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Sunday, 22. September 2019
concept, September 22, 2019 at 2:39:27 PM CEST PCAP October 2019 October 7, 2019, Monday
WHERE: AkBild, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)
16.00 to 20.00 Introduction, presentation of the work in the semester, plans. At 18.00 a meeting with Contemporary Matters, art historian students, UNI WIEN, to see for a possible collaboration; the group CONTEMPORARY MATTERS positions are: • Martina Genetti
• Fanny Hauser
• Paul Ibitz
• Julia Jarrett
• Yulia Kopr
• Laleh Monsef
• Sophie Pubig
• Magdalena Stöger
• Vincent Weisl At 19.00 presentation, a kick into the art world: Venice Biennale 2019, tendencies, presentation by Mika Maruyama, Ph.D. Student AkBild October 8, 2019, Tuesday 14.15 to 16.00
where: Gallery Rudolf Leeb
1070 Vienna, Kaiserstrasse 76 exhibition CENSORSHIP and FREEDOM OF OPINION Guide and presentation by the curator Lluís Lipp in ENGLISH With works by
-Mirkan Deniz
-Silke Maier-Gamauf // Romana Hagyo
-Santiago Sierra
-Arye Wachsmuth More and more often artists* are condemned for their work, works are censored and artists are exposed to media aggression. The exhibition CENSOR and FREEDOM OF OPINION opposes this dynamic, expresses unconditional support for art and culture, and sets an example for freedom of expression and human rights. Initiated and curated by the Catalan Cultural Association in Vienna. Free entrance Duration: 19 September - 18 October 2019 October 8, 2019, Tuesday
17.00 to 19.15
WHERE: AkBild, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1) PhD seminar/ and workshop B3/ mandatory for the ZKF Konzept Kunst With the title Images, War and Affects By Taida Kusturica, PhD student mentor and Marina Grzinic 01 Lecture: 8.10. 2019
Introduction to the concept of the seminar
b) Marxism, Montage and images
c) Projection of Esfir Shub’s documentary film “The Fall of the Romanov Dynasty” (Esfir Shub, USSR 1927) WELCOME,new rectorat
10.10., 2019 17.00 Aula, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien Johan F. Hartle, Rektor
Ingeborg Erhart, Vizerektorin für Kunst und Lehre
Celestine Kubelka, Vizerektorin für Finanzen, Personal und besondere Projekte Dear teachers, dear staff, dear students and alumni of the Academy, We are very happy to officially start our work for the Academy as its new Rectorate as of today! Ingeborg Erhart, the distinguished curator, art historian, and former director of Tiroler Künstler*schaft, the experienced cultural manager Celestine Kubelka, production manager for the Wiener Festwochen of many years, and I, Johan Frederik Hartle, as Rector, will, as a team, focus on intensifying internal dialogue and the increased integration of existing competences as well as sharpening the Academy’s artistic and scientific profile over the coming months. The new Rectorate finds itself fully committed to the work of its predecessors particularly as far as equality and diversity policies are concerned. In addition to the focus on research and internationalization, I, as the Academy’s Rector, will concentrate on honing the relationship between art and the public sphere. Ingeborg Erhart will take over the Vice-Rectorate for Art and Teaching, break new ground in the field of exhibitions, and have the promotion of both students and alumni on her agenda. Celestine Kubelka will be in charge of the Departments of Finance and Personnel, as well as the logistical challenges connected to the general refurbishment and issues of facility planning and relocation. Particularly the creation of additional room and the Academy’s repositioning in public space will accompany the new Rectorate as its key tasks and keep bringing the three perspectives together. We cordially invite all of you to a first welcome on Thursday, October 10, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. in the auditorium at Augasse 2–6, 1090 Vienna, which will be an opportunity to meet personally! Looking forward to a rewarding cooperation, Johan F. Hartle, Rector
Ingeborg Erhart, Vice-Rector for Art and Teaching
Celestine Kubelka, Vice-Rector for Finance, Human Resources and Special Projects October 14, 2019, Monday
WHERE: AkBild, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)
PCAP: at 16.00 in charge Maren Grimm October 15, 2019, Tuesday
WHERE: AkBild, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)
PCAP: at 16.00 in charge Maren Grimm October 16, 2019, Wednesday
at 19.00
Where: Angewandte, FLUX 2, Vordere Zollamtsstrasse 7, 1030 Wien PRESENTATION
Shu Lea Cheang on Gender Play, Gender Fxxxking In her current installation 3x3x6 (on view at Venice Biennale till November 24, 2019), Shu Lea Cheang reflects upon the transformation of surveillance techniques since the panopticon to include contemporary 3-D facial recognition and investigates 10 criminal cases in which the prisoners across time and space are incarcerated for sexual provocation and gender affirmation. The exhibition constructs collective counter-accounts of sexuality where trans punk fiction, queer, and anti-colonial imaginations hacks the operating system of the history of sexual subjection. For Ludic Society presentation, Cheang takes up the case of “Regina V. Saunders” (1991) in which the defendant, Jennifer Lynne Saunders, age 18, was sentenced to six years in prison for two counts of indecent assault. Excerpts selected from the court hearing that took place at Doncaster County Court in 1991 convene a performative re-enactment of gender play, gender fxxxking.
