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Saturday, 30. April 2016

PCAP Program MAY 2016

PCAP Program MAY 2016

1 may 2016 MAY DAY

CALL // MAYDAY 2016 - 1. Mai! 2016; Treffpunkt 14h // Ort: Thelemangasse - 1170 Wien // 14h30 Demostart* Die MAYDAY bietet seit 2005 einen Bezugspunkt für soziale Kämpfe in Wien. Mit einigen Unterbrechungen (2009-10, 2015) gehen wir gemeinsam auf die Straße, um prekäre Verhältnisse auf lebhafte und kollektive Weise zu thematisieren. Prekarisierung bedeutet der Wandel von rechtlich und sozial abgesicherten Lebens- und Arbeitsverhältnissen hin zu unsicheren, weil widerruflichen oder nicht anerkannten bis zu ausbeutenden Tätigkeiten. mayday-wien.org CALL // Participate in the MAYDAY 2016 - MAY 1 2016; Meeting point 14h // Location: Thelemangasse - 1170 Wien // 14:30 Demo Start * MAYDAY offers since 2005 a reference point for social struggles in Vienna. http: //mayday-wien.org/

2 May, 2016, Monday M1 At 17.00 until 19.00 Students’ projects in PCAP, diploma open questions, installment, etc., exchange with assistant professor Muzaffer Hasaltay.

3 May, 2016, Tuesday M1 SCREENING CANCELED that was proposed by student mentor Martin Weichselbaumer. Instead talk on text on fim, online.

3 May, 2016, Tuesday Where: Depot - Raum für Kunst und Diskussion, Breite Gasse 3, 1070 Wien At 19.00

Film screening: Erinnerungsorte "Aktion T4": Hilda Slavik By Christoph Kolar, Austria, 2011, 34 min Filmpräsentation und Diskussion

Hilda Slavik war sechs Jahre Patientin der Landes Heil- und Pflegeanstalt für Geistes- und Nervenkranke „Am Steinhof“ bis sie 1940 in die Tötungsanstalt Hartheim deportiert und Opfer des "Euthanasie Programmes" „Aktion T4“ wurde. Laut der „Hartheimer Statistik“ wurden 70.273 PatientInnen umgebracht. Viele an diesen Tötungen maßgeblich Beteiligte konnten nach dem Krieg ihre medizinischen Karrieren fortsetzen. Christoph Kolar, diploma from Conceptual Art, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, 2011; presently PhD in Philosophy, Akbild student.

5 May 2016, Thursday HOLIDAY

9 May 2016, Monday

Ind. Meeting at 11.00 to 13.00 Grzinic office

10-13.05.2016 Gezi – before and after – 2013 – 2016 Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

Lectures, Panel Discussion, Exhibition The project New practices of social movement and its transformative potential after the Gezi Park protests in Istanbul will be analyzed with lectures, a panel discussion and an exhibition. The event is organized by the Conceptual Art study program at the Institute of Fine Arts at the Academy. Contributions by Foti Benlisoy, Çetin Gürer, Hakan Gürses, Zeynep Tül Akbal Süalp, Göksun Yazici. Concept: Marina Grzinic with Betül Küpeli, Cansu Berksan, Esra Özmen, Songül Sonmez, Reha Refik Taşcı and Onur Serdar.

The Gezi Park protests in Istanbul started in May 2013 with the occupation [Go-In, Sit-In, Be-In –] of the public park in Beyoğlu/Taksim by critical activists. In the beginning the occupants opposed the land use plan, which seemed to be a devastation of the park for the benefit of economic interests. Shortly after 100,000 citizens occupied the park and Taksim Square and a nationwide protest movement began with squatting and a new definition of the public space. The wave of protests was not just about Gezi Park but also a longstanding deep uneasiness in society with the problematic government model of the AKP, the status of the Kurds, the arrests of journalists, the denial of the genocide of the Armenians and so on. Many different citizens’ initiatives and groups came together under the circumstances of a general dissatisfaction with the Turkish government. LGBTIQs, feminists, Kurds, the so-called anti-capitalist Moslems, the chamber of architects, Turkish nationalists… With the occupation of Gezi Park a whole generation became politicized, experiencing something that was never present before the takeover and occupation of a public space. Using tear gas, armored cars, water cannons and imprisonment, police power was exercised without limits.

