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Thursday, 28. September 2017
concept, September 28, 2017 at 8:29:34 AM CEST PCAP Program October 2017 Monday, 2 October, 2017
Meetings, internal preparation Monday, 9 October, 2017 At 10.00 DIPLOME exam
At Lehargasse Monday, 9 October, 2017
At 16.00
At 10.00
Perspektiven & Widerstände
Gastkünstlerin: Marika Schmiedt (Wien) ZKF und Workshop A2, Online-Anmeldung Akbild Workshop mit Gastvorträgen, Videoprojektionen und Arbeitssitzungen.
Im Fokus steht eine künstlerisch-politische Intervention, in Zusammenarbeit mit derAkademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Fachbereich Konzeptuelle Kunst (Post-conceptual Art Practices).
Geplant sind Arbeitssitzungen mit den Studierenden des AkBild.
Die Arbeitssitzungen, beginnen am 10. Oktober 2017, dauern bis 16. Jänner 2018, und werden zweimal monatlich von 10.00 bis 13.00 (10.10., 23.10., 4.12., 9.1.2018 und 16.1.2018) im Atelierhaus / Fachbereich Konzeptuelle Kunst (Post-conceptual Art Practices) Wien stattfinden. Im Rahmen des Workshops werden zwei Gastvorträge organisiert.
6.11.2017: Gastvortrag Sebastian Bubner, Künstler und Lehrer um 14.00 Uhr
20.11.2017: Gastvortrag Marissa Lôbo, Künstlerin und Co-Leiterin von „kültüř gemma!“
um 19.00 Uhr Die Ergebnisse werden beim jährlichen Rundgang der Akademie der bildenden Künste, am 25. Jänner 2018, in einer Plakatausstellung präsentiert. Den Abschluss und eine Zusammenfassung des Projektes, bildet die Präsentation einer Broschüre, im März 2018. Zentrale Aufgabe des Projektes ist die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Spannungsverhältnis von Kunst- und Kultur und gesellschaftspolitischen Entwicklungen. Antiromaismus, Antisemitismus und Islamfeindlichkeit sind im Universitätsbetrieb keine Seltenheit. Die Intervention liegt auf der visuellen Kunst, dem Plakat, das sich als reflektierende „Integration“ verhält. Marika Schmiedt, geb. 1966, Künstlerin und Aktivistin. Seit 1999 Recherchen (Zeitzeugen und Gegenwart) zur Verfolgung von Roma und Sinti.
Die Auseinandersetzung mit der Situation von Roma vor und nach 1945 bildet einen
Schwerpunkt der künstlerischen Arbeit.
Projektvorstellung- und Organisation, Filmvorführung und Diskussion Gelem Gelem – Wir gehen einen langen Weg
Monika Hielscher, Matthias Heeder | D | 1991 | Dokumentarfilm | 85 min. German/English subtitles. Der Film “Gelem Gelem – Wir gehen einen langen Weg“ dokumentiert die Situation und den Widerstand von ca. 1500 Rrom_nja, die Anfang der 1990er Jahre von Deutschland nach Süd-Ost Europa abgeschoben werden sollten.Vor dem Hintergrund der deutschen Wiedervereinigung und der Euphorie vieler Bundesbürger_innen kämpften Rrom_nja-Familien unterschiedlicher Gruppen gemeinsam um ein Niederlassungsrecht in der Bundesrepublik. Mit Blockaden an Grenzübergängen, Hungerstreiks, einem Marsch quer durch Deutschland und der Besetzung des Kölner Doms machten Rrom_nja-Familien auf ihre Situation aufmerksam und traten für ein dauerhaftes Bleiberecht und ein würdiges Leben ein. Die Filmaufnahmen entstanden zwischen Herbst 1989 und Frühjahr 1991. Nach einer Reihe von gebrochenen Versprechungen, Abmachungen und Vertröstung der deutschen Regierung nahm die Widerstandsbewegung kein erfolgreiches Ende: Die meisten der protestierenden Menschen wurden abgeschoben. Die Spuren der Rromn_ja, die in der Dokumentation begleitet werden, verlieren sich in den Elendsvierteln von Süd-Ost-Europa.
