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Sunday, 24. September 2023

PCAP October 2023

Contact the professor GRZINIC for ind. Meetings by email m.grzinic@akbild.ac.at

PCAP October 2023 TIME TABLE

October 2, 2023, Monday WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

14.00 First Meeting all coming together, ways of working, engaging, art production, rundgang in 2024.

October 3, 2023, Tuesday
13.00 to 17.00

Location: University of Applied Arts Vienna Experimental game cultures studio, Georg-Coch-Platz 2, 1. St., 1010 Wien

A SYMPOSIUM: Bridging Bodies, Technology, Theory, and AI for Civic Resistance www.akbild.ac.at

Organized by the University of Applied Arts Vienna (Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien) and the Academy for Fine Arts Vienna (Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien), Studio for Post-conceptual Art Practices/IBK

This symposium is part of the Ludic Method lecture series. The symposium is supported by the research project Conviviality as Potentiality (2021-2025), funded by Austrian Science Fund FWF: AR 679, and Geschäftsstelle ÖGGF – (Österreichische Gesselschaft für Geschlechterforschung)

In an increasingly digital and interconnected world, the intersection of bodies, technology, theory, and artificial intelligence (AI) presents an engaging and thought-provoking topic for a performative conference. This conference aims to explore the connections between these domains and delve into their transformative potential for contemporary societies. Additionally, it seeks to examine the power of civic resistance and the embodied fugitive intelligence of those made marginalized and outcast bodies, embracing how their resistance can align with new technologies and AI algorithms. It will delve into the ways in which marginalized bodies, historically framed as disposable and outcast, have employed embodied fugitive resistance as a means to survive and effect change. This means that the relationship between body and gender through technology and super-digitalized machines can also be a thought-provoking area of discussion. (Grzinic and Jahrmann)

Speakers: Jill H. Casid (US) Elisabeth Bakambamba Tambwe (AT/DC) Margarete Jahrmann (AT) Marina Grzinic (AT)

Opening words: Eva Maria Stadler, head of instate Kunst und Gesellschaft and Vitoria Monteiro from Geschäftsstelle ÖGGF

This is a friendly collaboration of 2 institutions: die ANGEWANDTE and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, blowing the minds in ludic method, bodies in resistance and creativity, technology and machines.

October 3, 2023 Tuesday At 16.00

STUDENTS, PROFESSORS INVITED TO THE inner courtyard of the Academy building at Schillerplatz.

Use the opportunity to come by, get to know each other and exchange ideas. We are looking forward to meeting each other in person and to starting together into the new academic year. RECTOR: Johan Hartle – VICE RECTOR Ingeborg Erhart – VICE RECTOR Werner Skvara

October 4, 2023 Wednesday

Start of the colloquium, 4.10.2023 through 5.10.2023

COLLOQUIUM: inter, trans*, non-binary, no declaration ... How can we change structural discrimination?

An event hosted by the Coordination Office for the Advancement of Women I Gender Studies I Diversity and the Student Welcome Center. With this two-day colloquium (with workshops, lectures, film screening, and panel discussion), we ask about forms of action, relationships, and practices that expose and combat discrimination against trans*, inter, and non-binary people in the university system. In doing so, we want to take up feedback from trans*, inter, and non-binary students who draw attention to discrimination they experience in everyday university life. These experiences prompt us to look again at how power structures are used to stigmatize and exclude certain groups of people. By analytically breaking down the gender binary, we do not want to contradict the advancement of women, but rather do justice to the social reality of gender diversity. For all actors involved, recognizing this reality means critically reflecting on work routines and organizational processes, expanding their knowledge, and participating in changes. The lecture and the workshops will open up different spaces for discussion. We invite all staff and students of the Academy, but also all those interested in this topic, to think together with experts, artists, representatives of the Ombud for Equal Treatment, the Platform Intersex, and the director of the film "Feminism - WTF" about how reality can be shaped that is informed and sensitive to gender diversity. On a linguistic, factual and artistic level, we would like to ask very specifically: Where do we see spaces for action (play) in the environment of the academy?

The colloquium was conceived by Ingrid Schacherl in cooperation with the Student Welcome Center/Project Platform Diversity.



