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HOLIDAYS HOLIDAYS from 19.12.2008-7.01.2009 Next meeting and work 8.01.2009 ![]() WORK PRESENTATION ![]() Friday, 12. 12. 2008 – Semperdepot, M1 download poster: 081212_PCAP_prnjat (image/gif, 28 KB) – open to general public 20:00 work presentation: Danilo Prnjat Moderated by Ivana Marjanović. Organized within KKPD (Kritische künstlerische Praxis als Dissens) conceived by Dimitrova and Freudmann. ![]() POSTKOLONIALE KRITIK ![]() Wednesday 10. 12. 2008 – Semperdepot, M1 download poster: 081210_PCAP_steyerl (image/gif, 51 KB) – open to general public 20:00 reading of “Can the Subaltern speak German? Postkoloniale Kritik” by Hito Steyerl download text: m1.antville.org ![]() STUDENT PRESENTATIONS ![]() Wednesday, 10. 12. 2008 – Semperdepot, M1 download poster: 081210_PCAP_studpres (image/gif, 26 KB) – open to general public 15:30 student presentation: Ivan Jurica, Christoph Kolar, Philipp Leitner, Ruth Weismann ![]() WRITING CENTRAL EUROPEAN ART HISTORY ![]() 9. + 10. 12. 2008 – Semperdepot, M1 download poster: 081209_10_PCAP_WCEAH (image/gif, 36 KB) Reading of the guest lecturers' texts: Jan Bakos and Piotr Piotrowski* Tuesday 9. 12. 2008, 15:30 Preparation WRITING CENTRAL EU ART HISTORY Preparation and discussion for the 2nd part public seminar on 8. 01. 2009 Evaluation of the past 2 day public lectures with Grzinic, Jurica and Marjanovic. Philip, Isa and Chui (talking about the way of access of the archive and its presentation for the Rundgang) Reading of two pre-paratory texts by Jan Bakos and Piotr Piotrowski Facilitated by Gržinić, Jurica and Marjanović Wednesday 10. 12. 2008, 12:00 Preparation WRITING CENTRAL EU ART HISTORY (continuation from 9. 12. 2008) Reading of two texts by Jan Bakos and Piotr Piotrowski Facilitated by Gržinić, Jurica and Marjanović download the texts: m1.antville.org The reading is organised by Marina Gržinić, Ivan Jurica and Ivana Marjanović ![]() PROGRAM DECEMBER 2008 ![]() Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna Class for Post-Conceptual Art, Practices/PCAP Prof. dr. Marina Grzinic/ Class M1 At Semper Depot, Lehargasse 8 DECEMBER 2008----------------------------------------------------- (download progdec2008 (application/msword, 39 KB) ) 1.12 to 5.12 Monday to Friday Prof. Farocki film seminar 8.12 /national holiday/ 9.12 2008, Tuesday M1 15.30 do 18.00 WRITING CENTRAL EU ART HISTORY Preparation and discussion for the 2 part public seminar on 8.01.2009 Evaluation of the past 2 day public lectures with Grzinic, Jurica and Marjanovic. Philip, Isa and Chui (talking about the way of access of the archive and its presentation for the Rundgang) Reading of two pre-paratory texts by Jan Bakos and Piotr Piotrowski Facilitated by Grzinic, Jurica and Marjanovic download texts: m1.antville.org 10.12 2008, Wednesday M1 10.00 to 12.00 individual meetings Contact me for appointment 12.00 to 15.00 Pre-paration WRITING CENTRAL EU ART HISTORY (continuation from 9.12.2008) Reading of two texts by Jan Bakos and Piotr Piotrowski Facilitated by Grzinic, Jurica and Marjanovic download texts: m1.antville.org 10.12 2008, Wednesday M1 15.30 to 19.30 STUDENT PRESENTATIONS WITH IN DEPTH DEBATES Ivan Jurica Christoph Kollar Ruth Weismann ….. some more… to be announced Short presentation Philip Leitner, new student in the class 10.12 2008, Wednesday M1 20.00 to 24.00 Postcolonial critique/Postkoloniale Kritik, a text from eipcp, Vienna online posting Reading of the text ENGLISH /DEUTSCH version by Hito Steyerl: Can the Subaltern speak German? Hito Steyerl: Spricht die Subalterne deutsch? The reading will be facilitated by Grzinic in collaboration with Muzaffer Hasaltay. download text: m1.antville.org 12.12.2008, Friday, M1 At 19.00 GUEST: Danilo Prnjat presentation of work Moderated by Ivana Marjanovic. Im Rahmen von KKPD (Kritische künstlerische Praxis als Dissens) conceived by Dimitrova and Freudmann. BIO: Danilo Prnjat was born in 1982 in Herceg-Novi, Montenegro. He graduated at the Art Academy in Novi Sad (2006) and Interdisciplinary master studies – Theory of Art and Media, Belgrade, Serbia (2008). He is active in performance and inter-media research. In his projects he deals with a variety of problems connected with identity, nationalism and capitalism in countries of Balkan area as well. HOLIDAYS from 19.12.2008-7.01.2009 Next meeting and work 8.01.2009 ![]() STREAM WRITING CENTRAL EUROPEAN ART HISTORY ///// live on ///// ![]() STUDENT PRESENTATIONS ![]() Wednesday, 26. 11. 2008 – Semperdepot, M1 14.00 student presentations – open to general public download poster: 081126_PCAP_studentpresenta (image/gif, 31 KB) FIN,KLEMEN&POPOVI? ALEKSI?,WIMMER ![]() WORK PRESENTATION ![]() Wednesday, 26. 11. 2008 – Semperdepot, M1 – open to general public download poster: 081126_PCAP_rascic (image/gif, 63 KB) 20:00 work presentation: Lala Raš?i? Lala Raš?i? is currently Kulturkontakt artist in residence in Vienna. She will talk about her art work, projects and concepts. ![]() WRITING CENTRAL EUROPEAN ART HISTORY ![]() 24.–25. 11. 