m1 (turm4)
Friday, 27. May 2022

PCAP June 2022


1 to 12 June 2022 preparing the works as a result of the workshop Izzadora Sá and Talu Reis in collaboration with Marissa Lobo.

Several zoom meetings and discussions, individual, group program Belvedere 21, PCAP!

3 June 2022, Friday At 19.00

Opening exhibition Aaron Kimmig: Instead of Being Omniscient

Photon Gallery Vienna: Zieglergasse 34 1070 Vienna

The exhibition at Photon Gallery Vienna presents works by the winner of the 9th consecutive edition of the Different Worlds 2021 Open Call, Aaron Kimming.

Aaron Kimmig convinced the international jury with his cleverly conceived and executed project Xinjiang Sentinel-2 (2021). The conceptual basis of the project is rooted in the critique of human rights violations in the context of AI technology, geopolitics, state oppression and dictatorship or, as he calls it, the "dictatorship of algorithms" in relation to the Muslim Uyghur minority in China, visually articulated through publicly available satellite images.

In the aforementioned winning project Xinjiang Sentinel-2 (2021), the artist refers to the increasing use of algorithms by the Chinese authorities to suppress and control the Muslim minority, often leading to their detention in internment camps. On the other hand, algorithms and satellite imagery help document cultural destruction and human rights violations by the Chinese state. The project charts the growth of these camps and the destruction of cultural heritage in Xinjiang using publicly available satellite images/photos that Kimmig overlays into abstract compositions. The original satellite images of the detention camps can be found on his website dc.nanu-c.org.

Aaron Kimmig (1989, AT) graduated in International Development from the Main University of Vienna in 2019. In 2017, he embarked on postgraduate studies in Post-conceptual Art at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, and has been working at the self-organized webdesign/full-stack development collective convive.io since 2016. His work is focused on society, technology and representations of nature. He exhibited in various solo and group shows.

13 June 2022, Monday 14.00 to 17.00

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

LAST FIFTH of 5 sessions workshop Izzadora Sá and Talu Reis in collaboration with Marissa Lobo

Izzadora Sá is a creator, developer, visual artist and data enthusiast immersed in the experience. Talu Reis is a researcher, visual artist and activist (human rights and communication.

With presentation of students works from the workshop for the show in BELVEDERE 21.

13 June 2022, Monday At 18.00 WHERE: AULA SCHILLERPLAZ


Promotion of the zine by the leaders of the workshop A2 on wtf is non binary university?

Yours sincerely, A… non-binary University

Establishing itself as a non-binary university is a declared aim of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. For this, the academy has already received the Diversitas Award in 2016.

Until recently, it was not possible for all students of this non-binary academy to study under their name, if this name did not match the legal names on their ID cards. We, the non-binary university, now stand by this name and stand by our trans and non-binary students, as we do not want to make empty promises. Yours sincerely, A… non-binary University


WTF is a non-binary University... This is a question the non-binary and trans students at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, have been asking ourselves for a while now. This semester, a few of us got together and discussed what's actually going on...

Realized in the workshop A2, Studio Conceptual Art, IBK. The workshop was supported by the Coordination Office for Advancement of Women | Gender Studies | Diversity; Mag.a Dr.in Ingrid Schacherl

Carli Fridolin Biller, Jupiter Rhea Braun, Felix Deiters, Oke Fijal, Mathea Hoffmann, Finn Mühl, Tubi Malcharzik

14 June 2022, Tuesday 14.00 to 16.00


WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

at 14.00, FIRST


at 15.00, SECOND


Mika Maruyama, lecture Title: Intimacies from Colonial Division to Technological Surveillance

Mika Maruyama talks about her doctoral research on intimacy: how and what intimacy has been (re)used and naturalized to shape society through everyday practices? Discussions of intimacy that play out on multiple levels are monitored and punished as invisible and instrumentalized by being linked to the construction of gender, sexuality, and race through media and surveillance technology with new forms of security and governmentality. Confronting invisible/visible relationships that are intimately connected through different lines of demarcation is a way to understand how different conditions are interconnected and sometimes bridge the differences created by centuries of colonial structures.

