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Wednesday, 26. February 2020
concept, February 26, 2020 at 6:40:50 AM CET PCAP March 2020 PCAP March 2020 March 2, 2020, Monday
At 16.00 to 17.30 Reflection rundgang 2020, summer semester 2020 PCAP plans, space organization March 2, 2020, Monday
At 17.30 to 18.00 Introduction Erasmus mobility student program: Pauline Stroux (Munich), Erasmus student mentor March 2, 2020, Monday
At 19.00 Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1. OG Atelier Süd, Post Conceptual Art Practices Studio Guest talks: Aka Niviâna (Greenland) and Oliver Ressler (Vienna) Barricading the Ice Sheets: Tactics to disrupt climate-wrecking activities Organized by Marina Grzinic in collaboration with Oliver Ressler. Oliver Ressler: Barricading the Ice Sheets Oliver Ressler introduces with his project Barricading the Ice Sheets methods that bring activists together in situations that might not have arisen otherwise, creating the opportunity for them to speak from platforms that would otherwise have been unavailable, and recording the insights that result from these combinations. Ressler has organized in collaboration with Camera Austria the conference “Barricading the Ice Sheets« in Graz. Among the speakers was Aka Niviâna. “Barricading the Ice Sheets” is supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF: AR 526). In autumn 2021 it will materialize as an exhibition at Camera Austria. Aka Niviâna: Climate awareness is for everyone
When we talk about the climate crisis, there is a tendency of believing that you have to be a certain kind of person, with a certain position to make impact on the topic. The argument I try to communicate is, that no matter your background it is an issue that we all can participate in solving. We all share the responsibility to change the current way of life on Earth.
CV: Aka Niviâna (GL) is a Greenlandic artist based in Nuuk. Aka writes poetry and scripts that focuses on topic regarding climate and our role and responsibility for future generations. Oliver Ressler (AT) is an artist and filmmaker from Vienna, and initiator of “Barricading the Ice Sheets”. He works on issues such as economics, democracy, migration, the climate catastrophe, forms of resistance and social alternatives. He has completed thirty-three films that have been screened worldwide in thousands of events of social movements, art institutions and film festivals. Ressler has participated in more than 350 group exhibitions, Kyiv (2017), Gothenburg (2019), Stavanger (2019), and at Documenta 14, Kassel, 2017 (exhibition organized by EMST). www.ressler.art March 3, 2020, Tuesday
At 14.00 meeting with the PhD in philosophy students March 3, 2020, Tuesday
At 17.00 Art. Activism. Politics: screenings, readings (1) Screening I Am Not Your Negro
Directed by Raoul Peck
Written by James Baldwin and Raoul Peck
Based on Remember This House by James Baldwin
Narrated by Samuel L. Jackson
2017, running time 95 minutes Discussion afterwards March 4, 2020, Wednesday At 20.00 Blutiger Sommer
von Alireza Daryanavard
Inszenierung: Alireza Daryanavard
Dramaturgie: Sogol Pour-Jahan, Mascha Mölkner
Mit: Simonida Selimović, Karim Rahoma, Morteza Tavakoli
TICKETS: werk-x.at Where: WERK X-Petersplatz
Petersplatz 1, 1010 Wien
U-Bahn-Linien: U1 und U3 (Stephansplatz)
Bus-Linien: 1A, 2A (Graben/Petersplatz) March 9, 2020, Monday
In charge Maren Grimm March 10, 2020, Tuesday
In charge Maren Grimm March 11, 2020, Wednesday At 18.00 Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1. OG Atelier Süd, Post Conceptual Art Practices Studio Lecture »Voices of Disorder, voices of the Academy. A talk with Yuderkys Espinosa« As part of the dialogue within European Academies about the decolonization of knowledge and studies, the theorist Yuderkys Espinosa Miñoso is invited to talk about her career within and outside the academy. In this presentation, Espinosa will share reflections about her experience that as a black Caribbean migrant subject she had overcome in academic spaces. This talk will be useful for critical students and academics in the field of social sciences, and especially for those who work, or would like to work, with a decolonial, anti-colonial, and anti-racist feminist perspective. We would like to reflect...What does it mean to be a decolonial thinker and a decolonial artist in a western