2008 – Semperdepot, M1 – open to general public download poster: 081124_25_PCAP_WCEAH (image/gif, 66 KB) download texts: m1.antville.org Writing Central European Art History is a special seminar/course, that was put together by ERSTE Stiftung and WUS with 7 academics/professors from the so called Central European art institutions and academies: Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Serbian and Slovakia. It brings fresh inputs on academic art history and the perception on modernism and postmodernism in the former Eastern European territory. Monday, 24. 11. 15:30 Introduction by Marina Gržini? 15:45 Misko Šuvakovi? (University of Arts, Belgrade): Politics and Art after the fall of the Berlin Wall 17:15 Discussion 17:45 Pause 18:15 Vojtech Lahoda (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic): Regional Cubism? How to write on Cubism in East Central Europe 20:00 Discussion Tuesday, 25. 11. 09:30 Ljiljana Blagojevi? (University of Belgrade): Post-socialist Cities: Contested Modernism 11:00 Discussion 11:30 Pause 12:00 Mart Kalm (Academy of Art, Tallinn): What is Estonian Architecture? 13:30 Discussion 14:00 Lunch break 15:30 Edit András (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest): One-way traffic, two-way traffic or a dead end? Dynamism of Contemporary Art Discourse in the East-West Relation 17:00 Discussion 17:30 End notes ![]() STUDENT PRESENTATION ![]() 3. 11. 2008, Monday At 20.30, Semperdepot, M1 – open to general public
download poster: 091103_PCAP_hasaltay (image/gif, 24 KB) ![]() PROGRAM NOVEMBER 2008 ![]() Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna Class for Post-Conceptual Art, Practices/PCAP Prof. dr. Marina Grzinic/ Class M1 At Semper Depot, Lehargasse 8 NOVEMBER 2008----------------------------------------------------- (download program november 2008 (application/msword, 75 KB) ) 3.11. 2008, Monday At 16.00 Semperdepot, M1 reflections on students presentation – curator in residence At 17.00 until 20.00 Semperdepot, M1 Presentations new students in the class, first part This year it is 11 new students in the class, through short presentations they will explain their entry works and thoughts. Works, ideas and positions of new generation of students PCAP: Sarah Binder Chui Yong Jian Maria Kuschelieva Marissa Lobo Dayan Ozan özoglu Bernadette Uttentahler At 20.30 Semperdepot, M1 STUDENT PRESENTATION with DISCUSSION Muzaffer Hasaltay 4.11.2008, Tuesday Semperdepot, M1 At 11.00 until 14.00 reading Althusser (4) At 14.30 until 15.30 STUDENT PRESENTATION with DISCUSSION FILM class trip to Bucharest by Carolina Agredo and Juana Gonzalez Vernaza At 16.00 until 18.00 presentations new students in the class, second part Works, ideas and positions of new generation of students PCAP: Lisa Bolyos Analisa Cannito Miltiadis Gerothanassis Rozati Sayed Saleh 10 to 14. 11. 2008 Seminar by prof. Harun Farocki 13. 11. 2008, Thursday At 18.00, Semperdepot, M1 Während des Rundgangs im Jänner 2009 wird mithilfe verschiedener Aktivitäten ein Schwerpunkt auf das Thema Bildungsreform gesetzt. Ein erstes Treffen dient zum Informationsaustausch über bisherige Tätigkeiten, die momentane Lage und geplante Veranstaltungen. Im Rahmen von KKPD (Kritische künstlerische Praxis als Dissens). Within the “Rundgang” (the academy’s open day) a set of activities will focus on the subject of educational reforms. A first meeting should provide a platform to exchange information about previous actions, the current situation and projected activities. Within KKPD (Critical artistic practice as dissent). 18. 11. 2008, Tuesday At 18.00, Semperdepot, M1 Lecture von Leila Hadj-Abdou, Soziologin und Politikwissenschaftlerin, Wien. Im Rahmen der Reihe „Kunst, Migration und Konflikte“ als Teil der LV „Kritische künstlerische Praxis als Dissens“ Lecture by Leila Hadj-Abdou, sociologist and political scientist from Vienna. Within the series „Kunst, Migration und Konflikte“ as part of the course „Kritische künstlerische Praxis als Dissens“. 19.11.2008, Wednesday At 16.00 until 19.00, Semperdepot, M1 Grzinic, Jurica and Marjanovic: STUDENT INTRO INTO THE PUBLIC SEMINAR: Writing Central European Art on 24 and 25. November 2008 (SEE COMPLETE PROGRAM DOWN!) on 19.11.2008 a non public/i.e for students presentations of positions and texts by Edit András and Mart Kalm with a resume of their basic points of departure, reading passages from their other texts published in English, commentaries will be held. 20. 11. 2008, Thurdsay At 13.00 Meeting place at 13.00 Vereinigung bildender Künstlerinnen Österreichs (VBKÖ) Maysedergasse 2, 4th floor 1010 Wien www.vbkoe.org ++++++ german ++++++ mit arbeit / work of art – über kollaborative praktiken in der kunst Ausstellung und Symposium über Kollaboration in der Kunst Im Zuge einer Auseinandersetzung mit Fragen zur Arbeit seit Herbst 2007 möchten wir Arbeitsgemeinschaften im Kunstfeld einladen, über ihre Zusammenarbeit zu reflektieren: Was veranlasst Künstlerinnen sich zusammenzuschließen? Wie funktionieren solche Arbeitsgemeinschaften? Wer ist SchöpferIn des Teppichs von Bayeux, wessen Arbeit dessen Identität? Manche Kunst kann nur gemeinsam erzeugt werden, ist per se gemeinsame Erzeugung wie performative Arbeiten, partizipatorische Projekte; andere lassen den Schluss nicht eindeutig zu, ob eine oder mehrere AutorInnen eines Werkes sind. Erheben wir den Anspruch einer gelebten Utopie, wenn wir den Begriff des Individuums als zentralem Moment abendländischer Kunst auf solche Weise ausweiten? Diese und weitere Fragen werden im Projekt „mit arbeit“ thematisiert und zur gemeinsamen Diskussion gestellt. Zu diesem Zweck findet im November 2008 in der Vereinigung Bildender Künstlerinnen Österreichs (VBKÖ) in Wien eine Ausstellung und ein Symposion statt. Die VBKÖ, als Knoten zur Vernetzung von Künstlerinnen vor hundert Jahren gegründet, ist als Ausstellungsfläche, Arbeits- und Diskursraum Gastgeberin. Geplant ist, dass
