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Thursday, 28. October 2021
concept, October 28, 2021 at 5:59:40 PM CEST PCAP November 2021 PCAP NOVEMBER 2021 TIMETABLE NOVEMBER 1, 2021, MONDAY
A PROJECT MUSLIM*CONTEMPORARY WHERE | Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Lehárgasse 8, 1060 Wien, Prospekthof, Tor 2 Freier Eintritt!
Bitte um Beachtung der aktuellen COVID Maßnahmen als auch der Vorweisung eines aktuellen PCR Test.
Anmeldung erforderlich unter: www.muslimcontemporary.at Free entry!
Please note the currently valid COVID-19 measures. An up to date PCR Test has to be presented.
Registration required unter: www.muslimcontemporary.at Project by Asma Aiad, BA, in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Marina Grzinic, in collaboration with the Studio for Post-conceptuakl art practice, or Fachbereich Konzeptuelle Kunst or PCAP: Teilnehmende Künstler_innen, Personen & Organisationen
Amani Abuzahra | Asma Aiad | Muhammet Ali Bas |Esma Bošnjaković | Imen Bousnina | Calimaat | Esrap | Neda Hosseinyar | Ozan Zakaria Keskinkilic | Hibatullah Khelifi | Dudu Kücükgöl | Anahita Neghabat | Ein Stück Theater | Salam Oida | Black Voices Anti-Rassismus Volksbegehren | Dokumentationsstelle Islamfeindlichkeit | Muslimische Jugend Österreich Muslim*Contemporary versteht sich als multidisziplinäres, partizipatives und dialogisches Projekt, das den Stellenwert der Partizipation der muslimischen Communities in der österreichischen Gesellschaft durch Bildung, Kunst, Dialog, Aktivismus und Kultur reflektieren soll. Ziel ist es, Räume zu schaffen, in denen wichtige gesellschaftliche Diskurse reflektiert und durch Repräsentationen verhandelt werden können. Der Dialog in diesen Räumen soll nicht nur über die ausgestellten Gegenstände und Installationen stattfinden, sondern im wahrsten Sinn des Wortes (διάλογος diálogos) ein Ort des Gesprächs werden. Ziel ist es durch verschiedene Formate Diskussions- und Debattenräume zu eröffnen. Dort kann zugehört, gefragt und verhandelt werden. Wie wollen wir leben? Wie wollen wir unsere gemeinsame, vielfältige Zukunft gestalten? Es kann und soll aber auch ein Ort der Entfaltung, Stärkung und des Empowerments sein. PROGRAMM
MONDAY, 08.11.2021 | OPENING | 17:00 Uhr
Begrüßung | Asma Aiad, BA & Prof. Dr.in Marina Grzinic
Eröffnungsrede | Vizerektorin Mag.a Dr.in Ingeborg Erhart
Theateraufführung | EinStück Theater
Panel I Art that confronts & challenges? Kann Kunst Gesellschaften verändern?
Food & Talk TUESDAY, 09.11.2021 | GUIDING TOURS AND WORKSHOP | 13:00 ‒ 21:00 Uhr
Führungen für Gruppen und Schulklassen nach Anmeldung.
16:00 ‒ 18:00 Uhr Workshop und Führung; Fachbereich Konzeptuelle Kunst (Post-conceptual Art Practices) Class + Friends
in Zusammenarbeit mit “Conviviality as Potentiality” Art Science Research, Austrian Science Fund FWF (AR 679). WEDNESDAY, 10.11.2021 | Lesung | 18:00 Uhr
Lesung Muslimaniac. Die Karriere eines Feindbildes mit Autor Ozan Zakariya Keskinkılıç und anschließendem Gespräch mit Mag.a Amani Abuzahra und Muhammet Ali Bas THURSDAY, 11.11.2021 | Führung & Workshop | 13:00 ‒ 21:00 Uhr ´
Führungen für Gruppen und Schulklassen nach Anmeldung. WORKSHOP 1: Meme the Pain Away mit Ibiza Austrian Memes / Anahita Neghabat WORKSHOP 2: Antimuslimischer Rassismus Exposed / Dokustelle Islamfeindlichkeit und Antimuslimischer Rassismus WORKSHOP 3: Talking Back: Rassismus & Wiederstand / Mag.a Dudu Kücükgöl
