m1 (turm4)
Friday, 29. April 2022

PCAP May 2022


Professor: Marina Grzinic

Assistant: Maren Grimm

Student Mentor: Kristina Sokolova

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

BLOG: m1.antville.org

REGULATIONS: READ MANDATORY COVID-19 prevention published on the academy portal. Come with the mask FFP 2, mask is MANDATORY!


1 May 2022, MAYDAY!

2 May 2022, MONDAY

At 16.00

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

lecture by Grzinic and dr. Sophie Uitz (3rd session). Displays against colonialism, antisemitism, and turbo nationalism

Guest: Mika Maruyama, curator and PhD in philosophy student, Akbild

At 19.00 WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

presentation work Ju Yoo, studying in PCAP

3 MAY 2022, TUESDAY 3.05.2022 (Tuesday) at 14.00

WHERE: Bibliothek at Schillerplatz enter the building up the staircase follow sign bibliothek

Introduction to hand apparat Dani Gal and hand apparat PCAP: hand apart books, videos for free to study in the bibliothek daily with your student card.

3.05.2022 (Tuesday)

at 16.00 WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

Lecture on Dani Gal by Marina Grzinic and mag. Taida Kusturica (PhD in philosophy student, Akbild).

Introduction. Open lecture for the students AkBild. Come to this lecture does not matter if you are part of the workshop (in the week 11-13 05 2022) with Dani Gal.

3.05.2022 (Tuesday) at 18.00

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

Talking in between us, dreaming together with Izzadora Sá and Talu Reis (Brazil)

Artists in residence staying in Vienna 1.05.2022 until 5.07.2022

Proposed and organized by the EU project “Smashing Wor(l)ds: Cultural Practices for re/Imagining & un/Learning Vocabularies” (2020–2022) / Marissa Lôbo.

With them we will work, May and June 2022, to present works at the Festival Vocabularies of Life, from 30 June to 3 July 2022, Belvedere 21 (Arsenalstraße 11030 Wien, Austria).

9 MAY 2022, MONDAY NO lectures: working on artistic projects

10 MAY 2022, TUESDAY At 15.00

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

LECTURE ON DOCUMENTA KASSEL, history, curators, artists, politics

By Grzinic and dr. Jovita Pristovsek

(we are going to visit it September 11-17, 2022)

10 MAY 2022, TUESDAY At 19.00

WHERE: IKA lecture hall (room 211), Akbild, Schillerplatz

LECTURE by Dani Gal: The Performativity of the Witness and the Politics of Silence.

Open lecture for everybody, does not matter if you are in workshop or nor (that starts the next day!).

PCAP: this position is one of the most challenging artistic positions, COME it is an exceptional opportunity.

The lecture and workshop with Dani Gal (11.05-13.05.2022) done in collaboration with the Institut für Kunst und Architektur | Institute for Arts and Architecture (Prof.dr. Angelika Schnell).

11 MAY 2022, WEDNESDAY at 10.30 Address: BELVEDERE 21 Arsenalstraße 1, 1030 Wien, Austria

Meeting in front the museum BELVEDERE 21, where we will have the show opening 2.07 2022. We go to see the space we meet in front look at the garden, and then go in the exhibition space. take photographs and start to visualize and see our work inside as a project coming from the activation with the artists in residence and or an individual project dealing with words, vocabularies, body language speaking etc.

11 MAY 2022, WEDNESDAY At 18.30

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

Miguel González Cabezas, PhD in philosophy student, Akbild

PRESENTATION OF THE PHD research that will be conducted in the next years.

The title proposed for the PhD: “Multiplicities in Singularity. Ambivalence and Democracy in the Present Global Capitalist World”

11 MAY 2022, WEDNESDAY to 13 MAY 2022, FRIDAY

For those registered: A Workshop by Dani Gal - Dialogical Notions of History (for registered B3 workshop participants only)

11.05.2022, Wednesday, IKA Räumen K5 / K7 im AOL 13.00- 17.00 12.05. 2022, Thursday, room M13 AKBILD at Schillerplatz: 9:30 - 14.30 13.05.2022, Friday, room M13 AKBILD at Schillerplatz: 9:30 - 14.00



18 MAY 2022, WEDNESDAY At 18.00

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

PUBLIC TALK by Izzadora Sá and Talu Reis (Brazil)

ARTISTS IN RESIDENCE at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna/IBK/ Studio for Post-conceptual Art Practices /prof. Marina Grzinic.

