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Thursday, 23. February 2017
concept, February 23, 2017 at 9:10:43 AM CET PCAP program March 2017 PCAP Program March 2017 Monday 6, March 2017 At 16.00
WHERE: PCAP space at Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1 OG Atelier Süd (M1) Start of the new semester, introducing Erasmus students, plan for the semester, projects, discussions and reflection Rundgang 2017 projects. Tuesday 7, March 2017 At 15.00 until 17.00
Individual meetings, Grzinic office, contact me for the meeting.
At 17.00
WHERE: PCAP space at Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1 OG Atelier Süd (M1)
Discussion on Rundgang projects, screening and debates. Thursday 16, March 2017
At 16.00
Screenings of censored films with lectures and discussions.
Free admission on all 3 days.
16.03, 17.03 and 18.03.2017 www.akbild.ac.at
The event is conceived by the Conceptual Art (Post-Conceptual Art Practices) study program: Marina Gržinić, Betül Küpeli, Cansu Berksan with Tjaša Kancler, Songül Sönmez, Abidin Ertuğrul, Nathalie Borgers, Reha Refik Taşcı and Cana Bilir-Meier
Guests: Nathalie Borgers (Vienna), Sebestyén Kodolányi (Budapest), Gianfranco Pannone (Rome), belit sağ (Amsterdam /Turkey), Marika Schmiedt (Vienna)
www.akbild.ac.at THURSDAY, 16.03.2017
Where: Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Hauptgebäude, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Wien,
4.00 p.m.
Welcome address: Andrea B. Braidt, Vice Rector for Art and Research
Introductory remarks: Marina Gržinić, Professor of Conceptual Art
Presentation of the project: Betül Seyma Küpeli
5.00 p.m.
belit sağ, Ayhan and I [Ayhan ve ben], 14.12 min., NL/TR, 2016
(Turkish with English subtitles)
Ayhan Çarkın was a police officer active in the Kurdish region in Turkey during the 1990s. He was involved in underground groups formed by police officers who were killing Kurdish people with the order of the State. He had a bad conscious and started to confess. In its early stage the original concept for the video was censored in Turkey. This video talks about the censorship it went through, while reflecting about violence and the image.
5:30 p.m.
Film expert’s lecture
Sebestyén Kodolányi, “Scope and Critical Topology of Censorship in Eastern Europe”
The lecture tries to map the modes and behaviors of censorship in the Eastern European countries, from the time of socialist modernization to nowadays. It reflects as well on anomalies of artistic behaviors and misinterpretations of censorships, such as self-victimization and self-censorship. The legal frames of aggressive control over the redistribution of cultural subventions are in the present democratic societies more effective than the “good old” censorship strategies. The lecture will be illustrated with excerpts from films made in the German Democratic Republic, Poland, ex-Czechoslovakia, Hungary and ex-Yugoslavia.
(in English)
7.00 p.m.
Talk with belit sağ and Sebestyén Kodolányi
Friday, 17.03.2017
FRIDAY, 17.03.2017
Where: Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Hauptgebäude, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Wien,
12.00 a.m.
René Vautier, Afrique 50, 17 min., FR, 1950
(French with English subtitles)
Alain Resnais, Night and Fog [Nuit et Brouillard], 32 min., FR, 1956
(French with English subtitles)
After the screening talk about the films
2.00 p.m.
Gillo Pontecorvo, The Battle Of Algiers [La Bataille D'Alger], 121 min., IT/ Algeria, 1966
(French with English subtitles)
Talk about the film with Gianfranco Pannone
5.00 p.m.
Sebestyén Kodolányi – Independent Theater Budapest, Camp [Tábor], 25 min, HU, 2014 – 2016
(Hungarian with English subtitles)
Community workers are doing their archival job now for the sake of the digitalization of the national heritage inside a corrupted institution.
After the screening talk with Sebestyén Kodolányi
6.00 p.m.