Eingeladene KünstlerInnen: Bernadette Corporation,Helmut und Johanna Kandl, collabor.at, h.arta, ikoon, RAM, snm Organisation: IEFS / ursula kiesling + maki stolberg www.iefs.at +++++++ english +++++++ mit arbeit / the work of art exhibition+symposium on collaboration Discussing questions of labour and the role it plays in establishing ones identity in a project in 2007 ("fragBar", Graz 2007) we had the idea to organise a small exhibition and symposium on the issue of working together, thus reflecting our own work, the effects it has on questions of identity and vice versa. It is supposed to take place 3.-16. November 2008, at the „Vereinigung Bildender Künstlerinnen Österreichs“ in Maysedergasse 2, 1010 Vienna which itself was ment to be, like many other intitutions founded at the beginning of the 20th century some sort of collaborative structure. Our idea is that each participating group presents itself
Artists invited: Bernadette Corporation,Helmut und Johanna Kandl, collabor.at, h.arta, ikoon, RAM, snm Organisation: IEFS / ursula kiesling + maki stolberg www.iefs.at 24.11.2003, Monday Grzinic office: At 9.00 until 11.00 INDIVIDUAL MEETINGS, contact me for the appointments 24.11.2003, Monday Semperdepot, M1 TITLE OF THE SEMINAR: Writing Central European Art History SEMINAR DATES: 24 and 25. November 2008, part 1. OPEN TO GENERAL PUBLIC Writing Central European Art History is a special seminar/course, that was put together by ERSTE Stiftung and WUS with 7 academics/professors from the so called Central European art institutions and academies: Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Serbian and Slovakia. It brings fresh inputs on academic art history and the perception on modernism and post-modernism in the former Eastern European territory. Monday, 24, November, 2008
AT 15.30 INTRODUCTION AND WELLCOME Marina Grzinic AT 15.45 LECTURE by Misko Suvakovic Misko Suvakovic, Professor of Aesthetics and Art Theory Faculty of Music, University of Arts, Belgrade, Serbia Title: Politics and Art after the fall of the Berlin Wall The author will point to the crucial changes that happened in society, philosophy and art after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, and more precisely, after the end of the cold war division of the world. The era of postmodern social, cultural and artistic plurality was turned into a period of globalization and of restructuring of the social, political, cultural and artistic local-global relations. These processes are marked in art by a fundamental change in the media of artistic representation and expression, converting new media practices into the mainstream art of this epoch. DISCUSSION 17.15 – 17.45/ facilitated by Grzinic, Jurica and Marjanovic PAUSE: DRINKS, SANDWICHES AT 18.15 LECTURE by Vojtech Lahoda Vojtech Lahoda, Deputy Director of the Institute of Art History of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic. University Professor at the Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Title: Regional Cubism? How to write on Cubism in East Central Europe The author's aim is to concentrate on the issue of Cubism outside Paris, especially in the region usually called East Central Europe. The discussion will deal with the question whether it is still valid to write about a homogeneous western born "Cubism", or whether we should think about different local and regional "Cubisms" within the territory of Central and Eastern Europe. The author proposes the term Regional Cubism for Cubist hybridization east of Paris and stresses international aspects of Cubist regionalism. DISCUSSION 20.00 -20.30/ facilitated by Grzinic, Jurica and Marjanovic 25 November 2008, TUESDAY Semperdepot, M1
AT 9.30 LECTURE by Ljiljana Blagojevic Ljiljana Blagojevic, Associate Professor Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, Serbia Title: Post-socialist Cities: Contested Modernism The presentation explores spatiality of processes in the contemporary transformation of cities which have been constructed in the second half of the twentieth century as new modern socialist cities. The course will also focus on the impact of sociopolitical and economic post-socialist/communist transition on architecture and urbanism. The case study of New Belgrade (Serbia) will be specifically presented. AT 11.00-11.30 DISCUSSION/ facilitated by Grzinic, Jurica and Marjanovic PAUSE 11.30 - 12.00: DRINKS, SANDWICHES AT 12.00 LECTURE by Mart Kalm Mart Kalm, Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Art and Culture Estonian Academy of Art, Tallinn, Estonia Title: What is Estonian Architecture? This presentation will discuss the establishment and formation of the Estonian architecture culture during the 20th century. From Finnish architects serving Estonian society before the first Estonian architects emerged to the Baltic-German and Estonian architects in inter-war Estonia-the course will explore Estonian interpretations of traditionalism and modernism. From there, the architecture of Soviet Estonia, with eyes in West but organization and rules from Moscow, is followed by the post-communist Estonian architecture – and is now dissolved in globalization? DISCUSSION 13.30-14.00/ facilitated by Grzinic, Jurica and Marjanovic LUNCH BREAK 14.00 UNTIL 15.30
