m1 (turm4) |
Friday, 31. December 2021
concept, December 31, 2021 at 4:04:10 PM CET PCAP January 2022 THE BEST TO YOU ALL in 2022! PCAP JANUAR 2022 JANUARY 10, 2022, Monday
At 14.00 to 16.30 Presentations students studying 2, 3, 4 years: Kyra Sophie Wilhelmseder
Timotheus Überall
Aaron Kimmig JANUARY 10, 2022, Monday
At 17.00 to 19.15 Ph.D. seminar/ and workshop B3/ mandatory for ZKF Post-Conceptual Art Practices TITLE The Representation of Contemporary Korean Films through (new) Orientalism and Feminism Teaching:Yela An, Ph.D. student mentor and Grzinic. UNITE 10 of 10
KOREAN FEMINISM AND WRAPING UP WITH THE FILM PARASITE JANUARY 11, 2022, Tuesday Presentations students studying 2, 3, 4 years: Asma Aiad
Henrie Dennis
Valentin Pfenniger IMPORTANT: JANUARY 14, 2022, FRIDAY
At 15.00 to 16.00 RUNDGANG STATE OF THE THINGS: meeting to think and plan strategically regarding Covid-19 measures PLANNED: JANUARY 17, 2022, MONDAY
IN CHARGE MAREN GRIMM Parallel diplomas Ma in Critical Studies (Grzinic, Sircar, Sonderegger in the commision)
Ndidi Iroh at 16.00 BIBLIOTHEK /Schillerplatz INVITATION Anka Leśniak, presentation of the project Lost Element. Re-construction of the Witch
18.01.2022, 19.00 h Ort | Online via Zoom
Meeting ID 921 5224 1629 Anka Leśniak, presentation of the project Lost Element. Re-construction of the Witch
Organized by the Studio for Post-conceptual Art Practices /PCAP/ prof. Grzinic, IBK, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien.
The exhibition, which will open on 13.01.2022 at VBKÖ / Austrian Association of Women Artists/ in Vienna, is an artistic and curatorial project by Anka Leśniak. Other women artists participating in the exhibition are Anna Bochkova, Valerie Habsburg and Violetta Leitner. The exhibition is the next chapter in a joint artistic investigation of Teresa Feodorowna Ries (1866-1956). The sculptor of Jewish-Russian origin was one of the most prominent artists of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy and exhibited several times also in VBKÖ. In 1938 Teresa Feodorowna Ries had to flee to Switzerland, leaving behind her entire professional life and her works of art. Among the many works she had to leave in her studio was a marble figure of the Witch, before the Witches' Sabbath (1895). The sculpture depicts a powerful nude woman looking directly into the viewer's eyes and smiling wickedly as she trims her toenails with a large pair of scissors. The Witch was later damaged a few times under unexplained circumstances. It has been restored, but the hand with the scissors is still missing. The Witch by Teresa Ries is a witness of history, political and social changes. The damaged sculpture is an indictment of history, institutions, policies towards women (artists), antisemitism and xenophobia. As part of a research-based art project, the exhibition also raises the question of how the lost element of the witch can be symbolically reconstructed through contemporary interpretations of this work and its history. Through the presentation of works based on historical research and archives, and the use of new media art, the exhibition opens the portal between the past and contemporary women's art practices. Photo: Anka Leśniak. The Restoration of the Witch, part1, 2019-20, video still. Copyright Leśniak. Curriculum Vitae: Anka Leśniak is an artist and researcher working in genres such as installation art, video art, performance art, photo collages and site-specific works. She is interested in feminism, issues related to gender, body, ethnic identity, history, language and memory. She is the author of the book Women disconnected from history. Site-specific artworks on abandoned buildings (2017). In 2019 she received the OeAD grant for the project on Teresa Feodorowna Ries (1866-1956), and was based in the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna (Studio for Post-conceptual Art). She currently heads the Intermedia Studio II at the Faculty of Sculpture and Intermedia of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk, Poland. www.ankalesniak.pl For Exhibition visiting consult VBKÖ / Austrian Association of Women Artists/, Maysedergasse 2/28 (4. Stock), 1010 Vienna; www.vbkoe.org JANUARY 19, 2022, WEDNESDAY
IN CHARGE MAREN GRIMM Parallel diplomas IBK (Grzinic in the commission)
Leonie Knez at 10.30 MZS JANUARY 20, 2022 THURSDAY
Studio for Conceptual Art(Post-conceptual Art Practices) ANNOUNCED DONERSTAG 20.01.2022
16-21h Ort | Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Lehárgasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1. OG Atelier Süd
Studio for Conceptual Art 16h
Henrie Dennis, Relax-in My Demons
Oke Fijal, How to become a monster? und Even Perpetrator get old
Saro Gottstein & Tereza Klčova, Dove Rave Love
Laura Hvidtfeldt Andersen, Untitled
Zora Fuhrmann, Woran denk(en) Mäler?
Ali Kianmehr, Art materials or start out!