Nathalie Borgers, CITIZEN KRONE [Kronenzeitung: Tag für Tag ein Boulevardstück], 58 min., AT/FR/BE, 2002 (German with English subtitles)
The documentary CITIZEN KRONE (2002) by Belgian filmmaker Nathalie Borgers shows Hans Dichand (Founder and publisher of the Kronen-Newspaper) with the former Austrian president Thomas Klestil in Vienna’s Hofburg while having cake – a Gugelhupf. Thereafter, Klestil eagerly leads Dichand through his offices at the Hofburg. This has been often interpreted as Klestil’s going down on his knees in front of Dichand, and, according to observers, testifies to Dichand’s status of power. In his 1996 book, Dichand himself described his role as being in the “atrium of power” (also the title of his book), but nonchalantly relativized this stance later. This documentary film has never been shown by Austria’s public broadcasting station, a decision officially justified by “journalistic deficits” because in one short instance, Borgers used unauthorized, accidental audio material of this visit to the Hofburg.
After the screening talk with Nathalie Borgers
SATURDAY, 18.03.2017
Where: Top Kino, Rahlgasse 1, 1060 Vienna// FREE ENTRANCE
1.00 p.m.
2.00 p.m.
Marika Schmiedt, Why the Wound Remains Open [Warum die Wunde offen bleibt], 80 min., AT, 2016
In her interviews, Schmiedt discusses how the mechanism of conscious and unconscious repression of historical events and their relevance for the present is still lingering. Her discussion partners address the discrimination of Sinti, Romani and Yenish out of historical, biographical, psychoanalytical and linguistic/discursive reasons.
After the screening talk with Marika Schmiedt
4.00 p.m.
Gianfranco Pannone, Red Sunrise [Il Sol dell'avvenire], 77 min., IT, 2008
(Italian with English subtitles)
Reggio Emilia, Italy, 1969. Thirty young militant communists leave the Communist Party, accusing it of having betrayed the ideals of the Resistenza, and, together with other young people of anarchic, socialist and catholic extraction, they form The Apartment, a commune where revolutionary dreams are bandied around and where the most dangerous terrorists of the future Red Brigades will come from. In 2007, five former militant communists from those Red Brigades of 1969 meet again in a restaurant: it’s the beginning of the first exploration of the ideological and political roots of the far-lefts terrorism.
After the screening talk with Gianfranco Pannone
6.00 p.m.
Save their life – Protect the working class
Film program curated by Sebestyén Kodolányi
Archaic Torso [Archaikus torzó], dir.: Dobai Péter, orig. format: 35mm, bw, 31 min, HU, 1971
Newly Married (News Reel) [Ifjú házasok (Híradó)], dir.:Gödrös Frigyes – Pintér György, orig. format: 35mm, bw, 7min, HU,1974
Merry Working Class [Vesela radna klasa], dir.: Bojana Makavejev orig. format: 35mm, bw, 13 min, Yugoslavia, 1969
Centaur [Kentaur], dir.: Szentjóby Tamás, orig. format: 35mm, bw, 37 min, HU, 1975
Patrons of Art’s [Mecénások], dir.: László Vitézy, orig. format: 35mm, bw&col., 24 min, HU, 1976
After the screening talk with Sebestyén Kodolányi
Nathalie Borgers, born in Brussels, Belgium. B.A. in journalism. Thereafter she studied radio, film and television in San Francisco. Realization of several short documentary films with ATRIOM Productions as director and producer. The documentary film Truth Under Siege, which was shot in 1994 during the Yugoslav Wars, was her first big success and received several international awards such as the Special Jury Prize of the San Francisco International Film Festival. She has realized several documentary films for TV and cinema, which received numerous awards. Borgers lives and works in Vienna, Paris and Brussels.
nathalieborgers.com Sebestyén Kodolányi, cineaste, curator, archivist and film programmer; former archive director of the Béla Balázs Studio (BBS) in Budapest.