in Zusammenarbeit mit Smashing Wor(l)ds: Cultural Practices for re/Imagining & un/Learning Vocabularies. FRIDAY, 12.11.2021 | Konzert | 18:00 Uhr
Artist Talk mit Esra & Enes Özmen – EsRAP
Konzert | EsRAP
Finisage: After Party Im Zusammenarbeit mit Koordinationsstelle Frauenförderung | Geschlechterforschung | Diversität, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, und "Conviviality as Potentiality" Art Science Research, Austrian Science Fund FWF (AR 679). Unterstützung von SALAM OIDA. Fachbereich Konzeptuelle Kunst (Post-conceptual Art Practices/PCAP). STADT WIEN Kultur. Muslimische Jugend Österreich. November 15, 2021, MONDAY At 14.00 to 15.30 HYBRID Where: AkBild, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1). Presentations students first semester and ERASMUS
Sebastian KONZETT
Benjamin JANZEN (Hamburg) November 15, 2021, MONDAY
15.30 entrance Lehargasse 8, door 1/tor 1/ Performative-political event Poster Banner to be put on the facade wall/street On the poster portrait Melibea Obono, Schriftstellerin & LGTBQ-Aktivistin, Äquatorialguinea. Art design work by Ramón Esono, Künstler, Äquatorialguinea, 6 Monate in Haft im Black Beach-Gefängnis in Malabo. Zwischen zwei Tagen: November 2021, Internationaler Tag des inhaftierten Schriftstellers, und November 2021, dem Internationalen Tag der Beseitigung von Gewalt gegen Frauen. Vorgeschlagen von Anxiety Culture Project-ACP (Kiel/NY) in zusammen Arbeit mit Konzeptuelle Kunst FB /IBK/ Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien. Porträt Melibea Obono: Ramón Esono. Druckdesign: Astrid Young. Installation: Kader Muzaqi. Verantwortlich für Anxiety Culture Project-ACP: Max Doppelbauer Verantwortlich für Konzeptuelle Kunst/IBK/: Marina Grzinic GUEST: Ramón Esono, Künstler, Äquatorialguinea, 6 Monate in Haft im Black Beach-Gefängnis in Malabo. Small celebration of the event, food and drinks until 17.00. November 15, 2021, MONDAY At 17.00 to 19.15 HYBRID
Where: AkBild, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1). Ph.D. seminar/ and workshop B3/ mandatory for ZKF Post-Conceptual Art Practices TITLE The Representation of Contemporary Korean Films through (new) Orientalism and Feminism Teaching:Yela An, Ph.D. student mentor and Grzinic. UNITE 5 of 10 a) Institutional Critique, part 1
The lecture will elaborate on the institutional critique from the first wave to today while also exploring each generation's key features.
· Alexander Alberro and Blake Stimson editor (2009). Institutional critique: An anthology of artists' writings. Cambridge, The MIT Press. November 16, 2021 TUESDAY ind. meeting 10.00 to 12.00
office GRZINIC, MASKS!!! mandatory, 2,5 G At 13.30 to 16.00 HYBRID Where: AkBild, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1). Presentations students first semester and Erasmus START
Benjamin JANZEN (Hamburg)
Özgür SEVINç
Felix DEITERS (Weimar) 16.00 to 17.00 pause November 16, 2021 TUESDAY
At 17.00 to 19.15 HYBRID Where: AkBild, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1). Ph.D. seminar/ and workshop B3/ mandatory for ZKF Post-Conceptual Art Practices TITLE The Representation of Contemporary Korean Films through (new) Orientalism and Feminism Teaching:Yela An, Ph.D. student mentor and Grzinic. UNITE 6 of 10
a) Institutional critique, part 2, continuation and conclusion.
b) The Deification of the Maternal Instinct, Pieta (2012) by Kim Ki-duk, projection of video excerpt.