AT 15.30 LECTURE by by Edit András Edit András, Senior Research Fellow, Research Institute for Art History of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary Title: One-way traffic, two-way traffic or a dead end? Dynamism of Contemporary Art Discourse in the East-West Relation The author intends to shed light upon the shifts, gaps and discrepancies between mainstream art history writing and its Central European local, national variants focusing mostly on the period after the political changes. It would explore burning issues of what could be absorbed into the main debate, what remains invisible from outside, and how the border patrolling mechanism operates. Case-studies would be given of contemporary Hungarian artists like Little Warsaw, Andreas Fogarasi, Kriszta Nagy, Emese Benzcúr etc. DISCUSSION 17.00 to 17.30 facilitated by Grzinic, Jurica and Marjanovic 17.30 -18.30 END NOTES 26.11.2008, Wednesday 10.00 to 12.00 individual meetings, Grzinic office , contact me! At 14.00 until 19.00 Semperdepot, M1 STUDENTS PRESENTATIONS and DISCUSSIONS: Tina Wimmer Jasmin Schienegger Aleksandra Aleksic Adnan Popovic and Johannes Klemen 26.11.2008, Wednesday At 20.00 Semperdepot, M1 Guest speaker: LALA RASCIC Artist Lala Rascic is a Kulturkontakt artist in residency, Vienna. She will talk about her art work, projects and concepts. OPEN TO GENERAL PUBLIC BIOGRAPHY: Lala Rascic born in Sarajevo 1977. Lives and works between Sarajevo and Zagreb. Graduated from Academy of Fine Arts, Zagreb. She spent a work period at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam 2003/04. Most recently, Rascic’s solo exhibition Individual Utopias was presented at BOP Gallery, Zagreb, and Gallery KC, Belgrade, the performance of the same title opened the City of Women exhibition: Natural Relations in SKUC gallery in Ljubljana (all 2008). Her solo show Everything is Connected in National Art Gallery of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2007), Sarajevo toured to Museum of Contemporary Art, Banja Luka and BOP Gallery, Zagreb. Solo shows also include exhibitions at Gallery Nova, Zagreb; Art Radionica Lazareti, Dubrovnik; SC Gallery, Zagreb and Dik de Bruijne, Amsterdam. She has participated in group shows a.o. at La Centrale Electique, Brussels, She is the recipient of the 2006 Zvono award for best young artist for Bosnia and Herzegovina and 2007 first prize winner of Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb acquisition award for her installation Everything is Connected. Rascic develops her audio-drama inspired work thru scriptwriting, video, performance, installation and drawing. While maintaining the entertainment and aesthetic quality in her work, the subverted message is no laughing matter. At a closer look, the seemingly humorous works are a satirical comment on contemporary society and the artit’s own environment. In charge of the presentation Adnan Popovic. ![]() AKBILD CURATOR IN RESIDENCE TUESDAY 28.10.2008, 20.00 M1 Elsy Lahner, Vienna, curator in residence at Akbild 2008/2009 OPEN CALL STUDENTS CLASS! To present the works.... ![]() "Writing Central European Art History" ![]() 28. 10. + 29. 10. 2008 – Semperdepot, M1 Reading of the guest lecturers' texts: Miško Šuvaković, Vojtech Lahoda, Ljiljana Blagojević, Mart Kalm and Edit András* "Writing Central European Art History" seminar 28.10.2008 16:00 and 29.10.2008 12:00 Writing Central European Art History is a special seminar/course, that was put together by ERSTE Stiftung and WUS with 7 academics/professors from the so called Central European art institutions and academies: Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Serbia and Slovakia. It brings fresh inputs on academic art history and the perception on modernism and post-modernism in the former Eastern European territory. download the texts here: m1.antville.org The reading is organised by Marina Gržinić, Ivan Jurica and Ivana Marjanović *The professors will hold lectures on November 24 and 25 2008 and January 8 2009. download poster: 081028-29_PCAP_EEA (image/gif, 39 KB) ![]() "AMERICAN BLACKOUT" (USA/2006)
WEDNESDAY, 29. 10. 2008 – Semperdepot, M1 18:00 screening of “American Blackout” (USA/2006) by Ian Inaba – open to general public Trailer: www.agit-doc.org Organized and presented by guest lecturer Daniel Erlacher ![]() SEMINAR FILM UND KUNST - FAROCKI/GRIMM program online at: http://farocki.akbild.ac.at/
Exhibition excursion: Overlapping Voices, Essl museum
Guided tour and discussions with the curators.
