m1 (turm4)
Monday, 2. January 2023

PCAP January 2023



Holidays started on 17.12 2022, until January 9, 2023.

January 9, 2023, Monday

At 15.00 to 17.00

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)


Presentations: Corinna Klinger (IKL) Irene Landa (Ma in Critical studies/IKW).

Then bip planning, rundgang planning, works presented, last presentations, preparation of the studio as an exhibition space.

January 9, 2023, Monday

At 18.00 to 20.15

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

Technology, Subject, Romania, Europe

WHO: PhD candidate Alexandra Tatar in collaboration with Marina Grzinic

UNIT 10: recuperations, finalization of the 10 lectures of the seminar winter semester

January 10, 2023, Tuesday

14.00 to 16.00

WHERE: WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

COMING TOGETHER taking Rundgang, BIP, cleaning the space, kitchen

January 11, 2023, Wednesday

Individual meetings Grzinic office; contact me for an individual meeting.

January 13, 2023, Friday AT 14.00

Marina Grzinic Mauhler is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: My Meeting BIP all Vienna, Mainz and Barcelona Time: Jan 13, 2023 14:00 Vienna

Join Zoom Meeting akbild-ac-at.zoom.us

Meeting ID: 950 5609 0851

From 16.01.2023 to 20.01.2023

BIP VISITS PCAP: THE 2023 TOUR Contemporary Art at the Crossroads of the Social and the Political

BIP (Blended Intensive Programme), co-funded by the EU.

Hosted by the Studio for Post-Conceptual Arts Practices (PCAP/ Conceptual Art) at IBK (Institute for Fine Arts), Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

STUDENTS working together, exchanging, hosting, community building, research laboratory building, inventing new forms of collaboration, expanding horizons.

Meeting of the 3 institutions:

  • Students of Post-conceptual Art Practices (PCAP), Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Prof. Marina Gržinić, Researcher Dr. Jovita Pristovšek, Assistant, Senior Artist, Maren Grimm

  • Department of Visual Arts and Design - Section for Arts and Visual Culture, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Barcelona, Profs. Tjaša Kancler and Jacobo Sucari

  • Students of the Academy of Fine Arts Mainz, Profs. Shannon Bool and Tamara Grcic, Assts. Luis Bruder (Bool class) and Helena Walter (Grcic class)

Vienna/Barcelona/Mainz BIP participants:

Asma Aiad, Rawan Almukhtar, Anton Bennent, Lukas Brunner, Henrie Dennis, Oke Fijal, Zora Fuhrmann, Timotheus Hess Überall, Julian Kamil, Saša Kesić, Ali Kianmehr, Aaron Kimmig, Nathalie Köbli, Sebastian Konzett, Pramila Lama, Dean Maassen, Mirjana Mustra, Finn Mühl, Vitória Monteiro, Jonas Nieft, Valentin Pfenniger, Manuel Prammer, Fedor Shmelkin, Johannes Rips, Nanna Jo Goksyor, Luciana Paolini, Jas Sproule, Kato Van Nerom, Melina Vesely, Alicia Campo Bescós, Abril Carretero Balcells, Viola Hoffmann, Aeren Sànchez, Sen Reyes Garzón, Helena Walter, Amrei Blomeyer, Ramón Loesch, Greta Fay, Lejla Jakupovic, Swan Lee, Moritz Seiboth, Luis Bruder, Minh Phuong Nguyen, Joël Müller, Julien Hübsch, Tariano Schneider, Gloria Bergner, Johanna Ehmke, Samira Liotta, Lilli Kübler, Lisa Vogel, Grace Latigo, Irene Landa, Sisanmi Eureka Schuller, Polina Baitsym, Kateryna Lisovenko, Philip Leitner, Philipp Muerling, GORGON*URBAN

MIRO mirroring the process by Aeren Sànchez and Jonas Nieft.

Mirroring the BIP. An initiative to transform our work into visuals. To exchange, collaborate, to share and get to know each other. We are creating a map that’s growing and changing in real time with each interaction, to have the whole picture and a guide of the Erasmus BIP. Giving it as a tool and a wall of ideas for everyone.


Monday, 16.01.2023 18.00 to 22.00

DINNER, DISCUSSIONS, introductions.

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

Welcome by Mag. Angelina Svilenova Kratschanova.

Department: International Office/Akbild Wien.

Food Art Cuisine by Afro Rainbow Austria (ARA). Afro Rainbow Austria (ARA) is the first organisation established by and for African LGBTQI+ in Austria with the aim of creating a communicative and interactive platform. Still trending is the fact that most Africans are refusing to recognize homophobia as a colonial legacy, bearing in mind that before colonialism, many traditional cultures in Africa were tolerant of different sexualities and gender relations.

