m1 (turm4)
Friday, 31. May 2024

PCAP June 2024


Monday, June 3, 2024

WHEN: 16.00 to 19.00

WHERE: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Vienna, 1st floor Atelier Süd (M1), Studio ART and INTERVENTION/Concept (PCAP)


Thabang Monoa Thinking through Cacophony: An Experiment in Sounding Our Different Knowledges

Workshop Thinking through Cacophony with Dr. Thabang Monoa (Michaelis School of Fine Art, University of Cape Town) is meant to think through how disparate knowledge systems and perspectives can come into contact with one another through cacophony and generate new insights and alternative interpretations of how to inhabit the world.
The workshop is open to all students of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Dr. Thabang Monoa’s research interests involve art history, art criticism, visual culture, curatorial practice and cultural studies. He completed his undergraduate studies at the Tshwane University of Technology and then went on to work and study at the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture (FADA) at the University of Johannesburg where he worked as an Art Historian in the faculty’s Department of Visual Art. His doctoral study, which he undertook with the SARChI Chair in South African Art and Visual Culture, focused on the notion of Blackness in Afrofuturist aesthetics. Monoa is currently a member of the CAA (College Art Association) based in the United States of America, he is a former council member of SAVAH (South African Visual Art Historians) and is a co-convenor of the Gerard Sekoto Summer School, which is administered through the Johannesburg Art Gallery. In his current capacity as a lecturer in Art History at the University of Cape Town’s Michaelis School of Fine Art, Monoa continues to generate academic output dealing with concerns in contemporary art and aesthetics.

Organized in the frame of the Erasmus + project and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. An event in the scope of Conviviality as Potentiality: From Amnesia to Pandemic towards Convivial Epistemologies (FWF AR 679, 2021–2025).

Tuesday 4 June 2024 IMPORTANT

At 13.00 in the space of the Studio

WHERE: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Vienna, 1st floor Atelier Süd (M1), Studio ART and INTERVENTION/Concept (PCAP)

MEETING with SIMON int. office recognition MAINZ BIP POINTS

Tuesday, 4 June 2024

WHEN: 18.00

WHERE: WHERE: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, Mezzanine, lecture room M13a

Keynote lecture

Dialogical Speech Acts across the Atlantic: Freedom as Eternal Recurrence by Thabang Monoa

How do we locate the co-ordinates of freedom? If the future is the psychic site that enables us to affirm our existence, then disrupting the tyranny of linear time becomes essential for our “becoming-free.” Through a temporal lens, this presentation looks at transatlantic continuities in jazz music between South Africa and the United States of America and looks at forms of collective freedom-imagining.

Presentation and moderation: Prof. Dr. Marina Gržinić

Wednesday, 5 June 2024

When: 18.00

WHERE: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, Mezzanine, lecture room M13a

Communities’ Talks in Vienna, Reflections, Exchange.

An exchange session with Dr. Thabang Monoa and members from art, activism, and cultural communities in Austria exploring the complexities of art, futurity, communities, and narratives in an open dialogue. How does art shape our vision of the future? What role do communities play in shaping narratives This is an invitation to engage in critical discourse, broaden our perspectives, and create connections within different voices of communities.

Moderation: Asma Aiad, MA

Friday, 7 June 2024

When: 19.00

WHERE: Depot – Kunst und Diskussion, Breite Gasse 3, 1070 Vienna

Art, Performativity, Blackness, Futurity: Cape Town. Vienna.

Talk with Elisabeth Tambwe & Thabang Monoa

Join Thabang Monoa of the University of Cape Town, South Africa, and Elisabeth Bakambamba Tambwe of Vienna in an engaging conversation that interweaves their powerful practices in art and performativity.

Dr. Thabang Monoa’s research spans art history, criticism, visual culture, curatorial practice, and cultural studies.

Meanwhile, Elisabeth Bakambamba Tambwe, based in Vienna since 2005, brings a unique perspective to her pioneering work, delving into performativity, the fragility of the body, and the histories of contemporary art. In this live discussion, Tambwe and Monoa will converge their distinct viewpoints, offering insights into the intersections of art, performativity, Blackness, and futurity. Through their dialogue Tambwe and Monoa will challenge dominant narratives and envision new possibilities for the role of art in shaping our collective future.

Moderation: Asma Aiad, MA, and Prof. Dr. Marina Gržinić

Organized in the framework of the Erasmus + project and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna in collaboration with the project Conviviality as Potentiality: From Amnesia to Pandemic towards Convivial Epistemologies (FWF AR 679, 2021–2025).

Dr. Thabang Monoa’s research interests involve art history, art criticism, visual culture, curatorial practice and cultural studies. He completed his undergraduate studies at the Tshwane University of Technology and then went on to work and study at the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture (FADA) at the University of Johannesburg where he worked as an Art Historian in the faculty’s Department of Visual Art. His doctoral study, which he undertook with the SARChI Chair in South African Art and Visual Culture, focused on the notion of Blackness in Afrofuturist aesthetics. Monoa is currently a member of the CAA (College Art Association) based in the United States of America, he is a former council member of SAVAH (South African Visual Art Historians) and is a co-convenor of the Gerard Sekoto Summer School, which is administered through the Johannesburg Art Gallery. In his current capacity as a lecturer in Art History at the University of Cape Town’s Michealis School of Fine Art, Monoa continues to generate academic output dealing with concerns in contemporary art and aesthetics.

