m1 (turm4) |
15.12.09 - Work presentation: “Soul of Sustainability” by Irina Gheorghe, Alina Popa, Stefan Tiron (Bucharest) Tuesday, 15. 12. 2009 – Semperdepot, M1 – open to general public 18:00 Work presentation: “Soul of Sustainability” by Irina Gheorghe, Alina Popa, Stefan Tiron (Bucharest) Soul of Sustainability While in Vienna as artists-in-residence we focused on the concept of sustainability, as part of the main discourse of KulturKontakt and other similar cultural organizations. The prevalence of this new term relies on the fact that art and culture are seen as indispensable though until recently disregarded instruments in the larger policy of sustainable development. But what does sustainable development actually sustain? The Bureau of Melodramatic Research has spotted how its very own object of study - emotion, sensitivity, pathos – is instrumentalized with the purpose of saving the soul of sustainability (“Sustainability also needs a soul”, Dr. Hildegard Kurt, from “Art as Seismograph”, KulturKontakt Magazine, Autumn, 2009). Artists regarded as bearers of subjectivity are the main “agents of the soul”, the missing link in a self-contained chain of sustainability in search of a “heart”. Sustainability is identified as a new imposed standard for sustaining and maintaining the power of capital owners. Irina Gheorghe & Alina Popa founded in 2009 an independent institution The Bureau of Melodramatic Research, in Bucharest, Romania. BMR is a non-profit organization with the general aim of cooperation with institutions from the cultural field in order to reveal the circuit of the sentimental capital which determines social, politic and ultimately economic relations. The Bureau conducts critical analysis by detecting melodramatized appropriations and reappropriations. Its melodramatic methodology is defined as melocritique. Currently they are artists-in-residence at the KulturKontakt Vienna. Stefan Tiron lives and works in Bucharest, Romania as an independent curator. In 2005 artist in residence with monochrom in Vienna. He indulges in his recent hobby for the cultural and ideological ramification of apiculture, beehive metaphors, social insects and social engineering. click to view more . . . (no comments) DECEMBER 2009 study program PCAP (POST CONCEPTUAL ART PRACTICES) STUDY PROGRAM Prof. Marina Grzinic Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna m1.antville.org DECEMBER 2009 study program December2009PCAP (application/msword, 53 KB) click to view more . . . (no comments) student presentation
– Students presentation: Sheri Avraham Iris Borovčnik Christian Gangl Maria Muhar Ervin Tahirović M1, Semperdepot – open to general public click to view more . . . (no comments) Erasmus student presentation
– Erasmus students presentation: CLEMENCE CHOQUET (Strasbourg) MICKAËL GAMIO (Strasbourg) M1, Semperdepot – open to general public click to view more . . . (no comments) Frantz Fanon reading and guest lecture Lina Dokuzovic Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, AULA, Schillerplatz 3 25.11.09 14:00 - 17:00 Frantz Fanon reading 17:00 - 19:00 Lecture by Lina Dokuzovic click to view more . . . (no comments) Program November PCAP program NOVEMBER 2009, from 12.11.2009 until 27.11.2009 PCAP, DE-CONCEPTUAL THEORY ART POLITICS STUDY PROGRAM Back in the classroom M1, Semper depot, and SQUATTING TEACHERS program Aula, Schillerplatz click to view more . . . (no comments) PCAP, November 3, 4, 5, 2009 PCAP, November 3, 4, 5, 2009 3.11.2009 at 19.00 in the aula, Schillerplatz, Akbild and find one space (the staircase) there and talk about the plans January 2010 Rundgang. We should think about the Rundgang program and we should think fast. Also Marissa and Miltos if you have time and want to discuss the year exhibition (5.11.2009??? is going on or not) come to this meeting and we see what is going on. 4.11 from 12.00 to 15.00 M20, Schillerplatz we read Fanon It is a project conceived by Ivana Marjanovic. On the 4.11 from 12.00 to 15.00, I hope Aleksandra, Sarah, Branko, Majda, Miltiadis will take part in the process of leading us through the text! 5.11 it is open, as it has to be seen what and how is with the exhibition. click to view more . . . (no comments) Presentations click to view more . . . (no comments) PCAP Program October 2009 Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna Post-Conceptual Art Practices/PCAP Prof. Dr. Marina Grzinic/ Class M1 At Semper Depot, Lehargasse 8 m1.antville.org click to view more . . . (no comments) READING LOUIS ALTHUSSER AND AGON HAMZA Wednesday 10. 