Tuesday, 17.01.2023

Meeting at 9.45 in front of MUMOK.

WHERE: Museumsquartier, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien 10 minutes walking from PCAP

10.00 to 13.00 VISITING MUMOK, the guided tour.

mumok is the largest museum in Central Europe for art since modernism. It presents various aspects of the international and Austrian avant-garde.


WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

Meeting at 14.45 in front of KUNSTHALLE WIEN.

WHERE: Museumsquartier, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien 10 minutes walking from PCAP 15.00 to 17.00


Kunsthalle Wien is a facility that mounts temporary art exhibitions, similar to an art gallery. It is distinct from an art museum by not having a permanent collection.

18.00 to 22.00

Meeting at the STUDIO PCAP: Food and installation of works, exchange of positions, discussions.

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)


Wednesday, 18.01.2023

VISITING 2 socially and politically engaged NGOs/independent research centers.

10.00 to 12.00

WHERE: DÖW Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen Widerstandes. Wipplingerstraße 6-8, 1010 Wien.

Center documenting the Austrian Resistance & victims of persecution, plus Nazi crimes & extremism.

www.doew.at Be punctual, a unique possibility to visit the center.

13.30 to 15.00

WHERE: The Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI). Rabensteig 3, 1010 Wien.

The Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) is active in three central fields: research, documentation, and education.


16.00 to 22.00

PCAP, exhibition installing, talking and cooking dinner. Food Art Cuisine by Pramila Lama and Saša Kesić, Lukas Brunner, Nanna Jo Goksøyr, Kato Van Nerom.

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

19.00 GUESTS: AFRO RAINBOW AUSTRIA (ARA) and SALAM OIDA, program and dinner together.

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

AFRO RAINBOW AUSTRIA (ARA) is the 1st org. for & by African LGBTQI+ in Austria.

Founder and Chair of ARA Henrie Dennis and ARA members Kenneth Igwe Kenzo and Masembe Philip will talk about other LGBTQI+ people from Africa both in Austria and on the continent and their projects and visions.



The artist & activist Asma Aiad is co-founder of Salam Oida. Spans through different genres, languages and countries, shows how much diversity she grew up with in Vienna and how she celebrates this diversity.

[“You have to act as if it were possible to radically transform the world. And you have to do it all the time.” Angela Davis.] salamoida.at

Thursday, 19.01.2023

The open door of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, each studio presents works, ideas, topics, guests.

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

Rundgang Program

BIP VISITS PCAP: THE 2023 TOUR Contemporary Art at the Crossroads of the Social and the Political

Students working together, exchanging, hosting, community building, assembling a research laboratory, inventing new forms of collaboration, expanding horizons...

16.00 Greetings and the launch of BIP VISITS PCAP: THE 2023 TOUR, EXHIBITION with performances and screenings.

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

Presentation of the 3 academies:

  • Post-conceptual Art Practices, IBK, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Prof. Marina Gržinić

  • Department of Visual Arts and Design - Section for Arts and Visual Culture, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Barcelona, Profs. Tjaša Kancler and Jacobo Sucari

  • Academy of Fine Arts Mainz, Profs. Shannon Bool and Tamara Grcic


Exhibition Opening BIP VISITS PCAP: THE 2023 TOUR Contemporary Art at the Crossroads of the Social and the Political

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)


Postconceptual postcard gallery 2023 - BIP program: Vienna: Barcelona: Mainz (proposed and coordinated by Zora Fuhrmann and many others):

postcards by Amriel, Helena, Joël, Julien, Moritz, *Minh Phuong, Abril, Alicia, Sen, Viola, Aaron, Asma, Finn, Henrie, Jas, Melina, Occupied akbild, Oke, Sebastian, Sisanmi aka Sisi, Social kitchen at documenta fifteen, Valentin, Vitória, Zora


GORGON*URBAN (Když se nám něco nepovede tak nevadí/If something goes wrong, it doesn’t matter),

Ali Kianmehr (In the Change of Time),

Grace Latigo (Kunst gegen Kunst),

Finn Mühl (The Cut),

Jas Sproule (Grumpy fannies),

Nathalie Ann Köbli, Felix Huber and Arno Gitschthaler (Acoustic Spacetime Memory),

Sebastian Konzett,

Valentin Pfenniger,

Irene Landa (Visions of revolution often have a metallic luster),

Polina Baitsym and Kateryna Lisovenko, Conviviality as Potentiality

Silkscreen print: Vitória Monteiro and Pramila Lama

Thoughts on Tiny Stitches: A performative installation by Pramila Lama, Melina Vesely. Come and have coffee and tea with us!