Tuesday, 10 October, 2017
(in charge Grzinic, Dimitrova) Tuesday, 10 October, 2017
18.00 to 19.30 SEMINAR/Workshop B3: Towards an historical-materialism of cinema: cinema and labor.
Seminar für Diplomand_innen und Dissertant_innen und PCAP with Diana Bulzan, Phd in Philosophy student, prepared by Diana Bulzan in collaboration with Marina Grzinic INTRO: The main focus of the seminar will be the configuration between cinema and work. In this way, the emphasis on labour brings cinema within a historical-materialist horizon, engaging both the distribution of labour put into cinematic production, as well as representations of the working class or a reflexive engagement with the medium. The seminar thus plans to sketch this configuration by creating a theoretical itinerary that begins with the relation between cinema and the formation of the masses, only then to pass through the representations of alienation in post-WWII cinema, the political engagements of the New German Cinema, as well as granting a special emphasis on the political use of found footage before moving to issues regarding postcolonialism, labour and representation.
TOPIC (1): Introduction into the topic and projection of a film
Introduction to the concept of the seminar, followed by an introduction into the work of Dziga Vertov. Projection of Dziga Vertov’s Man with the Movie Camera. Planned text for this session – Leon Trotsky’s Vodka, the Church and the Cinema Wednesday, 11 October, 2017
at 10.00 until 12.00
INDIVIDUAL MEETINGS, office Grzinic Monday, 16 October, 2017 At 10.00 to 12.00
Individual meetings, email for appointment, Grzinic office At 12.00 until 17.00
Presentation new students and Erasmus plus Miguel González Cabezas (MA in critical practice)
Anna Zhukova
Daisy Nutting
Kreeta Aidla FOLLOWING first semester presentations:
Aaron Kimmig
Leonie Rosa Knez
Dominik Szereday FOLLOWING
Miguel Gonzalez Cabezas (Ma in critical studies, diploma) At 19.00 Mika Maruyama, PhD in Philosophy student in collaboration Marina Grzinic: main points of the big tour in contemporary art in 2017: Documenta, Munster, Venice Biennale Tuesday, 17 October, 2017 At 9.00 to 11.00
Individual meetings, email for appointment, Grzinic office At 11.00 to 14.00 PRESENTATIONS continues STUDENTS first semester Javier Ezequiel Cassani
Victoria Eliseykina
Elisabeth Mtasa Taruvinga
PLUS at the end
MEETING with all regarding the space in the back, kitchen to use in the back Tuesday, 17 October, 2017
15.00 to 18.00 SEMINAR/Workshop B3: Towards an historical-materialism of cinema: cinema and labor.
Seminar für Diplomand_innen und Dissertant_innen und PCAP with Diana Bulzan, Phd in Philosophy student, prepared by Diana Bulzan in collaboration with Marina Grzinic Topic (2): Dziga Vertov and the October Revolution. Discussions around the notion of montage.
a.main concepts of the seminar: Kino-Eye vs. intellectual montage; b. the discussion will start from re-viewing and analyzing sequences from Man with the Movie Camera, particularly focusing on Vertov’s distinction between the Kino-Eye and fiction film (also underpinning such concepts as unplayed film, life caught unawares and the communist decoding of reality) and on the inclusion of the film’s making process as labor within the film itself (as well as the juxtaposition in the film between editing labor and work scenes from a beauty parlor); c. the context of Soviet cinema; d. the notion of intellectual montage; e. the way Vertov was recovered by film practice in the 1960s: Kinopravda and cinéma vérité e. planned text(s) – „WE: Variant of a Manifesto”; „The Birth of Kino-Eye”; „From Kino-Eye to Radio-Eye”; f. if time allows, maybe projection of newsreels from Kinonedelja Monday, 23 October, 2017
Perspektiven & Widerstände
Gastkünstlerin: Marika Schmiedt (Wien)
ZKF und Workshop A2, Online-Anmeldung Akbild Workshop mit Gastvorträgen, Videoprojektionen und Arbeitssitzungen.