6. 2009 – Semperdepot, M1 – open to general public download poster: 090910_PCAP_althusser-hamza (application/pdf, 50 KB) LOUIS ALTHUSSER AGON HAMZA 20:00 Reading: “Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses” by Louis Althusser (1970) and “New Born Ideology” by Agon Hamza click to view more . . . (no comments) STUDENT PRESENTATION Monday, 15. 6. 2009 – Semperdepot, M1 – open to general public download poster: 090615_PCAP_studpres (application/pdf, 43 KB) PRESENTATION 10:30 student presentation: Bernadette Uttenthaler: Searching my 3rd dimension click to view more . . . (no comments) SARAJEVO GROUP OF AUTHORS Monday, 15. 6. 2009 – Semperdepot, M1 – open to general public download poster: poster saga (application/pdf, 51 KB) SCREENING SARAJEVO GROUP OF AUTHORS 12:00 SaGA (Sarajevo Group of Authors) FILM GROUP PRODUCTION DURING THE WAR IN Bosnia and Herzegovina 1992-1995 Presentation of excerpts from documentaries and the feature film with in situ translation and comments. Presentation for PCAP is organized by Freudmann, Gržinić, Klemen and Popović. click to view more . . . (no comments) ARTIST TALK Friday, 12. 6. 2009 – Gallery ART POINT – open to general public download poster: poster ilic (application/pdf, 68 KB) 19:00 Artist talk: Siniša Ilić (Belgrade) Presentation of 2 art works and discussion Moderation by Ivana Marjanovic Siniša Ilić is in Vienna as part of the Kultur Kontakt art residency Program. Ilić will talk about his two art works in progress displayed at the group show “2. Ausstellung, Artist in Residence, 2009” in Vienna at KulturKontakt Austria – Gallery ART POINT: click to view more . . . (no comments) PRACHTSTRASSE, FANMEILE, PREUSSENSCHLOSS Thursday, 4. 6. 2009 – M1, Semperdepot -open to general public download poster: poster raether (application/pdf, 51 KB) JOHANNES PAUL RAETHER 19:00 Johannes Paul Raether (Berlin) PRACHTSRASSE, FANMEILE, PREUSSENSCHLOSS Nation branding and New Nationalism in Germany click to view more . . . (no comments) DEBATING MIDDLE EAST CONFLICTS IN POST-NAZISTIC SPACES? Wednesday 3. 6. 2009 – Semperdepot, M1 – open to general public download poster: poster dmecipns (application/pdf, 53 KB) DEBATING MIDDLE EAST CONFLICTS IN POST-NAZISTIC SPACES? Debating Middle East Conflicts in Post-Nazistic Spaces? The seminar is conceived and organised by Eduard Freudmann in collaboration with Tal Adler on the initiative of students of PCAP as part of "Kritische Künstlerische Praxis als Dissens". Please note that the seminar will be continued in June 2009. click to view more . . . (no comments) Linz Excursion download poster excursion linz (application/pdf, 179 KB) click to view more . . . (no comments) PROGRAM JUNE 2009 Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna Class for Post-Conceptual Art, Practices/PCAP Prof. dr. Marina Grzinic/ Class M1 At Semper Depot, Lehargasse 8 JUNE 2009----------------------------------------------------- (download junePCAP 2009 (application/msword, 64 KB) ) JUNE 2009 PCAP WORKING SCHEDULE //click for more detailed information... click to view more . . . (no comments) STUDENT PRESENTATION Friday 29.5.2009, M1 Semperdepot 10.00 Miltiadis Gerothanassis Juana Gonzales click to view more . . . (no comments) STUDENT PRESENTATION Thursday 28.5.2009, M1 Semperdepot 10.00 Maria Kuschelieva Salaeh Rozati click to view more . . . (no comments) Student Presentations Tuesday, 19. 5. 2009 – Semperdepot, M1 – open to general public download poster: students pres may (application/pdf, 60 KB) 11:00 STUDENT PRESENTATION MAJDA TURKIĆ CHUI YONG JIAN Chui Yong Jian: Hiding the World in the World (Working Title) A script reading of a film about life in the societal bubble of Singapore within the current world situation. Work currently in progress. click to view more . . . (no comments) STRUCTURES OF MEMORY IN CONTEMPORARY CITIES Tuesday, 19. 5. 