Elisabeth Bakambamba Tambwe was born in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, and spent her formative years in France, where she pursued her artistic studies. In 1998, she achieved the “Diplôme National d’Expression Plastique” with distinction from the jury for her sculptural work at the School of Fine Arts in Tourcoing, France. As an artist, choreographer, and stage director, Tambwe explores a diverse range of creative expressions, including performance, choreography, film, interactive and generative art, as well as various dramaturgies and spatial concepts such as installations and stages. Her focus lies in the exploration of new forms of otherness and the unique relationships and languages they inspire. She delves into what these forms reveal about our humanity and how they challenge the notion of anthropocentrism. Tambwe’s projects are collaborative and transdisciplinary, aiming to establish shared research spaces that bridge performance art and the social sciences. (www.elitambwe.com)

Saturday, 8 June, 2024 A one-day conference Muslim Futures

Concept by Dr. Amani Abuzahra

WHERE: Sigmund Freud Private University Vienna, Interdisciplinary Research Center Islam and Muslims in Europe (IFIME),

Campus Prater, Freudplatz 3, 1020 Vienna

WHEN: 9.00–18.00 (registration mandatory). COMPLETED!

Who has the privilege to dream – and who does not? What circumstances need to be created to think about Muslim futures? At a time when racist discourses and policies are affecting Muslim imaginations, how does this affect visions for Muslim futures? How do Muslims shape their identities and presence in a world that is increasingly characterised by anti-Muslim racism, among many other challenges? Can Muslim Futurism be used as an approach to support the development of future strategies by and for Muslims and demonstrate the important role that art and culture can play in this? In this context, collective imagination processes would be understood as a project of decolonisation.


Plenary lecture I: Dr. Thabang Monoa, University of Cape Town

The Future as Our Will to Power: Creating Potentialities for Self-Sovereignty

This presentation immerses itself in the registers of (Afro)futurist thought to think through what might it mean to enact power and autonomy through the work of imagination.

12:00–12:15 Response by Prof. Dr. Marina Gržinić, Conviviality as Potentiality (AR 679), Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

12:15–12.30 Q&A

Workshops in the afternoon (registration mandatory). 12:30 – 14:00 Mittagspause

14:00-14:30 Plenarvortrag II: Take Me into The Future – Prof. Maurits Berger, Leiden University

14:45-15:15 Plenarvortrag III: Ökotopia oder Öko-Katastrophe? Zur Notwendigkeit globaler sozial-ökologischer Transformation in muslimisch-philosophischer Perspektive – Prof.in Asmaa El Maaroufi, Universität Münster

15:30-15:45 Kaffeepause

15:45-17:15 Workshops

a) Widerstand und Wandel: Visionen muslimischer Ökofeministinnen auf globale Ungerechtigkeiten – Prof.in Asmaa El Maaroufi

b) Thinking Through Cacophony: An Experiment in Sounding our Different Knowledges – Dr. Thabang Monoa, University of Cape Town

c) Reale Utopien und die Politik der Imaginationen – Kübra Gümüşay, Fellow am New Institute in Hamburg

d) Thinking Through Muslim Futures – an Exercise in the Praxis of Imagination – Prof. Maurits Berger & Sara Bolghiran, PhD Studentin Islamic Studies, Leiden University und Visiting Researcher an der Oxford University

e) Von gelebten Utopien: Muslim Futures – Ouassima Laabich, Doktorandin der Politikwissenschaft, FU Berlin und Fellow/Visiting Researcher an der Yale University & Sayda Elarabi, SuperrrLab

17:15 -18:00 Abschluss

DO NOT MISS SATURDAY 8 06 2024 Rainbow Parade on Vienna's Ringstrasse on June 8, 2024. Rainbow Parade on June 8, 2024 Join us. March with us. Together and proud


Participating groups will gather from 9:30 near the town hall square to line up. The parade will start at 12:00. The route will be against the flow of traffic along the entire Ringstrasse. It will pass Parliament, Heldenplatz, State Opera, Stubenring, Urania, Schwedenplatz, Franz-Josefs-Kai, Stock Exchange, University of Vienna back to Rathausplatz where the final rally will take place. The head of the demonstration is expected to return to Rathausplatz at around 16:00.

From 18:00 the Pride Celebration will take place at the Pride Village on Rathausplatz with speeches from activists and politicians. The Pride Celebration will begin with a minute’s silence, where we will pause for a minute to remember those who are no longer with us because they have died of the immunodeficiency disease HIV/AIDS or have been victims of violent crime because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

It will end at 22.00, cca.

