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Thursday, 31. March 2016
concept, March 31, 2016 at 11:57:13 PM CEST PCAP Program APRIL 2016 PCAP Program APRIL 2016 4.04.2016. Monday
9.00-17.00 (ENTRY EXAM, 1 part) 17.30-20.00 ind. Meetings, Grzinic office 4.04.2016. Monday
At 20.00 at M1 Julischka Stengele presentation of her future project with the title FETTVERTEILUNG (fat distribution), at the festival SOHO in Ottakring. It deals with the relationship between nutrition, income and gender, with a focus on fat phobia and classism. She proposed collaboration with PCAP in her project that is scheduled for Wednesday, 8th of June at 18:30h. www.sohoinottakring.at Julischka will present the idea of her project; input from PCAP and concrete collaboration to be stablished. IMPORTANT THE WHOLE PROJECT on the 8.06 2016 will be in GERMAN!
Teaser in German formulated by Julischka Stengele:
Für die Arbeiterfamilie ist der Braten am Tisch ein Statussymbol, für die junge Akademikerin ist es der Verzicht auf Fleisch oder der Einkauf im Biomarkt, der ihren gesellschaftlichen Stand ausweist. Einige haben wenig Geld aber viel Speck auf den Rippen, andere können sich flache Bäuche leisten. Was hat es damit auf sich? Und: stimmt es überhaupt? So oder so: beim Thema Essen sind der erhobene Zeigefinger, das schlechte Gewissen und die Vorurteile nie weit.
Referent_innen sprechen zu Themen wie Fettfeindlichkeit und Diskriminierung von dicken Personen oder den Zusammenhängen von Ernährung, Einkommen und Geschlecht. Thematische Zuckerkunstwerke sorgen dafür, dass der Genuss dabei nicht zu kurz kommt. Anschließend steht dem Publikum das Gespräch offen und alle sind herzlich eingeladen, Kuchen für die gemeinsame Tafel mitzubringen.
5.04.2016 Tuesday
9.00-17.00 (ENTRY EXAM, 1 part)
18.00-20.00 ind. Meetings, Grzinic office 5.04.2016 Tuesday
At 20.00 at M1
Daria Kirillova, diploma presentation for June 2016 06.04.2016, Wednesday
WHERE: IFK Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften
Reichsratsstraße 17, 1010 Wien, Austria; U Bahn: U2 (Schottentor)
At 18:15 until 20.00
Responding to the far-reaching transformations of recent decades, Moishe Postone will outline an approach that seeks to place consideration of the historical dynamics of modernity at the center of critical social analysis.
Postone’s project argues that a renewed encounter with Marx’s seminal analysis of capitalism could significantly illuminate the global dynamics of the past century. Nevertheless, it argues that one cannot simply return to Marx as he was commonly understood during much of the twentieth century. Rather, the weak points of traditional Marxist theories and the increasingly apparent inadequacies of many post-Marxist approaches suggest the need to rethink, as well as to reappropriate, Marx. Moishe Postone is the Thomas E. Donnelley Professor of Modern History at the College at the University of Chicago. He teaches social theory and intellectual history and has written extensively on Marx, Critical Theory, recent global transformations, and modern anti-Semitism. He is currently Stadt Wien/IFK_Urban Fellow. 11.04.2016, Monday 11.00 to 13.00. ind. Meetings Grzinic office
13.00 book BORDER THINKING artistic contribution, 1 working meeting. 14.00, M1
PCAP discussion platform, work, open questions, recent debates; program in April, May, June.; class travel caution…. At 16.00 to 18.00, M1
Esra Özmen DIPLOMA presentation for June 2016 11.04.2014, Monday
At 19.00
Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1.OG Atelier Süd (M1)
Guest lectures by Xue Mu and Meggy Rustamova Xue Mu: A Childish Nothingness
Like many people, Xue Mu experiences the ideological confusion and identity struggle in the present time of globalization. She questions and reflects on the inevitable loss of current belief systems, and focus on doubt, curiosity and awareness regarding new value orientations and future potential. Underlining the unmediated experiences in life observations, Mu articulates the existence of unseen experiences in her art projects – these projects can be seen as footprints on an exploring path of fundamental subjects, such as the values of existential experience, and critical reflections on individuality within notions of cultural identity and ideology.