Gianfranco Pannone is an Italian film and television director. After graduating in Cinema history and criticism at La Sapienza University of Rome, he graduated in Directing at the CSC (National Cinema School). Between 1990 and 1998, he directed and produced several documentary films. He teaches documentary filmmaking at CSC – Experimental Centre of Cinematography in Rome and Palermo and is teaching coordinator of the Master Film and Television program at the University Suor Orsola Benincasa in Naples, as well as head of the documentary film laboratory at Dams in Rome.
belit sağ is a videographer and visual artist from Turkey, based in Amsterdam. She recently finished a residency program at the International Studio and Curatorial Program (ISCP) in New York. During 2014‒2015 she was in residency at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten. She studied mathematics in Turkey, and art in the Netherlands. Her video background is rooted in alternative video-activist/artist groups in Ankara and Istanbul, where she co-initiated groups such as VideA, Karahaber, and Videoccupy.
Marika Schmiedt is an artist and activist. She was born in Upper Austria. Herself a Rom, she has dealt with the history and present of the prosecution of Romani and Sinti since 1991.
marikaschmiedt.wordpress.com Monday 20, March 2017
At 13.00
WELLCOME introduction of Pablo Toulouse (Argentina), animation artist and teacher Pablo Toulouse is Artist in residence from Argentina at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna (summer semester 2017). He will be hosted at and by PCAP from 18.03.2017 until 15.06.2017. Pablo Toulouse with a focus on resistance and subculture on one side and the whole topic of research on queer identity, and postcolonial constructions on the other will provide a workshop for everybody at the academy how to use animation as a tool and weapon of mass and counter culture strategies. The workshop will be in three time blocks in May 2017.
The talk, lecture in April 2017 and the workshop in May 2017 will be assisted by Cecilia Tasso (PCAP). It will be as well workshop B3 for ECTS. Monday 20, March 2017
At 14.00 until 17.00
WHERE: PCAP space at Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1 OG Atelier Süd (M1)
1 diploma presentations (for diploma June 2017)
Verena Melgarejo Weinandt
Joanna Wilk Monday 20, March 2017 The lecture/seminare organized by NIGHT SCHOOL
www.nightschool.at Starts at 18.00
Where: Volkskundemuseum Wien
Laudongasse 15-19, 1080 Wien
The classroom remains the most radical space of possibility (bell hooks)
Die Night School ist eine experimentelle Abendschule, in der von minoritären und marginalisierten, rebellischen und verletzlichen Positionen aus gedacht, gelehrt und gelernt wird. Diese kleine Schule öffnet jede Woche ihre Türen, um sich in hegemoniale Wissensregime einzumischen. Tuesday 21, March 2017
At 11.00
WHERE: PCAP space at Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1 OG Atelier Süd (M1)
Discussion theory, art, practice. Tuesday 21, March 2017
At 13.00 until 16.00
WHERE: PCAP space at Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1 OG Atelier Süd (M1)
Erasmus students’ presentation Tuesday 21, March 2017
Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Atelierhaus,
Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien,
1 OG Atelier Süd (M1)
www.akbild.ac.at Artists talks Đejmi Hadrović (Slovenia), Bojana S. Knežević (Belgrade, Serbia)
and Svetlana Mi¬rcheva (Sofia, Bulgaria) Organized by Marina Grzinic, Post Conceptual Study Program (IBK).
