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Thursday, 24. February 2022
concept, February 24, 2022 at 5:02:46 PM CET PCAP March 2022 PCAP MARCH 2022 IMPORTANT 1: MANDATORY TO FOLLOW COVID-19 REGULATIONS THAT WILL BE IMPLEMENTED AND ARE ONLINE AkBild portal, front page published; www.akbild.ac.at Enter the studio room at LEHARGASSE 8 KONZEPT KUNST SPACE with mask (FFP2). 2,5 G regulations apply. IMPORTANT 2: IF YOU HAVE ANY RISQUÉ TO JOIN ANY GROUP, WE WILL FIND THE WAY. IN GENERAL, PLEASE TAKE CARE, BE SAFE, BE HEALTHY!!! IMPORTANT 3: IN THE BIBLIOTHEK of THE ACADEMY (IT IS HERE: Schillerplatz 3, M7 1010 Wien, MEZANINE room 7) IT IS a HAND APARAT, that means BOOKS and texts to READ, I PREPARE FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR 2022. MOSTLY BOOKS I BROUGHT FROM MY HOME LIBRARY and GAVE FOR EVER TO THE BIBLIOTHEK.GO THERE AND DIVE WE WILL DO AS WELL TOGETHER IN THE FOLLOWING WEEKS. DATES AND HOURS AND IDEAS WHAT WE DO: February 28, 2022, Monday At 16. 00 WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1) Informal talk in the class, what is the state of the things, where we are, what we see as an agenda in the very near future. March 1, 2022, Tuesday At 16. 00 WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1) First formal day of the semester, new students, Erasmus, we discuss what we will do in the next months, planning until 1.07.2022, diplomas and presentations, workshops and lectures and guests. WE WILL DISCUSS OUR TRAVEL TO KASSEL TO THE DOCUMENTA 15, WE HAVE THE DATES! THE APPLICATION IS ENTERED, THE MONEY FOR 15 STUDENTS POSITIONS IBK /PCAP CONFIRMED by the academy. WE HAVE 2 PARTNERS ONE FROM KASSEL (the host) and FROM BARCELONA (The academy in Barcelona). Wonderful positions and collaborative possibilities. March 3, 2022, Thursday ONLY ONLINE
At 19.00 DISCUSSION: The regime of digital coloniality Event organized by the Studio for Post-conceptual Art Practices (PCAP/IBK) at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna in collaboration with Depot – Kunst und Diskussion, Wien
To take part online register via depot@depot.or.at ( put in the message title "Registration 3.3.") With:
Marina Gržinić, Professor, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Adla Isanović, Assoc. Professor, Academy of Fine Arts, University of Sarajevo
Jovita Pristovšek, postdoctoral researcher, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Šefik Tatlić, PhD, theorist in the fields of political philosophy and decolonial theory, BiH A discussion based on the book by Adla Isanović, The Regime of Digital Coloniality: Bosnian Forensic Contemporaneity (Frankfurt am Main: CEEOLPRESS, 2021). This book problematizes how databases are conceived and how they relate to knowledge production in the current environment of global capitalism, biopolitics, and necropolitics. The book is indispensable for discussing about the consequences of the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 1990s and BiH contemporary transformation from a genocide into a forensic site. We will talk over two main points. Contemporary database logic (beyond the biopolitical archive) that organizes media, social networks, state governance, politics, legal processes and military interventions, and as well a wider range of art practices, including contemporary presentation/exhibition models and forms. The forensic shift is the prevailing forensic methodology and aesthetics that is occurring in a variety of forums, including international humanitarian politics, law, and art. What are the consequences? March 7, 2022, Monday At 16. 00 WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1) Presentation future diplomas: Mahsima Kalweit Diploma in Ma in Critical studies, presentation of the work and discussion (term April 2022) March 8, 2022, Tuesday International Women's Day (IWD) is a global holiday celebrated annually on March 8 to commemorate the cultural, political, and socioeconomic achievements of women. It is also a focal point in the women's rights movement, bringing attention to issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence and abuse against women. March 8, 2022, Tuesday
12.00 bis 14.30 WORKSHOP: WTF is a non-binary University? Der Workshop wird von fünf trans und nicht-binären Studierenden geleitet: Jupiter Rhea Braun; Felix Deiters; Oke S. Fijal; Mathea Hoffmann; Finn Mühl. ONLY FOR THOSE WHO REGISTERED after talking with the workshop leaders. WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1) or digital, will be an-nounced to the participants directly. Es ist uns wichtig explizit klarzustellen, dass es ein Workshop ist der nur Personen einlädt, die NICHT cis sind und es Bestandteil des Konzeptes ist einen temporären Raum in der Akade-mie zu schaffen, der für cis Personen nicht zugänglich ist. Eine Anmeldung für den Workshop erfolgt deswegen ausschließlich per Mail bis zum 01.03.2022.