CV: Xue Mu (b. 1979 Nanjing, China) is a visual artist based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She received BFA from Gerrit Rietveld Academie, MFA from DAI (Dutch Art Institute), and art in residency at de Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten in 2011 and 2012. Mu’s practice includes photography, installations, large drawing series, and collaborative performances, with each form carrying a particular purpose concerning her current research. Her recent projects have been presenting in de Apple Arts Centre in Amsterdam (2014), Gallerie Gabriel Rolt in Amsterdam (2012, 2014), YeoWorkshop in Singapoer (2014), Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam (2013), Hexiangning Art Museum in ShenZhen CN (2013).
Meggy Rustamova: Interplay between film, photography and performance Meggy Rustamova develops an interdisciplinary practice with films, installations and performances with deep poetic overtones. Personal knowledge forms are the basis of her work, roots for unfolding a poetic story or issue. She is looking for narratives – with absurd humor and a hint of melancholy – that float between imagination and authenticity.
CV: Meggy Rustamova, born 1985 in Tbilisi, Georgia, lives and works in Ghent, Belgium. Rustamova migrates as a child with her Assyrian mother from Georgia and after a few wanderings they eventually end up in Belgium. Rustamova obtains her master degree in visual arts at KASK in Ghent (2006-2011) with a stay at the Universität der Künste in Berlin (2010) and the HISK (2012-2013) where she obtains a post-graduate degree. Recent exhibitions and screenings include: International Film Festival Rotterdam (2016), Tallinn Art Hall (2016), Beursschouwburg, Brussels (2015), Kunsthalle Wien (2015), Bureau des Réalités, Brussels (2015), 6th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art (2015), Project Arts Centre, Dublin (2014) and Salzburger Kunstverein (2014). Her works are included in private and public collections of Belfius, Argos and S.M.A.K. Meggy Rustamova, L’invitation au voyage, copyright Rustamova
These lectures are possible thanks to the Artists-in-Residence program of the Austrian Federal Chancellery and KulturKontakt Austria. 12.04.2016, Tuesday
12.00 to 15.00 individual meeting, Grzinic office 12.04.2016, Tuesday At 16 to 18.00, M1
Screening and discussion, film SON OF SAUL, 2015.
Proposed by Grzinic, help moderation: Eszter Fazekas. 12.04.2016, Tuesday 19 to 21.00
Erasmus presentation, new students’ class presentation, IKL Camila Rhodi
Campbell MCconnell
Elisabetta Palisi 14.04.2016, Thursday 16.00, xhibit, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Schillerplatz
Invitation to a guided tour through the exhibition Uncanny Materials. Founding Moments of Art Education. Curators taking through the show… Barbara Mahlknecht and Elke Krasny 14.04.2016, Thursday GUESTS’ WORKSHOP
Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)
From 14.00 to 18.00
MEHRSPRACHIG, a cross-cultural school project funded and supported by CultureConnected and KulturKontaktAustria. Organized by PETER HASELMAYER, former Student of PCAP, artist and teacher at Gymnasium G13, Fichtnergasse 15; LISBETH KOVACIC, former Student of PCAP, artist and teacher at PROSA (experimental selforganized school for refugees; www.prosa-schule.org)
There will be around 40 scholars from different cultural backgrounds. 15.04.2016 GUESTS’ WORKSHOP
Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)
From 9.30 to 13.30
MEHRSPRACHIG, a cross-cultural school project funded and supported by CultureConnected and KulturKontaktAustria. Organized by PETER HASELMAYER, former Student of PCAP, artist and teacher at Gymnasium G13, Fichtnergasse 15; LISBETH KOVACIC, former Student of PCAP, artist and teacher at PROSA (experimental selforganized school for refugees; www.prosa-schule.org)
There will be around 40 scholars from different cultural backgrounds. 18.04.2016, Monday At 14.00, M1
Meeting PCAP, open questions
reading bell hooks text on feminism, preparation for L. Mulvey lecture. 16.00 to 18.00, M1
Christian Gangl DIPLOMA presentation for november 2016 18.04.2016, Monday
At 18.00
Where: Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 6, 1060 Wien, Prospekthof
Lecture by Laura Mulvey: Changes. Thoughts across 40 years on Feminism, Film and Spectatorship
(in English)
The British feminist film theorist Laura Mulvey will make an arc of more than forty years of her work. Starting from her influential essay "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema" ( 1975) she will outline in her lecture the changes through technical innovations, new ideas and political discourses in her work. Mulvey became famous in 1975 with her psychoanalytic approach to interpretation of early Hollywood movies, with which she opened a theoretical turn in feminist film analysis in the 1970s. They thus became the leading figure of a new movement that tried to show the prevailing patriarchal structures and the associated image of the woman in the film and criticize.