10 May 2016, TUESDAY Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, main building, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, Aula 16.00 Vernissage and Exhibition Greeting: Andrea B. Braidt, Vice Rector for Art and Research Introductory remarks: Marina Gržinić, Professor of Conceptual Art Presentation of the exhibition: Betül Küpeli MOMENT / MOVEMENT This exhibition is a collective project of artists and activists from different countries in search of a political-artistic and emancipatory future. Artists: 2/5BZ aka Serhat Köksal, Barış Acar, Ovidiu Anton, Fatih Aydoğdu, Cana Bilir-Meier, Özlem Bulut, Esra E. Demir & Çağdaş Yılmaz, Ezgi Erol, Marina Grzinic& Aina Šmid, Naz Gündoğdu & Friedemann Pitschak, Özlem Günyol & Mustafa Kunt, İpek Hamzaoğlu, Muzaffer Hasaltay, Eren İleri, Aybike Kaya, Esra Özmen, Öncel Seçgin, Onur Serdar, Firas Shehadeh, Songül Sönmez & Reha Refik Taşcı, Özge Subaşı, Seda Tunç, Nazım Ünal Yılmaz, YxS KOOP, Özgün Yarar Exhibition display: Cansu Berksan und/and Betül Küpeli OPENING PERFORMANCES by Aybike Kaya Öncel Seçgin

Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, main building, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, Aula Exhibition opened to general public 10.05.2016 until 20.00 11.05.2016 12.00 until 20.00 12.05.2016 12.00 until 20.00

Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Main Building, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, Conference room M 20

18.00 Lecture 1 Zeynep Tül Akbal Süalp talks about film, resistance and media in Turkey. After the mid-1990s we come across diverse and conflicting tracks in Turkey’s cinema. The films mostly seem to be apolitical, individualistic, and self-oriented. However, we can also observe a significant amount of films that seek answers to the silent tension of a nationalist and fascist society. This is the cinema of vacuumed and sealed image subjects, of a city with glorified and alienated, remote and lumpen “Nothingness”. It is also a search for confrontations and encounters that I like to call “night navigations” and “dream stalking”.(Language: English)

11 May 2016, WEDNESDAY Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, main building, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, Aula Exhibition opened to general public from 12.00 until 20.00; free admission. SPECIAL SCREENING at 14.30 Naz Gündoğdu & Friedemann Pitschak Video, 65 min, 2015

Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, main building, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, Conference room M 13

16.00–18.00 Lecture 2 Foti Benlisoy and Çetin Gürer talk about political activism, the state of affairs in Turkey and the initiative Academics for Peace.

Foti Benlisoy
It is crucial to note that in Syria the guided proxy war is confronting the crisis of Erdoğan’s AKP. The AKP gained a new grip on the State. In society, around “nationalist” and “domestic” topics, new “uniting” and “mobilizing” meta-narratives were put on the agenda. With the usage of the war, the amendment of the Constitution, and a “Turkish” presidential system, “an absolutist one-man-one-party regime” was put on the agenda. With this the friend-enemy-principle of war is realized in extreme forms and results. This lecture is about two interlinked wars (inside and outside) and about a new constructed regime through these wars.(Language: English)

Çetin Gürer On the 12th of January 2016 the initiative Academics for Peace declared the petition campaign We will not be a part of this crime!. In the beginning there were 1,128 academics, and shortly after 2,218 academics supported the campaign and signed the petition. Through its sharp criticism of the AKP government and its outcry against the murder of simple, unarmed citizens, the petition is a historically important moment. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has condemned the campaign immediately as a provocation, which has provoked strong repression against academics. Why did this campaign irritate the AKP government and Erdoğan so much? Why was a simple petition seen as such an important issue? How did this petition unmask an authoritarian government, and what lessons can be learned from it? (Language: German)

Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, main building, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, Conference hall

19.00–21.30 Panel discussion with Foti Benlisoy, Çetin Gürer, Zeynep Tül Akbal Süalp and Göksun Yazıcı Moderation: Hakan Gürses Turkish-German, consecutive translation in two languages: Öncel Seçgin

Foti Benlisoy The Gezi uprising, with its collectivity and its radical forms of resistance, was one of the most consequential rebellions in the recent history of Turkey. Despite the collectivity and the “over-political” radicalism, it was not possible to bring a lasting change. Instead this uprising, like all other uprisings that have been prohibited and prematurely suppressed, has been confronted with a political reaction. What caused these reactions? Which inputs, both positive as well as errors in the phase of becoming a political collectivity, can be mentioned or named? What were the reasons for the disintegration of the Gezi alliances? Was the Kurdish question an “Achilles heel” that uncovered the limits and weak points of Gezi? Three years after Gezi, what can we learn from a movement that was conditioned by war, deep authoritarian policy and an incomplete uprising? Is it possible to compare the “disaster” of Gezi with the withdrawal of the radical-global movement after 2010? What kind of parallels can be drawn with the defeat of the popular revolts in Egypt and Syria (one by a military coup, the other torn apart by a power struggle)? This is an attempt to question these and similar topics.

Çetin Gürer After the Gezi protests an important question remains: “Where were the Kurds?” Three years after Gezi the question of the political position of the Kurdish movement determines the daily agenda in Turkey. This hypothesis implies that Kurds did not participate in Gezi and the Kurdish movement did not support Gezi. The validity of this assumption can only be measured if the question “What did Gezi leave for the Kurds?” is also taken into consideration. This lecture is about the relation between the Kurds/Kurdish movement and the Gezi protests, both during and after the period.

Zeynep Tül Akbal Süalp We are going through a period in which social movements and forms of resistance spread manifold. By this many new prospects and “doors” open up, and new questions rise while considering the building of tomorrow in the now. Moreover, fascism with its concrete conditions no longer waits in front of the door but has conquered the barrier and is already waiting for the moment when the “wind” will change into a storm.

Göksun Yazıcı On the 28th of May 1871 the fall of the Paris Commune was proclaimed. This was the day of the defeat of one commune; nevertheless, new communes are waiting for us. On the night of 31 May 2013 dreams come true. For 14 days Taksim and Gezi Park were home to a commune fenced with barricades. Today it seems that freedom movements disintegrate like days in a calendar. But the dreams of the movement are not dead, its spirit is immortal. What happened in Turkey after the resistance in Gezi Park? The reactionary security methods of the government, which was voted out on June 7th in 2015, and the politics of violence in order to recuperate power have narrowed the political breathing space. In this panel I will discuss these “contagious” elements: the security and violence politics of those three years, the path from Gezi to voting stations on June 7th, from Suruç to Kobane and Rojava to the role of Turkey in Syria. Part of the panel discussion will be focused on how existing signs of life and pulses found another alternative policy and are reinterpreted.

12 May 2016, THURSDAY

Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, main building, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, Aula Exhibition opened to general public from 12.00 until 20.00; free admission.

Guiding tour through the exhibition at 13.00;

LECTURE, PERFORMANCES and SPECIAL SCREENING: At 14.00: Seda Tunç At 15.00: Öncel Seçgin At 16.00: Çağdaş Yılmaz

Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, main building, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, Conference room M 13

17.00 Lecture 3 Göksun Yazıcı talks about Turkey, the war in Syria, Europe and refugees. The powers of the world are involved in the war in Syria. Although this was defined as a “civil war” in the mass media, it is really groups who are fighting on behalf of the powers of the world (though ISIS has its own agenda). The first part of this presentation will be focused on the war in Syria, Turkey, Kurdish Militia YPG, Assad, Saudi Arabia, USA, Russia and Europe. The second part will be focused on the “humanitarian” consequence of the war. Although the rebellion was started by the Arab Spring (as they call themselves, a dignity revolution) the process was followed by armed conflict provoked by dominant world powers. In five years millions of people were forced to migrate, becoming refugees in Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, and Europe. The crisis is not just humanitarian. On the contrary, the label “humanitarian” is used to cover its political and economic nature. In this part the negotiation between Europe and Turkey for refugees will be discussed; also, other politics that can be employed for refugees (and with refugees) will be questioned.

