenfurt International colloquium

Diana Bulzan TITLE: The reality of the body versus the reality of representation. A Case Study of VALIE EXPORT’s Tapp und Tastkino (1968)

Taida Kusturica TITLE: Post- representations: between art and war

Mika Maruyama TITLE: Traces and representation of the body

8.3.2015, Tuesday

LECTURE At 20:00

Where PCAP (POST CONCEPTUAL ART PRACTICES) STUDY PROGRAM, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1.OG Atelier Süd(M1)

Guest lecture by Saša Kesić, Belgrade

Title: Theory of the Queer Identities’ Representation in the Contemporary East-European Art and Culture

The lecture will focus on the topic of queer identities and performativity, which he will analyze through a few case studies: Pride Parade as a form of manifestation (as a problem of trauma representation in contemporary culture), gender body and queer body representations in visual arts, and gender and queer body representations in mass media. CV: Saša Kesić (1983) is a PhD student at the Department for Theory of Art and Media, University of Arts in Belgrade. Currently he is doing a research at The Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, Conceptual Art study program/IBK, as he has been awarded the Ernst Mach Worldwide scholarship in duration of nine months. Having MA in music pedagogy, he also works as a music teacher in “Vatroslav Lisinski” Music school in Belgrade. Kesić has published articles: “Antonio Gramsci”, in Marxist Aesthetics, Philosophy and Theory of Art, ed. N. Dedić, Orion Art, Belgrade (2015); “Queer Calendars: Art-Activist Project of Contemporary Art Transition ”, in AM Journal of Art and Media Studies no. 8, Faculty of Media and Communications, Belgrade (2015), etc. Also workshop B3/PCAP/Grzinic

9.03.2016 Wednesday Diplome academy

10.03.2016 Thursday At 19.00 OPENING ]a[ xhibit//WHERE: Ort | Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Hauptgebäude, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Wien, xhibit TITLE: Unheimliche Materialien. Gründungsmomente der Kunsterziehung//Uncanny Materials | Founding Moments of Art Education

Curators: Elke Krasny and Barbara Mahlknecht Mit Beiträgen von/With contributions from: Tal Adler/Friedemann Derschmidt/Elisabeth Samsonow/Karin Schneider/Anna Szöke/Niko Wahl, Anna Artaker, Eva Blimlinger, Ramesch Daha, Zsuzsi Flohr/Benjy Fox-Rosen/Eduard Freudmann/Eva Reinold/Luisa Ziaja, Lena Rosa Händle, Minna L. Henriksson, Belinda Kazeem-Kaminski, Gila Kolb, Martin Krenn, Ina Markova/Rosemarie Burgstaller/Sophie Bitter-Smirnov, Verena Pawlowsky, Sabine Plakolm, Birgit Peter, Dirk Rupnow, Hansel Sato, Sekretariat für Geister, Archivpolitiken und Lücken (Nina Höchtl und Julia Wieger), Anna Schürch, Bernadette Settele, Nora Sternfeld, Suely Rolnik (angefragt), Wer hat Angst vor dem Museum (Imayna Caceres/Pêdra Costa/Verena Melgarejo Weinandt)

14.03.2016, Monday Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1.OG Atelier Süd (M1) At 17.00 until 19.00 ERASMUS, new students: presentation PCAP, work questions: Talk with Muzaffer Hasaltay, assistant prof.

15.03.2016, Tuesday Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1. OG Atelier Süd (M1)

At 17.00 until 19.00 Film screening and talk: the last documentary "We come as friends" from Hubert Sauper www.wecomeasfriends.com.

In charge Muzaffer Hasaltay

19.03 2016 EASTER HOLIDAYS NEXT: 4.04.2016 Monday

EVENT WITH PHD in philosophy STUDENTS (Vienna-Klagenfurt) AND LECTURES

Klagenfurt, March 14-16, 2016 Vienna, April 25, 2016

International colloquium with guest lecturer and PhD in philosophy candidates’ presentations

TITLE: Positions: Philosophy, Research, Society

Cooperation in between Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Philosophy Department and Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, PhD in Philosophy study program

Klagenfurt, March 14-16, 2016 Vienna, April 25, 2016

WHERE: Universität Klagenfurt: UNI Klagenfurt | Alpen-Adria ADRESS: Universitätsstraße 65-67, 9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee www.uni-klu.ac.at/

The international colloquium with guest lecturer and PhD in philosophy candidates’ presentations will open a space of exchange and collaboration in between positions in Austria and Europe, with reflection on actual questions between art, philosophy, politics and the social. The questions that will be posed are questions of agency, empowerment and dichotomies. The international colloquium is a joint collaboration in between the two universities, proposed by the professors’ Dr. Alice Pechriggl and Dr. Marina Grzinic.