Im Fokus steht eine künstlerisch-politische Intervention, in Zusammenarbeit mit derAkademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Fachbereich Konzeptuelle Kunst (Post-conceptual Art Practices). MEETING 2:
Projektbesprechung- und Organisation, Filmvorführung und Diskussion Die Geschichte des Dritten Lagers in Österreich
Dokumentation von Gerhard Jelinek und Walter Seledec | A | 2000/2016 | 45 min. (Deutsch) Das Dritte Lager bezeichnet in Österreich die politischen Bewegungen der deutschnationalen und nationalliberalen Wählerschaft. Die Wurzeln des Dritten Lagers reichen in die Zeit der k.u.k.-Donaumonarchie zurück, wo alle Bewegungen, von deutschvölkischen bis zu deutschfreisinnigen, die Vereinigung aller deutschsprachigen Gebiete in einem Großdeutschen Reiche forderten. Das kaiserliche Österreich, in dem die Deutschen zwar die politische und kulturelle Führung innehatten, aber nicht die absolute Mehrheit der Bevölkerung stellten, sahen die Deutschnationalen als Bedrohung des Deutschtums an. 1882 hatten Karl Lueger, Viktor Adler und Georg Ritter von Schönerer im Cafe Griensteidl das „Linzer Programm“ verfasst, das als Alldeutsches Manifest die ideologische Basis der Deutschnationalen in Österreich wurde. Die drei Männer symbolisieren die unterschiedlichen politischen Richtungen, die Österreich seit mehr alseinem Jahrhundert prägen: Christlichsoziale, Sozialdemokraten und Deutschnationale. Grundlage des Dritten Lagers ist eine Richtung politischen Denkens, die davon ausgeht, dass Österreich nach dem Verlust der nicht-deutschsprachigen Gebiete nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg keine Existenzberechtigung als eigener Staat gegenüber dem Deutschen Reich hätte. Nach Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs wurden bei der ersten Nationalratswahl 1945 rund 700.000 ehemalige österreichische NSDAP-Mitglieder und anders Belastete ausgeschlossen. Als diese zur nächsten Wahl 1949 wieder zugelassen wurden, wurde der „Verband der Unabhängigen“ (VdU) gegründet, der bei der Wahl sehr erfolgreich war. Der Begriff „Drittes Lager“ wurde von da an für die Gruppe der deutschnationalen und nationalliberalen Wähler verwendet, analog zu den Lagern der konservativen ÖVP und dersozialistischen SPÖ. Nach der Unterzeichnung des Staatsvertrages 1955 erfolgte dann dieGründung der Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs (FPÖ) als Nachfolgeorganisation des VdU. Monday, 23 October 2017
AFTERMATHS and TRANSFORMATIONS: October Revolution 1917 Revisited
23., 24., and 25. October 2017
Conference, exhibition, film seminar, workshop
AFTERMATHS and TRANSFORMATIONS: October Revolution 1917 Revisited is a joint collaboration of the Conceptual Art Studio Program (Post-conceptual Art Practices) at the Institute of Fine Arts, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and the Department of Art History, University of Vienna.
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Studio Building, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Vienna, MZS, Multi-purpose-Space, 2. OG (Second Floor)
15.30 Inaugural opening of the project, exhibition opening, and conference commencement Greetings: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andrea B. Braidt, Vice Rector for Art and Research Presentation of the project:
Noit Banai, Professor of Contemporary Art, University of Vienna
Marina Gržinić, Professor of Conceptual Art, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna Exhibition:
Jamika Ajalon (USA): Umbuzi: why freedom, video, 2011
Bojan Djordjev and Siniša Ilić (Belgrade): Orientation in 100 revolutions – pictorial, textual and video report, installation, 2017
Muzaffer Hasaltay (Vienna): The choice / Decision, video, 2017
Linda Porn Davis (Barcelona): Violence in Mass Media/ Feminist Days: Alliances and Sex Work, video, 2015
Onur Serdar (Vienna): Liquid Machine, video, 2017 CONFERENCE (1.)
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Studio Building, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Vienna, MZS, Multi-purpose-Space, 2. OG (Second Floor), Film and TV Studio
Poetic performance: Spoken Word and Reflections by Njideka Is the Night for Poets and Dreamers? Sisters of Utopia Seize the Day
The performance will consider art’s potential to change the world, while asking where this “stage” for change might appear. How are the dreamers dismissed? Is poetry for the lovers? Can the lovers change the world?
