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Monday, 26. February 2018
concept, February 26, 2018 at 9:19:06 AM CET PCAP March 2018 PCAP Program March 2018 6 March, 2018, Tuesday At 16.00 Presentation diploma work for June 2018
Nadja David
Onur Serdar Open space: start of the semester 7 March, 2018, Wednesday
10.00 to 11.00 individual meetings Grzinic office 11.00 to 14.00 (also workshop B3)
Lecture/reading Gilles Deleuze PS: to the society of control, 1991, film discussion
cidadeinseguranca.files.wordpress.com At 18.00 (also workshop A2)
ADDRESS: VBKÖ - Vereinigung bildender Künstlerinnen Österreich (AustrianAssocian for Female Artists) Maysedergasse 2/ 4. Stock 1010 Wien
www.vbkoe.org Katalog-Präsentation und Ausstellung
Marika Schmiedt : Sprache kommt vor der Tat
Zusammenhang von Sprache, Rassismus, Ökonomie und Macht (196 Seiten, Softcover, Deutsch | Englisch, ARTBRUT 2018) Ausstellung
Marika Schmiedt: Eine Untersuchungen zum Umgang der VBKÖ mit ihrer NS-Vergangenheit Lecture von Marina Grzinic Der Katalog zeigt, wie ein Konzept des angeblich naturwissenschaftlich gesicherten Rassenbegriffs
fortgeschrieben wird und wie stark Sprache durch rassistische Diskurse und Wissensfelder geprägt ist. Dabei wird deutlich vor Augen geführt, dass die Bilder und der Umgang damit vom Ausgang des Kaiserreichs bis in unsere Tage keine prinzipiellen Unterschiede aufweisen. [...] Sprache kommt vor der Tat besteht aus verschiedenen fotokopierten und gedruckten Materialien, die historische archivierte Dokumente zeigen und diese mit aktuellem On- und Offline-Material parallelisiert, das durchgehend Roma rassifiziert. Antiromaismus besteht seit Jahrhunderten; anstatt zu verschwinden oder sich zu verringern verändert er nur seine Form. Um es klar auszudrücken: Anti-Romaismus wechselte über von Schwarzweißfotos zur Hochglanz-Farbfotografie und suggestiven Titeln, die nun online verfügbar sind. Schmiedts Arbeit handelt nicht nur von der Rückkehr der unterdrückten Roma, dies würde ja einen temporären, wenn nicht gar einfach symptomatischen „Bruch“ in der Geschichtlichkeit der Unsichtbarkeit der Roma bedeuten. Nein, Schmiedts Arbeit handelt auch davon, dass die kontinuierlichen Praktiken und Geschichten der Diskriminierung, Marginalisierung und Segregation nicht vergessen werden[...] (M. Grzinic). 12 March, 2018, Monday At 17.00
Presentation diploma work for June 2018
Martin Weichselbaumer Lecture/reading Gilles Deleuze PS: to the society of control, 1991, film discussion 13 March, 2018, Tuesday
9.30 to 11.30 individual meeting Grzinic office At 17.00 (also as workshop A2)
Aula, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Vienna BOOK PRESENTATION & TALK
Border Thinking
Disassembling Histories of Racialized Violence
Marina Grzinic (Ed.)
Publication Series of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Published by Sternberg Press, Berlin 2018 Presentation of the book by Marina Gržinić (editor) and the authors in a conversation with Althea Legal-Miller. The conversation will be moderated by Njideka Stephanie Iroh. Dr. Althea Legal-Miller teaches American History and Culture at Canterbury Christ Church University (U.K). For detailed information, please see: www.akbild.ac.at/publicationseries Border Thinking with contributions by Ilya Budraitskis, Maira Enesi Caixeta, C.A.S.I.T.A., Yuderkys Espinosa Miñoso, Miguel González Cabezas, Marina Grzinic, Juan Guardiola, Çetin Gürer, Neda Hosseinyar, Njideka Stephanie Iroh, Adla Isanovic, Fieke Jansen, Tjaša Kancler, Zoltán Kékesi, Betül Seyma Küpeli, Gergana Mineva, Musawenkosi Ndlovu, Stanimir Panayotov, Suvendrini Perera, Jelena Petrovic, Khaled Ramadan, Rubia Salgado, Marika Schmiedt, Joshua Simon, Aneta Stojnic, Shirley Anne Tate, Göksun Yazıcı, Hiroshi Yoshioka Border Thinking: Disassembling Histories of Racialized Violence aims to question and provide answers to current border issues in Europe. Central to this investigation is a refugee crisis that is primarily a crisis of global Western capitalism and its components: modernization, nationalism, structural racism, dispossession, and social, political, and economic violence. In this volume, these notions and conditions are connected with the concept of borders, which seems to have disappeared as a function of the global neoliberal economy but is palpably reappearing again and again through deportations, segregations, and war. How can we think about these relations in an open way, beyond borders? Is it possible to develop border thinking for a radical transformation, as a means to revolutionize the state of things? To do this, we must reconsider what is possible for the social and the political as well as for art and culture. Border Thinking: Disassembling Histories of Racialized Violence beschäftigt sich mit dem Problemfeld Grenzen in Europa und sucht Antworten zur aktuellen Situation. Im Zentrum steht die aktuelle