Excursion part of the seminar/course Kritische Künstlerische Praxis als Dissens, organized by
Petja Dimitrova and Eduard Freudmann.
Meeting point 15:45 Albertinaplatz 2 (in front of Cafe Mozart) DOWNLOAD POSTER: 081022_PCAP_overlappingvoic
(image/gif, 53 KB)
SCREENING OF "RFK MUST DIE" (UK/2008) Wednesday, 8. 10. 2008 – Semperdepot, M1
– open to general public 18:00 screening of
“RFK Must Die” (UK/2008)
by Shane O'Sullivan DOWNLOAD POSTER: 081008_PCAP_oSullivan
(image/gif, 45 KB)
Discourse As a Paradigm, Paradigm As a Brainwash Through
by Ivan Jurica Conclusion of a symposium that had
been organised by Ivan Jurica in April 2008 DOWNLOAD POSTER: 081008_PCAP_jurica
(image/gif, 46 KB)
LINA DOKUZOVIC: “Art under construction: commemorating half a century of educational reform”
The European institutions of higher education are currently undergoing an extreme process of reformation through the Bologna Process. Education and the arts have more clearly that ever become a platform for the production of ideologies and surplus value for capital. While knowledge has supported autonomy, power and liberation, (neo-)liberal capitalism has found a position for the arts and education within the expanding knowledge-based economy.
IN ENGLISH, followed by a discussion.
Lecture within the seminar/course Kritische Künstlerische Praxis als Dissens, organized by
Petja Dimitrova and Eduard Freudmann.
Open to general public DOWNLOAD POSTER: 081007_PCAP_dokuzovic
(image/gif, 32 KB)
8.10., M1 12:00
21.10., M1 16:00 The text that is a seminal text for the analysis of the way institutions and capitalism function was published in France in 1970. The translations from French in English and German are attached to the program, so we can read both versions at once.
Open to general public. download:
german version althusser
(application/msword, 178 KB)
(application/msword, 168 KB)
english version althusser
(application/msword, 168 KB)
(application/msword, 178 KB) DOWNLOAD POSTER: 081007_PCAP_althusser
(image/gif, 49 KB)
In few days starts the new school year 2008/2009. With Petja and Edi we worked for the entrance exams and 10 new students are accepted. They will show up on the 6. October, please come to the common meeting at 16.00 in our class, we present each other and start to work. The program for OCTOBER 2008 will be sent in the next two days, and will be the mail no 4. As always each month program is posted the first of that month on our blog: m1.antville.org I would like to put on paper some thoughts and also what I intend to send to you. Mail 2 and 3 I will announce TWO exceptional SEMINARS that will take part in 0ctober 2008/January 2009. I think you should take all of you these two courses, we are around 50 in the class NOW (with the new 10) and you should put these days in your calendar! In mail 2 I will ANNOUNCE THE NEW FILM DOCUMENTARY program by DANIEL ERLACHER.