Klagenfurt, March 14-16, 2016

14.03. 2016, MONDAY Place: Universität Klagenfurt: UNI Klagenfurt | Alpen-Adria Universitätsstraße 65-67, 9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee ROOM: V 1.34

At 17.00 until 19.00

Invited lecturer: Isabell Lorey

TITLE: Autonomy and Precarisation. (Neo)Liberal Entanglements of Labor and Care

The Western idea of the autonomous individual is a basic pillar of liberal-capitalist democracies and its concept of free labor. In this deeply racialized, gendered, and heterosexualized entanglement, the needs of protection and care are warded off, devalued, domesticated, feminizised. It is a logic, that in spite of its modifications, we continue to face today. When we think of current forms of precarization this has to be the background to understanding the politico-economic crisis we are now experiencing. On a multi-dimensional level, the regime of precarization constitutes the different entanglements of labor, independency, and care in capitalism and their function within governmentality. When subjectification has become capitalizable, autonomy turned into an instrument of government, and emancipation is trapped in neoliberal ideas of health, the challenge today is not just to invent new forms of organization and new strategies of resistance. More than that, we have to invent a fundamentally new way of how our living together can be organized and institutionalized. That is, how could a living together look like, based on a commonly shared precariousness, on relationality, and on care rights? It would, imagined this way, be an exodus out of the nation state, out of citizenship as we know it, and out of “immigration” as well.

Isabell Lorey, political theorist at the European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies (eipcp) in Berlin and member of the editorial board of the publishing platform transversal texts (transversal.at); professor for transnational gender politics at the Institute for Political Science at the University of Kassel. Her recent book is State of Insecurity. Government of the Precarious, trans. by Aileen Derieg, London/New York: Verso, 2015.

15.03. 2016, TUESDAY Place: Universität Klagenfurt: UNI Klagenfurt | Alpen-Adria Universitätsstraße 65-67, 9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee ROOM: V 1.71

PRESENTATIONS by PHD students in philosophy and researchers

10.00 until 13.00 13.00 to 14.30 (break) 14.30 until 18.30

PARTICIPANTS from the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, PhD in Philosophy study

Diana Bulzan (Feminism, representation, VALIE EXPORT)

Deniz Guvensoy (Turkey, geopolitics, public space)

Saša Kesić (LGBTQ, ex-Yugoslavia, pride parades)

Taida Kusturica (Philosophy, war, society, mass media)

Mika Maruyama (Body, representation, contemporary art)

PARTICIPANTS from the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt

Marina Christodoulou ("Life as addiction", conceptual work)

Christian Herzog (Body / Language and Thinking in relation to Cassirer, Merleau-Ponty and Wittgenstein)

Sylvie Milosavljevic (Re-appropriations of intersectional -identities through artistic and scientific processes; keys words: Arts, sciences, identities)

Elena Pilipets (Memes, GIFs, visual media culture, digital seriality)


Vienna, April 25, 2016

Excursion to the Academy of fine arts Vienna

Lecture by Alice Pechriggl: "Denkakte: thinking as – and out of – performance"

Alice Pechriggl is a philosopher and a group analyst, she studied and worked in Paris (EHESS, visiting professor at Sorbonne and Paris VIII) and Vienna (University of Vienna), since 2003 she is professor for philosophy at the University of Klagenfurt. In her work she is performing thinking as corporeal "vis formandi" in order to open up new aspects an to create new philosophical concepts. Last book: Eros, UTB 2009; forthcoming 2016: Zwang zu Agieren – Freiheit zu Handeln? transcript www.uni-klu.ac.at

Marina Gržinić is a philosopher and artist who lives in Ljubljana and works in Ljubljana and Vienna. She is professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. She has published numerous books. In 2014, in collaboration with Šefik Tatlić, she co-authored the book Necropolitics, Racialization and Global Capitalism: Historicization of Biopolitics and Forensics of Politics, Art, and Life (Lexington Books, USA, 2014). grzinic-smid.si

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