The presentations are possible thanks to the Artists-in-Residence program of the Austrian Federal Chancellery and KulturKontakt Austria. Đejmi Hadrović (Slovenia)
Title: Zahida is a Feminist
The goal of my art work explains Đejmi Hadrović was to try to present Bosnian’s women through another aspect, an aspect that has not been dominated by the eyes of others. In the last few decades Bosnian’s women were presented through only 2 images, of a victim or a housewife. I wanted to break down the stereotype of ethnicity that I think defines me the most because of my cultural habitus. CV: Đejmi Hadrović’s art work is inspired by culture. Her constant intention through her art works is to demolish social norms and conventions. She is creating her works as platforms of contemporary art with using media such as video, photography and performance. Bojana S. Knežević (Belgrade, Serbia)
Title: Sweet Conceptual Artist (2013-2017)
Sweet Conceptual Artist (Slatka Konceptualna Umetnica; Süße Konzeptkünstlerin) comes from former Yugoslavia, from the country in transition that changed its name three times during its lifetime that was filled as well with wars and hardships. After years of efforts and two successful exhibitions in Serbia, Sweet Conceptual Artist finally got the opportunity to reside in Western Europe and try her luck in Vienna. CV: Bojana S. Knežević is interdisciplinary artist and art journalist, active in the field of audio-visual installation, performance, video, film, radio and sound art. She got her BA and MFA degree (New Media Arts) at the Department of Fine Arts, at the Academy of Arts Novi Sad (Serbia). Currently she is finishing her Ph.D. research on the topic of Virtual artistic identity and its real effects in culture, at the Interdisciplinary studies (Digital Art), University of Arts in Belgrade. She is co-founder of the association, radio show/podcast and art/media project Femkanje. Svetlana Mi¬rcheva (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Title: Images of the word, Soundscapes and Space dogs In her solo exhibition Images of the word at Un Cabinet D’Amateur Gallery in Sofia, 2014, Svetlana Mircheva presented four series based upon chance meetings with things and words. From rebus to cosmic constellations, and from twisted slogans to computer explorations, these are all possible intrusions of visual art in the infinite world of language. CV: Svetlana Mi¬rcheva graduated from the National Academy of Arts in Sofia. In 2003 she took Olafur Eliasson’s summer class in IUAV, Venice, and in 2004 was awarded the International Media Art Award of ZKM, Karlsruhe, for her project Mistakes. In 2010 she was among the finalists for BAZA award, and in 2012 she was nomination for Henkel Art Award (Bulgarian nominee). In 2012 her solo exhibition Possible Exhibitions took place in Brooklyn, New York, and in 2015 she was one of the artists presented at Focus Bulgaria at Vienna Contemporary. Her works have been exhibited in Sofia, Plovdiv, London, Venice, Basel, Berlin, Stuttgart, Karlsruhe, Vienna, Salzburg, Moscow and New York. 28., 29., 30.03 2017
ENTRY EXAMS. No lectures, but other events announced. ADDITIONAL 27 March 2017, Monday
at 18.00 is the NIGHT school The lecture/seminare organized by NIGHT SCHOOL
www.nightschool.at Starts at 18.00
Where: Volkskundemuseum Wien
Laudongasse 15-19, 1080 Wien
The classroom remains the most radical space of possibility (bell hooks)
Die Night School ist eine experimentelle Abendschule, in der von minoritären und marginalisierten, rebellischen und verletzlichen Positionen aus gedacht, gelehrt und gelernt wird. Diese kleine Schule öffnet jede Woche ihre Türen, um sich in hegemoniale Wissensregime einzumischen. 30 March 2017, Thurdsay
at 17.00
Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Atelierhaus,
Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien,
1 OG Atelier Süd (M1) RESEARCH SEMINAR (first from 3 sessions) FOR DOCTORAL STUDENTS IN PHILOSOPHY open to all from the PCAP and larger Reading, discussion and reflection:
Achille Mbembe. Necropolitics Public Culture Winter 2003 15(1): 11-40.
docs.google.com APRIL ANNOUNCEMENT:
Monday 3.04 2017 at 18.00 Where: Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Hauptgebäude, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Wien,ROOM M 13 PUBLIC LECTURE by Pablo Toulouse (Argentina), animation artist and teacher Pablo Toulouse is Artist in residence from Argentina at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna (summer semester 2017). He will be hosted at and by PCAP from 18.03.2017 until 15.06.2017. Pablo Emanuel Toulouse concluded his studies at the El Instituto de Arte Cinematográfico de la Municipalidad de Avellaneda (IDAC), Buenos Aires, and is till today layout, storyboard illustrator and freelance animator in diverse projects. From 2013 he teaches Traditional Animation for the studies of Animation at Image Campus (Buenos Aires).
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