CV Mika Maruyama

Mag. Mika Maruyama, born in Japan, lives in Vienna. She is a writer, curator, and researcher whose theoretical work focuses on the intersections of queer and feminist theory, as well as the convergence of media culture and the politics of the body. She holds a master's degree in philosophy from Yokohama National College in Japan and is currently a PhD candidate at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Her interdisciplinary practice ranges from curating and zine-making to collaborative artistic practices motivated by her interest in counter-narratives and transcultural representation that challenge dominant historical narrative and normativity. In 2018, she co-founded Multiple Spirits, a queer feminist art zine, with artist Mai Endo.

14 June 2022, Tuesday At 19.00 lecture presentation, introducing artist-in-residence Zara Julius at WeltMuseum Wien.

WHERE: Welt Museum Wien, Heldenplatz, 1010 Wien


CV: Zara Julius is an interdisciplinary social practice artist, researcher and vinyl selector based in Johannesburg, South Africa. She is also the founder of Pan-African creative research and cultural storytelling agency, KONJO. With a background in anthropology, religious studies and photography, her work is concerned with the relationship between performativity, frequency, concealment and fugitivity in the settler (post) colony. Working with sound, video, performance and object based installation, Zara Julius' practice involves the collection, selection, and creation of archives through extensive research projects. The bulk of Zara's projects have focused on the performance of sonic, spiritual and oceanic mobilities of rapture and socio-political rupture across the (post)colony, and on (post)apartheid narratives around race, place and music as they pertain to intimate archiving practices as sites of refusal. She holds a BAHons in social anthropology from the University of Cape Town and a MAFA in Fine Art from the University of the Witwatersrand, both with distinction.


17 June 2022, FRIDAY, at 10.00 ZOOM!!!!

with mag. Angelina Kratschanova head Int. office Akbild, she will present details agreement and travel and staying in Kassel 2022, part of BIP grant.

21 JUNE 2022, TUESDAY, at 15.00 ZOOM!!!

FIRST MEETING BIP TRAVELERS STUDENTS PCAP and Kaseel Students PROFESSORS KASSEL, Vienna, BARCELONA. Invitation will be sent by Cecilia Vallejos and Matthijs de Bruijne, professors of the host ART STUDIO in Kassel.

INTRODUCTION, WORK IN KASSEL and presentation one student position Kassel, one student position Vienna.

Position from PCAP: Asma Aiad.

27 June 2022, Monday At 18.00 WHERE: A...kademie der bildenden Künste Wien ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS VIENNA Atelierhaus, Studio for Post-conceptual Art (PCAP)/IBK/ Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

Open to the general public. "Will you marry me?" Marriages of convenience in times of crises. The Nazi era and nowadays.

With Henrie Dennis and Prof. (FH) Dr. Irene Messinger, FH Campus Wien, social work

Organized by the Post-Conceptual Art Studio/IBK / prof. Marina Grzinic/ Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Event supported by Afro Rainbow Austria. www.akbild.ac.at

SUMMARY: Marriages of convenience (MOC) during the Nazi regime allowed persecuted women to flee from the Third Reich to a country of exile, to ensure their stay there or to prevent deportation, by marrying a foreign national for papers only. Irene Messinger traced and analyzed 100 cases of women who tried to save their life that way. Their stories underline the importance of pre-existing networks, be it family members or politically like-minded people as an active part in escaping from the Nazi regime (Irene Messinger).

In reference to nowadays, why are there doubles standards? Who profits from these standards? Who sustains these standards? Whose safety is justified and prioritized? Who deserves to marry to save a life and who deserves to be married to be saved?

Cv's Henrie Dennis is art curator and activist who advocates for the visibility, lives, and realities of queer Africans.

Irene Messinger is a political scientist whose award-winning PhD thesis and book deals with MOC in the Austrian Alien Law (2012) from an intersectional perspective. 2013-2016 she was focusing on MOC during the Nazi period. In 2017, she published the commented memoirs of Anita Bild, a persecuted Viennese dancer who continued her career in the UK due to a MOC in 1939. Her research agenda focuses on Migration Policies and Migration Research, as well as Biographies, Gender and Social Justice. She teaches at the University of Vienna and at the University of Applied Sciences, Department for Social Work.





ON FRIDAY July 1 2022, AkBild, Lehargasse 8,

10.00 to 12.00

FESTIVITY: end of the semester, diploma papers, awards and drink.