Monday 10 June 2024

Start of the diplomas in Exhibit, Schillerplatz At 10.00 until 17,00


Monday, 10 June 2024

A day event exhibition.

Erasmus Students (summer 2024) in the Studio Art and Intervention and other departments

Intersecting Mediums, (Human) Animals, Sexuality.

WHEN: Opening at 19.00 with screenings, mingling, and festivity.

WHERE: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Vienna, 1st floor Atelier Süd (M1), Studio ART and INTERVENTION/Concept (PCAP)

Organized by the Studio Art and Intervention/IBK.


Mayline Choukroun, Echography of a General World, video, 2024

Hiiro Kiyohara, Setting, 2024

Ellen Kolbe, Pumpen, oil on canvas, 35x45cm, 2024

Takumi Kurosawa, Umbrella, video, 2024

Metis Pertsch and Luisa Walther, Wache, video, sculpture, 2024

Diqi Tan, Be A Damn Obedient Bunny, sculpture 25x35x52 cm, 2024

These works encapsulate the diverse range of mediums (video, sculpture, oil on canvas) and the contemporary frenzy on nature, art, sex, the shifts toward vulnerability, and animals in catastrophic peril.

GUEST: Anton Bennent, Ich will nach Monica, film, 2024 Anton Bennent / a student of the Studio Art and Intervention, Post-conceptual Art Practices/ presents his contemporary short film about failing Viennese youth under sporadically profound despair. The own shaping of the future is limited by longings and wanderlust before it implodes in an outburst of bad decisions and fast actions. Staged on the edge of the day and the city, equipped with strange dialogues and a fluid narrative thread, the movie gives you a small glimpse into the surreal life of the three characters.

Tuesday, 11 June 2024, Wednesday, 12 June 2024 DIPLOMAs continuation Akbild

Friday, June 14, 2024, From 10.00 am to 21.00 pm

WHERE: Sigmund Freud Private University Vienna, Freudplatz 3, 1020 Vienna, Research Centre IFIME

INTERSECTIONS OF CONVIVIALITY: VOICES OF COMMUNITIES FORUM 1: Marginalized Voices at the Forefront! Speaking up, Speaking out!

Conceived by Asma Aiad

Organized by Asma Aiad, Anahita Neghabat, Marina Gržinić, Jovita Pristovšek

The forum “Intersections of Conviviality: Voices from Communities” examines conviviality as a potential within diverse communities within the neoliberal European landscape of Austria, the EU, and the global sphere. Within the complex fabric of contemporary society, we recognise places of shared humanity, resilience, and cooperation that deserve scholarly attention.

By including speakers from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, the forum aims to construct a narrative that celebrates the power of conviviality despite socio-economic and institutional barriers. The forum strives to reflect on various marginalized communities in our society but also query critically the regime of whiteness. The aim is to engage in discussions on institutional and structural racism, inequalities, and pathways to empowerment for Black and POC communities, Muslim communities, and others whose identities are shaped by factors such as migration, LGBTQI+ representation, etc. The forum will provide a platform for sharing stories and experiences, spotlighting resistance against homogenization, discrimination, and racism, and introduce examples of innovative solutions through community-led initiatives, emphasizing empathy and mutual support in nurturing convivial relationships illuminating the transformative potential of conviviality in addressing complex societal issues. As part of Conviviality as Potentiality: From Amnesia to Pandemic towards Convivial Epistemologies (FWF AR 679, 2021–2025).

Follow us!

Open to all, registration mandatory.

Monday, 17 June, 2024

STUDIO INDIVIDUAL Working on artistic projects and finalizing the semester

Tuesday, 18 June, 2024

Meeting Grzinic 10.00 to 11.30, zoom Erasmus ind. meetings

Tuesday, 18 June, 2024



ALL STARTS AT 16.00 in the SCHILLERPLATZ main building ACADEMY.

Eröffnung am 18.6.2024, um 16 h im Hof am Schillerplatz Öffnungszeiten am 18.6.2024: 16 –21 h

EXHIBITIONS AT VIEW 18.6.2024–30.6.2024 WHERE:

Akademiegebäude Schillerplatz, Exhibit Galerie, Exhibit Studio Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Wien

Exhibit Eschenbachgasse Eschenbachgasse 11, 1010 Wien

Atelierhaus Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien

Bildhauereiateliers Kurzbauergasse 9, 1020 Wien

Monday, 24 June, 2024

STUDIO INDIVIDUAL Working on artistic projects and finalizing the semester

Ind meetings online, ind. zoom 10.00 to 13.00 CONTACT ME m.grzinic@akbild.ac.at

Tuesday, 25 June, 2024 STUDIO INDIVIDUAL Working on artistic projects and finalizing the semester

Reflection on art and methods

Friday, 28 June, 2024 10.00 to 13.00 WHERE: LEHARGASSE 8 (ECKE) final ceremony end of the semester, festivity, diplomas and awards.

NEXT 1.10.2024 at 16.00

WHERE: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Vienna, 1st floor Atelier Süd (M1), Studio ART and INTERVENTION/Concept (PCAP)

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