19.30 Finissage

23.00 Club FLUC, Praterstern 5, 1020 Wien Concert EsRAP »Rap for revolution!« EsRap are 2 artists (Enes and Esra) who present their texts in German and Turkish languages. Enes and Esra (EsRAP) are outspoken about Austrian politics. The two siblings deal with social-critical topics and hope to make people think. Party sounds: DJ LINE 9/8T psychodelic Turkish rock from the 1970s, fusing elements from genres such as progressive rock, punk, and electronica 2/5BZ aka Serhat Köksal

16 May 2016, Monday, HOLIDAY

17 May -18 May 2016, IMPORTANT: POSTPONED due to the comemoration of prof. Damisch passing away!!! THE DATE WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN THE FUTURE!!

Tuesday and Wednesday Mano Krach large presentation works, Semper depot, Lehargasse.

Where: Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien Ausstellungsraum, EG/Erdgeschoss, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien Free admission

Mano idios Krach Ich sehe mich dich sehen

Ausstellung/Exhibition: Video/Installation 17 und 18 May 2016 12.00 – 20.00 18 May 2016 20.00: Q&A mit/ with Mano Krach

Der melancholische Seufzer eines permanent verkennenden und verkannten Multi_Options_Subjekt und das Rauschen vom Ich im Du sind Themen meiner Arbeiten. Die Installation dient als eine Be - / - An - / Deutungsatmosphäre die Trauma und Körper, Bild und Zeit, Raum und Anordnung zusammendenkt. Die Dehnung der Zeit, Dunkelheit und die Abgeschiedenheit werden zu zentralen Thesen dieser schwer atmenden Trigger-/Poesie. (Krach) The melancholic sigh of a sustained misunderstanding and of a misunderstood Multi_Option_Subject and the noise of the I in You are the topics of my work. The installation functions as an atmosphere of allusions of intersections of trauma and body, image and time, space and arrangements. Deceleration, darkness and seclusion will become central theses of this heavy breathing dream trigger poetry. (Krach)

Werke von Mano idios Krach /Works by Mano Krach at Display

  1. Ich sehe mich dich sehen, 2013 (mit Josephine Brinkmann)
  2. DAS THRON, 2016
  3. Paranoia is a skill, 2016

CV: Mano Krach studiert Medienkunst an der HGB Leipzig in der Klasses "Expanded Cinema" und ist aktuell Austauschstudierende(r ) in der Post Conceptual Art Practices Fachbereich an der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien. Mano Krach studies at HGB Leipzig media art in the Class "Expanded Cinema", presently exchange student based at the Post Conceptual Art Practices study program at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Support: Marina Grzinic, Muzaffer Hasaltay, Gilbert Marx, Richard Reisenberger.

23 May 2016, Monday Entry exams: 2 round In charge: Grzinic and Hasaltay

24 May 2016, Tuesday Entry exams: 2 round In charge: Grzinic and Hasaltay

25 May 2016, Wednesday Entry exams: 2 round/final In charge: Grzinic and Hasaltay

26 May 2016, Thursday HOLIDAY

30 May 2016, Monday M1, At 14.00 to 17.00 Diploma presentations for June 2016 Daria Kirillova Esra Özmen Screening film by Heiny Srour, discussion.

30 May 2016, Monday Where: PCAP (POST CONCEPTUAL ART PRACTICES) STUDY PROGRAM, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

At 19.00 Guest lectures by Matilda Odobashi and Giorgia Conceição (aka Miss G)

Matilda Odobashi work is a reflection upon the interpersonal relations and issues of coexistence between people living and sharing common spaces. It expresses as well a critical view upon the common senses and what is perceived as “normal” in a society when it comes to relationships, concepts of love and hate, good and bad etc. Even though her main medium are drawing and installation, she works as well with painting, photography and other new medias.