2009 – Schillerplatz, Room 211a open to general public download poster: lecture villavicencio (application/pdf, 319 KB) KARLA VILLAVICENCIO 17:00 Karla Villavicencio (Lima/Vienna) IMA-R-GINAL ARCHITECTURE: STRUCTURES OF MEMORY IN CONTEMPORARY CITIES Karla Villavicencio will talk about illegal cities in Latin America that are culturally, socially and politically marginalized. The aim of the lecture is to offer with the help of documentation a new perspective on urban development. The lecture will focus on Peru and on migration of the indigenous population from the Andes to Lima. It will try to show how immigration transforms the architecture of the city. Furthermore the lecture will propose a platform for reading visually the social impact of such transformations on the development of architecture. These architectural and urban spaces can be compared to a living skin that adapts itself to the needs of the migrants. For this reason such architecture makes clearly visible the social, economic and political dimensions of architecture. click to view more . . . (no comments) Workshop/Lecture/Presentation: Hiroshi Yoshioka 25.–27. 5. 2009 – M1, Semperdepot open to all Academy students download poster: poster yoshioka (application/pdf, 52 KB) Workshop/Lecture/Presentation: HIROSHI YOSHIOKA The workshop by Hiroshi Yoshioka at The Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna will focus on contemporary art and media art from Japan and other Asian countries in order to discuss economic, political and technological issues. The works presented will be those by Asian artists from the Ogaki Biennale in 2006 in Japan, along with experimental animation works, which are completely different from what is accepted as “Japanimation” or “Japan Cool,” and with modern computer music projects attempted by Masahiro Miwa and his students. Monday, 25. 5., 17:00–20:00 Tuesday, 26. 5., 11:00–15:00 Wednesday, 27. click to view more . . . (no comments) Antke Engel: Bilder von Sexualität und Ökonomie Thursday, 28. 5. 2009 – M20, Schillerplatz – open to general public download poster: poster engel (application/pdf, 53 KB) 20:30 book presentation: Antke Engel Antke Engel: Bilder von Sexualität und Ökonomie. Queere kulturelle Politiken im Neoliberalismus Bielefeld (transcript) 2009 Presentation moderated by Rosa Reitsamer. PRESENTATION IN GERMAN. Discussion German and English. click to view more . . . (no comments) DEBATING MIDDLE EAST CONFLICTS IN POST-NAZISTIC SPACES? 4. 5. + 5. 5. + 6. 5. + 18. 5. 2009 – Semperdepot, M1 – open to general public download poster: dmecipns may (application/pdf, 54 KB) DEBATING MIDDLE EAST CONFLICTS IN POST-NAZISTIC SPACES? Debating Middle East Conflicts in Post-Nazistic Spaces? The seminar is conceived and organised by Eduard Freudmann in collaboration with Tal Adler on the initiative of students of PCAP as part of "Kritische Künstlerische Praxis als Dissens". Please note that the seminar will be continued in June 2009. Monday, May 4, 19:00 SCREENING: Paper Bridge (Ruth Beckermann, Austria 1987, 16mm, 91 min., German with English subtitles) Paper Bridge is a journey through Ruth Beckermann's own family's history and at the same time the story of Central Europe's Jews and of a region. It takes her from Vienna, where her grandmother survived the war and the nazis in hiding and to which her mother returned from Israel, to the landscapes of her father's childhood: the Bukowina, once part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. (www.ruthbeckermann.com) //click for more detailed information... click to view more . . . (no comments) READING LOUIS ALTHUSSER 4. 5. + 18. 5. 2009 – Semperdepot, M1 – open to general public download poster: althusser may (application/pdf, 49 KB) LOUIS ALTHUSSER reading of “Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses” by Louis Althusser (1970) "The school (but also other State institutions like the Church, or other apparatuses like the Army) teaches 'know-how', but in forms which ensure subjection to the ruling ideology or the mastery of its 'practice'. All the agents of production, exploitation and repression, not to speak of the 'professionals of ideology' (Marx), must in one way or another be 'steeped' in this ideology in order to perform their tasks 'conscientiously' - the tasks of the exploited (the proletarians), of the exploiters (the capitalists), of the exploiters' auxiliaries (the managers), or of the high priests of the ruling ideology (its 'functionaries'), etc." //click for more detailed information... click to view more . . . (no comments) PROGRAM MAY 2009 Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna Class for Post-Conceptual Art, Practices/PCAP Prof. dr. Marina Grzinic/ Class M1 At Semper Depot, Lehargasse 8 MAY 2009----------------------------------------------------- (download mayPCAP 2009 (application/msword, 82 KB) ) MAY 2009 PCAP WORKING SCHEDULE //click for more detailed information... click to view more . . . (no comments) visiting the exhibition "Ensemble der Verhältnisse" Wednesday, 29. 