Festival of Vocabularies Life Smashing Wor(l)ds: Cultural Practices for re/Imagining & un/Learning Vocabularies

June 30 2022 - July 3 2022 Belvedere 21, Arsenalstraße 1, 1030 Wien


This festival is the outcome of partnership "Smashing Wor(l)ds: Cultural Practices for re/Imagining & un/Learning Vocabularies" of kulturen in bewegung (Main coordination of the project), Stiftung Inna Przestrzeń [Other Space] (Poland); BOZAR - Centre for Fine Arts Brussels (Belgium); Associated Partners are: Africa Museum (Belgium), Afro Rainbow Austria [ARA], Queer Base, Silent University in Austria, and Students of the Post-Conceptual Art Practices Studio [PCAP] at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Funded by the Creative Europe Program of the European Union and BMKÖS/Sek.IV and (Department of Cultural Affairs Vienna (MA 7)).

PROGRAM: JUNE 30 2022, Thursday

12:00 to 14:00 (Blickle Kino) General Assembly of the citizen science and arts-based research project "Memories and Imaginaries" (FWF TCS 119). With Felix Deiters and Cathérine Lehnerer.

14:00 to 18:00 Gathering, Food and Drinks with Buffet.

18:00 to 18:45 (Blickle Kino) Mirjana Mustra: WIR KOMMEN MIT DEN NADELN, film screening.

19:00 to 19:30 (Blickle Kino) Welcome speeches.

19:30 to 20:00 (Blickle Kino) Asma Aiad and Ines Mahmoud: I, the Intellectual Cleaning Lady*. A message to the nation. Lecture performance.

20:00 to 20:30 (Blickle Kino) Queer Base lecture with Axmed Maxamed.

20:40 to 21:15 (Blickle Kino) Araba Evelyn Johnston-Arthur: Resistances and the Decolonizing Art of Mattering (embodied) Memory. Lecture performance.

21:15 to 21:30 (Tiefhof) Touraj Daryaee and Negin Rezaie: Smelling the past Un/Learning the language. Lecture performance.

21:40 to 22:10 (Tiefhof) mirabella paidamwoyo* dziruni: Why did your playful tickle turn into burning scratches? Performance.

22:10 to 23:30 (Tiefhof) Ironica Los Culos / La Machi: Smashing Wor(l)ds Celebration after the end of the World. Music and visual mapping.

JULY 1 2022, Friday

22:00 (Sendeschluss, Ruckergasse 39, 1120 Wien)

Nadia Granados: LA FULMINANTE.

[Bar opening at 21:30. Free entrance but tickets are mandatory. Limited seats available.]

JULY 2 2022, Saturday

15:00 to 17:00 (Event space and Tiefhof)

Opening of the Exhibition: Cartographies of affective vocabularies, escaping normativity and violence.

INTERVENTIONS, PERFORMANCES, WORKS by PCAP and Friends: Asma Aiad & Ines Mahmoud, Laura Hvidtfeldt Andersen, Felix Deiters, Oke Fijal, Zora Fuhrmann, Slug and Saliva (Kyungrim Lim Jang & Hannah Sakai), Ali Kianmehr, Tereza Klčová & Sebastian Konzett, GORGON URBAN, Sebastian Konzett, Pramila Lama, Cathérine Lehnerer, Dean Maassen, Mirjana Mustra, Valentin Pfenniger, Amelie Schlaeffer, Sisanmi Eureka Schuller, Fedor Shmelkin, Tatiana Sukhareva, WTF is a non-binary University, Kyra Sophie Wilhelmseder, Katja Wettstein; General Assembly of the citizen science and arts-based research project “Memories and Imaginaries” (FWF TCS 119).

Invited Artists and Associated Partners: Pati Avish, Marisel Bongola, Topoke, Cortina and Sándalo-Sandra López Dávila, Vivian Crespo Zurita, Colectivo Futuñeras, Daniel Sea, Negin Rezaie, Afro Rainbow Austria (Content Creators and Performers: Ishola Sofia Juliet, Bamingo Donatus, Oluchukwu Akusinanwa (LoveMore), Jecinta Muchemi, Philip Masembe, Sisanmi Eureka Schuller, Denry Mandy, Ehigiamusoe Blessing, Igwe Kenneth, Ekwulugo Celestine, Henrie Dennis), Silent University in Austria (Majla Zeneli), Queer Base (MELODY of the OTHERS VERnacular).