CV: Matilda Odobashi, born in 1988, Tirana, Albania. Lives and works in Tirana. She graduated from the University of Arts in Tirana in 2010. Has worked as adjunct professor at the University of Arts for 4 years and has collaborated with different cultural and human rights organizations while at the moment is the coordinator of Zeta Art Center/ Gallery in Tirana. matildaodobashi.com

Giorgia Conceição (aka Miss G) developed the concept of “burla”, a Latin word extracted from the frame of the burlesque genre (the substantive burla generates the adjective burlesque). Burla presents itself as a strategy for the creation of the body which wants to heal from its scars, some of which are gender related, as well as those deriving from colonialism and stereotyping, giving visibility to powers and characteristics prevented from developing within the discourses of colonial and rationalist tradition. Her art is about blurring the limits between contemporary live art and burlesque performance.

CV: Giorgia Conceição (aka Miss G) born in 1981 in Curitiba, Brazil. She holds a MA in performing arts from the Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil. She received three times grants from the Rumos Itaú Cultural Program (2010, 2012 and 2014), an international program for developing arts in São Paulo, Brazil.

This lecture program is possible thanks to the Artists-in-Residence program of the Austrian Federal Chancellery and KulturKontakt Austria.

31 May 2016, Tuesday M1, At 14.00 to 17.00 Pcap talks, screening and lecturing, DISCUSSION TRAVEL SAN SEBASTIAN, BILBAO! 26-30.10.2016; book Border thinking. Screening video by Sophie Hoyle, discussion.

31 May 2016, Tuesday M1, At 17.00 Julischka STENGELE meeting, report project and preparation For FETTVERTEILUNG. PCAP to take part in the event. Fixing details for 8th of June SEE in June: Mittwoch, 08.06. 2016 | 18:30 Uhr Wo: SOHO in Ottakring Festival, Alte Milchtrinkhalle im Kongresspark - Tram 10 oder 44 bis Liebknechtgasse JULISCHKA STENGELE: FETTVERTEILUNG - Tischgespräche mit Kaffee & Kuchen von Julischka Stengele mit ARGE Dicke Weiber (Malena & Christine), Kristina Kuličová, Maira Enesi Caixeta und Sara Ablinger

31 May 2016, Tuesday

Where: PCAP (POST CONCEPTUAL ART PRACTICES) STUDY PROGRAM, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

At 19.00

tatiana nascimento (Brazil) tatiana nascimento is poet, slammer, translator, film-maker and publisher Spoken word performance: "Ilú, a trovão dentro / Ilú, die Sturm innen" Talk after the presentation moderated by Marissa Lobo. tatiana nascimento spoken word performances, poetic soundtracks and video-poems assume an aesthetics of screaming silence in which words, gestures and pauses merge to enlace and project tatiana nascimento’s own voice and expression as a turning point against the racist and homophobic historical silencing while avoiding victimization rhetoric. tatiana nascimento written poetry geometrically occupies the paper, leading to a verticalized visual word-playing where meanings and phonemes break to make and unmake sense. She establishes a dialogue with the diasporic fractures caused by the colonial kidnapping and exploitation of Black people in order to de-constructs / re-construct and remake narratives diffused within Afro-American context. This process of remembering, reinventing and recollecting also flows with rebuilding Oyá tales (that is Orishá of thunders and storms) that is a main work theme to tatiana nascimento, based on a cuíer/queer perspective rooted on her own experiences of blackness, fatness, sex(uality), trance.