an: wtfisanonbinaryuniversity@gmail.com Beschreibung What the fuck is a non-binary University?’ ist eine aufrichtige Frage, die von trans und nicht-binären Studierenden der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien gestellt wird, wenn wir fest-stellen, dass diese institutionelle Verlautbarung sich noch nicht auf die bedingungslose Ände-rung des eigenen Namens im System der Akademie erstreckt. ‘What the fuck is a non-binary University?’ stellt sich ebenfalls einen solchen Ort vor und lädt diejenigen ein, die herausfinden möchten, was es bedeuten könnte, freier zu werden von dem cis-binären Monolog, der darauf besteht, ein Dialog zu sein. ‘What the fuck is a non-binary University?’ hat nichts mit der "Gender Debatte" zu tun, denn Körper und Identitäten stehen hier nicht zur Diskussion. Wenn überhaupt, dann stören sie, widersprechen, überschreiten Grenzen, sind es leid, für sich selbst einzutreten und wagen es stattdessen, nicht konform und nicht verhandelbar zu sein. Dieser Workshop ist eine offene Einladung an alle trans und nicht-binären Studierenden, die sich die Frage stellen, was es für die bedeutet im institutionellen Rahmen einer Kunstakade-mie zu existieren. Der Workshop soll ein offener Gruppenprozess sein. Hier kann Raum sein, um über Erfahrun-gen in dieser Institution zu sprechen; Erfahrungen, die sonst in dem cis-dominierten Dialog verloren gehen. Durch das Teilen von individuellen Erfahrungen können wir nach einem Weg suchen, gemeinsam an dieser Institution damit einen Umgang zu finden. Es kann auch ein Ort sein, um über künstlerische Arbeiten zu sprechen und sich Feedback ein-zuholen. Wir möchten gerne einen Raum mit möglichst wenig Hierarchien schaffen, ein Platz für trans Kollaborateurinnen und Gender Saboteurinnen. Die Organisator*innen wollen den Rahmen dafür zur Verfügung stellen: Raum, Zeit und Plattform, sowie eigene Erfahrungen und Anre-gungen einbringen, um ihn für alle Teilnehmenden zu öffnen. Der Output des Workshops kann, für alle, die wollen, eine gemeinsame öffentliche Arbeit sein. Dies kann ein Manifest, ein Zine, einzelne oder mehrere Performances oder künstlerische Intervention aller Art sein, mit der wir unsere Ideen, Wut, Vorschläge oder Forderungen sichtbar machen könne. Der Workshop wird unterstützt von der Koordinationsstelle Frauenförderung | Geschlechter-forschung | Diversität (Mag.a Dr.in Ingrid Schacherl). March 8, 2022, Tuesday
12.00 to 14.00
individual meetings GRZINIC office, contact me by mail March 8, 2022, Tuesday
At 16. 00 until 18.00 WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1) Lecture by Marina Grzinic and Sophie Uitz A series of lecture on Tuesdays from March to June 2022. New artistic approaches, politics and aesthetics Recent artistic projects that work with trauma, amnesia, video-films, installations, sound, projects. Postdoctoral researcher (2021–2024): Dr. Sophie Uitz holds a PhD in political science and has three years of postdoc work experience on the arts- and theory-based research project “Genealogy of Amnesia” (FWF-PEEK AR439, 2018–2021). Her areas of specialization (a.o. decolonial theories, history and memory, violence, political resistance, gender studies, comparative cultural studies) as well as her practical experience in arts-based research directly correspond to the aims and objectives of this project. Her postdoctoral expertise includes editorial and curatorial work, organization of and participation in international academic and artistic events. SPECIAL OPEN POSSIBILITY
Tuesday, 8.03.2022 from 18.00 on, until 22.00
Exhibition Opening Infrastruktur als Form und Handlung The opening takes place on 8.3., at 6 pm, in the Aula at Schillerplatz. Exhibit Gallery and Exhibit Eschenbachgasse – the two locations of this exhibition – are open from 6 to 10 pm. There are numerous events in context of the opening. We are very much looking forward to seeing you! Covid-19 regulations: the 2.5 G rule applies for access to all locations. Attention: for the bar area in the Aula the 2G plus rule applies (vaccinated, recovered and PCR tested) – do not forget the PCR test! March 14, 2022, Monday At 16. 00
WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1) Presentation by students in the PCAP: Pramila Lama 18.30
WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1) Presentation by Kader Muzaqi, PhD in philosophy: space, communities, futures March 15, 2022, Tuesday 16.00
WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1) Alireza Daryanavard, student PCAP, theater practice Lua Mauff, Kim Sanou - MA in Critical studies, presentation March 21, 2022, Monday 16.00
WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1) Presentation by Elisa R. Linn, PhD in philosophy: AIDS, DDR, Act-up March 21, 2022, Monday
GUEST SPEAKER!!!!! at 19.30
Prof. Dr. Farid Hafez Ort: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)