4. 2009, 17:30 visiting the exhibition "Ensemble der Verhältnisse" download poster: poster open space (application/pdf, 66 KB) Open Space / Zentrum für Kunstprojekte Lassingleithnerplatz 2 Wien 1020 www.openspace-zkp.org click to view more . . . (no comments) Screening of "Jenseits des Krieges (East of War)" Thursday, 30. 4. 2009 - Semperdepot, M1
18:00 Screening of "Jenseits des Krieges (East of War)" Director: Ruth Beckermann Austria 1996, High8/35mm, 117 min. German with English subtitles click to view more . . . (no comments) STUDENT PRESENTATIONS Monday, 27. 4. 2009 - Semperdepot, M1
20:00 student presentation: Lina Dokuzovic, Muzaffer Hasaltay click to view more . . . (no comments) OPEN SOURCE Monday 27. 4. 2009 - Semperdepot, M1
download BANG: bang (image/tiff, 212 KB) 15:30 Open Source Seminar Conceived and organized by students from the class: Chui Yong Jian- Cain, Annalisa Cannito, Ivette Mrova, Philipp Leitner Talk by Denis Rojo (Jaromil), click to view more . . . (no comments) reading of "Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses" 27. 4. + 29. 4. + 30. 4. 2008 - Semperdepot, M1
reading of "Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses" by Louis Althusser (1970) click to view more . . . (no comments) Erster Mai 2009 – zehn Jahre danach MORD VERJÄHRT NICHT Erster Mai 2009 – zehn Jahre danach Wir trauern um Marcus Omofuma. Er wurde vor zehn Jahren, am 1. Mai 1999, im Abschubflieger von Fremdenpolizisten umgebracht. Er war eines von vielen Opfern einer langen Kette rassistischer Gewalt. KUNDGEBUNG, anschließend DEMONSTRATION Freitag, 1. Mai 2009 Treffpunkt: 14 Uhr, Omofuma-Stein U 2-Station Museumsquartier / Mariahilferstraße click to view more . . . (no comments) PROGRAM APRIL 2009 Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna Class for Post-Conceptual Art, Practices/PCAP Prof. dr. Marina Grzinic/ Class M1 At Semper Depot, Lehargasse 8 APRIL 2009----------------------------------------------------- (download aprilPCAP2009 (application/msword, 55 KB) ) Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna Post-Conceptual Art Practices/PCAP Prof. dr. Marina Grzinic/ Class M1 At Semper Depot, Lehargasse 8 m1.antville.org APRIL 2009 WORKING SCHEDULE FERIEN//HOLIDAYS 6 April to 18 April 2009 20-25. 04, 2009, Monday to Friday, M1 Film seminar prof. Harun Farocki SPECIAL: 21.04. 2009, TUESDAY Open Space / Zentrum für Kunstprojekte, Vienna EXHIBITION opening at 19.00 Project curator: Can Gülcü Participating artists: Ljubomir Bratic, Lina Dokuzovic, Muzaffer Hasaltay, Ana Hoffner, Martin Krenn At 20.00 opening performance : "Bewegung, privatisiert" by Ana Hoffner ADDRESS: Open Space / Zentrum für Kunstprojekte Lassingleithnerplatz 2 Wien 1020 www.openspace-zkp.org SPECIAL: 24.04. 2009, FRIDAY M1, 10.30 until 12.00 VISIT BY the curator in residence Akbild for 2009: Sabine Breitwieser. She is preparing the exhibition in November in the Academy. Topic is Welches Leben. Zwischen Beruf und Berufung. In charge will be Petja Dimitrova, who will make the list for the presentations of your works and also collect yours mails and DVDs to be given to the curator in residence. COME and show the work: 5 minutes and shorten talk on the concept. This will be a basis for the curator to think for the selection of the presented work or to ask for a new production. The exhibition in the Akbild will be in November 2009. I will write a special letter to a group of you that have a substantial work to show and put you in connection with Petja. 27.04.2009, MONDAY 9.00 to 10.00 individual meetings, Grzinic, office contact me for talk 27.04.2009, MONDAY M1, 12.30 until 15.30 Reading Althusser: Ideology and Ideological state Apparatuses, German and