CV: tatiana nascimento is founder of Padê Editorial, a publishing house for handmade books by Black authors, and also lesbian, bisexual, gay, trans* people, allies, two-spirited, brave hearts authors. Padê Editorial released in March 2016 its first poetry books: "{Penetra-fresta}", from Barbara Esmenia (that is a Padê's co-founder) and "lundu," by tatiana nascimento. tatiana and Esmenia are working on three other upcoming poetry books – including a multilingual anthology of black poetelling in the Diaspora. In Brazil, tatiana nascimento runs two poetry slams: slam das minas, Brazilian first lesbian-and-women-only slam; and slam a coisa tá preta, first to black people only. In Vienna, she started, with Njideka Stephanie Iroh, sistah* slam, first poetry slam to black women/lesbian and lesbian/women of color in Vienna. She also sings and speaks poems with the musical group água, and is an activist doing workshops and lectures about self-care, community criticism and healing, creative and/or academic writing, and how to recognize and fight violence against lesbians.

soundcloud.com/tateann facebook.com/pade.editorial

Performance sound scenarios by Luiza Schulz. Presentation done in the context of and in collaboration with Njideka Stephanie Iroh and Marissa Lobo project "Bodies of Knowledge" – Multiplying Marginalized Subjectivities of Utopia through Art and Storytelling. Sponsored by SHIFT 2015.

1 JUNE 2016, Wednesday Ind. meetings diploma candidates 11.00 to 14.00

15.00 going together to the exhibition: Where: Alte Post Dominikanerbastei 11 1010 Wien

Universal Hospitality Ausstellung// Into the City Ausstellung / Performance / Open Forum / Buchpräsentation / Führungen / Athen/Barcelona/Beirut/Berlin/Bratislava/Brighton/Budapest/Bukarest/Charkiw/Dakar/Istanbul/Kiew/Leipzig/London/Mailand/München/New York/Paris/Prag/Rom/Sankt Petersburg/Sarajevo/Valencia/Wien/Wolbrom/Warschau/Zagreb/Žilina FREE ENTRANCE

1 JUNE 2016, Wednesday Lecture organized by IKL/ Elke Gaugele and IBK/ Marina Grzinic, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

WHERE: Ort | Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Institutsgebäude, Karl-Schweighofergasse 3, 1070 Wien, 3.06

At 19.00 Lecture by Aneta Stojnic, Belgrade

Title: Liminal Bodies, (Dis)embodied Subjectivities and Technologies of Control

Abstract: This lecture is to examine the major reconfigurations introduced into the body politics and genealogies by the influence of new technologies (both of insurgency and of control). Therefore, Stojnic argues that it is neither intersectionality not assemblage, but liminality that needs to be in the center of transfeminist genealogies. She will question the meaning of the crucial shift from natural, through cultural to technological bodies in the era of the “society of control” (Deleuze) addressing the manifestations and representations of the body and the corporeal, as socio-cultural, political, psychological, physiological and virtual entities. Contesting the “post-human hype” and taking into the account the genealogy of global changes that lead to the current mass migrations, commonly known as “refugee crises” she will look at the processes of dehumanisation that precede the mechanisms of a subjugation of the other. The question that will be examined is what are the new subjectivities and embodied politics that emerge in such conditions.

CV: Dr. Aneta Stojnic is a Belgrade born theoretician, researcher and artist. Currently, she is assistant professor at the Faculty of Media and Communications (FMK, Singidunum University, Belgrade). In 2015 she was a postdoc researcher at the Academy of fine arts in Vienna, IBK, Post Conceptual Art Practices, and in 2013-14 she was a postdoctoral research-fellow at Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy Research centre, S:PAM (Studies in Performing Arts & Media). She published a book Theory of performance in digital art: towards a new political performance (Orion Art, Belgrade, 2015) and authored a number of international publications. She collaborated with institutions and organizations such as: Tanzquartier Wien, Open Systems (Vienna), MAIZ (Linz), Les Laboratoires d'Aubervillier (Paris), Quartier21 (MQ Vienna), Dansens Hus Stockholm, Odin Teatret (Denmark), BITEF Theatre (Belgrade), TkH Walking Theory (Belgrade), October Salon (Belgrade), Pančevo Biennal, Serbia, and many others

Next 8-10.06.2016 diplome Starts 8.06.2016 at 9.00, schillerplatz

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