CV: Njideka Stephanie Iroh (Vienna) is a London-born Black Austrian writer, artist and activist based in Vienna. In a combination of spoken word, performances and lectures, she deals with topics such as language, power relations, decolonization, Afrofuturism and the embodiment of knowledge. 18.30
Lecture: Ilya Budraitskis (Russia)
Heritage without heirs? The anniversary of 1917, the Kremlin’s historical policy, and commitment to the Event
This lecture will focus on the anniversary of the Russian revolution in the framework of contemporary Russian historical policy. The latter is based on the idea of a struggle to preserve a heritage that is under constant attack by external competitors and internal enemies. This is an artificially created version of national history as mythological time in which everything is repeated and people’s actions are deprived of all autonomy.
CV: Ilya Budraitskis is a historian, political writer and curator, member of the editorial board of Moscow Art Magazine, platforms Openleft and LeftEast. He is the author of Dissidents among dissidents, 2017. Tuesday, October 24, 2017
AFTERMATHS and TRANSFORMATIONS: October Revolution 1917 Revisited
23., 24., and 25. October 2017
Conference, exhibition, film seminar, workshop
Tuesday, 24 October 2017 10.00 until 14.30
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Studio Building, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Vienna, MZS, Multi-purpose-Space, 2. OG (Second Floor), Film and TV Studio Film seminar proposed by Marina Gržinić and Tjaša Kancler Lumumba (2000)
1h 55min, dir. Raoul Peck Godhead (2016)
3.49 min, dir. Jamika Ajalon ¡Cuba Sí! [Cuba Yes!] (1961)
53min, dir. Chris Marker The Last Angel of History (1996)
45min, dir. John Akomfrah CONFERENCE (2.)
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Studio Building, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Vienna, MZS, Multi-purpose-Space, 2. OG (Second Floor), Film and TV Studio 15.30
Lecture: Lina Ben Mhenni (Tunisia)
The Tunisian Revolution, a success?
In December 2010, Tunisians stood against the dictatorship in their country. In less than one month, they succeeded in ousting the dictator who had oppressed them for more than two decades. They thus announced the beginning of a series of revolt movements that shook the whole Arab region. Lina Ben Mhenni asks if these movements ‒ known as the “Arab Spring” ‒ are still an issue.
CV: Lina Ben Mhenni is an activist, the author of the popular blog “A Tunisian Girl,” a human rights defender, former teaching assistant of linguistics at Tunis University (Faculty of Human and Social Sciences), freelance translator and writer.
Lecture: The New Barbizon Collective (Israel)
[Zoya Cherkassky-Nnadi and Natalia Zourabova] The Influence of Socialist Realism on the work of the New Barbizon Group In this lecture, we will consider Soviet art, which for political reasons turned out to be outside Western artistic discourses. Post-Soviet artists considered it irrelevant. Today, artists and collectives such as the New Barbizon are increasingly turning to their Soviet heritage and rethinking its influence.
CV: Zoya Cherkassky-Nnadi (1976, Kiev, Ukraine), immigrated to Israel in 1991. She lives and works in Tel Aviv-Yafo. Her works have been shown in Israeli art museums and galleries throughout Europe and in the US.
CV: Natalia Zourabova (1975, Moscow) graduated with an MFA from The Russian Theatre Academy in 2000, and from The University of Fine Arts, Berlin, in 2003. In 2011, together with four others, she founded The New Barbizon Group. Zourabova’s paintings have been exhibited internationally. 18.30
Lecture: Jeremy M. Glick (USA) Haitian Revolutionary Repetitions: Thought, Praxis, Performance
C.L.R. James’s classic 1938 study The Black Jacobins: Toussaint L’Ouverture and the San Domingo Revolution is organized by way of a triangulated narrative structure. James consistently and dialectically triangulates the Haitian Revolution with the coeval French Revolution and the Twentieth Century Russian Revolution. My talk will examine three sites: questions of self-determination in the Russian Revolution and Pan African legacies, insights from C.L.R. James narrative structure of The Black Jacobins, and Sergei Eisenstein’s engagement with the Haitian Revolution in his curriculum choices as professor at the film school in Moscow.