Table installation: Swan Lee, Johanna Ehmke, Julien Hübsch, Pramila Lama

Painting in an enlarged frame: Shannon Bool class

Sculptural interventions: Tamara Grcic class

Mainz Radio MIX

16.30 to 21.00 Art Cuisine With distinctive art ingredients, techniques and dishes.

Food Art Cuisine by Afro Rainbow Austria (ARA).

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

17.00 Lecture 1 Araba Evelyn Johnston-Arthur, Dr.

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

Araba Evelyn Johnston-Arthur is a cofounder of Pamoja. Movement of the Young African Diaspora in Austria and the Research Group of Black Austrian History. She was engaged as community and cultural worker and “racism critical” activist in Vienna. In 1999 she was an active part of the Network of African Communities, which’s focus lay in the mobilization of community protests against institutionalized racism and police violence in Vienna. Her transdisciplinary work engages with intersectionaly resistant diasporan politics and the “decolonizing art of mattering (embodied) memories. “ She currently teaches at Howard University in Washington DC.

19.00 Lecture 2

Sophie Lillie, Dr. phil., art and contemporary historian, and Arye Wachsmuth, Mag. art., media artist

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

Sophie Lillie is an independent scholar specializing in the field of private collecting and patronage in Vienna before 1938. Numerous publications on Nazi-era art looting and restitution, including the monographs Was einmal war: Handbuch der enteigneten Kunstsammlungen Wiens (2003), Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer (2006), and Feindliche Gewalten: Das Ringen um Gustav Klimts Beethovenfries (2017).

Arye Wachsmuth’s topics of the artistic investigations include technology, history and its perception; since 2013 increasingly engaged with the topic of flight and refugees. Recent exhibitions include DECEROCIDE (Stories of Traumatic Pasts, Weltmuseum, Vienna, 2020/2021), Censorship and Freedom of Expression (Galerie Rudolf Leeb, Vienna, Ga lerija Forum, Zagreb, and Moderna Galerija, Ljubljana) and Vorvorgestern (Galerie Raum mit Licht, Vienna, 2016). The monument GEDENKORT.FLUCHT, commemorating persons who died fleeing, was inaugurated in Linz in 2022.

21.00 to 24.00

Performances, presentations and video film program.

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

Finn Mühl, performance TRIGGERED.

Vitória Monteiro, Reframing Whiteness: traces of colonialistic relations (in)between Austria and Brazil, 2023, lecture performance

Abril Carretero Balcells, Des del 1936 el savi assenyala la lluna nova (Since 1939 the sage points towards the new moon), 2022, 16 min 24 sec

Vitória Monteiro, ABFÄLLE (REJECTS), 2022, 15 min

Sen Reyes, Aimar Morales and Lomo Maniás, Mimos, 2022, 1 min

Jacobo Sucari, The transformed city (VJ), 2006–2022, 15 min


Oke Fijal, bio-logic, capital-logic, techno-logic, 2022, video, 13 min 42 sec, animations by Sebastian Konzett, sound by Lens Kühleitner

Mirjana Mustra, Trauma in Three Acts, 2023, film, 15 min, music by Kathi Power

Philipp Muerling, concept, performance, Besuch am Schillerplatz, 2022, video, 13 min 19 sec, video, editing by Oke Fijal

Thursday, 19.01.2023 / Friday, 20.01.2022

Manuel Prammer, performative interventions “stillender Vater.”

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

With the performance “stillender Vater” (nursing father) Manuel Prammer stages a concept of a possible father who wants to accompany his partner fairly in raising their children.

23.00 Overture clubbing.

WHERE: Das Celeste club, Hamburgerstraße 18, 1050 Vienna

00.00 Concert MeJee.

DJs: Irene aka Landa, Julien Hübsch, Sen Reyes, Jacobo Sucari...

WHERE: Das Celeste club, Hamburgerstraße 18, 1050 Vienna

Friday, 20.01.2023

11.00 BRUNCH. Eating and strolling through the exhibition, talking loudly about the works.

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

12.30 to 14.30

Visiting Schillerplatz, Akbild Wien. (5 minutes from PCAP studio)

Rundgang exhibitions

19.00 Talks and performances.

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

Kunst gegen Kunst, confrontational discussion

Grace Latigo with Persy Lewis Bulayumi, Alessandra dos Santos, Vanda Dakyda, Lukas Goldschmidt, Veronika Junger, Marissa Lobo, Philipp Muerling, Aminata Martina Seydi


WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

NEXT Barcelona BIP: Barcelona academy host, guests Mainz and Vienna


NEXT MARCH 2023: start of the SUMMER SEMESTER Monday 6.03.2023 at 16.00

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