m1 (turm4) |
Monday, 26. April 2021
concept, April 26, 2021 at 10:57:11 AM CEST PCAP May 2021 PCAP MAY 20021 MAY 1, 2021
www.mayday.jetzt Mitwirken willkommen – mail to contact@mayday.jetzt
participation is welcome – mail to contact@mayday.info
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– english version see below –
1.MAI 12h U3 Ottakring
Abstand halten – FFP2 Maske – vorab Testen – nutzt die vielfachen kostenlosen Testangebote!
Als ob die herrschenden Verhältnisse nicht ohnehin schon ausreichend Gründe für das Organisieren von Widerstand liefern, führen wir momentan unsere Kämpfe zusätzlich unter Krisenbedingungen, dem Inkaufnehmen von Corona-Toten für wirtschaftliche Interessen und zunehmend autoritärer auftretenden Staatsgewalt. Aus der Vereinzelung unserer Kämpfe auszubrechen, ist angesichts des Elends, mit dem wir konfrontiert sind, nicht unbedingt leichter geworden. Gleichzeitig regt sich aber an vielen Hebeln des kapitalistischen Systems Widerstand. Massive Blockaden gegen die mörderische Abschiebemaschinerie, die Politisierung und Bekämpfung von Feminiziden und patriarchaler Gewalt, Kämpfe gegen die Verschlechterungen im Bildungsbereich, Streiks von Sozialarbeiter_innen und andere Arbeitskämpfe, Widerstand von Rassismus Betroffener, Selbstorganisierung von migrantischen (Care-)Arbeiter_innen, direkte Aktionen gegen Demos der antisemitischen Corona-Leugner_innen, Streiks für ein Ende der industriellen Umweltzerstörung oder der Aufbau solidarischer Nachbar_innennetzwerke und Organisierung von Kulturarbeiter_innen finden allen Widrigkeiten zum Trotz in Wien aktuell statt. Wir bringen all diese Kämpfe am 1. Mai 2021 in einer Demonstration zusammen. Wir wollen sie sichtbar machen, nach gemeinsamen Strategien suchen und noch kollektiver führen. Bei all den Unterschieden, mit denen wir zu tun haben, eint uns die Überzeugung der Möglichkeit und die Sehnsucht nach einer radikal anderen, einer solidarischen Gesellschaft. Einer Gesellschaft frei von Ausbeutung, Herrschaft und patriarchaler und rassistischer Gewalt. Einer Gesellschaft in der wir alle ohne Angst verschieden sein können.
Deshalb, heraus zum 1. Mai!
Wo: U3 Ottakring, 16. Bezirk
Wann: 12 Uhr
– – – – – – – –
1.MAY 12h U3 Ottakring
Keep your distance – FFP2 mask – test beforehand – use the many cost-free test options!
As if the current conditions do not already provide enough reasons to organize resistance, at the moment we are additionally leading our struggles under crisis conditions, accepting corona deaths for economic interests and increasingly authoritarian state power. Breaking out of the isolation of our struggles has not necessarily become easier given the misery we face. At the same time, however, resistance is rising at multiple levers within the capitalist system. Massive blockades against the murderous deportation machinery, the politicization and fight against feminicide and patriarchal violence, struggles against the downgrades in education, strikes of social workers and other labor struggles, resistance of those affected by racism, Self-organization of migrant (care) workers, direct actions against demos of the anti-Semitic Corona deniers, strikes for an end of industrial environmental destruction or the building of solidary neighborhood networks and organizing of cultural workers are currently taking place in Vienna against all odds. We bring all these struggles together in a demonstration on May 1st 2021. We want to make them visible, search for common strategies and lead them even more collectively. Despite all the differences we have to deal with, we are united by the conviction of the possibility and the longing for a radically different, a solidary society. A society free from exploitation, domination and patriarchal and racist violence. A society in which we can all be different without fear.
Therefore, come out on May 1st!