In Focus/Invited Guests: Zara Julius, Araba Evelyn Johnston-Arthur, Joëlle Sambi Nzeba, Nadia Granados, Maque Pereyra, Talu Reis, Izzadora Sá, Bassano Bonelli Bassano, Denise Palmieri, ironica los culos, La Machi, Collective gyenjam, Mai Ling, NAYA, Touraj Daryaee, AYGYUL

Opening program with performances:

15:00 to 17:00

Speech-Act (Slug and Saliva) will hand out printouts during the performative act by Kyungrim Lim Jang.

Yours sincerely, A… non-binary University. Performative readings by Felix Deiters and Finn Mühl.

How many stones until… (I have completely exhausted myself), site-specific, durational performance by Felix Deiters.

Vocabularios espirituales, performance ritual by Vivian Crespo Zurita.

Oríkìori, muituê, cabeça, ori, ori-gem, divinity, “ki”, praise, evocation, oriki, cabaça, cuia, cumbuca, igbá, evocation with origins that resides in our head, into orí. By Izzadora Sá and Talu Reis.

17:00 to 17:40 (Tiefhof) Joëlle Sambi Nzeba: sound and poetry installation.

17:40 to 18:30 (Event space) Afro Rainbow Austria: Ekwenti, The Cable Connection. Multimedia installation and performance.

18:30 to 19:20 (Tiefhof) “gyenjaimma haleem -- invitation to listen, eat, and read"

19:30 to 20:00 (Tiefhof) Denise Palmieri: Coyolxauhqui Manifested, performance.

20:00 to 20:30 (Tiefhof) Bassano: cascamondo, performance.

20:30 to 21:00 (Blickle Kino) NAYA (Aka Lux Venérea): stand-up comedy.

21:00 to 21:40 (Blickle Kino) Nadia Granados: mi cuerpo como un detonante vivo (my body as a live trigger), lecture-presentation.

21:40 to 22:00 (Sculpture Garden) Nadia Granados: Caminar, cadáveres, genocidio. Performance intervention.

22:00 to 23:30 (Tiefhof) Closing concert and Dj Set Maque Pereyra

JULY 3 2022, Sunday

11:00 to 18:00 (Event space and Tiefhof) Exhibition on view.

13:00 to 15:00 (Sculpture Garden) Silent University in Austria, WIESE - Wie Es Ist and Versatorium: Translation: Të polli gjeli. (Dir wurde vom Hahn gekalbt.). Workshop on translation.

15:30 to 16:00 (Blickle Kino) Sisanmi Eureka Schuller: SMASHING THOUGHT II. Performative intervention with screening.

16:30 to 17:30 (Blickle Kino) Zara Julius: Archives & Refusal, lecture performance.

17:30 to 18:00 (Blickle Kino) Mai Ling Speaks #7 with Guests.

18:00 to 18:30 (Sculpture Garden) Pramila Lama: Nobody wanted to hear the screaming of the women, nobody wanted to hear our screaming. Performance.

18:30 to 19:00 (Sculpture Garden) Queer Base: Vocabularies of bodies performativities.

19:00 to 20:00 (Sculpture Garden) AYGYUL. Uniting dance/electronic and future pop flows.

Concept: Marissa Lobo, Galina Baeva (kulturen in bewegung), Henrie Dennis (ARA), Marina Gržinić (Prof. in charge of PCAP at Academy of Fine Arts Vienna); Silent University in Austria (Helmut Ege, Birgit Waltenberger in collaboration with Versatorium, WIESE), Queer Base (Faris Cuchi Gezahegn).

Artistic producers: Negin Rezaie, Mika Maruyama.

Logistic production (kulturen in bewegung): Maria Herold, Gaby Pflügl, Horst Watzl.

Researcher for the catalog: Jovita Pristovšek (AkBild Wien)

We start the semester 3.10.2022 at 14.30 Lehargasse 8

We meet in september 11 09 2022 going to Documenta in Kassel, 15 students 2 professors Grzinic and Jovita Pristovsek, coming back 17.09 2022 in the morning to Vienna

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