Staying from 1.05.2022 until 5.07.2022.

Proposed and organized by the EU project “Smashing Wor(l)ds: Cultural Practices for re/Imagining & un/Learning Vocabularies” (2020–2022) / Marissa Lôbo.

The talk will be introduced by Marissa Lôbo.


Izzadora Sá is a creator, developer, visual artist and data enthusiast immersed in the experience. Born in the interior of Bahia and raised in Baixada Fluminense in Rio de Janeiro - Brazil. She researches, develops ideas and produces different media and codes related to memories, races, intersectionality, dissidence, colonial critique, immersive technologies and black affectivities that actively promote dissident and powerful narratives, visions and bodies.

Talu Reis is a researcher, visual artist and activist (human rights and communication) born in Salvador. He grew up between a dialogue between the capital of Bahia and an inland city called Terra Nova. His work aims at visual communication and artistic expressions as strategies to fight epistemic violence. He also believes that this "artvism" focuses on technological practices, gathering actions in the BigData context.

19 MAY 2022, THURSDAY at 12.00 to 14.00 meeting in the back kitchen 20 pupils CITIZEN SCIENCE only for the group!

19 MAY 2022, THURSDAY At 18.30

WHERE: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Room M13a, Schillerplatz 3, Mezzanin

PRESENTATION Re-Activating Critical Thinking in the Midst of Necropolitical Realities: For Radical Change

Book volume edited by Marina Gržinić and Jovita Pristovšek

Re-Activating Critical Thinking in the Midst of Necropolitical Realities: For Radical Change assembles 23 articles that develop strategies for radical change. The authors are scholars who do not necessarily collaborate or know each other, but who are currently forming a radical structure that is viral in thought production and reflective on the current global recalibration of social relations, brought about by the necropolitical and necrocapitalist governmentality emerging worldwide.

Taking part in the presentation are contributors from Austria:

Yela An, Diana Bulzan, İklim Doğan, Kyungrim Lim Jang, Taida Kusturica, Cathérine Lehnerer, Mika Maruyama

Moderation: Marina Gržinić and Jovita Pristovšek


Bios: Yela An is an artist, and a PhD candidate in philosophy at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Diana Bulzan is a PhD candidate at the University of Art and Industrial Design Linz (under c o-mentorship of M. Gržinić), and a Junior Fellow at VALIE EXPORT Center Linz.

İklim Doğan studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna artist whose work spans a variety of fields and practices, including lectures, writings, installations, fabrics, film, and video art.

Kyungrim Lim Jang is an artist, and a PhD candidate in philosophy at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Taida Kusturica is a PhD candidate in philosophy at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Cathérine Lehnerer is a teacher and artist, and a PhD candidate in philosophy at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Mika Maruyama is a writer, curator and researcher, and a PhD candidate in philosophy at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

[An, Jang, Kusturica, Lehnerer, and Maruyama are PhD candidates in philosophy under the mentorship of M. Gržinić.]

Jovita Pristovšek is a postdoctoral researcher at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, and an Assistant Professor at the Academy of Visual Arts, Ljubljana.

All contributors in the book: Yela An, Esther (Mayoko) Ortega Arjonilla, Maja Breznik, Diana Bulzan, Lucrecia Masson Córdoba, Nina Cvar, Antonio Fuentes Diaz, İklim Doğan, Liliana Conlisk Gallegos, Lina Gonan, Mia Gonan, Marina Gržinić, Kyungrim Lim Jang, Tjaša Kancler, Saša Kesić, Taida Kusturica, Cathérine Lehnerer, Mika Maruyama, iki yos piña narváez funes, Stanimir Panayotov, Jovita Pristovšek, Piro Rexhepi, Joshua Simon, Šefik Tatlić.


23 MAY 2022, MONDAY At 14.00 until 17.00

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

FIRST of 5 SESSIONS WORKSHOP Izzadora Sá and Talu Reis in collaboration with Marissa Lobo

Izzadora Sá is a creator, developer, visual artist and data enthusiast immersed in the experience. Talu Reis is a researcher, visual artist and activist (human rights and communication.