colonial space like the academy? Which are and how we can use the resources that we have to develop our practices in white predominantly space? What type of negotiations is necessary and/or meaningful in order to redirect our learning in a decolonial way? The lecture is strongly recommended to Black, Indigenous and People of Color, latinxs, meztizes living in Europe. But we also welcome every student willing to work on self-criticism in relation to their individual position within the academy, the social context, and global geography. As part of the program, Mariama Diallo, student at the Academy of Fine Arts, will introduce the evening with her reflections and thoughts on her experience as an African woman in the Academy of Fine Arts. In addition, we will end the evening with a performance of Moenani Sisters. Yuderkys Espinosa Miñoso is a writer, researcher, philosopher, professor and activist of Afro-Dominican origin. She is part of the Latin American Group of Studies, Training and Feminist Action (GLEFAS). Through her work, she explains the necessity of adopting a decolonial feminist perspective by reflecting on and confronting the hegemonic, eurocentric, racist and classist perspectives that are intertwined in the feminist movement. Without warning, she has become one of the fundamental referents of decolonial feminism in Abya Yala. Espinosa has also begun with the formation of a new feminist generation through the educative platform GLEFAS. Mariama Diallo was born in Guinea. She has applied for asylum in Austria in 2011. Since 2014 she studies Contextual Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Prof. Hans Scheirl. She is a Pan-Africanist. She fights for African dignity, respect for Africans and for the sovereignty of Africa. Moenani Sisters is an insurgent movement of women from different parts of the world, women who pass on our message of life, respect and love of diversity through dance. It is the answer to the search for community, brotherhood, love and reciprocity and it is the non-hegemonic dance that has brought us together in this school of women. Lia Kastiyo-Spinósa was born by the Caribbean Sea. Since 2018 she lives and studies in Vienna at the Academy of Fine Arts. Her main media of production are photography, collage, and performance. She is also part of diverse activist collectives and projects like the Frauen*Referat, Migrazine Magazine, and the House Türkis Rosa Lila Villa. More: www.facebook.com March 16, 2020, Monday At 15.00 to 17.00 Art. Activism. Politics: screenings, readings (2)
Reading Rizvana Bradley: A Gathering of Aporetic Form
uploaded akbild online Grzinic/concept kunst March 17, 2020, Tuesday RESERVE YOUR TIME akbild at Augasse 13.00 to 15.00
The CUKO IBK will meet to discuss about problems and opportunities to improve the curriculum. 15.00 to 18.00
There will be the main general assembly where we want to discuss how democratic the academy actually is and where we can improve the situation. March 23, 2020, Monday
13.00 to 14.00
Individual meetings Grzinic office March 23, 2020, Monday
At 14.00 to 16.00 Art. Activism. Politics: screenings, readings (2)
Reading Rizvana Bradley: A Gathering of Aporetic Form (conclusion/debate) March 23, 2020, Monday
At 17.00 until 19.30 (1 of 5) Workshop with Arye Wachsmuth MIGRATION AND EUROPEAN POLITICS The workshop focuses on migrant politics of the Occident, the failed refugee politics of Austria, the EU, and Europe. LANGUAGES: English and German. Assistant: Mika Maruyama The outcome is to produce ten posters that will be part of the exhibition “Stories Of Traumatic Pasts” in Weltmuseum in Vienna. The exhibition “Stories Of Traumatic Pasts” with a Subtitle: Counter-Archives For Future Memories is an outcome of the research project “Genealogy of Amnesia.” IMPORTANT: CONTINUOUS PRESENCE AND ENGAGEMENT IS REQUIRED. CV: ARYE WACHSMUTH
Born 1962 in Hamburg, Germany, raised in Tel Aviv, Israel. Lives and works in Vienna, Austria. RECENT AND SELECTED EXHIBITIONS
2019/2020 (Censorship and freedom of expression, Galerie Rudolf Leeb, Vienna / Galerija Forum, Zagreb /MODERNA GALERIJA, Ljubljana (Group show and locations)
2018/2020 (Retracing the Tears, installation at House of Austrian History, Vienna)