Studio for Post-Conceptual Art Practices (PCAP) Prof. Dr. Farid Hafez Lecture: Post-colonial and post-national socialist perspectives on racism in Austria // Postkoloniale und postnationalsozialistische Perspektiven auf Rassismus in Österreich// Summary: Why is it so difficult for us in Austria to recognize racism, to address it and to discuss it (self-)critically? This lecture discusses postcolonial and post-Nazi perspectives on racism as a structural challenge in Austria. The lecture will be held in German. Moderation: Asma Aiad Organized by the Studio for Post-Conceptual Art Practices (PCAP/IBK), Prof. Marina Grzinic. Cv: Prof. PD Mag. Dr. Farid Hafez, M.Sc. is currently a visiting professor of International Studies at Williams University (class of 1955). He has also been a non-resident researcher with Georgetown University's The Bridge Initiative since 2017. Previously, he was a senior researcher at the University of Salzburg from 2014 to 2021. In 2017, he was a Fulbright-Botstiber Visiting Professor of Austrian American Studies at the Centre for Race and Gender at the University of California, Berkeley. In 2014, he was a visiting scholar at the Middle East Institute at Columbia University, New York. Since 2010, Hafez has been the founding editor of the Islamophobia Studies Yearbook and, since 2015, co-editor of the annual European Islamophobia Report. He received the Bruno Kreisky Prize for Political Book of the Year for his anthology Islamophobia in Austria (co-edited with John Bunzl, 2009) and has published more than 100 books and scholarly articles. Since 2020, Hafez has also served on the editorial board of the Journal of Austrian-American History (Pennsylvania State University Press). Hafez has taught and written on race, far-right politics in Europe, Muslim minorities, and political thought. His most recent books include the monograph Feindbild Islam. Zur Salonfähigkeit von Rassismus (2019, Böhlau) and the anthology Islamophobia in Muslim Majority Societies (with Enes Bayrakli, 2019 Routledge). Forthcoming is Coloniality, Race, and Islam: The Rise of Global Islamophobia in the War on Terror (with Naved Bakali, Manchester University Press). Pre-registration mandatory: konzeptkunst@akbild.ac.at
Pre-registration deadline: 21/03/2022 at 14.00. Due to Covid-19 prevention, maximum number of participants: 30.
The following rules apply: 2.5G rule, no drinking, no eating and FFP2 masks are mandatory at all times. March 22. 2022, Tuesday At 10.00 Grzinic office, individual meetings, contact me by email for an appointment March 22. 2022, Tuesday 12.00 bis 14.30
WORKSHOP: WTF is a non-binary University? Der Workshop wird von fünf trans und nicht-binären Studierenden geleitet: Jupiter Rhea Braun; Felix Deiters; Oke S. Fijal; Mathea Hoffmann; Finn Mühl. ONLY FOR THOSE WHO REGISTERED after talking with the workshop leaders.
WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1) or digital, will be an-nounced to the participants directly. Es ist uns wichtig explizit klarzustellen, dass es ein Workshop ist der nur Personen einlädt, die NICHT cis sind und es Bestandteil des Konzeptes ist einen temporären Raum in der Akade-mie zu schaffen, der für cis Personen nicht zugänglich ist.
Eine Anmeldung für den Workshop erfolgt deswegen ausschließlich per Mail bis zum 01.03.2022. an: wtfisanonbinaryuniversity@gmail.com March 22. 2022, Tuesday At 16.00
WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1) Lecture no 2 by Marina Grzinic and Sophie Uitz New artistic approaches, politics and aesthetics
Recent artistic projects that work with trauma, amnesia, video-films, installations, sound, projects Postdoctoral researcher (2021–2024): Dr. Sophie Uitz holds a PhD in political science and has three years of postdoc work experience on the arts- and theory-based research project “Genealogy of Amnesia” (FWF-PEEK AR439, 2018–2021). Her areas of specialization (a.o. decolonial theories, history and memory, violence, political resistance, gender studies, comparative cultural studies) as well as her practical experience in arts-based research directly correspond to the aims and objectives of this project. Her postdoctoral expertise includes editorial and curatorial work, organization of and participation in international academic and artistic events. March 28, 2022, Monday At 16.00
WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1) Maren Grimm in charge March 29 2022, Tuesday 12.00 bis 14.30
WORKSHOP: WTF is a non-binary University? Der Workshop wird von fünf trans und nicht-binären Studierenden geleitet: Jupiter Rhea Braun; Felix Deiters; Oke S. Fijal; Mathea Hoffmann; Finn Mühl. ONLY FOR THOSE WHO REGISTERED after talking with the workshop leaders.
WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1) or digital, will be an-nounced to the participants directly. Es ist uns wichtig explizit klarzustellen, dass es ein Workshop ist der nur Personen einlädt, die NICHT cis sind und es Bestandteil des Konzeptes ist einen temporären Raum in der Akade-mie zu schaffen, der für cis Personen nicht zugänglich ist.
Eine Anmeldung für den Workshop erfolgt deswegen ausschließlich per Mail bis zum 01.03.2022. an: wtfisanonbinaryuniversity@gmail.com March 29 2022, Tuesday At 16.00
WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1) Maren Grimm in charge FOLLOW: April 2022
4 and 5 April, 2022, NO PCAP LECTURES! Entry exams ibk, FIRST PART
6 April 2022, Wednesday at 14.00
WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)
MEETING 15 students that go to Kassel preparation of details 6 April 2022, Wednesday
At 16.00
WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)
Amelie Schlaeffer
Katja Wettstein Next is Easter holidays until 25.04.2022, Monday, we meet at 16.00
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