CV: Jeremy Matthew Glick is Associate Professor of African Diaspora literature
and modern drama at Hunter College. He is also the Hunter College Chapter Chair of the PSC-CUNY Union. Professor Glick has recently received the Nicolas Guillen Philosophical Literature Prize for his 2016 book, The Black Radical Tragic from the Caribbean Philosophical Association. Wednesday, October 25, 2017
AFTERMATHS and TRANSFORMATIONS: October Revolution 1917 Revisited
23., 24., and 25. October 2017
Conference, exhibition, film seminar, workshop
Wednesday, 25 October 2017 14.00 until 16.00
University of Vienna, Department of Art History
Garnisongasse 13, Universitätscampus Hof 9, 1090 Vienna
Building 9.2, Seminar Room 1 (Ground Floor)
Workshop with students and the speakers from the conference
Garnisongasse 13, Universitätscampus Hof 9, 1090 Vienna
Building 9.2, Seminar Room 1 (Ground Floor) 16.20 Closing remarks
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Claude Theune-Vogt
Dean, Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies
University of Vienna 16.30 On Islam and the Left: Overlapping Legacies of Muslim Decoloniality and Marxist Praxis
This lecture considers the intertwined histories of Muslim and Marxist decolonial politics by examining the archive of joint political practices and the relations between decolonial Muslim and socialist struggles. Rexhepi treats the legacies that have shaped the contemporary world so that the two histories are (problematically) regarded as mutually exclusive.
CV: Piro Rexhepi holds a PhD in Politics from the University of Strathclyde and is a research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen, Germany. He has teaching positions at the State University of New York, City University of New York and New York University.
Lecture: Aglaya K. Glebova (USA)
Propaganda in Question. Photographing the Gulag under Stalin
Co-sponsored by the Kunsthistorische Gesellschaft
Although often described as invisible, the Soviet Gulags were extensively documented by the state. While these images are sanitized ‒ almost no images of the Gulag as atrocity have survived ‒ thousands of photographs of the camps are preserved in archives all over Russia. Few have been published or studied. This talk examines a range of works, from Aleksandr Rodchenko’s infamous photo-essay of the White Sea-Baltic Canal to virtually unknown photographic albums.
CV: Aglaya K. Glebova is Assistant Professor in the departments of Art History and Film and Media Studies at the University of California, Irvine. She is currently the Axel Springer Fellow at the American Academy in Berlin. She completed her Ph.D. in Art History at the University of California, Berkeley, in 2014. Thursday, October 26, 2017
Holiday Monday, October 30, 2017
15.00 to 16.30 SEMINAR/Workshop B3: Towards an historical-materialism of cinema: cinema and labor.
Seminar für Diplomand_innen und Dissertant_innen und PCAP with Diana Bulzan, Phd in Philosophy student, prepared by Diana Bulzan in collaboration with Marina Grzinic Topic (3): An introduction into the theory of Bertolt Brecht, followed by a projection of Kuhle Wampe, oder wem gehört die Welt.
a. introduction to the work of Bertolt Brecht
b. projection of Kuhle Wampe oder Wem gehört die Welt Monday, October 30, 2017 WHERE: DEPOT, Vienna
Breitegasse 3
A-1070 Wien At 19.00 THE DEMISE OF CAPITALISM: Public Domain
Presentation and Discussion on
Yoshinori Niwa’s book TILL THE DEMISE OF CAPITALISM is organized around seven keywords emerging from his oeuvre: market economy, squatting, education, art festival, public spirituality, after the Cold War and abortion. He now puts forward the eighth keyword “public domain” with Italian artist Ryts Monet. Monet’s practices, such as Black Flag Revival, are regarding the economic crisis, while Niwa will refer to his ongoing project All Japanese players boycott at the Tokyo Olympic Games. TILL THE DEMISE OF CAPITALISM:
tillthedemiseofcapitalismen.tumblr.com Ryts Monet, artist, IUAV University of Venice www.rytsmonet.eu/
Yoshinori Niwa, artist, Tokyo / Vienna yoshinoriniwa.com
Moderation: Mika Maruyama, curator, Tokyo / Vienna ... Comment |
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