In mail 3 I will ANNOUNCE THE SEMINAR on Central Europe Art History, that will be facilitated by me and two extra assistants Ivan Jurica and Ivana Marjanovic. OUR "REGULAR" TUTOR is Okenna Okafor (Octiber2008-February2009). The proposal to have Okenna as TUTOR, the possibility to realize this proposal was possible by the extraordinary engagement by Can and Edi. The party/ action and activation for Okenna(s) the 10.10.2008 it is a great effort, important and the only possible gesture to be done. In the past many amongst you, especially Lukas, Kevin, Petja, Edi, did a great job in helping him and keeping us "ANGRY" (that is good) for the shit situation in Europe regarding asylum, migrations, papers, RIGHTS... This is not a list of who and what but just a modest recognition that we have to do something concrete or nothing changes.... I would like to say look through classes, change if necessary (IF NOT STAY WITH US) or just be with us -;, go for Erasmus exchange, and take the activities in OUR class seriously, come to the meetings, lectures, presentations. Please take the advantage of the seminars by Petja and Edi, and also Prof. Harun Farocki... EACH OF YOU HAVE TO HAVE A PRESENTATION, the format is yours (BE MY GUEST, challenge us, and we will challenge you!) the dates will be proposed. But to show a proper work and be open for the discussion on the work is one of the priority of this class... As always and this is firmly, those who comes to the lectures and seminars will be graded, the grade/mark is an outcome of a consequent dedication, the so called "quality" of the work is not graded (haha), but is DISCUSSED, CONTESTED and FRAMED in A LARGER CONTEXT. Those who are not showing up simply to say will not be graded; those who works, reads, questions or just sit in the class and think, will be graded. I do not see obstacles to get the best mark. Thinking is a process, after every thinking and being silent it is a wish to talk, to explode, say that we are just without sense. COME TO THE READINGS OF THEORY! DO NOT DISMISS THIS POSSIBILITY! IF YOU HAVE ANY TROUBLE LET ME KNOW! EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE TO BE SOLVED; RULES ARE ESTABLISHED PRECISELY TO QUESTION THEM. I am not a snob! It is not necessary a special introduction to contact me, not a perfect grammar knowledge to write to me and talk to me! But you have to have a politics and a concept regarding what you do and what you want! If not you have to form them in the course of studies. I would like to thank for the work Petja and Edi, for what they did in the past (I change I will thank them in the beginning of every of the next 6 years and not in the end!), and I am already looking forward to our collective work, as said we see us officially 6.10. The whole program will be sent and as well put on our BLOG: check it regularly: m1.antville.org EACH MONTH the program is posted there on the 1 of the month! So you can plan clearly each month in advance what you would like to do, 20 percent is always the plus and minus you have to trade with others, the 80 percent save for our classes and seminars and our common projects and work. Next two mails ARE ANNOUNCING two exceptional seminars on film and theory. Both will be as well incorporated in the normal class monthly prepared program. Marina Grzinic PROGRAM OCTOBER 2008 Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna
Class for Post-Conceptual Art, Practices/PCAP
Prof. dr. Marina Grzinic/ Class M1
At Semper Depot, Lehargasse 8
OCTOBER 2008-----------------------------------------------------
(download program october 2008
(application/msword, 56 KB)
4.10. SATURDAY at 14.00
Talk on the exhibition »bad painting good art« in-between Grzinic and Jurica
Organized by Ivan Jurica
6.10. 2008 MONDAY, M1
At 14.00 New students INTRO MEETING
Mike Kuchar, “Sins of the Fleshapoids” (1965)
Jack Smith, film and performance (1974)
Anna Biller, “VIVA”, (35mm on DVD, 120 min) (2008)
Open to general public At 14.00 THEORY READING: Louis Althusser, part 1
English: “Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses”
Deutsch: “Ideologie + ideologische Staatsapparate”
The text that is a seminal text for the analysis of the way institutions and capitalism function was published in France in 1970. The translations from French in English and German are attached to the program, so we can read both versions at once.
Open to general public. download:
english version althusser
(application/msword, 168 KB)
german version althusser
(application/msword, 178 KB)
At 17.00 UMTRUNK
Aula, Hauptgebäude, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Wien
Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Kommen! At 19.00 Student lecture presentation
LINA DOKUZOVIC: “Art under construction: commemorating half a century of educational reform”
The European institutions of higher education are currently undergoing an extreme process of reformation through the Bologna Process. Education and the arts have more clearly that ever become a platform for the production of ideologies and surplus value for capital. While knowledge has supported autonomy, power and liberation, (neo-)liberal capitalism has found a position for the arts and education within the expanding knowledge-based economy. IN ENGLISH, followed by a discussion. Lecture within the seminar/course Kritische Künstlerische Praxis als Dissens, organized by
Petja Dimitrova and Eduard Freudmann.
Open to general public
8.10.2008 WEDNESDAY, M1
At 9.00 to11.00 INDIVIDUAL MEETINGS /Grzinic, office, contact me
At 12.00 THEORY READING: Louis Althusser, part 2
English: “Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses”
Deutsch: “Ideologie + ideologische Staatsapparate”
The text that is a seminal text for the analysis of the way institutions and capitalism function was published in France in 1970. The translations from French in English and German are attached to the program, so we can read both versions at once.
Open to general public. download:
english version althusser
(application/msword, 168 KB)
german version althusser
(application/msword, 178 KB)
At 16.00 IVAN JURICA: student presentation of the conclusion of the his project symposium with the title:"Practice and Theory – Contemporary Works of Art As Discourse, Discourse As a Paradigm, Paradigm As a Brainwash Through Ideology/History/Knowledge"
Open to general public. At 18.00 Guest lecture seminar on documentary film
Organized and presented by guest lecturer: DANIEL ERLACHER
Open to general public
RFK Must Die (UK/2008)
Buch/Regie: Shane O'Sullivan; 94min; eng. OV. 5.Juni, 1968: Robert Kennedy gewinnt die Vorwahlen der Demokraten in Kalifornien und ist damit als Gegner von Richard Nixon als Präsidentschaftskandidat fix. Minuten später erfolgt der tödliche Anschlag des 24-jährigen Palästinensers Sirhan Sirhan. Sirhan kann sich jedoch bis heute nicht an die Schießerei erinnern - nicht einmal unter Hypnose. Führende PsychiaterInnen glauben er war ein „mandschurischer Kandidat“, also hypnotisch programmiert um Kennedy zu töten.