Laura Mulvey is professor of film and media studies at Birkbeck College, University of London. 18.04.2014, Monday
Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1.OG Atelier Süd (M1)
Guest lecture by Nguyen Phuong Linh
Nguyen Phuong Linh: Home project
In Home project (2012), Phuong Linh’s father shipped her iron wood from the floor of a Catholic church and windows from a Mental hospital in the North Vietnam to Oakland (San Francisco area). The wood was transported same way that American Government sent the first container of weapon, medicine, food... to Vietnam in 1967, and Linh made a boat out of that. Nguyen Phuong Linh: BOAT. Photo by Vincent Zager
CV: Nguyen Phuong Linh (1985) is a Vietnamese born, Hanoi-based conceptual artist. Nguyen Phuong Linh’s multidisciplinary practice spans installation, sculpture and video. Her work conveys the sense of the alienation, the dislocation and the ephemerality of human life. Linh concerns about geographic cultural shift, traditional roots and fragmented history in Vietnam – a complex nexus of ethnicities, religions, and cultural and geo-political influences. Nguyen Phuong Linh was born and raised at Nha San Studio, the first alternative artist run space for experimental art in Vietnam that was co-found by her father and based in their home.
Since the closure of Nha San Studio due to authority, Linh has organized various mobile as well as large scale projects for Nha San artists in Vietnam and abroad. In 2013 she co-found Nha San Collective, a group of local artists who dedicate to pushing the examining traditional, local and global socio-political contexts and history. Nha San Collective supports each other in pushing the boundaries of expression in Vietnam as well as seeks and nurtures other young artists in the community with or without a physical space.
In 2009, she exhibited the first solo exhibition Salt at Galerie Quynh Vietnam. In 2011, Linh participated in 11th Winds of Artist in Residence at Fukuoka Asian Art Museum with a solo exhibition Dust. In 2012 she presented project Home in the exhibition Hinterlands at the Luggage Store Gallery in San Francisco, USA. In 2013, she participated in the large exhibition HIWAR, 25th anniversary of Darat Al Funnun in Amman, Jordan. In 2015, Linh participated in the Mien Meo Mieng Exhibition, showcasing contemporary Art from Vietnam in Umea, Sweden. In 2016, she will participate in Singapore Biennale.