English texts available 27.04.2009, MONDAY M1, 15.30 until 20.00 OPEN SOURCE SEMINAR OPEN TO THE ENTIRE ACADEMY Conceived and organized by students from the class: Philip Leitner, Annalisa Cannito, Chui Yong Jian- Cain, Ivette Mrova Guest Denis Rojo (Jaromil), talk Presented and moderation by Philip Leitner Denis Rojo (Jaromil), originally trained as a linguist, is an artist, theorist and programmer who is currently based in Amsterdam. Through his support for the development and distribution of free and open software, he tries to overcome existing restrictions and borders, whether economic, social or scientific. Taking an alternative stance to 'profit and power' oriented apparatuses, he is strongly engaged in building networks as a means of sharing tools-choosing to view knowledge as a dialogical and non-hierarchical process. By channeling personal insights into collaborative action, he shows a deep understanding for the problems of our time and possible solutions. rastasoft.org tbt.dyne.org TALK followed by Philip Leitner lecture, introduction history, talk about a publication from exgae.net Rip manifesto screening/Ivette Mrova presentation NOTE THAT THE SEMINAR WILL CONTINUE IN MAY and JUNE 2009. 27.04.2009, MONDAY M1, 20.00 presentations with discussion Lina Dokuzovic, diploma concept presentation Muzaffer Hasaltay, new video film work 28. 04.2009, TUESDAY At 14.00 Aula, Schillerplatz Ivan Jurica diploma presentation 28. 04.2009, TUESDAY At 18.00 M13, Schillerplatz Marina Grzinic lecture on the topic of Arts and Politics (invitation by other departments Akbild) 29.04.2009, WEDNESDAY At 10.00 diploma exams, open to general public From the Class diploma: Ivan Jurica 29.04.2009, WEDNESDAY M1,14.00 until 16.30 Reading Althusser: Ideology and Ideological state Apparatuses, German and English texts available SPECIAL: 29.04.2009, WEDNESDAY AT 17.30 SPECIAL INVITATION: talks, lectures, discussions At Open Space / Zentrum für Kunstprojekte, Vienna TALK about the exhibition, opening 21.04.2009 TALK WITH THE CURATOR: Can Gülcü TALK WITH ARTISTS IN THE SHOW: Lina Dokuzovic, Muzaffer Hasaltay, Ana Hoffner, Martin Krenn SPECIAL LECTURE: Ljubomir Bratic: "Zwischen Normalität begreifen und Konfliktinszenierung" Food and drinks provided!!! ADDRESS: Open Space / Zentrum für Kunstprojekte Lassingleithnerplatz 2 Wien 1020 www.openspace-zkp.org 30.04.2009, THURSDAY M1, At 12.00 Meeting working group going to Linz, project with MAIZ, Petja Dimitrova 30.04.2009, THURSDAY M1, 14.30 until 17.00 Reading Althusser: Ideology and Ideological state Apparatuses, German and English texts available 30.04.2009, THURSDAY M1, At 18.00 Debating Middle East Conflicts in Post-Nazistic Spaces? Post-nazistische Räume als Verhandlungsorte der Nahost-Konflikte? Conceived and organized by Eduard Freudmann in collaboration with Tal Adler on the initiative of students of PCAP as part of "Kritische Künstlerische Praxis als Dissens". NOTE THAT THIS SEMINAR WILL CIONTINUE IN MAY and JUNE 2009. SCREENING Jenseits des Krieges (East of War) Director: Ruth Beckermann Austria 1996, High8/35mm, 117 min. German with English subtitles White-tiled rooms, neon lighting; on the walls black and white photographs documenting the atrocities committed by the german Wehrmacht on the Eastern Front in WW2. Against this background former soldiers talk about their experiences beyond the bounds of "normal" warfare. With a mixture of helplessness, impotence, shame, opportunism and undiminished fanaticism, witnesses from that time tell of atrocities such as shooting of Russian PWs, the murder of Jews and the rape and abuse of women.The differing accounts of these events demonstrate how selective perception was even in there most inhuman and brutal environments. This film seeks not only to contribute to the demolition of the myth of the "decent" Wehrmacht (as opposed to the evil SS) but also to illuminate the construction of history in the post-war period and to make a diagnosis of the present. Interview with Ruth Beckermann about the film (german) www.ruthbeckermann.com For those who dont know about the "Wehrmachtsausstellung" en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MAY 2009 PROGRAM will be announced by 2.05, 2009. We start May working schedule on 4.05.2009. click to view more . . . (no comments) “Notes on Plan Rosebud. On images, sites and politics of memory” (PART 2, 120 min., 2008) Monday, 23. 