Neu entdeckte Film- und Photoaufnahmen zeigen drei altgediente mutmaßliche CIA Agenten am Tatort, dem Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles - ein Indiz für die Beteiligung der CIA am Anschlag. Dieser hoch bristante investigative Dokumentarfilm, basierend auf O'Sullivan's jahrelangen Recherchen für die BBC und den britischen Guardian, zeichnet ein neues und verstörendes Bild des tragischen Ereignisses vor 40 Jahren. Trailer: www.agit-doc.org Daniel Erlacher ist Musiker, Festivalveranstalter und Programmkurator des agit.DOC Dokumentarfilmprogramms im Forum Stadtpark Graz. Weiters ist er Initiator der Onlinecommunity g24.at und Labelbetreiber (widerstand.org). Seit 2005 ist er Mitglied des ProgrammForum Gremiums des Forum Stadtpark. Er war Co-Kurator des Film- und Musikprogrammes bei No Space Is Innocent im Steirischen Herbst 2006 und Mitbegründer des Elevate Festivals in Graz. The translations from French in English and German are attached to the program, so we can read both versions at once.
Open to general public. download:
english version althusser
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german version althusser
(application/msword, 178 KB)
Excursion part of the seminar/course Kritische Künstlerische Praxis als Dissens, organized by
Petja Dimitrova and Eduard Freudmann. Meeting point 15:45 Albertinaplatz 2 (in front of Cafe Mozart) OVERLAPPING VOICES - Israeli and Palestinian Artists Essl Museum, Exhibition Hall
Curators: Karin Schneider, Friedemann Derschmidt, Tal Adler, Amal Murkus
Artists: Tal Adler, Shalom Amira, Anisa Ashkar, Asad Azi, Raed Bawayah, Eyal Ben-Dov, Zoya Cherkassky und Avdey Ter-Oganian, Ronen Eidelman, Shula
Keshet, Jumana Manna, Parrhesia, rites-institute, Yoav Weiss, Osama Zatar,
Manar Zuabi, Masha Zusman This exhibition of Israeli and Palestinian artists offers a rare and interesting opportunity to discuss different artistic practices from a conflicted area.Both Israeli and Palestinian societies contain a vast range of people, cultures and positions with rich and intertwined histories. This exhibition tries to bring together some of these voices, which overlap and sometimes contradict the more common and clearer positions usually heard. Some of the 22 art projects that include all artistic media are shown for the first time. Many of them are based on civil society structures, as many of the artists in this show are themselves social and cultural activists. Four of the projects created for the exhibition are a result of artistic collaboration between some of the artists and civil society organizations, Israeli and Palestinian, who present interesting visions for understanding of the region and its challenges. An information lounge with maps, glossaries and books will give visitors the possibility to better understand the complexity of this region and its connections with Austrian history – in particular the displacement and annihilation of Europe’s Jews during the Nazi-regime. 28.10.2008 TUESDAY, M1 At 16.00 until 19.00/20.00
Grzinic, Jurica and Marjanovic
STUDENT INTRO INTO THE SEMINAR: Writing Central European Art History, part 1
PUBLIC SEMINAR DATES are 24 and 25. November 2008 and 8. January 2009 Writing Central European Art History is our SECOND special seminar/course,
that was put together by ERSTE Stiftung and WUS with 7 academics/professors from the so called Central European art institutions and academies: Czech Republic, Estonia,Hungary, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia. It brings fresh inputs on academic art history and the perception on modernism and post-modernism in the former Eastern Europe territory. On 28.10 2008 it will be a non public/i.e for students presentations of positions and texts by Edit András, Vojtech Lahoda, Ljiljana Blagojevic, Mart Kalm and Misko Suvakovic, with a resume of their basic points of departure, reading passages from their other texts published in English, commentaries. AKBILD CURATOR IN RESIDENCE
28.10.2008 at 20.00 M1
Elsy Lahne, Vienna, curator in residence Akbild 2008/2009 OPEN CALL STUDENTS CLASS!