This part of the lecture will deal with the worship of maternal instinct in Korean society and the issue of physical assault in Kim Ki-duk films. FULL LOCKDOWN COVID-19 until 12.12.2021 November 22, 2021, MONDAY
17.00 to 19.00 ONLY ZOOM Where: AkBild, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1). Erasmus continuation presentations: Tereza KLCOVA(Bratislava)
Adam TOMANEK(Prague) Datum | 22.11.2021, 20.00 h - 21.30 h
ONLY ZOOM Artist talk by Ramon Esono Ebalé. Organized by the Studio for Post-Conceptual Art Practices /IBK/ prof. Marina Grzinic in collaboration with UNI WIEN/ prof. Max Doppelbauer. Ramon Esono Ebalé was born in Micomeseng in northern Equatorial Guinea. He is largely self-taught, but also received drawing lessons at the Centro Cultural de España in Malabo. He received awards such as the Regarde 9 at the International Comics Festival in Angoulême and from the Africa and Mediterranean magazine in Bologna. On the Internet, Ebalé worked for the webzine Las Locuras de Jamón y Queso. He worked on the film Un día vi 10.000 elefantes and was exhibited in Paraguay and El Salvador. In addition to his career as a commercial artist, Ebalé is concerned with the deep inequality in Equatorial Guinea and with Teodoro Obiang, the dictator since 1979. Ebalé moved to Paraguay in 2011. In 2014, using dialog written by an anonymous collaborator in Malabo, Ebalé drew the graphic novel La pesadilla de Obi (Obi's Nightmare). It was funded by the non-governmental organization EGJustice. The book is described as "a satirical day in the life imagining what it would be like for Obiang himself to wake up as an unemployed, mindless husband in one of Malabo's desolate slums, accustomed as he is to the unbridled control of his country's economy." With no means of legal distribution in Equatorial Guinea, the Spanish edition of the book sub rosa was distributed by private individuals. In September 2017, Ebalé was arrested in Malabo and detained in the notorious Black Beach prison. He was released in March 2018 after a police officer admitted to falsely accusing him on the instructions of his superiors. In November 2017, the Cartoonists Rights Network, International presented Ebalé with its annual Courage in Editorial Cartooning award to draw attention to his incarceration. In November 2021, he came to Vienna at the invitation of Max Doppelbauer to create a project commemorating the Day of the Imprisoned Writer on NOV 15, and the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on NOV 25. The project is titled Between Two Days. Ramón painted a GIANT portrait of Guinean writer and LTGBQ+ activist Melibea Obono and they carried the portrait through Vienna and together to AKBild in Lehargasse 8, where it would be exhibited for 10 days – from NOV 15 to NOV 25. Registration: konzeptkunst@akbild.ac.at November 23, 2021, TUESDAY
ONLY ZOOM At 10.00 to 12.00
Where: AkBild, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1). Meeting PhD students in philosophy, mentor Grzinic 12.00 to 13.00, ind. meetings, Grzinic office, contact me At 14.00 to 16.00 ONLY ZOOM
Where: AkBild, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1). PRESENTATIONS, new students in THE FACH BEREIT Laura ANDERSEN
Philip LEITNER CONCLUSION of the first part presentations. Next students 2, 3, 4, year in KONZEPT KUNST, thinking for a phantom RUNDGANG. November 23, 2021, TUESDAY
At 17.00 to 19.15 ONLY ZOOM Where: AkBild, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1). Ph.D. seminar/ and workshop B3/ mandatory for ZKF Post-Conceptual Art Practices TITLE The Representation of Contemporary Korean Films through (new) Orientalism and Feminism Teaching:Yela An, Ph.D. student mentor and Grzinic. UNITE 7 of 10
a) Homo Sacer.
The lecture will expose some vital ground in understanding the fundamental political categories of sovereignty/bare life, zoē/bios, and exclusion/inclusion.
· Giorgio Agamben (1998). Homo Sacer. Sovereign Power and Bare Life, Stanford University Press. b) The Female Protagonist in Male Perspective Dialogue, film On the Beach at Night Alone (2017) by Hong Sang-soo.
Projection of video excerpt. This lecture will provide an overview of Hong Sang-soo's repeatability based on the perspective of gender inequality and the degradation of female characters. November 29, 2021 MONDAY At 14.00 to 17.00 Presentations students already studying 2, 3, 4 year, new work and idea for the RUNDGANG, Q and A
Philip Leitner conclusion presentation
Nathalie Köbli PAUSE RUNDGANG DISCUSSION! TECHNICAL LIST, SPACE REFLECTING and USAGE November 30, 2021, TUESDAY 10.00 to 11.00, ind. meeting,Grzinic office, contact me At 14.00 to 16.00 Where: AkBild, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1). Presentations students already studying 2, 3, 4 year, new work and idea for the RUNDGANG, Q and A
Seidl November 30, 2021, TUESDAY At 17.00 to 19.15 Where: AkBild, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1). Ph.D. seminar/ and workshop B3/ mandatory for ZKF Post-Conceptual Art Practices TITLE The Representation of Contemporary Korean Films through (new) Orientalism and Feminism Teaching:Yela An, Ph.D. student mentor and Grzinic. UNITE 8 of 10 a) Continuation of the discussion film On the Beach at Night Alone (2017) by Hong Sang-soo. Next: December 2021
Monday, 6 December, 2021
At 16.00
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