Wed, October 4th 2023

12–16 h STS 21a, Souterrain

Lau Lukkarila: Hold your ache to my ache: movement practice Workshop Performanceroom, 17h–19.30 h

Aula Opening VR Ingeborg Erhart

Followed by Lecture with Workshop

Anna Campbell and Jill H. Casid: FROM THE SERIES Public Sex / Public Gender: Art & Autonomy Moderation: Prof. Marina Grzinic

Thu, October 5th 2003

10–14 h

Magdalena Klein (VIMÖ): Gender Diversity Workshop for first-year students Conference room EG, Schillerplatz Registration: www.termino.gv.at

10–13 h

Oke Fijal: Workshop for non-binary students and (future) allies M13a, Mezzanin. Schillerplatz

15–18 h

Ruth Jenrbekova: The Dream Machine and the Magic Closet: Queerness, Archiving, and the Art of Resistance Workshop M13a, Mezzanin, Schillerplatz

19 h

Film-Screening at Stadtkino: Feminism WTF from Katharina Mückstein followed by a panel discussion with: Katharina Mückstein (direction) Persson Perry Baumgartinger (contribution to the film) Sandra Konstatzky (Ombud for Equal Treatment) Mart Enzendorfer (Platform Intersex) Moderation: Ingrid Schacherl

Important Information for Students: The colloquium overall attendance is graded as part of the workshop A2/IBK/Grzinic (2 ECTS).

Special thanks to Marianne Eberl (Assistant), Christina Fasching and Val Holfeld (Student Welcome Center), Marina Grzinic (Studio for Post-Conceptual Art Practices), Wiktoria Pelzer (Stadtkino), Ruby Sircar (Studio Contextual Painting), to the contributors, the NGOs involved, and the Rectorate of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

October 9, 2023, Monday

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

At 15.00 Maren Grimm in charge.

October 10, 2023, Tuesday

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

At 15.00 Maren Grimm in charge.

October 16, 2023 Monday

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

At 15.00 Maren Grimm in charge.

October 17, 2023, Tuesday

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

AT 15.00 Maren Grimm in charge.

October 23, 2023 Monday WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

At 15.00 short presentations entry portfolios and future work new students in the PCAP; Ertugrul Oezbayraktar, Tatiana Sukhareva.

October 23, 2023 Monday WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

16.00 to 18.15 Migration, democracy art, and Europe

A series of lectures by Grzinic and Miguel González Cabezas, Ph.D. in Philosophy candidate.

This semester-long seminar of 22,5 hours is presented in 8 units/8 meetings where we watch important films, look at visual art projects, and read seminal books of theory, politics, art, queer and trans* movements in relation to the nation-state in neoliberalism and its links to migration and colonialism, as well as the question of democracy. For getting the grade for PhD seminar registered participants a mandatory 90 percent attendance is required. The seminar applies to ZKF KONZEPT KUNST and different workshops and seminars. (look online and register).

Seminar 1 23 October 2023 16.00 to 18.15 Introduction. Opening with a screening of one part of the film trilogy "The Battle of Chile" (1975-1979) by Patricio Guzmán. To watch it 50 years after the fascist putsch in 1973 that overthrew the socialist government of Salvador Allende. Reading: Introduction to Marxist Theory” by Ernest Mandel.

October 24, 2023 Tuesday WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

At 14.30 until 15.50

short presentations entry portfolios and future work new students in the PCAP: Persy-Lowis Bulayumi.

October 24, 2023 Tuesday

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

16.00 to 18.15 Migration, democracy art, and Europe

A series of lectures by Grzinic and Miguel González Cabezas, Ph.D. in Philosophy candidate.

This semester-long seminar of 22,5 hours is presented in 8 units/8 meetings where we watch important films, look at visual art projects, and read seminal books of theory, politics, art, queer and trans* movements in relation to the nation-state in neoliberalism and its links to migration and colonialism, as well as the question of democracy. For getting the grade for PhD seminar registered participants a mandatory 90 percent attendance is required. The seminar applies to ZKF KONZEPT KUNST and different workshops and seminars. (look online and register).