23 MAY 2022, MONDAY At 18.00

Proposed by Mika Maruyama instead the lecture Venice Bienalle

Reweaving our world(s) anew: decolonial art geographies as spaces of “refuturing”

Time 18h–20:30h

Lecture by Madina Tlostanova

Location mumok kino Museumsplatz 1 1070 Vienna

24 MAY 2022, TUESDAY SPECIAL WORKSHOP 9.30 to 14.30 in the studio space, please NOT disturb. Grzinic in charge. Project CITIZENS SCIENCE

24 MAY 2022, TUESDAY At 15.00 until 17.30

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

SECOND of 5 SESSIONS WORKSHOP Izzadora Sá and Talu Reis in collaboration with Marissa Lobo

Izzadora Sá is a creator, developer, visual artist and data enthusiast immersed in the experience. Talu Reis is a researcher, visual artist and activist (human rights and communication).

30 MAY 2022, MONDAY

SPECIAL WORKSHOP 9.30 to 14.30 in the studio space, please NOT disturb. Grzinic in charge. Project CITIZENS SCIENCE

30 MAY 2022, MONDAY At 15.00 until 17.30

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

THIRD of 5 SESSIONS WORKSHOP Izzadora Sá and Talu Reis in collaboration with Marissa Lobo

Izzadora Sá is a creator, developer, visual artist and data enthusiast immersed in the experience. Talu Reis is a researcher, visual artist and activist (human rights and communication.

30 MAY 2022, MONDAY at 19.00 OPEN AS INVITATION WHERE: Depot – Kunst und Diskussion, Breite Gasse 3, 1070 Wien I am Jugoslovenka! Book by JASMINA TUMBAS

Book presentation Jasmina Tumbas, “I am Jugoslovenka!” Feminist Performance Politics During and After Yugoslav Socialism,

Manchester University Press, 2022

I am Jugoslovenka argues that queer-feminist artistic and political resistance were paradoxically enabled by socialist Yugoslavia’s unique history of patriarchy and women’s emancipation. Spanning performance and conceptual art, video works, film and pop music, lesbian activism and press photos of female snipers in the Yugoslav wars, the book analyses feminist resistance in a range of performative actions that manifest the radical embodiment of Yugoslavia’s anti-fascist, transnational and feminist legacies. It covers celebrated and lesser-known artists from the 1970s to today.

In the presentation, we will discuss the book in detail and try to answer the question of how the central thesis of the book co-relates to the genocide in Srebrenica (1995) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. What is to be done?

Taking part:

Marina Gržinic, Professor, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

Natasa Mackuljak, Phd in Philosophy candidate, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna/WIENWOCHE

Mirjana Mustra, Student, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

Jasmina Tumbas, Assistant Professor, University at Buffalo/NY, USA

31 MAY 2022, TUESDAY At 14.00 until 17.00

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

FOURTH of 5 SESSIONS WORKSHOP Izzadora Sá and Talu Reis in collaboration with Marissa Lobo

Izzadora Sá is a creator, developer, visual artist and data enthusiast immersed in the experience. Talu Reis is a researcher, visual artist and activist (human rights and communication.

NEXT: JUNE 2022 1 to 12.06 2022 preparing the works as a result of the workshop.

13 .06. 2022, MONDAY 14.00 to 17.00

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

LAST FIFTH of 5 sessions workshop Izzadora Sá and Talu Reis in collaboration with Marissa Lobo

Izzadora Sá is a creator, developer, visual artist and data enthusiast immersed in the experience. Talu Reis is a researcher, visual artist and activist (human rights and communication.

With presentation of students works from the workshop for the show in BELVEDERE 21.

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  • - About us
  • - Book Project Intersections
  • - Civil initiative based in Turkey
  • - Decolonial Aesthetics
  • - Decolonizing Knowledge and Life through Theory and Art
  • - Kritische künstlerische Praxis als Dissens
  • - Monthly Film Program
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  • - Plattform Geschichtspolitik
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  • PCAP June 2024
  • PCAP April 2024
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  • PCAP March 2025
  • PCAP May 2024
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  • PCAP October 2024
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  • March 2025
    Last update: 3/28/25, 11:09 PM

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