Where: U3 Ottakring, 16th district
When: 12 o’clock May 3, 2021, Monday
At 16.00
Join Zoom Meeting
Marina Grzinic Mauhler is inviting you to a scheduled Join Zoom Meeting
akbild-ac-at.zoom.us Meeting ID: 556 346 5501
Passcode: 334556#
Lectures, readings, Azoulay, Glissant preparation for the exhibition/lab /camp. May 4, 2021, Tuesday
At 16.00
Join Zoom Meeting
Marina Grzinic Mauhler is inviting you to a scheduled Join Zoom Meeting
akbild-ac-at.zoom.us Meeting ID: 556 346 5501
Passcode: 334556#
Lectures, readings, Azoulay, Glissant preparation for the exhibition/lab /camp. May 10, 2021, Monday
Monday, May 10th and Tuesday, May 11th, 2021
During these days the auditors will conduct 1-to-2-hour (group) conversations with selected persons, e.g., the Rector and Vice-Rectors, heads of Institutes and Departments, chairs of the Senate and Curricula Commissions, students, Students’ Union representatives. May 10, 2021, Monday
At 16.00
Join Zoom Meeting
Marina Grzinic Mauhler is inviting you to a scheduled Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 556 346 5501
Passcode: 334556#
Lectures, readings, Glissant preparation for the exhibition/lab /camp. May 11 2021, Tuesday
AUDIT!!! NO PCAP MEETING extra: May 11 2021, Tuesday at 19.00
Digital Unconscious
Book Launch In hyper-normal hybrids the boundaries between man and machine have dissolved. Inside their nervous systems lies a strange but fascinating theme: the digital unconscious. Which forces act through algorithmic processes? What secrets be found in the shadowy realm of technology, welded to human nervous systems? How can the complexity of these relationships be described and what forms of access can cultural approaches offer? Franco Berardi "Bifo", philosopher, activist, Bologna
Cécilia Calheiros, Critical Art Ensemble, USA
Katja Mayer, sociologist, University Vienna
hosted by Felix Stalder and Konrad Becker (eds.), World Information Institute Autonomedia publishing: "Digital Unconscious - Nervous Systems and Uncanny Predictions!" S.M. Amadae, Franco Berardi Bifo, Cecilia Calheiros, Ewen Chardronnet, Critical Art Ensemble, Erik Davis, Graham Harwood, Eva Illiouz, Lydia H.Liu, Katja Mayer, El Iblis Shah, Felix Stalder, Michael Taussig, Peter Lamborn Wilson. ISBN: 978157027 Link zur Online-Teilnahme:
us02web.zoom.us May 13 2021,Thursday
HOLIDAY May 17, 2021, Monday
Talks candidates 9.00-16.00 ENTRY EXAM ZOOM (INTERN) May 17, 2021, Monday
At 16.00
Join Zoom Meeting
Marina Grzinic Mauhler is inviting you to a scheduled Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 556 346 5501
Passcode: 334556# PRESENTATION
Timotheus Ueberall
with discussion Lectures, readings, Glissant preparation for the exhibition/lab /camp. May 18, 2021, Tuesday
Talks candidates 9.00-16.00 ENTRY EXAM ZOOM (INTERN) May 18, 2021, Tuesday
At 16.00
Join Zoom Meeting
Marina Grzinic Mauhler is inviting you to a scheduled Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 556 346 5501
Passcode: 334556#
Discussion exhibition Schillerplatz park
Lectures, readings, Glissant!!! May 22, 23, 24, 2021 HOLIDAYS
MONDAY 24, 2021
NO PCAP MEETING May 25, 2021, Tuesday
At 16.00
Join Zoom Meeting
Marina Grzinic Mauhler is inviting you to a scheduled Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 556 346 5501
Passcode: 334556#
presentation by AARON KIMMIG
with discussion
Lectures, readings Glissant preparation for the exhibition/lab /camp. May 31, 2021, Monday
At 15.30
zoom ind. meeting May 31, 2021, Monday
At 16.00
Join Zoom Meeting
Marina Grzinic Mauhler is inviting you to a scheduled Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 556 346 5501
Passcode: 334556#
FOCUS: preparation for the exhibition/lab /camp. Presentation a work by Rui Bai for the planned show. June 1, 2021, Tuesday
Join Zoom Meeting
Marina Grzinic Mauhler is inviting you to a scheduled Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 556 346 5501
Passcode: 334556#
At 16.00
Presentation: On the Relevance of Painting
With discussion
Title phd in philosophy: Agency in violence: Negotiations in and by female migrants
With discussion
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