To present the works.... Class, every year it is a new curator in residence part of the study program
appointed by the Academy. It is a curator that visits the classes and prepare exhibitions in the DEMONSTRATION ROOM/BOX in the Academy, Schillerplatz. For you is IMPORTANT, as you have a chance to study, learn about selection, present your work outside the class and see what means to be selected, what means NOT TO BE SELECTED, working with curators, evaluating a proper work, etc.... For the 2008/2009 it is Elsy Lahne from Vienna. An online research gave me the idea of her work, she is in charge of the Geschäftsführung das weisse haus in Vienna. Some of the students from the Academy that took their diploma in the last 2 years are presented there. SHE WILL SAY MORE ON HER On the 28.10.2008 More she will say to us on the 28.10.2008 at 20.00. We will show to her the works. A selection of some positions. Those who are ready to show a work that is FOR you possible to be presented in a PUBLIC space, prepare the material and the talk around 15 minutes, MAXIUM. Plus prepare your data, email and DVD (with a name) and give to Eduard Freudmann on Monday, 27.10.2008. OR SEND HIM an EMAIL that you would like to show the things.... As it is a short time, she spends about 2 hours MAXIMUM in ONE CLASS, PREPARE YOUR WORKS ON ONE DVD, put clearly the data and your email...print a page of who you are, what you do! THIS PROCESS OF PRESENTATION IS ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT FOR THOSE ALREADY STUDYING! Those who just entered, please come to see how the process is going on! You will do this next year as well! The system on the 28.10.2008 is the following: Eduard Freudmann is in charge; previous year it was Petja Dimitova. 29.10.2008 WEDNESDAY, M1
At 9.00 to 12.00 INDIVIDUAL MEETINGS/Grzinic, office, contact me At 12.00 until 17.00
Grzinic, Jurica and Marjanovic
STUDENT INTRO INTO THE SEMINAR: Writing Central European Art History, part 2
PUBLIC SEMINAR DATES are 24 and 25. November 2008 and 8. January 2009 Writing Central European Art History is our SECOND special seminar/course, hat was put together by ERSTE Stiftung and WUS with 7 academics/professors from the so called Central European art institutions and academies: Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia. It brings fresh inputs on academic art history and the perception on modernism and post-modernism in the former Eastern Europe territory. On 29.10 2008 it will be a non public/i.e for students presentations of positions and texts by Edit András, Vojtech Lahoda, Ljiljana Blagojevic, Mart Kalm and Misko Suvakovic, with a resume of their basic points of departure, reading passages from their other texts published in English, commentaries. At 18.00 Guest lecture seminar on documentary film
Organized and presented by guest lecturer: DANIEL ERLACHER
Open to general public
American Blackout (USA/2006)
Buch/Regie: Ian Inaba; 92min; eng. OV. Ein stilistisch gesehen sehr kämpferischer Dokumentarfilm, der den fesselnden Werdegang der US-Kongressabgeordneten Cynthia McKinney (Demokratin aus Georgia) und die Unterdrückung der schwarzen Wählerstimmen historisch und während der jüngsten Präsidentenwahlen in Florida und Ohio eingehend beleuchtet. Die neueste Produktion aus dem Hause der News-Community Guerrilla News Network gewann beim Sundance Festival 2006 einen Special Award der Jury und beeindruckt sowohl durch Stil als auch durch den brisanten Inhalt:
Most people have heard of the voting irregularities that marred the presidential elections of 2000 and 2004. Some even know of the resulting challenges to the electoral votes by African-American congressional representatives. However, because the mainstream media shies away from reporting cases of imperiled democracy the public is left to believe these stories are at worst insignificant rumors or at best one-off incidents that result from an overburdened election system.
American Blackout chronicles the recurring patterns of disenfranchisement witnessed from 2000 to 2004 while following the story of Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, who not only took an active role in investigating these election debacles but also found herself in the middle of one after publicly questioning the Bush Administration about the 9-11 terrorist attacks. Some call Cynthia McKinney a civil rights leader among the ranks of Shirley Chisholm and Malcolm X. Others call her a conspiracy theorist and a 'looney.' American Blackout gains unprecedented access to one of the most controversial and dangerous politicians in America and examines the contemporary tactics used to control our democratic process and silence political dissent.
Mit besonderem Dank an Ian Inaba und gnn.tv!
Trailer: www.agit-doc.org Daniel Erlacher ist Musiker, Festivalveranstalter und Programmkurator des agit.DOC Dokumentarfilmprogramms im Forum Stadtpark Graz. Weiters ist er Initiator der Onlinecommunity g24.at und Labelbetreiber (widerstand.org). Seit 2005 ist er Mitglied des ProgrammForum Gremiums des Forum Stadtpark. Er war Co-Kurator des Film- und Musikprogrammes bei No Space Is Innocent im Steirischen Herbst 2006 und Mitbegründer des Elevate Festivals in Graz. NOVEMBER PROGRAM will be announced 1.11.2008
m1.antville.org discussion PCAP book #3 Zelimir Zilnik program june 2008 AKBILD/ POST-CONCEPTUAL ART PRACTICES
Prof. Dr. Grzinic
PROGRAMME JUNE 2008 june 2008
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Research Trip: Bucharest Biennial 3 4th Benjamin reading Excursion: symposium "Overlapping Voices" Program May 2008 pcapmaj2008
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Prof. Dr. Grzinic
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Prof. Dr. Grzinic
PROGRAMME APRIL 2008 Reading: Rada Ivekovic Presentation: Ivana Marjanovic + Eduard Freudmann Program March 2008 AKBILD/ POST-CONCEPTUAL ART PRACTICES SEMPER DEPOT /M1 Prof. Dr. Grzinic PROGRAM MARCH 2008 march2008
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