www.dieangewandte.at October 17, 2019, Thursday
Galerie Rudolf Leeb
Kaiserstraße 76, 1070 Vienna, Austria
Podiumsdiskussion im Rahmen der Ausstellung Zensur und Meinungsfreiheit Demokratischer Rückschritt? - die Lage der Meinungsfreiheit in Europa Diskutantinnen:
Yvonne Gimpel (IG Kultur Österreich)
Berivan Aslan (WU-Wien)
Hannes Tretter (Universität Wien
Julia Herrnböck (Reporter ohne Grenzen)
Salvador Espada (Unidas Podemos Austria)
Institutioneller katalanischer Vertreterin (tba) October 21, 2019, Monday
WHERE: AkBild, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)
At 16.00 presentation of the new students and Erasmus in the PCAP Bissen Sara
Gerges Matthew
Henrietta Dennis Henrie
Kianmehr Ali October 21, 2019, Monday
at 19.00 where secession, vienna
ruangrupa: Intervention(in English)
in the frame of talks Whose Freedom? ruangrupa, founded in Jakarta in 2000, is an Indonesian artists’ collective. ruangrupa—the name means “space for art”—curated sonsbeek in Arnhem (2016) and will curate documenta 15 in Kassel (2022). October 22, 2019, Tuesday grzinic office individual meetings
9.30 to 11.00 11.00
WHERE: AkBild, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)
meeting with first semester students and Erasmus
open questions October 22, 2019, Tuesday
WHERE: AkBild, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)
17.00 to 19.15 PhD seminar/ and workshop B3/ mandatory for the ZKF Konzept Kunst
With the title Images, War and Affects
By Taida Kusturica, PhD student mentor and Marina Grzinic 02 Lecture: 22. 10. 2019
Walter Benjamin’s “media aesthetics”: Formation of Modern Mass Representations and Visual Culture; (posters, photography, cinema)
The lecture will consider the connection between concept and formation of the mass visual culture of 20 century with Walter Benjamin’s theory of ‘media aesthetics’ especially his notion of “the Medium of perception” [Medium der Wahrnehmung]. 24 October 2019 | starts 1.30 pm LECTURE: DANI GAL
Venue: Angewandte – University of Applied Arts Vienna, Department of Site Specific Art, Institute of Fine Arts and Media Art (2nd floor), Paulusplatz 5, 1030 Vienna Hosted by Department of Site Specific Art, Angewandte – University of Applied Arts Vienna
Part of 2019 artist-in-residence, Blood Mountain Projects Dani Gal’s artistic practice focuses on the production of ideology through the representation of specific historical narratives in a variety of media in order to question the claims of historical knowledge and to reveal and challenge underlying political preconceptions. Using archival documents toward the creation of cinematic reenactments, sound compositions and other interdisciplinary work, Gal explores the relationship between image, sound and text (written and spoken) to illuminate national interests behind the construction of historical narratives and the process of shaping collective/national memory. His work searches and examines specific historical cases to expose how political powers control certain narratives and repress others as a way to maintain power. Dani Gal (born 1975, Jerusalem) lives and works in Berlin.
He studied at the Bezalel Academy for Art and Design in Jerusalem, the Staatliche Hochschule für Bildende Künste Städelschule in Frankfurt and the Cooper Union in New York.
His films and works have been shown at the Centre Pompidou in Paris (2018), Documenta 14 (2017), Kunsthalle Wien (2015), Kunsthaus in Zurich (2015), Berlinale Forum Expanded (2014), Jewish Museum in New York (2014), Kunsthalle in St. Gallen Swizerland (2013), New Museum in New York (2012), 54th Venice Biennale (2011), and the Istanbul Biennale (2011). October 28, 2019, Monday
WHERE: AkBild, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)
At 16.00 presentation of the new students and Erasmus in the PCAP Koebli Nathalie
Numan Mohammad
Larboard-Kuke Sisan Montag, 28. Oktober 2019, 19.00
Breite Gasse 3
1070 Wien
www.depot.or.at 25 Jahre Depot. Nachgefragt:
Chancengleich? Künstlerinnenkarrieren 2005 stand im Depot die Chancengleichheit für Frauen im Kunstbetrieb zur Debatte. Wieweit hat sich die Situation verbessert? Lange Zeit waren die vorderen Reihen in den vom Kunstmarkt definierten Rankings von männlichen Künstlern besetzt. Das ändert sich zunehmend. Katharina Cibulka, Künstlerin, Innsbruck Hanna Hacker, Soziologin, Historikerin, Wien Moderation: Nicole Scheyerer, Kulturredakteurin Der Falter und vom Podium 2005 auch diesmal mit dabei: Brigitte Borchhardt-Birbaumer, Kunsthistorikerin, Wien Marina Grzinic, Philosophin, Künstlerin, Wien Christine König, Galeristin, Wien Anschließend kleines Büfett October 29, 2019, Tuesday
8.30 to 12.00 individual meetings, Grzinic office October 29, 2019, Tuesday
WHERE: AkBild, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)
17.30 to 19.45 PhD seminar/ and workshop B3/ mandatory for the ZKF Konzept Kunst
With the title Images, War and Affects
By Taida Kusturica, PhD student mentor and Marina Grzinic 03 Lecture: 29.10.2019
Gilles Deleuze’s Theory on Image and Affects: Formation of Post-modern Representation and Visual Culture
The lecture will offer an analytical reading of Gilles Deleuze’s philosophy of image and affect, as a critical application to the current state of visual culture, that is, to the age of contemporaneity.
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