This lecture is possible thanks to the Artists-in-Residence program of the Austrian Federal Chancellery and KulturKontakt Austria. 19.04.2016, Tuesday Diploma April term 2016 19.04.2016, Tuesday
Individual meetings 11.00 to 14.00, GRZINIC office 19.04.2016, Tuesday
At 16.00 to 18.00
continuation Christian Gangl talk diplome
reading bell hooks text
lecture on the signifier from dildo to... 19.04.2016, Tuesday
19 to 21.00, M1
Erasmus presentation, new student’s class presentation, IKL
Cecilia Tasso
Arek Ipek 25.04.2016, Monday
Meeting Professor Alice Pechriggl and students from Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Philosophy Department Second part of the Cooperation in between Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Philosophy Department and Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, PhD in Philosophy study program. It follows the International colloquium Positions: Philosophy, Research, Society with guest lecturer and PhD in philosophy candidates’ presentations (14-15.03.2016) in Klagenfurt. Program
11.00 to 18.00 11h10 meeting with Marina Grzinic and students Post conceptual art Practices study program (PCAP), main entrance
Haupteingang, Schillerplatz 3 1010 Wien,
11h20 Aula: Eröffnung / Opening Rektorin / president of the Academy of Fine Arts, Eva Blimlinger
Rundgang, Ateliers
12.30 lunch Mensa Schillerplatz
14.00 Gemäldegalerie 15.30 visiting and lecture
Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1.OG Atelier Süd (M1) 16.00 to 18.00
Lecture Alice Pechriggl: Denkakte: thinking as – and out of – performance
Alice Pechriggl is a philosopher and a group analyst, she studied and worked in Paris (EHESS) and Vienna (University of Vienna, free-lance), since 2003 she is professor for philosophy at the University of Klagenfurt (Institut für Philosophie der Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften). In her work she is performing thinking as corporeal "vis formandi" in order to open up new aspects an to create new philosophical concepts; since 1992 she works together with architects, artists and musicians like Claudia Bosse, Markus Brandstätter, Martina Cizek, Gabu Heindl, Anne Selders, Burkhard Stangl e.a.
Last book: Eros, UTB 2009; forthcoming 2016: Zwang zu Agieren – Freiheit zu Handeln / Freies Agieren – Zwangshandlungen, transcript www.uni-klu.ac.at 25.04.2016, Monday
At 19.00, M1
Daria Kirillova, diploma presentation (2 time) for June 2016 26.04.2016, Tuesday
At 10.00 to 12.00 Grzinic,office, individual meetings At 13.00 finissage reading bell hooks
At 14.00 meeting proposal exhibition Innsbruck At 15.00 M1, Pcap meeting, discussion, work
Martin Weichselbaumer
Firas Shehadeh 26.04.2016, Tuesday
19:00 - 21:00
Central Library Vienna - Am Gürtel, Urban-Loritz-Platz 2a, 1070 Vienna
Pınar Selek, Publicist and Sociologist, University of Strasbourg
Yüksel Taşkın, Political Scientist, Marmara University, Istanbul
Bülent Küçük, Sociologist, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul
Chair: Ilker Ataç, Political Scientist, University of Osnabrück/VIDC
Welcome: Michael Fanizadeh, VIDC Languages: Turkish and German with simultaneous interpretation
Registration: fanizadeh@vidc.org BOOK TITLE: Continuities, changes, taboos. Turkey
EDITED BY Ilker Ataç, Michael Fanizadeh, VIDC (Hg.) The question of Turkey's democratization has in recent years increasingly become the focus of attention. It is about the specific role of minorities, the ruling AKP party and the EU. Turkey is considered as one of the key countries in the region due to its geo-strategic position, the dynamic economic development and because of its complex political and civil society actors. At the same time, the political and social conditions are controversial. Missing press freedom, great East-West divide, authoritarian political rule and re-increasing pressure on the minorities are critically examined. Ilker Ataç is researcher at the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS) at Osnabrück University and works as a consultant for the VIDC. He has studied economics and political science in Vienna and received his doctorate at the University of Frankfurt / Main. Research interests: migration, social movements and Turkish politics. Michael Fanizadeh is a political scientist and works since 1997 on VIDC. His work spaces Migration & development, human rights and anti-racism. His regional focus is on the Middle East. The Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation (VIDC) is one of the oldest institutions of development cooperation in Austria and was established in 1962 as a think tank for global development issues. It is the oldest civil society organization development policy in Austria. NEX MAY 2016
1 may 2016
Gezi – before and after – 2013 – 2016
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Lectures, Panel Discussion, Exhibition
The project New practices of social movement and its transformative potential after the Gezi Park protests in Istanbul will be analyzed with lectures, a panel discussion and an exhibition.
The event is organized by the Conceptual Art study program at the Institute of Fine Arts at the Academy.
Contributions by Foti Benlisoy, Çetin Gürer, Hakan Gürses, Zeynep Tül Akbal Süalp, Göksun Yazici.
Concept: Marina Gržinić with Betül Küpeli, Cansu Berksan, Esra Özmen, Songül Sonmez, Reha Refik Taşcı and Onur Serdar.
