m1 (turm4) |
Thursday, 9. February 2023
concept, February 9, 2023 at 7:31:32 AM CET PCAP March 2023 Follow the program regularly on the blog: m1.antville.org PCAP MARCH 2023 TIME TABLE See 22.02 2023 at 14.00
zoom pre BIP Barcelona, general meeting, only PCAP March 6, 2023, Monday
At 14.00 WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1) PCAP STUDIO MEETING
New Erasmus
New students March 7, 2023, Tuesday
14:00 we start with zoom BIP
WITH SISANMI EUREKA SCHULLER PRESENTATION Africa - Drama Story and Experience Topic: Jacobo Sucari Jabbaz's Zoom Meeting
Time: Mar 7, 2023 14:00 Paris Join Zoom Meeting
ub-edu.zoom.us Meeting ID: 930 7512 0135 debates on BIP Barcelona through reclaimiing some stations of previous projects March 13, 2023, Monday 15.00 to 16.00
WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)
presentation Mariya Dmitrieva
regular student in the pcap from this semester 17.00 to 19.00
WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1) Lecture by Clarissa Ricci, Ph.D. TITLE: Situating the Venice Biennale. Format, Market and Contemporaneity The lecture is organized by the Studio for Post-conceptual Art Practices (IBK), prof. Marina Grzinic This lecture traces the history of the Venice Biennale from its beginnings to the present and aims to highlight the points of change and friction that have defined the particular Venetian exhibition ecosystem. Although it is the oldest of all biennials, the Venice Biennale is a slippery subject. In the latest version of the XXI century, it has become a mega-event that encompasses the entire city and has over a hundred exhibitors each time. How can we consider the Venice Biennale as a specific event? Is it more relevant than other biennials? What were the main turning points of its ever-changing facet? How does it negotiate contemporaneity and its legitimizing role within the art system? Bio Dr. Clarissa Ricci is an associate professor at the University of Bologna. Her research focuses on the history and networks between exhibitions, biennials, fairs and museums. She is editor of OBOE Journal. On Biennials and Other Exhibitions and a member of the Venice Biennale Research Group BiTES at IUAV University in Venice. She edited several volumes, including Starting from Venice. Studies on the Biennale (2011). Her latest book on the Venice Biennale's Aperto exhibition series for young artists – APERTO 1980-1993 (2022) – is currently being translated into English. Photo:
View of Liliana Moro and Bernard Rüdiger installation La Casa (1993) at Aperto '93, Corderie, La Biennale di Venezia, 1993. Photo and Courtesy by Mario Gorni March 14, 2023, Tuesday AT 12.00 meeting
Address: Währinger Str. 59, 1090 Wien, Austria At 12.30 to 14.30 Kunsthalle Exnergasse
Queer Art Spaces Vienna 2023
Address: Währinger Str. 59, 1090 Wien, Austria Curator guide by Francis Ruyter. Francis Ruyter is an American painter and gallerist. He was born in Washington, DC. Ruyter often paints using photographs as source material, in a style that has been compared to Pop art. In 2002 he produced a billboard work, as part of MoMA Projects. His work is included in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art, New York,SFMOMA, and the Denver Art Museum. Curators: Louise Deininger, Michael Kaufmann, Gerhard Pruegger, Francis Ruyter
in cooperation with Queer Museum Wien Mediator of the visit dr. Saša Kesic March 20, 2023, Monday
15:00-... WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1) PLAN:
at 15.00 to 17.00 Bip Barcelona and all those working on the project BOOK first work through the concept proposal for the book, sketch ideas, present... a possible structure of 3 pages, a structure and also see themes, affiliations... 17.00 to 18.30 presentations, each 30 minutes
Peter Volkard
Lisa Lupsina
Sebastian K. 19.00 Food, eating...
dinner Cooking Chefs: Melina Vesely, Valentin Pfenniger, Lisa Lupsina 20.00
great suggestion from Oke Fijal they take us through 3 points and moderate the trajectory: first, to think of the class space, studio space and the first floor, to use it without restriction, without physically created obstacles, for each of us second, how each of us wants to be addressed, pronouns and adjectives, words in relation that must be respected thirdly, the space in the back to work together, share and exchange... March 21, 2023, Tuesday At 15.00 WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1) Conclusion curatorial practice PRESENTATION WORK by JUPITER Presentations by Sasa Kesic, Marina Grzinic March 22, 2023 Wednesday
At 14.00 to 16.00 where:Universität für Angewandte Kunst
Neues Haus für Kunst und Wissenschaft (ehem. PSK)
Georg-Coch-Platz 2
Studio 151/152/156
1010 Wien MEETING AND WORK IN collaboration with Univ.-Prof. Mag. Art Dr.phil Margarete Jahrmann "speculations about post-conceptual game culture -
Spiel und Wahn - can we connect there? IMPORTANT
speaker guest at the first sesssion Aaron Kimmig (Akbild Wien) Presentation of 3 projects "f19 creativity appropiation" (the project with Sarah), "public cache", "Xinjiang Sentinal 2" Aaron Kimmig (1989, DE/AT) is a digital artist and activist, working in a self-organized webdesign/programming since 2016. Before starting his studies in Post-Conceptual Art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna (2017) he did his bachelor degree in International Development at the Main University of Vienna. He focused on postcolonial studies, gender studies and critical whiteness. For his thesis he did research on how the refugee protest movement in Vienna used Social Media for organizing itself. In his artwork he mainly deals with questions concerning technology as a (societal) tool for both: repression and liberation. He also explores the algorithms behind biological processes and their digital implementations (swarm, artificial intelligence, human brain and creativity). In 2021 he won the "Different Worlds" prize for young contemporary art photography for his research project "Xinjiang - Sentinel2", on the oppression of Uyghur minority in Xinjiang. March 27, 2023, Monday at 16.00
WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)Maren Grimm in charge March 28, 2023, Tuesday
at 16.00
WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)Maren Grimm in charge 30 03. 2023 at 18.00 Vienna time Jill H. Casid: Doing Things with Being Undone in the Necrocene, zoom lecture be careful Last day to register in the summer semester and pay the fee is 31.03 2023 Easter holidays 3.04 until 16.04
Entry first meeting 11.04 2023 Next is 17 04 2023 Monday at 15.00
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