Sebastian Konzett, Save the bees und Network of Life
Betül Seyma Küpeli, Fabrik, Arbeiterin, Maschine und Hände
Grace Marta Latigo, Fadumo Hirsi – Straße
Finn Mühl, Pflege am Boden
Mirjana Mustra, Untitled
Jonas Nieft, Relevanz 3000
Valentin Pfenniger, Untitled
Michelle Seidl, Possession (This cannot continue)
Timotheus Überall, Art work number 6: A movie about nature, technology, mythology and humankind. Part 1
Kyra Sophie Wilhelmseder, Sugar coating lies: Femicide in Austria. FOCUS: WTF is a non-binary University? 17-18h
Felix Deiters: WTF is a non-binary University?
Lesungen & Beiträge: Felix Deiters, Oke Fijal, Finn Mühl, Isa Schieche und andere
„WTF is a non-binary University?“ bedeutet auch sich einen solchen Ort vorzustellen und lädt alle ein, die spüren möchten was es bedeuten könnte, frei von dem cis-binären Monolog zu sein, der darauf besteht, ein Dialog zu sein. Bei „WTF is a non-binary University?“ geht es nicht um die „Gender-Debatte", denn Körper und Identitäten stehen hier nicht zur Diskussion. Wenn überhaupt, dann unterbrechen diese, widersprechen und überschreiten Grenzen, denn sie sind es leid, für sich selbst einzutreten und wagen es stattdessen, rebellisch und nicht verhandelbar zu werden. 19h
Aaron Kimmig, Hainburg – Ort des Ungehorsams, video in progress, 2022
Adam Tománek, Time to escape, 11 min, 2021 FREITAG 21.01. 2022
Ort | Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Lehárgasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1. OG Atelier Süd
Studio for Conceptual Art AUSSTELLUNG FOCUS: Acoustic space-time Memory 14-16h
Frederika Nelly Arndorf [Nathalie Ann Köbli with Arno Gitschthaler and Felix Huber]
Acoustic space-time Memory Schließlich wollen wir einen Weg finden, einige dieser Ideen nichtlinearer Raumzeitwahrnehmung in algorithmische Musikkomposition umzuwandeln. Dazu zeichnen wir einen Tag des Rundgangs 2022 mit mehreren Mikrofonen auf. Diese Signale werden dann von einem Algorithmus verarbeitet, welcher mehrere space-time Schichten des Rundgangs zufällig verarbeitet. Da ein reiner Zufallsalgorithmus nur white noise generieren würde, schränken wir diese Zufälligkeit leicht ein, um Klänge mit einer gewissen Variation zu präsentieren. Durch die Eingriffe in den Algorithmus erzeugen wir gemeinsam mit einer Maschine die resultierenden Klangwelten. 17-18h
Felix Deiters: WTF is a non-binary University?
Lesungen & Beiträge: Felix Deiters, Oke Fijal, Finn Mühl, Isa Schieche und andere 19h
Benjamin Janzen, InsideTheJellyBasin, 12 min, 2021
Fedor Shmelkin, Being Nuclear. Along Techa River, excerpt, 2021. SAMSTAG 22.01.2022
Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien,Studio for Conceptual Art im Freien Ort: Keplerplatz (neben der Kirche),Wien 12-13h
Performance DOVE RAVE LOVE SAMSTAG 22.01.2022
Ort | Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Lehárgasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1. OG Atelier Süd
Studio for Conceptual Art AUSSTELLUNG FOCUS: Was ist Freiheit? 15h
Ju Yoo and Asma Aiad, Because I am the Thunder, 7 min, 2022
Ein Projekt in Zusammenzuarbeit mit einem tollen Team.: Gedicht: Meryem Polat; Bühnenbil-dnerin: Zula Tuvshinbat; Grafische Entwürfe: Ali Kianmehr; Film-Team: Hatice Koca, Anna Lisa Kropf, Lina Iwana Lorenz, Kateřina Šafářová, Paulina Huber, Lin Wolf, Schnitt: Ju Yoo, Musik: Lilian Müller. “Because I am the Thunder” ist ein performativer Film, der auf die Situation sichtbar muslimi-sche Frauen in unserer Gesellschaft und welche Blicke auf sie gerichtet sind aufmerksam macht. Die Filmautorinnen Asma Aiad und Ju Yoo, wollen zeigen, wie leicht und oft der Blick der Betrachtenden das Bild von muslimischen Frauen kreiert und ihre Realitäten und Heterogenität unterdrückt. Conviviality as Potentiality, Touching Pain, 30 min, 2022 17-18h
Felix Deiters: WTF is a non-binary University?
Lesungen & Beiträge: Felix Deiters, Oke Fijal, Finn Mühl, Isa Schieche und andere 18.30-19h
Özgür Sevinç, experimentelle Noise-Live-Performance SONTAG 23.01.2022
Ort | Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Lehárgasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1. OG Atelier Süd
Studio for Conceptual Art AUSSTELLUNG January 24, 2022, Monday
disassembling Rundgang exhibition January 26, 2022, Wednesday
diploma works, view by the commission award AkBild 2021/2022 FEBRUARY 2022
SEMESTER HOLIDAYS START Summer semester 2022 February 28, 2022, Monday at 16.00
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