The Gezi Park protests in Istanbul started in May 2013 with the occupation [Go-In, Sit-In, Be-In –] of the public park in Beyoğlu/Taksim by critical activists. In the beginning the occupants opposed the land use plan, which seemed to be a devastation of the park for the benefit of economic interests. Shortly after 100,000 citizens occupied the park and Taksim Square and a nationwide protest movement began with squatting and a new definition of the public space.
The wave of protests was not just about Gezi Park but also a longstanding deep uneasiness in society with the problematic government model of the AKP, the status of the Kurds, the arrests of journalists, the denial of the genocide of the Armenians and so on. Many different citizens’ initiatives and groups came together under the circumstances of a general dissatisfaction with the Turkish government.
LGBTIQs, feminists, Kurds, the so-called anti-capitalist Moslems, the chamber of architects, Turkish nationalists… With the occupation of Gezi Park a whole generation became politicized, experiencing something that was never present before the takeover and occupation of a public space. Using tear gas, armored cars, water cannons and imprisonment, police power was exercised without limits. 10 May 2016, TUESDAY
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, main building, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, Aula
16.00 Vernissage and Exhibition
This exhibition is a collective project of artists and activists from different countries in search of a political-artistic and emancipatory future. Greeting: Andrea B. Braidt, Vice Rector for Art and Research
Introductory remarks: Marina Gržinić, Professor of Conceptual Art
Presentation of the exhibition: Betül Küpeli Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Main Building, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, Conference room M 20 18.00 Lecture 1
Zeynep Tül Akbal Süalp talks about film, resistance and media in Turkey.
After the mid-1990s we come across diverse and conflicting tracks in Turkey’s cinema. The films mostly seem to be apolitical, individualistic, and self-oriented. However, we can also observe a significant amount of films that seek answers to the silent tension of a nationalist and fascist society. This is the cinema of vacuumed and sealed image subjects, of a city with glorified and alienated, remote and lumpen “Nothingness”. It is also a search for confrontations and encounters that I like to call “night navigations” and “dream stalking”.(Language: English) 11 May 2016, WEDNESDAY
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, main building, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, Conference room M 13 16.00–18.00 Lecture 2
Foti Benlisoy and Çetin Gürer talk about political activism, the state of affairs in Turkey and the initiative Academics for Peace.
Foti Benlisoy Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, main building, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, Conference hall
Panel discussion with Foti Benlisoy, Çetin Gürer, Zeynep Tül Akbal Süalp and Göksun Yazıcı
Moderation: Hakan Gürses
Turkish-German, simultaneous translation in two languages: Öncel Seçgin 12 May 2016, THURSDAY
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, main building, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, Conference room M 13
17.00 Lecture 3
Göksun Yazıcı talks about Turkey, the war in Syria, Europe and refugees.
The powers of the world are involved in the war in Syria. Although this was defined as a “civil war” in the mass media, it is really groups who are fighting on behalf of the powers of the world (though ISIS has its own agenda). The first part of this presentation will be focused on the war in Syria, Turkey, Kurdish Militia YPG, Assad, Saudi Arabia, USA, Russia and Europe. The second part will be focused on the “humanitarian” consequence of the war. Although the rebellion was started by the Arab Spring (as they call themselves, a dignity revolution) the process was followed by armed conflict provoked by dominant world powers. In five years millions of people were forced to migrate, becoming refugees in Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, and Europe. The crisis is not just humanitarian. On the contrary, the label “humanitarian” is used to cover its political and economic nature. In this part the negotiation between Europe and Turkey for refugees will be discussed; also, other politics that can be employed for refugees (and with refugees) will be questioned.
19.30 Finissage
23.00 Club FLUC, Praterstern 5, 1020 Wien
Concert EsRAP »Rap for revolution!«
EsRap are 2 artists (Enes and Esra) who present their texts in German and Turkish languages. Enes and Esra (EsRAP) are outspoken about Austrian politics. The two siblings deal with social-critical topics and hope to make people think.
psychodelic Turkish rock from the 1970s, fusing elements from genres such as progressive rock, punk, and electronica. ... Comment |
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