Seminar 2 24 October 2023 16.00 to 18.15

Absolutist States. Capitalist emergence, colonialism and power. Reading: “Lineages of the Absolutist State” Perry Anderson & Foucault: Security, Territory, Population. Lectures at the Collège de France, 1977-78. and The Birth of Biopolitics. Lectures at the Collège de France, 1978-79. Screening “The Battle of Algiers” (1966) by Gillo Pontecorvo.

October 30, 2023 Monday

9.30 to 14.00 office Grzinic working group OEAW research team proposal meeting.

October 30, 2023 Monday

WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

At 14.30 until 15.50

short presentations entry portfolios and future work new students in the PCAP:Biborka Beres, Yelyzaveta Burtseva, Agapi Oikonomu.

October 30, 2023 Monday WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

16.00 to 18.15 Migration, democracy art, and Europe

A series of lectures by Grzinic and Miguel González Cabezas, Ph.D. in Philosophy candidate.

This semester-long seminar of 22,5 hours is presented in 8 units/8 meetings where we watch important films, look at visual art projects, and read seminal books of theory, politics, art, queer and trans* movements in relation to the nation-state in neoliberalism and its links to migration and colonialism, as well as the question of democracy. For getting the grade for PhD seminar registered participants a mandatory 90 percent attendance is required. The seminar applies to ZKF KONZEPT KUNST and different workshops and seminars. (look online and register).

Seminar 3 30 October 2023 16.00 to 18.15 Biopolitics to necropolitics. Racial capitalism, neoliberalism and the anti-state State.

Reading: “Abolition Geography: Essays Towards Liberation” Ruth Wilson Gilmore Screening: “PORT TRADE PORTRAIT” (2014) by the Catalan filmmaker David Batlle (36 min) “ZONA FRANCA: from the loading dock to the call centre” (2009) by the Spanish artist Maria Ruido. (20min).

October 30, 2023, Monday

When: at 20.00 Where: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

Artist talk by Uýra

Title: "Árvores que andam, rios que vão me mergulhar - um universo muito maior que o Humano"// "Trees that walk, rivers that will immerse me - a universe much larger than the Human one"

In English

Moderation: Marissa Lobo and Faris Cuchi

Uýra is artist in residence (04.09 - 03.11.2023) at the Studio Das Weisse Haus in cooperation with Kulturen in Bewegung. The talk is organized by studio for Art and Intervention | Concept and kültüř gemma!

UÝRA is an interdisciplinary indigenous artist, biologist, and Art Educator.

October 31, 2023, Tuesday WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

At 14.00 until 15.50 short presentations entry portfolios and future work new students in the PCAP: Kateryna Lysovenko, Aryana Sheibani.

October 31, 2023, Tuesday WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1)

16.00 to 18.15 Migration, democracy art, and Europe

A series of lectures by Grzinic and Miguel González Cabezas, Ph.D. in Philosophy candidate. This semester-long seminar of 22,5 hours is presented in 8 units/8 meetings where we watch important films, look at visual art projects, and read seminal books of theory, politics, art, queer and trans* movements in relation to the nation-state in neoliberalism and its links to migration and colonialism, as well as the question of democracy. For getting the grade for PhD seminar registered participants a mandatory 90 percent attendance is required. The seminar applies to ZKF KONZEPT KUNST and different workshops and seminars. (look online and register).

Seminar 4 31 October 2023 16.00 to 18.15

(prior to Muslim* Contemporary): Migration, Borders and Capital Accumulation. Introduction to migration debates today, and its relation to border regimes, nationalism and capital accumulation. Reading: “Marxism and Migration” Editors: Genevieve Ritchie, Sara Carpenter, Shahrzad Mojab Screening: “Imperio de la ley” (2018) Daniela Ortiz (30min)

November 1, 2023, Wednesday PUBLIC HOLIDAY

Next: starts November 6 to 12, 2023

Muslim* Contemporary third edition conceived and organised by Salam Oida. Asma Aiad and Salam Oida present a challenging project with exhibition, panels and discussions, performances, screening, which is also credited as an A3 workshop. The project will take place in different locations and is one of the most challenging and complex events in Vienna and Austria. Students will engage with the different themes, formats and exchanges. Miguel González Cabezas, PhD student in philosophy with Grzinic, will facilitate access and provide materials and information, for this one-week lasting event that is one of the key projects for PCAP in the winter semester 2023.

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