Flüchtlingskrise, die vor allem eine Krise des westlichen Kapitalismus ist, mit Aspekten der Modernisierung, Nationalismus, strukturellem Rassismus, Enteignung, sozialer, politischer und ökonomischer Gewalt. In Border Thinking werden diese Bedingungen mit der Thematik der Grenzen verknüpft: Grenzen sind in der globalisierten Welt scheinbar aufgelöst, werden aber durch Deportationen, Segregation und Krieg immer wieder augenscheinlich. Wie können wir über diese Zusammenhänge “über Grenzen hinweg” nachdenken? Ist es möglich, dieses Nachdenken für eine radikale Transformation, eine Revolution der bestehenden Verhältnisse zu nutzen? Ein Beginn könnte das Nachdenken darüber sein, was im Sozialen und Politischen, in Kunst und Kultur möglich ist. Dr Althea Legal-Miller
Lecturer in American History and Culture, Canterbury Christ Church University Dr Legal-Miller is a Lecturer in American History and Culture at Canterbury Christ Church University, United Kingdom. She received her BA in American Studies with Year Abroad (University of California, Berkeley), MA in Contemporary Cinema Cultures and PhD in American Studies all from King’s College London. Dr Legal-Miller has received a number of prestigious scholarships and awards, including an Arts and Humanities Research Council Fellowship at the John W. Kluge Center in the Library of Congress (Washington, DC), and the Mae C. King Distinguished Paper Award on Women, Gender and Black Politics from the Association for the Study of Black Women in Politics. Dr Legal-Miller has two forthcoming publications for edited books on Black Lives Matter and Martin Luther King Jr., and is currently working on a monograph on police and penal sexual brutality against African American community organisers during the 1960s. 22.03.2018, Thursday 14.00 to 16.00 open term presentation in PCAP
Christian Guzy lecture on Roland Barthes and others on photography 22.03.2018, Thursday At 18.00 „Ringvorlesung” at IBK ADDRESS: 1060 Wien, Lehargasse, 1. Stock, Klasse von Dorit Margreiter und Constanze Ruhm Lecturer: Jamika Ajalon Title of the lecture Resisting Since: Liberating the Narrative through the creative Lecture proposed and organized by Post-conceptual Art Practices (PCAP/IBK): Marina Grzinic, Muzaffer Hasaltay and student mentor: Robert Jolly SUMMARY LECTURE
The dominant (western) narrative works to sequester fluidity of voice and agency – to maintain a power structure which feeds on the subjugation of the “othered.” Manufactured systems of reality become indistinguishable from what we experience on a day to day. This legacy of the existing power structures reliance on a faux Grand Narrative, which places the mono-chromed phallocentric at centre, is centuries old. However, for just as long, and longer, “other worlds/realities” have existed, and resisted the dominant parole, often through the force of the creative. Jamika Ajalon will speak to how the form and content of her work reflects the way in which art, the fusion of different and layered mediums, (text, sound, visual, and so on), can be used not only to disrupt dominant narrative but brings to the surface a continuance of resistance. The content of much of many of her projects, whether it be, sound, music, text or visual manipulation, integrates ideas around fugitivity & resistance with memory & agency. Ajalon asks to how we can manipulate the created, found, and/or imagined “data” and/or elements in fusion/collusion – to open space for radically alternative narratives which give way to radically alternative futures. Jamika Ajalon CV: I am inter-disciplinary artist who works with different mediums independently, but also in multiple fusions – incorporating written and spoken text, sound/music, and visuals. A nomad, I grew up in the USA but have lived for years in Europe, including England, and France. During travels (including countries in Africa) I have met and collaborated with other artists, academics, who challenge “frontiers” (external borders as well as internalized) and are planting seeds. A science fiction nerd, I have always looked at “space” as a place to realize and talk about possible futures. My publications and performances have been diverse. They include a series of audio-visual anti-lectures which explore memory, and nomadic subjectivity through an “afro-futurist" lens. As I roam, I have had the good fortune to perform, record, tour , publish and exhibit/screen my work in Vienna London, Berlin, South Africa, Senegal, Kampala, Paris... 23.03.2018, Friday 9.00 to 11.00, individual meetings, Grzinic office 23.03.2018, Friday 11.00 to 14.00 (also as workshop A2)
Screening and discussion Presentation Erasmus students: Mai Endo
Pinar Uyal
Samantha Watson FERIEN// HOLIDAYS
26.03.2018 to 8.04.2018 EASTER HOLIDAYS START 9.04.2018 MONDAY
Entry exam Akbild for 2018/2019 ... Comment |
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