3. 2009 – Semperdepot, M1 – open to general public 16:00 screening of “Notes on Plan Rosebud. On images, sites and politics of memory” (PART 2, 120 min., 2008) by Maria Ruido click to view more . . . (no comments) 'matz ab', zur grossen geschichte des wiener matzleinsdorferplatzes Monday, 23. 3. 2009 – Semperdepot, M1 Lecture in German – open to general public 20:00 'matz ab', zur grossen geschichte des wiener matzleinsdorferplatzes click to view more . . . (no comments) reading of “Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses” by Louis Althusser (1970) discussion of “Frames of War: The politics of ungrievable life” by Judith Butler (2009) 24. 3. + 31. 3. 2009 – Semperdepot, M1 – open to general public reading of “Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses” by Louis Althusser (1970) discussion of “Frames of War: The politics of ungrievable life” by Judith Butler (2009) Tuesday 24. 3., 13:00 Tuesday 31. 3., 10:00 download the english and/or german version of Althusser’s text here: listen to Judith Butler’s lecture here: click to view more . . . (no comments) Kadër Muzaqi: Presentation of new works Tuesday, 24. 3. 2009 – Semperdepot, M1 – open to general public 17:00 Kadër Muzaqi: Presentation of new works latest videos: Wrist Watch / 5:04 / 2008 Unë jam artist i vërtetë (Keith Arnatt) / 3:27 / 2009 preview: Contemporary Art Space LEMONADE U2 in Prishtina also in this summer is not coming as well click to view more . . . (no comments) “The State of Exception Proved to be the Rule. A video documentary of the prevention of an exhibition” by Eduard Freudmann and Jelena Radić Tuesday, 24. 3. 2009 – Semperdepot, M1 – open to general public 20:00 screening of “The State of Exception Proved to be the Rule. A video documentary of the prevention of an exhibition” by Eduard Freudmann and Jelena Radić Serbia 2008, 84 min., Serbian with English subtitles Introduction by Eduard Freudmann and Ivana Marjanović. click to view more . . . (no comments) Work presentation by exchange student Ivette Mrova Tuesday, 31. 3. 2009 – Semperdepot, M1 – open to general public 20:00 Work presentation by exchange student Ivette Mrova click to view more . . . (no comments) PROGRAM MARCH 2009 Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna Class for Post-Conceptual Art, Practices/PCAP Prof. dr. Marina Grzinic/ Class M1 At Semper Depot, Lehargasse 8
MARCH 2009-----------------------------------------------------
(download program march 2009
(application/msword, 58 KB)
RUNDGANG 2009 Semper Depot, Lehargasse 8, Vienna
Class M1/1 floor RUNDGANG 2009 AT PCAP STUDENT PRESENTATIONS Friday, 9. 1. 2009 – Semperdepot, M1
– open to general public download poster: poster jan student pres
(application/pdf, 46 KB)
Philipp Leitner: open source
Lilo Nein: presentation diploma work (for June 2009)
Ruth Weismann: recent work (in progress)
Reinhard Uttenthaler: presentation of his project MAUER/WALL GUEST LECTURE Friday, 9. 1. 2009 – Semperdepot, M1
-open to general public download poster: poster ruiz
(application/pdf, 54 KB)
“Sé lo que hicieron el año pasado // I know what you did
last year” WRITING CENTRAL EUROPEAN ART HISTORY 8. 1. 2009 – Semperdepot, M1
– open to general public download poster: poster wceah4
(application/pdf, 51 KB)
STREAM: stream.modular-t.org WRITING CENTRAL
EUROPEAN ART HISTORY Writing Central European Art History is a special seminar/course, that was put together by ERSTE Stiftung and WUS with 7 academics/professors from the so called Central European art institutions and academies: Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Serbian and Slovakia. It brings fresh inputs on academic art history and the perception on modernism and postmodernism in the former Eastern European territory. PROGRAM JANUARY 2009 Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna
Class for Post-Conceptual Art, Practices/PCAP
Prof. dr. Marina Grzinic/ Class M1
At Semper Depot, Lehargasse 8
JANUARY 2009-----------------------------------------------------
(download program january 2009
(application/msword, 66 KB)
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