2018 (VORVORGESTERN, curated by Franziska Lesák, Galerie Raum mit Licht, Vienna Numerous group shows: 2018: Notes on the Beginning of the Short 20th Century, Artist House, Tel Aviv (Group show) Die 90er Jahre, 1. Aufzug – Ein Wiener Diwan, MUSA-Wien Museum, Vienna (Group show); 2017: FUTURE UNDONE, Gruppenausstellung im AIL, curated by ecm, Vienna (Group show); 2016: What Bird Has Done Yesterday, with Abigail Reynolds, Galerie Raum mit Licht, Vienna; 2015 Hotel Metropole, Der Erinnerung eine Zukunft geben, Into the City - Exhibition during Vienna’s; Festival Week (Group show)
Suppressed History and Contaminated Places, ROTOR, Graz (Group show);
1990-2014 Exhibitions in, Paris, London, Toronto, Istanbul, Linz, Bregenz, Stockholm, Los Angeles, Gdansk, Dresden, Belgrade, New York, Berlin, Serralves, Wrocław… NEXT WORKSHOP TERMS:
March 30, 2020, Monday
At 17.00 until 19.30 (2 of 5) March 31, 2020, Tuesday
14.05 to 16.00 (3 of 5)
where:Weltmuseum Wien (WMW)
Burgring 5, Vienna April 27, 2020, Monday
At 17.00 until 19.30 (4 of 5) April 28 Tuesday
At 17.00 until 19.30 (5 of 5) March 24, 2020 Tuesday
9.00 to 10.00, Individual meetings Grzinic office March 24, 2020 Tuesday
At 17.00 Where: mumok kino, Museumsplatz 1070 Vienna Free entrance Presentation of the book Opposing Colonialism, Antisemitism, and Turbo-Nationalism: Rethinking the Past for New Conviviality
Edited by Marina Gržinić, Jovita Pristovšek, and Sophie Uitz
578 pp., Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK, 2020
Contributors: Jamika Ajalon, Ruth Beckermann, Elisabeth Brainin, Véronique Clette-Gakuba, CMCLD/Collectif Mémoire Coloniale et Lutte contre les Discriminations, Nejra Nuna Čengić, Matthias De Groof, Nicole Grégoire, Marina Gržinić, Adla Isanović, Araba Evelyn Johnston-Arthur, Geneviève Kaninda, Hikmet Karčić, Kasereka Kavwahirehi, Sophie Lillie, Michael Loebenstein, Nikita Mazurov, Berthold Molden, Pedro Monaville, Sir Geoffrey Nice, Jovita Pristovšek, Markus Rheindorf, Drehli Robnik, Tony Kokou Sampson, Birgit Sauer, Max Silverman, Kalvin Soiresse Njall, Shirley Anne Tate, Šefik Tatlić, Claudia Tazreiter, Nevenka Tromp, Hedvig Turai, Sophie Uitz, Tanya Ury, Gloria Wekker, Renée Winter, and Ruth Wodak The volume focuses on collective amnesia in regards to traumatic events of the European past and the ways in which memory and history are presented for the future. It gathers together reflections on racism and nationalism, empowerment and futurity. As the subtitle indicates, ultimately this volume is about achieving a future conviviality. On this festive occasion, the editors of the book will present its content, structure and contributors. The volume is an outcome of the art- and theory-based research project Genealogy of Amnesia: Rethinking the Past for a New Future of Conviviality. It is funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) through its Programme for Arts-based Research (PEEK). The research is developed at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, from 2018 to 2020. archiveofamnesia.akbild.ac.at March 30, 2020, Monday
Entry exams academy /IBK March 30, 2020, Monday
At 17.00 until 19.30 (2 of 5) Workshop with Arye Wachsmuth MIGRATION AND EUROPEAN POLITICS The workshop focuses on migrant politics of the Occident, the failed refugee politics of Austria, the EU, and Europe. LANGUAGES: English and German. Assistant: Mika Maruyama The outcome is to produce ten posters that will be part of the exhibition “Stories Of Traumatic Pasts” in Weltmuseum in Vienna. The exhibition “Stories Of Traumatic Pasts” with a Subtitle: Counter-Archives For Future Memories is an outcome of the research project “Genealogy of Amnesia.” IMPORTANT: CONTINUOUS PRESENCE AND ENGAGEMENT IS REQUIRED. March 31, 2020, Tuesday
Entry exams academy /IBK March 31, 2020, Tuesday
14.05 to 16.00 (3 of 5) Workshop with Arye Wachsmuth The workshop focuses on migrant politics of the Occident, the failed refugee politics of Austria, the EU, and Europe. LANGUAGES: English and German. Assistant: Mika Maruyama Visiting the Welt Musem in Vienna in which the posters will be displayed as part of the exhibition “Stories Of Traumatic Pasts” with a Subtitle: Counter-Archives For Future Memories, facilitated by Mika Maruyama. IMPORTANT meeting at
Address: Weltmuseum Wien (WMW)
Burgring 5, Vienna SEE THE HOLIDAYS: April 2020, from
4.04 2020 until 19.04.2020 Next time (POST) KONZEPT ART Studio work 20.04 2020, Monday at 16.00
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